
让我们来说说制作游戏需要哪些条件? -中国学网-中国IT综合门户网站-提供健康,养生,留学,移民,创业,汽车等信息
来源:互联网 更新时间: 13:37:54 责任编辑:李志喜字体:
自己经常在B站直播游戏制作的过程的时候,经常会有喜欢游戏的人问我,很喜欢游戏,也想自己做游戏,但是需要学习什么技能。这个答案我总觉得没有办法回答,为啥呢,因为游戏是个过于大的概念,不同类型的游戏需要的技能也非常的不同。最简单的说起,比如桌游,这种游戏甚至不需要任何的高科技,纯粹是一个设计的活。然后休闲游戏,也可以非常简单,一个礼拜几乎就能做了。Flappy Bird这样的游戏,也是大学生都能做的东西。在手机上做一个打牌的游戏,那也是做游戏。但如果说道欧美的大作,星际争霸这样的作品,那无论美术还是程序都几乎是个人无法完成的了。所以我还是改一下问题,分开说说不同的技能/属性在制作游戏中的一些作用吧。1、喜欢游戏的心于坚持下去的动力有爱有动力,才能坚持,做游戏也是一门“手艺”,一下子就成功的例子也不多,有的游戏开发周期长,坚持下去要顶住很多的压力,但是只有有爱才有动力,才能完成。2、一定的经济基础与受教育程度我觉得如果想要做独立/同人游戏,还是自己经济上不要有压力的为好,制作独立游戏风险很大,市场也不成熟。另外,一个人的品味,学识,教育程度,技能程度,前瞻性,往往和经济基础相关。家庭条件不好,高中辍学说要做游戏的案例很多,但是往往不会有太好的结果。还是应该先“忍辱负重”混入大学,虽然国内大学教育有些蠢,但方向基本还是对的,到了大学再转行也不是问题。3、英语为啥我把英语的重要性甚至放在程序之前了,是因为我觉得真的英语太重要了。我个人学生时期一直不喜欢英语,英语也一直不好,好不容易才低分混过了Toefl,导致申请的学校也不是很好,但是我从没否定过英语的重要性。我很早开始就是强行限制自己用英文操作系统,玩英文游戏,有问题用英文问Google,给自己一个英文环境慢慢记忆单词和提高阅读能力。英文最大的作用就是,给你一双眼睛,能让能够看到更多的第一手信息。现在主流的游戏引擎的文档,官网的教程,YouTube的教程,基本都没有中文的,中文的游戏开发社区和英文的社区也是差距很大。会英文能够极大的扩大你资料搜索的范围和搜索能力,外国网站也更容搜索到技术问题的答案,举个例子,当你用百度搜索查找Unity的API脚本bug,结果搜出一个百度知道时。。。那种崩溃的感觉不用我说了吧。另外,英语能够提高一个人其它各方面的修养,社交能力,对游戏很有好处。4、至少一门编程语言具体是哪一种语言,我是觉得无所谓的,特别对于完全不会编程的人来说,选择哪一门语言入手完全不重要。因为很快,当你成为码农的时候,同时会几门编程语言一定会成为家常便饭的。。。不过如果是想做游戏,还是非常推荐大家使用Unity+C#的组合。C#这门语言非常不错什么的知乎大概已经讨论过1w次了,这里就不说了。不过这里要特别说一下C++,现在这么多语言,唯独C++是特殊的存在,因为目前几乎所有引擎游戏脚本语言可以千变万化,但是渲染底层都是C++的。C++是最涉及到计算机原理,渲染原理的语言。3D渲染都有个“渲染管线Render Pipeline”的问题,基本都要从C++的层面去理解,虽然不一定要使用C++,但是得大概知道,你这么做大概会有个什么结果。5、一定的游戏用数学知识无论做3D游戏还是2D游戏,将会大量涉及到的一个东西就是游戏的数学问题。主要集中在线性代数,特别是矩阵坐标的各种变换。当然在实际游戏或者编码中,是不需要自己去演算的,但是编码的时候要知道用什么公式能出什么结果。比如向量的加减意义,矩阵相乘的意义,旋转变换矩阵,四元数等等。 如果有机会,自己可以试着看一下引擎的数学函数库的每个函数是干嘛的,就能基本都了解了是为啥了。当然有的复杂的变换也不是随时要用,需要的时候去查也行。 比如要把一个物体从UI的镜头空间里变换到游戏场景的空间里去,需要什么样的计算大概有个数基本就可以了。
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作者:Tom Francis
这是什么?是用于创造2D PRG的一个全面开发套件。包括一些推动你开始创造的图像。(请点击此处阅读本文上篇)
RPG Maker Web的教程
RPGM(from pcgamer)
:Kan Gao(主管/设计师)
RPG Maker需要花多长时间去学习?
To-The-Moon(from pcgamer)
随着2D内容的发展,关于程序能力这里并不存在太多限制。你可以创造一套全新的系统,并创造一款像《Fleuret Blanc》的古怪冒险游戏,或运行于一个完整的引擎并创造出像《U.S.G.》等内容。
RPG Maker非常适用于特别的游戏:带有回合制战斗和自上而下探索的日式RPG。你可以逃离模版,就像《去月球》所做的那样,但当你越发远离它,你在使用Game Maker时便越有意义。
process(from pcgamer)
Canabalt(from pcgamer)
Adam Saltsman
大概是200美元,但这是通向Phoenix的费用。回想起来这真的很重要,但我当时却并未意识到。通常情况下我会花许多钱在声音上,但那时候我却因为个人游戏而用掉了所有战争基金,所以我便只能充当录音师,而Danny Baranowsky出于人情免费为我写了音乐。幸亏《屋顶狂奔》表现不错,我才有能力偿还他的付出。
其Flash版本应该是2。iOS版本可能是7或8。我们还创造了一个Android Humble Bundle,就其本身而言这是5。我不确定是否应该将其加起来或进行平均。而对所有的这些版本我所给出的整体分数是5.2382。
Flash游戏仍然是将陌生人从听说你的游戏带向玩游戏的最可行的方法,而Flixel可能是做到这点的最佳方法。Flash并不适用于iOS设备上。我们需要知道的是Unity游戏能够运行在带有Firefox插件的浏览器上或者Chrome上。而Game Maker可以创造无需插件便运行于现代浏览器上的HTML5游戏 .
Unreal Development Kit
Unreal-Development-Kit(from pcgamer)
这是什么?是用于在Unreal Engine 3中创造3D游戏的全面开发套件。
几乎所有的平台,包括PC,Mac,iOS,Android,Xbox 360,PlayStation 3,Flash(网页),WiiU,PS Vita。
Epic Games官方教程
Waves(from pcgamer)
如果你想要创造一款大型且闪耀的跨平台游戏,你便需要学习UDK。这比学习Unity难多了,你需要足够全能或者组建一个团队去创造某些看起来不错的内容。但如果你想要加入一个已建立的开发商,这便是一个不错的体验,因为Unreal 3是主流游戏中最常出现的引擎。
The Indies’ Guide to Game Making
By Tom Francis
What is it? An all-inclusive development suite primarily for making 2D RPGs. Includes some graphics sets to get you started.
Price and licence: £18 for the older version, £55 for the latest. You can sell what you make, no royalties. 30-day trial available.
Makes games for: PC
Tutorial:RPG Maker Web’s tutorial
Case Study: To the Moon
Developer: Kan Gao (Director/Designer)
Get it:from the official site
How long does RPG Maker take to learn?
6 months and 17 days for the average person between the IQ range of 115 – 140, with a catastrophically significant margin of error.
I think a few months should be enough to get the basic technical aspects down, without going into the optional scripting. It’s much quicker than most tools of its nature, though it’s still like having to work out just to hold a brush before you can start painting. The engine’s got the foundation covered, such that anyone could just sit down and get a character sprite to run around on a map with a but to create your own systems and mechanics involves programming logic just like any language, albeit with much more simplified syntax.
It does actually have programming capabilities, which opens more doors than there are windows. And to be able to use it as well as to create something like this (which was indeed created with RPG Maker) takes much longer, and is a lot more in touch with traditional programming.
What prior knowledge or skills are helpful?
On the technical side, programming experience (the engine uses a scripting system based on Ruby) and a general grasp of logic.
Otherwise, every creative skill comes in handy – the engine actually has a rather active community, which is exciting because it also means that there’s a lot of bartering for resources going on. If you’ve something to contribute like drawing and composing music, then not only can you cover those aspects of your game, but also exchange your services for others’ contributions in other aspects as well. It’s like Burning Man, but with less sand.
What can’t you do with it?
As far as 2D stuff goes, there’s actually not much of a limitation as far as the program’s capability is concerned. You can create an entire set of new systems and make a quirky adventure game like Fleuret Blanc, or operate on the entire engine and create something like U.S.G..
However, it’s sometimes not very efficient (from both developing and computing perspectives) to make some of the things, relative to alternate engines and programming languages. The main technical restriction for me right now is the inability to port to Mac & L but that might (and hopefully will) change in the future.
How long did you think the game would take to make, and how long did it actually take?
21 months. We started in February 2010, and it was released on November 1st, 2011. But its initial ‘expected’ release date was April 2010. Though to be fair, the game was originally going to be just 30 but then I realized I was being an idiot.
How much of the development time was enjoyable, and how much was unpleasant?
It wasn’t all prancing around a meadow, but I did purr a lot. A large positive factor was the variety of tasks to break down the monotony of “work”; it’s nice to switch between different sets of things to do every day, whether it’d be music, dialogues, or struggling to tinker with the pixel art that some wonderfully talented folks were helping me with.
The unpleasant part was mainly personal rather than work-related. Whereas the blessing of the project was turning crappy things into something meaningful and productive, its curse was being forced to dwell on them throughout its duration. But still, making the game was definitely an 87.3% enjoyable experience.
If you could give your past self one piece of advice before starting to make the game, what would it be?
Plan out the progress in small segments, then spread them out over twice the time so you can actually follow it sustainably. Also, tomorrow’s winning lottery number is 08 21 59 37.
RPG Maker is very well suited to a very particular kind of game: Japanese-style RPGs with turn-based combat and top-down exploration. You can certainly stray from that template, as To the Moon does, but the further away from it you go, the more sense it makes to use Game Maker instead.
What is it? a starting point for making Flash games that handles a lot of the tricky bits for you, like physics and savegames
Price and licence: free, you can sell what you make, no royalties
Makes games for: any web browser with Flash
Tutorial:Making a basic platformer
Case Study: Canabalt
Developer: Adam Saltsman
Play it:free, on Adam’s site
How long does Flixel take to learn?
This is a really hard question for me to answer objectively – not because of the Great Marketing Potential but more because it’s really really hard for me to imagine not knowing how to use it, since it was all built out of my personal tastes, etc. I think if you picked it up and set out to make a like arcade game clone with no prior knowledge you could probably get it up and running in a week or two, without any prior coding experience. To really get flixel singing would take a few more weeks at least, but ultimately there is just not THAT much in it to learn, really.
What prior knowledge or skills are helpful?
The most helpful thing would be C-style programming experience and/or some object-oriented programming experience. Neither are strictly necessary but Flixel is definitely informed by these practices and my experience with them. If you know that stuff then the learning time for Flixel is more like 1 or 2 days.
What can’t you do with it?
Making 3D games is more or less out of the question (outside of duplicating the raster math from really old fake 3D arcade games or something). It’s not really cut out for some slices of Flash game domain too – there is no built-in support for movie clips, for instance, and doing large levels with zooming camera effects is actually possible now but not really thoroughly intentional in the library’s design. Flixel is definitely strongest for games with a relatively fixed perspective and film-strip style art assets.
How long did you think the game would take to make, and how long did it actually take?
Approximately 5 days, and approximately 5 days.
How much of the development time was enjoyable?
It was basically all completely awesome. Mechanically it is such a simple game, there weren’t many rabbit holes to go down. The least fun part of the process was a few hours sunk on semi-successfully searching the web for some free sounds to use as fodder for the things I couldn’t Foley.
How much did it cost you to develop, and what did that money go on?
Approximately $200, but that was for a plane ticket to Phoenix to attend a little game jam thing some friends were having. In retrospect, that was super important, but I didn’t realize that at the time. Usually I spend a lot of money on sound, but I’d pretty much used up all my war chest for personal games at that point in my life, so I did all the sound engineering myself, and Danny Baranowsky wrote the music for free as a personal favor. Thankfully Canabalt did well enough that I was able to repay him for his contribution!
How well has it done for you financially, on a scale from 1-10?
The Flash version was probably about a 2 or so. The iOS version is I think more like a 7 or 8 maybe. We did an Android Humble Bundle which was practically a 5 on its own. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to add those up or average them or what! I give it a 5.2382 overall score.
If you could give your past self one piece of advice before starting to make the game, what would it be?
That is the one thing I’ve ever made where I think I would have nothing at all to say. Except maybe “go ahead and pay Danny ahead of time, it will definitely all work out.” But then GOD who knows what would have happened? DON’T MEDDLE WITH THE PAST.
Flash games are still one of the most accessible ways for a stranger to go from hearing about your game to playing it, and Flixel is likely the best way to make one. Flash doesn’t work on iOS devices, though. It’s worth knowing that Unity games can run in a browser with a plugin for Firefox, or natively in Chrome. And Game Maker can make HTML5 games, which run in modern browsers without plugins.
Game Maker
Adventure Game Studio
Unreal Development Kit
Unreal Development Kit
What is it? An all-inclusive development suite for making 3D games in the Unreal Engine 3.
Price and licence: £60, no royalties on your first $50,000 in revenue, 25% royalty afterwards. Free for non-commercial use.
Makes games for: Almost everything – PC, Mac, iOS, Android, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Flash (web), WiiU, PS Vita.
Tutorial:Epic Games official tutorial
Case Study: Waves
Developer: Rob Hale
How long does UDK take to learn?
UDK is tricky because you aren’t just getting an engine but an entire game framework. You’re always building on top of how Epic like to make and structure their games, and this can take a long time to get used to.
The result of this means you’ll spend the first few weeks finding out where everything is and how it works. It’s almost always the case that if you want to do something then Epic have already done it, and it’ll be in the code somewhere, but it’s down to you to find it and figure out how to use it. That learning process will continue for years – I’m still finding stuff after working with the engine for over ten years now.
But you can be up and running and making something simple very quickly maybe within just a couple of hours and be relatively competent in a few weeks.
What prior knowledge or skills are helpful?
Any previous programming experience is very helpful, but be prepared to swallow your pride and do things the “Unreal Way”. I’ve worked with a lot of very experienced programmers who wanted to rewrite every line of code in Unreal because they felt they could do it better, and every time the result was worse than how they started. This is Epic’s engine and they’ve been making games with it for over a decade, so if it seems odd or counter to how you would do it, there is always a good reason behind it.
Other than that, you can pretty much learn as you go. When I started in games back in ’01, I was modding Deus Ex and knew absolutely nothing, and I’ve taught myself everything I know along the way.
Any skills in making art, sounds, models or programming are going to be helpful and will get you working quicker but everything you need to use the engine is documented really well (far better than when I started) and the community is very helpful.
What can’t you do with it?
Anything that involves changing the terrain in real time, and voxel worlds like minecraft. UDK is designed for very pretty static art-led worlds divided into levels, but that’s pretty much the only hard limitation. The scripting language isn’t very fast to execute, so anything involving thousands of objects moving around and interacting with each other every frame is also out. But there are ways you can get close to that with clever programming.
How long did you think the game would take to make, and how long did it actually take?
I thought Waves would take a couple of months to make originally, and if you asked me during development how long I thought I had left to work on it, I would always say “A couple of months”.
That’s got far less to do with the engine, though, and far more to do with my not having a firm idea on what I was making. Waves never had a design document, and was always a case of experimenting with different mechanics, and keeping what worked and ditching what didn’t.
I think I was pushing back against my AAA background, where everything needs to be designed up front, and if an idea sucked, you often had no time to figure out how to improve it. Ultimately I worked on Waves for about 9 months in total, but I wasn’t doing 40 hour weeks or anything, so the total time completely eludes me.
How much of the development time was enjoyable?
There were a few times when working on the game was a chore. Specifically getting the user interface and menus done was the most soul crushing part, because while you need all that stuff in order for people to play the game, it doesn’t feel like you’re working on the game. All of those indie game trailers that show the menu system exist because the developer spent weeks on those menus and by god they’re going to get some of the limelight because nobody else cares about them.
I will say that if you don’t enjoy solving problems and being faced with mysteries on a daily basis, then don’t get into games development. The majority of the time at the end of a project is spent debugging, and that tends to be a case of 8 hours of headbanging frustration and swearing followed by a huge Dopamine surge and dancing for 3 minutes when you finally solve the problem.
Ultimately though I was making a game I wanted to make, how I wanted to make it, and for me that’s the reason I get up in the afternoon.
How much did it cost you to develop, and what did that money go on?
Living expenses and music. I had about £6k saved up when I quit my job and went full time, and I spent every penny of that finishing the game. I was lucky in that I had no dependents or mortgage to worry, about and my parents let me move into their spare room so I could save money while I got the game out. UDK only has an upfront fee of $99, but you don’t need to pay anything until you’re ready to release, and all of the tools to make a game are available for free – unless you really need Photoshop or Maya.
Hiring in any freelancers is always expensive, because there are very few that will work for a profit share. Generally the minimum hourly rate is around $15, those hours add up really quickly, and they need to be paid before the game is making any money. The only thing I couldn’t do myself was the music, and I knew I wanted a good original soundtrack for the game, so I bit the bullet and paid for it. Fortunately that gamble paid off in the long run.
How well has it done for you financially, on a scale from 1-10?
I’d rate it as a 6. I can afford to make another game and I even have a little bit extra so I can pay some freelancers, but if I don’t get another game released inside of a year then I’ll be in trouble.
If you could give your past self one piece of advice before starting to make the game, what would it be?
Don’t call it Waves! Nobody remembers the name and you can’t find it on Google.
UDK is the thing to learn if you ultimately want to be making big, shiny, multi-platform games. It’s harder to learn than Unity, and you’ll need to be very versatile or form a team to make something that looks good. But it’s also great experience if you want to join an established developer, since Unreal 3 is the most commonly used engine in mainstream games.
Game Maker
Adventure Game Studio
Unreal Development Kit(
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