
trick 和 treat
trickKK:[]DJ:[]n.[C]1.诡计;骗局;谋略;花招He got into the castle by a trick.他耍了个花招混进了城堡.2.恶作剧3.轻率愚蠢的行为That was a rotten trick!那样做太轻率了!4.习惯,癖好[(+of)]He has a trick of repeating himself.他有重复自己话的习惯.5.窍门,招数,手法Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language.每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍.6.戏法,把戏;特技,妙计No one understood how I did the card trick.谁也没有看出来我是怎样玩纸牌戏法的.Magicians often perform tricks such as pulling a rabbit out of a hat.魔术师常常变从帽子抓出兔子的戏法.7.(桥牌)一圈vt.1.哄骗[O]They tricked me into making a mistake.他们骗我犯错.2.装饰,打扮[(+out/up/off)]She tricked herself up for the banquet.她打扮整齐去赴宴会.vi.1.哄骗2.恶作剧;戏弄[(+with)]a.[Z][B]1.有诀窍的;特技的;魔术的trick photography特技摄影a trick box魔术箱2.欺诈的3.(骨头等)似快要折断的,脆弱的treattreatKK:[]DJ:[]vt.1.对待;看待,把...看作[O][(+as/like)]Do not treat this serious matter as a joke.不要把这件严肃的事情当作笑料.She treated me all right.她对我还不错.2.处理;为...涂上保护层This substance must be treated with acid.这材料得用酸来处理.3.探讨;论述The book treats some political problems.该书论述某些政治问题.4.医疗,治疗[(+for)]The doctors were not able to treat this disease.医生治不了这种病.5.款待,请(客)[(+to)]We'll treat you to dinner.我们请你吃饭.vi.1.探讨;论述[(+of/about)]This book treats of economic problems.这本书探讨经济问题.2.谈判,协商[(+for/with)]3.请客I'll treat today.今天我作东请客.n.[C]1.请客It's my treat.我请客.2.难得的乐事It's a great treat for them to go to the theater.他们去看戏真是乐事.For desert we had fresh strawberries -- a real treat.饭后甜点我们吃鲜草莓 - 真是难得的享受.
trickn.诡计, 骗局, 恶作剧, 窍门, 诀窍vt.欺骗, 哄骗诡计treatn.宴请, 款待, 请客vt.视为, 对待, 论述, 治疗, 款待vi.交涉, 谈判, 协商, 款待, 作东
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英文翻译play cards:&&&& amuse onesel ...:&&&&playing cards:&&&&h he sa ...:&&&&card shark:&&&&social gathering to play car ...:&&&&grouof cardplayers gamblers
...:&&&&he doesn't play for the mone ...:&&&&let's have a game of cards
例句与用法I prefer playing a game of bezique .我宁愿玩玩纸牌。No one understood how i did the card trick谁也没有看出来我是怎样玩纸牌戏法的。 Not to mention those extra poker nights with the boys别再提那些和男孩玩纸牌的夜晚Let ' s play cards instead of watching television咱们玩纸牌吧,别看电视了。 Let ' s play cards instead of watching television咱们玩纸牌吧,别看电视了A : let ' s play cards instead of watching tv咱们玩纸牌吧,别看电视了。 I ' ve teaching coleman on how to play gin rummy我在教寇门如何玩纸牌Cards may not be played in the street with a native american不可在街上跟美洲原住民玩纸牌。 I got pinochle with the ladies on saturday ,星期六我约好去玩纸牌I ' m playing cards because i ' m not sleepy我在玩纸牌是因为我不困更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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