
社交帐号登录IG回应拖欠奖金一事 公开NEA奖金分配方式
12:50 | 责任编辑:君莫笑 | 内容来源:全球电竞网 |
  这两天论坛及贴吧都是议论IG拖欠选手Ana奖金一事,Ana经理“GOGOSU高高手”还贴出了众多聊天记录来证明此事。不过小编觉得在IG官方正式回应此事之前还是不要过早的下结论,好在今天终于盼到了IG经理对于俱乐部拖欠奖金一事的回应文章了。  IG俱乐部经理回应拖欠奖金一事:  开门见山,我愿意把大家最关心的NEA奖金分配方式公开,直接把这封内部邮件公开,内容截图给所有人,也算是第一次公开一封iG内部邮件吧。  9月21日。财务苏克发邮件通知收到来自NEA的64万人民币奖金(80万人民币主办方扣税16万,iG账上实收64万)。  我与运营总监 Zhili核对奖金数目后回复邮件给财务,内容如下:  这里,我可以重申一下。这个结果我不会做出改变。有以下几点原因:  1,iG俱乐部Dota2分部常规比赛,现阶段俱乐部常规扣除20%。队员一致认可。  剩余的比赛奖金怎么算,我一直是一个简单的思路:每个参与者得到其应得的部分。Dota2这个游戏有5个位置,中单位置430打了线上部分,Ana打了线下两场比赛。线上场次如果我没记错,是打了5个BO3,比Ana线下打的要多3场。但是线下两个BO3决定了胜利。430代表俱乐部拿到线下比赛权,Ana打了两个决胜BO3。都有功劳,所以两人均分,我觉得毫无问题。  2,如果上面的理由不够充分,还有关键性的一点。奖金做出如邮件分配以后,原iG领队青椒第一时间将奖金分配细节详细的告知了Ana。在9月22日,获得了Ana回信息认可,聊天截图附上。也就是说,在9月22日,从俱乐部层面上NEA奖金的事情已经全部了结,All Clear。
传IG俱乐部拖欠Ana奖金 Ana离开或另有隐情
这个孩子是我从墨尔本带来的,我认为他是不可多得的天才,我甚至认为他有朝一日也是会打到9000分,我点燃了他的一腔热血,我要为他负责,我不能让他觉得自己头脑一热就来中国打职业,还拿不到应得的奖金啊!我熬夜帮他看IG几十页的合同,一条一条得帮他修改,最后发给IG的管理过目都说没问题。但是当我们前往俱乐部签订双方都认同的合同时,才发现IG方面又将很多条款改了回去,根本不是我之前和IG的管理确定的终版合同。我当时非常恼火,我真的认为这是最不起眼也是最卑劣的骗签手段,直到IG的COO Zhili跟我说,是IG的工作人员打印时出现了失误,没有打印最终版的合同。而现在时间很晚了,再打印盖章一次要耗费很久时间,并向我和Ana口头保证合同一切内容一定与我在网上所修改最终版的内容保持一致,包括奖金分成以及服役期限等等等等。我当时万万没想到IG这么大的俱乐部会为了几万块钱来欺骗16岁的孩子。虽然是口头保证,但是这是Zhili跟Ana和我面对面说的,是他给了我们承诺的。我跟Zhili的微信聊天记录可以证实我所言非虚。
我明白,NEA联赛的奖金没有办法通过法律途径解决,合同上白纸黑字,清清楚楚,这件事我当时就不该相信COO zhili的一面之词。我该要求重新打印和盖章的,我的锅,我背好,如果IG不愿意付Ana应得到的奖金,我会一分不少得自掏腰包给他。跑开Zhili人格问题以外,VK你是什么样的人?如果几万块的奖金都兑现不了,那么答应给430的法拉利呢?这个合约有没有签?如果兑现不了就是因为430违约咯?
我对IG的CEO, COO并不抱任何可以处理好此事的希望,我只希望该公司更高的管理层可以认真应对这件事。IG曾经的叱咤风云不言而喻,在430和大家一起捧起TI冠军奖杯的时候我也曾为了CN Dota泪流满面!如果真的如您所说,IG不会为了几万块钱浪费时间的话,那么,把奖金按照约定给了Ana又如何?他只是个怀抱梦想,勇往直前的孩子,希望你们可以基于最低的道德标准,给予他应得的奖励。
总而言之也谢谢你们给我的教训,我再也不敢相信一句不写在合同上的话,让我今天只能狼狈得用聊天记录来证明这些内幕,我只是不懂,像个男人一样处理问题有什么不好? IG总共在NEA,DPL,G-league三个联赛亏欠Ana约8w RMB,数目不大,可是这种行为真的是,让我长见识。
我跟VK的聊天历史记录 []
Everything you’re about to read is the truth, and even though it probably won’t help me I hope others learn from my mistake.I never wanted to post or bring this drama to the public but I have exhausted all possible channels of communication and I am at my wits end.
I guess most of you don’t know me since I’m not a top player, so I’ll give a brief intro to my background. I’m a 16 year old Australian born Chinese/Viet mix who left the final year of high school to try play dota2 professionally and my family isn’t exactly well off so my success in dota is very important. My friend & manager, Tian (CEO , a Chinese dota2 coaching platform) helped me piece my thoughts and write this post.
Proof its me. (attach proof)
Tian has been my friend even before I went to China, we used to play Aus pubs together a lot and when he understood my situation he recommended me to try pro dota2 for a year. With the help of Tian I left for China on 17th of Jan and stayed with hes family until end of March, during this period Tian used his connections in China and had vouched for me to trial at different clubs, EHOME.K, VG.R and IG. I was very new to pro dota and seriously sucked so I was beyond ecstatic that IG were interested in offering me a position.
Tian helped me read and alter a thick contract between IG, ACE and myself. Initially the contract was heavily favored toward IG and left very little protection to myself. IG could let go of me as they wished, didn’t guarantee me prize money split, couldn’t guarantee me play time and was a two year long contract. The offer was for me to play as IGV’s main player, but that Ferrari430 may come back at some point and at that point I could either switch to the other IG roster or play as sub.
Because of this Tian made multiple adjustments to the proposed contract including but not limited to the following,
I would have equal prize money with all 5 players in non valve events whether I was a main player or sub
I would have equal prize money with 4 players (BBK, XXS, QD, Rong but excluding Ferrari430) in Valve events
The contract would only last 1 year instead of 2
That I would be guaranteed some play time in scrims and minor tournaments
That I would be provided a teacher for Chinese and Math
That all my travel costs to renew my Chinese visa would be paid for
After many iterations back and forth IG finally agreed to these changes, however when we went to sign, none of the agreed upon changes made it into the final contract. I immediately contacted Zhili, IG’s COO and he guaranteed that it was a clerical mistake and that everything IG promised will hold even though the contract had been changed. He said that it would be too late to reprint and to trust his word on it. My mother in Australia signed the contract for me as I am still underage.
Fast forward a few weeks, Ferrari430 was suddenly back and IGV renamed to IG and IG renamed to IGV, I was told I could play mid for IGV (Paparazzi’s stack) or sub for Ferrari430. It was a very tough decision, but I chose to stay with IG because IG promised me that even though I was a sub I would still get equal share of prize money and IG also promised that it would be the final year for Ferrari430 and that he was definitely retiring after TI regardless of result. Had I known what was about to happen to me I would have never chose to be benched for 4 months as a sub.
After returning to the team Ferrari430 played very well in the NEA online qualifiers and helped IG secure LAN final in Beijing and then abruptly left the team. I was subbed in last minute and played only in the LAN finals but luckily we were able to secure the victory over Newbee.
Fast forward a few months and a lot has happened or should I say not happened. Ferrari430 came back to train for TI qualifiers and again I was benched. During my entire stay at IG, no attempt at getting me a Chinese tutor or translator was ever made, I was excluded from most team meetings because according to the management I did not understand Chinese, I was never compensated for costs related to renewing my Chinese visa. Overall the management of the team was very poor and there was little communication between management and myself.
Fast forward to the beginning of post TI shuffle, management didn’t proactively let me know whether they had a spot on the team for me and whether Ferrari430 would stay or leave. In the end Tian and I had to wrestle the truth out of them, they did not want me on the main or IGV roster but said that they would make a third team for me. This sounded like a poor attempt at benching me again for a season since no players other than myself were confirmed for IG’s 3rd team. Guess what? Its October and IG does not have a third roster.
Their excuse was that I could not communicate with the team when in actual fact my mother is Shanghainese and that makes me half Chinese and I understand all the dota2 terminology, items, heroes, skills how to coordinate in fights, I was also willing to learn. 不能给我一个机会? The truth of the situation is that they were already in talks with bigger name players and they had time left on my contract and didn’t know what to do with me. When we asked them who was on this supposed 3rd team of IG or even what the name was no information could be provided to us.
There are a lot of rumors on the Chinese forums that I left IG because I could not speak Chinese or eat Chinese food. That is all false, I can understand enough Chinese for pro dota and I love Chinese food, but I also enjoy western food. Is that a crime?
I really wanted to continue playing with my boys in IG but management didn’t let me. This is when Tian started negotiating my release from IG because they didn’t have any real plans of having a third team, as far as I know I was going to be benched for another season. I would rather go back to school if I could not find a good team and was a sub doing nothing again.
I was finally paid my winnings from NEA late September and it was ¥51,200 RMB out of a grand total of ¥800,000 RMB and the rest of the players were paid over ¥100,000 RMB. I am also yet to be paid for my DPL (over $2000 USD) or G-League winnings (over $2000 USD).
When we contacted IG regarding the discrepancy between what I was paid and what was promised they made excuses and eventually cut contact with us. They simply don’t acknowledge that they promised me equal share of prize money even when presented with proof, VK (IG CEO) even went as far as belittling my manager for wanting more than I got and that it was a joke that we were even talking to him for so little money because he is such an important man. In the end VK (CEO), Zhili (COO) have all stopped replying messages from Tian and myself and I am short over $12,000 USD.
I am deeply sad that such a world renowned club would be ruined by such poor management. How many players have been ripped off by IG or other shady clubs? Will Ferrari430 ever receive his Ferrari promised to him by IG? Are promises worth nothing unless written in the form of a contract?
Here are the transcripts (In Chinese) between Tian and IG.Zhili (IG COO) The transcripts are basically Zhili promising us equal share of prize money and when confronted with his own chat history he ignores us.
Here are the transcripts (In Chinese) between Tian and IG.VK (IG CEO) The transcripts are VK belittling Tian and basically ignoring the evidence that the COO of IG promised us equal pay.
I don’t see how I will ever get this 12k back and it is a lot of money for my family and I. I guess I am just really sad about this whole situation but I have learnt my lesson. Finally, I just want to make it clear that my beef is with IG’s management and I have NOTHING against the players in IG, I made many friends there and I am grateful for that and still chat with them day to day.
If on the off chance that Wang Sicong reads this post, please return to me what I am owed and stop letting bad management ruin IG.
我猜大部分人都不太认识我,因为我不是一个最顶级的选手,所以我简单的介绍一下我的背景。我今年16岁,是越南/华裔混血的澳洲人,我放弃了高三的学业进入了职业拳。我的家庭情况并不是很好,所以我在dota中的成功是至关重要的。我的经理人和朋友,tian(gogosu ceo)帮助我一起写了这一封信。
我将和其他五名成员拥有一样的奖金,不管我是替补或者主力 (在非valve官方赛事)
在反复的协商之后,IG同意了这一决定。但是当我们去签合同的时候,没有任何这些改变的条件被写在了最后的合同里。我们立刻联系了IG的经理 zhili。智力表示这是一个打印错误,并且所有IG之前保证的都有效,他说再打印一份合同太慢了,并希望我们能够相信他。我在澳洲的妈妈帮我签了这份合同,因为我还未成年。
当我们为此事与IIG交流时,他们先是找借口,最后直接中断了和我的联系。VK觉得我们找他谈这么点钱是不是搞笑,因为他很忙,他觉得我和我的manager tian是在想要多拿点钱。
下面就是一些tian和 zhili以及 vk交流的截图
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DOTA2 IG被指拖欠奖金 Ana离开或另有隐情
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