有人用过better vampire overlord mod这个mod吗

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没有装Better Vampires却因为这个mod跳出的解决办法
中级玩家, 积分 115, 距离下一级还需 135 积分
中级玩家, 积分 115, 距离下一级还需 135 积分
本帖最后由 燕小山 于
11:08 编辑
Error: File &Better Vampires.esp&& && && && && && && && && && && && &&&does not exist or is not currently loaded .
& & & & &unknown self&.Game.GetFormFromFile() - &&native&& Line ?
& & & & [alias Player on quest vvvAthleticQuest (39000D62)].vvvAthleticAlias.GetPlayerRace() - &vvvathleticalias.psc& Line 550
& & & & [alias Player on quest vvvAthleticQuest (39000D62)].vvvAthleticAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - &vvvathleticalias.psc& Line 157
Error: File &Better Vampires - No DawnGuard.esp&& && && &&&does not exist or is not currently loaded
& & & & &unknown self&.Game.GetFormFromFile() - &&native&& Line ?
& & & & [alias Player on quest vvvAthleticQuest (39000D62)].vvvAthleticAlias.GetPlayerRace() - &vvvathleticalias.psc& Line 551
& & & & [alias Player on quest vvvAthleticQuest (39000D62)].vvvAthleticAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - &vvvathleticalias.psc& Line 157
Error: File &Better Vampires ML.esp&& && && && && && && && && && &&&does not exist or is not currently loaded
Error: File &Better Vampires ML - No DawnGuard.esp&& &&&does not exist or is not currently loaded
后来找了个Better Vampires的mod装了上去,第一条的error没有了,剩下的三个一直还有,于是游戏一直不定期跳出,挑战心脏嘛这不是···
然后我仔细看了看绿色的提示信息,发现是vvvathleticalias.psc 这个在调用上边日志中的四个esp,上网一查发现是“运动训练机制”这个mod,于是果断卸载,然后玩了几个小时都没有跳出
中级玩家, 积分 115, 距离下一级还需 135 积分
中级玩家, 积分 115, 距离下一级还需 135 积分
游戏达人, 积分 2870, 距离下一级还需 630 积分
游戏达人, 积分 2870, 距离下一级还需 630 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1442, 距离下一级还需 558 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1442, 距离下一级还需 558 积分
刚装了运动训练 = = 果断卸载。。。
中级玩家, 积分 113, 距离下一级还需 137 积分
中级玩家, 积分 113, 距离下一级还需 137 积分
Powered by& 【饥荒游戏DLC巨人王朝】更好的控制台mod,Better Conso ...
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Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 361, 距离下一级还需 139 积分
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【饥荒游戏DLC巨人王朝】更好的控制台mod,Better Console
原帖/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=&searchtext=Console和 Better Console 更好的控制台支持rog巨人王朝。我感觉还是挺好用的,原版控制台不好用的很多小细节都改进了。默认就是键盘左上角那个esc键下头的波浪~键,就是开关控制台。A few improvements to the console. 改进控制台
Note: This mod is mostly intended for mod developers. For information about the console, see:
可去饥荒维基百科看控制台的基本信息。Major features主要特性· Console log is scrollable 日志可以上下滚动· Console log no longer prints file/line number information (but log.txt still does) 日志不输出文件/行号信息,但是txt日志文件里还有。· Console keeps focus when you'd expect it to 控制台焦点一直保持。· Console doesn't close after each line entered 每输入一行,控制台不关闭。· Added basic CTRL+A select all support (hitting backspace after CTRL+A will delete all the text) 增加基本的ctrl-a键全选支持。全选后按退格键删除文本。· Many general useability improvements, bugs that have been fixed, and small but useful tweaks 很多常用改进。 Minor features (the rest)其他小特性· Console always runs the 'consolecommands' script when it is opened (no more having to do RunScript('consolecommands')) 控制台在它打开的时候,总是运行控制台命令'consolecommands'脚本,没有牵扯RunScript('consolecommands')这个东西。· Console log gets hidden whenever the console closes 控制台日志会隐藏,无论控制台何时关闭。· Console history ignores consecutive duplicate lines 控制台历史忽略连续重复行。· Console log has word wrap enabled 控制台日志有字词卷动功能。· Fixed console history not properly resetting when you move up through the history and then back down to the start 修正控制台历史不会正确重置,当你向上移,看历史,然后再往下来到开始处时候。· Modified the c_select command so that it will set the debug entity to whatever is under the mouse if it is called with no parameter (default c_select requires a parameter) 修改c_select命令,会设debug实体,不管鼠标下头是什么,如果它不带参数parameter被called的话(默认c_select必须一个parameter参数)· Added c_nextday() command as a shortcut for GetClock():MakeNextDay() 增加c_nextday()命令,作为一个快捷式用于GetClock():MakeNextDay()· Console will automatically print back the value of any variable you enter (for example, if you do 'test = 1' and then just 'test' it will print back '1') 控制台会自动显示回你输入的任何变量的值,(例如,如果你做'test = 1' 然后就输 'test' 它会显示 '1')· If you use 'return' it will print back the value that is returned (for example, 'return GetPlayer()' would print something like '100009 - wilson'); basically return can be used as somewhat of an alias of print 如果你用'return',它会显示回返回的值(例如,'return GetPlayer()' 会显示成这样 '100009 - wilson')· Console prints back any command you give it 控制台显示回任何你给出的命令。· Console has a transparent black background 控制台有透明黑背景。· Console can print multiple return values 控制台能显示多个返回值return values。· Console will auto-execute console commands (example: &c_nextday& would translate to &return c_nextday()&) 控制台会自动执行控制台命令。(例如&c_nextday& 会翻译成&return c_nextday()&)· If the first character of an inputted line is '=', then it will be translated to 'return ' (example: &=test& becomes &return test&) 如果输入行的首字母是'=',那么它会翻译成'return ',(例如&=test& 会变成 &return test&)· Better, more informative error handling for inputted lines 还有,输入行更加信息性的错误处理。 Things that are not currently possible with Lua:在LUA中当前不可用的:· Moving the text input cursor (for example, moving the cursor based on mouse clicks) 移动文本输入指针(例如,移动指针基于鼠标点击)· Any sort of real text selection 任何类的实际文本选择real text selection。· Copy/paste support 复制粘贴支持。
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