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游戏介绍:Starlight Legend, bring the fun multiplayer online mobile game to a whole new fantasy setting. With different classes to choose from and stunning skill effects, re-live the fun days of adventure RPG!Starlight Legend – A MMORPG mobile game set in whole new level of fun and adventure. Fantasy setting, different classes, different play style and many stunning skill effects. Game backgroundAfter the strange disappearance of Adventure King, the long peace Origin Village had was destroyed by the invas..
团队介绍:易灵网络ELING NETWORK),是Singpore GameSky Global在中国的全资公司。分别在厦门和新加坡设立办公室,专注在帮助中国游戏出海东南亚、港澳台、中东、以及日韩。旗下游戏运营平台 Gamebegin 为页游、手游发行提供强大动力!公司核心员工均有一线游戏公司从业经历,开发工程师占比60\%,运营骨干多年海外发行运营经验。在泰国和越南均有本地化运营人员。Gamebegin游戏运营平台及SDK,涵盖了几乎所有的海外支付渠道,一次接入即可发行全球。与世界优秀的流量渠道合作:Facebook、Google admob、Twitter、LINE、Kakao等从2014年开始相继发行:街机三国(上海欢乐互娱)梦幻神界(4399)囧西游(飞鱼游戏)Starlight Legend 中英泰三语言版 (7k7k)即将发布:热血街霸3D (上海欢乐互娱)街机枪神 (厦门元速网络)全民巨星 (厦门易玩)


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