as rigid as possible技术会对动画和游戏产业产生巨大创意产业园招聘影响吗

君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ As-rigid-as-possible shape manipulation 扫扫二维码,随身浏览文档 手机或平板扫扫即可继续访问 As-rigid-as-possible shape manipulation 举报该文档为侵权文档。 举报该文档含有违规或不良信息。 反馈该文档无法正常浏览。 举报该文档为重复文档。 推荐理由: 将文档分享至: 分享完整地址 文档地址: 粘贴到BBS或博客 flash地址: 支持嵌入FLASH地址的网站使用 html代码: &embed src='/DocinViewer-4.swf' width='100%' height='600' type=application/x-shockwave-flash ALLOWFULLSCREEN='true' ALLOWSCRIPTACCESS='always'&&/embed& 450px*300px480px*400px650px*490px 支持嵌入HTML代码的网站使用 您的内容已经提交成功 您所提交的内容需要审核后才能发布,请您等待! 3秒自动关闭窗口OALib Journal期刊 费用:600人民币/ 99美元 查看量下载量 As-rigid-as-possible mesh deformation based on tetrahedral cells四面体胞的尽可能刚性网格变形算法 Keywords: ,,,,adaptive模型变形,,,, In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to as-rigid-as-possible mesh deformation based on tetrahedral cells. The most distinctive feature of this approach is that users can modify the original mesh by selecting a couple of vertices on the mesh. First, sets of tetrahedral cells are produced, which fit well to the mesh surface, through sparse voxelization. Preserving the rigidity of local transformations of the mesh surface and these tetrahedra during deformation is achieved by minimizing the corresponding energy formulation that prevents unnatural artifacts both on the surface and in the interior of the model. Meanwhile, in order to avoid the possible collapse emerged under large-scale deformation, we present a simple adaptive tetrahedron decomposition method, which brings more local deformation freedom to the interior of the mesh to eliminate the implausible deformation effects based on these dramatic volume changes in the local area. In addition, a few tetrahedra are generated by this method, and then more tetrahedral cells would be densely involved into the deformation process if necessary, there by resulting in highly efficient and robust results. In our experiments, we show that the volume and the surface details of the whole mesh can be approximately preserved and the local degeneration inside the mesh under the large-scale deformation could be efficiently avoided. Please enable JavaScript to view the &&&OALib Suggest Live SupportAsk us anything论文实现(12) 这是一篇2005年的siggraph 论文, As-Rigid-As-Possible Shape Manipulation。 源代码在这里:。 但下载后, 有几个错误导致不能编译。 需要修改一下。 首先是stdafx.h 文件, 这里需要把0x0替换为0x0501, 这是windwos版本的代号。 其次是RigidMeshDeformer2D.cpp第135行, 我也不太明白为什么在这里等于号报错, 所以只能采用曲线救国的方法了, 就是先earase这个东西, 然后重新添加了。 void RigidMeshDeformer2D::UpdateConstraint( Constraint & cons ) std::set&Constraint&::iterator found( m_vConstraints.find(cons) ); if ( found != m_vConstraints.end() ) { // (*found).vConstrainedPos = cons.vConstrainedP // m_vDeformedVerts[cons.nVertex].vPosition = cons.vConstrainedP m_vConstraints.erase(found); m_vConstraints.insert( cons ); m_vDeformedVerts[cons.nVertex].vPosition = cons.vConstrainedP InvalidateSetup(); m_vConstraints.insert( cons ); m_vDeformedVerts[cons.nVertex].vPosition = cons.vConstrainedP InvalidateSetup(); 最后, 是Deform2d.cpp, 删除掉&就好。 还有就是直接编译, debug报错, 具体参见我的前一篇文章就可。 这样就能编译成功并运行了。一下是效果。 enjoy it。 参考知识库 * 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场 访问:34388次 排名:千里之外 原创:52篇 转载:14篇 评论:26条 (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)(2)(2)(2)(1)(5)(1)(6)(6)(3)(1)(1)(2)(1)(6)(3)(5)(14)(1)as far as possible的用法But making as far as possible most people happy with life is much more feasible.我想表达的是尽量让大多数人都感到幸福.as far as possible相当于副词,但是它的位置可不可以像副词一样灵活呢? 渣渣YM85VH3 尽量让大多数人都感到幸福Make as many people as possible feel happyMake as many people as possible filled with happiness.Make as many people as we can feel happyMake as many people as we can filled with happiness很高兴为您解答,fightout为您答疑解惑如果本题有什么不明白可以追问, 为您推荐: 其他类似问题 as far as possible的英语解释:to a feasible extentas far as possible的例句:He deserves not the sweet that will not taste the sour He dwells far from neighbours that is fain to praise himself


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