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最近玩城堡破坏者,厕所穿越记和泰瑞利亚。 steam 账号 DJOKAWARI1,不定时更新适合各类游戏的歌单。
杭州网易雷火科技有限公司运营:谁有steam的游戏 lisa的背景音乐合集?给我发来_百度知道抄游戏玩法,能算偷吗?
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写这篇文章的起因,其实是近期Steam上大热门的像素风农场经营游戏《星露谷物语》(Stardew Valley)。当然,这个话题,或许更加适合于火热的中国手机游戏行业……但打上“独立游戏”的标签,会让这文章看起来更时髦一点(并不会!)。
这款16年2月底发售的游戏拿下了百万销量,勇夺1季度销量冠军。这款作品是Eric Barone一个人花了四年一点点涂像素点出来的,可以说几乎符合Steam用户对独立游戏的一切喜好。
高销量的像素风游戏,一向是Steam上的一道风景线,从《To the Moon》《Lisa》一直到《Undertale》均有可观之处,大多数都可以形容为“探索游戏设计和叙事可能性的杰作”。而这次的星露谷,看起来也是属于这个行列的游戏:像素,高销量,高评价,充满创意——
■ 《挺进地牢》(Enter the Gungeon)
登场的游戏是同样在Steam上,刚刚超过20万份销量的当红炸子鸡《挺进地牢》(Enter the Gungeon,英文版实际上是“枪牢”,但这个谐音确实难为翻译了)。当然,他们也有“像素,高销量,高评价,充满创意”的真经……
咦?这个不就是用枪打的《以撒的结合》(The binding of Isaac)吗?
而且用枪的部分,不就是《废土之王》(Nuclear Throne)吗?
■ 《贪婪洞窟》(Greedy Cave)
■ 《星露谷物语》(Stardew Valley)
冒险&&117.52 MB
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Sexual themes
Disturbing Images
Includes 68 Steam Achievements
Title: LISA
Genre: , ,
Release Date: 15 Dec, 2014
Packages that include this game
Buy LISA: Complete Edition
Includes 3 items:
LISA, LISA the Joyful, LISA: Original Soundtrack + Art Collection
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About This Game
A game about survival, sacrifice, and perverts...
Lisa is a quirky side-scrolling RPG set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Beneath the charming and funny exterior is a world full of disgust and moral destruction. Players will learn what kind of person they are by being FORCED to make choices. These choices permanently effect the game play. If you want to save a party member from death, you will have to sacrifice the strength of your character. Whether it's taking a beating for them, or chopping off limbs, or some other inhuman way. You will learn that in this world being selfish and heartless is the only way to survive...
- Visible character sacrifices that effect your stats (removing arms, eyes, scratches)
- Recruiting 30+ new party members in towns and camps.
- Ruthless choices that permanently effect towns, characters, life...
- White knuckle shopping cart races.
- Expending party members in Russian Roulette for huge profit, but perma-death if they lose.
- Countless hidden secrets in the world for you to explore.
- A life ruining gaming experience.
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP / Vista / 7 (32-bit/64-bit)
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 2.0 GHz equivalent or faster processor
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: 1024 x 768 pixels or higher desktop resolution
Storage: 800 MB available space
OS: OS X 10.6.8
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Radeon HD 2400 or comparable
Storage: 800 MB available space
Additional Notes: Anything supporting OpenGL 2.0 should work in theory
OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or higher
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Radeon HD 2400 or comparable
Storage: 800 MB available space
Additional Notes: Anything supporting OpenGL 2.0 should work in theory
Dingaling Productions, LLC
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Well, where to even start?After playing Undertale, I got the urge to try out more Earthbound inspired RPGs, and that easily lead me to LISA.LISA is an RPG set in a Children of Men-like apocalyptic scenario with a touch of Cronenbergian body horror, deceptively disguised by a very retro and simple artstyle not unlike Earthbound.It constantly shifts between being a light hearted comedy that pokes fun at genre tropes and conventions, and a horrific violent story that deals with really heavy subjects such as masculinity, fatherhood, sexual abuse, nature vs nurture, addiction, and guilt.And this is what makes LISA so great. That tonal contrast constantly blurs itself during the game, making you question if this incredibly wacky cartoonish world really does stray that far off from reality, or if the chance of our world being filled solely by sexually frustrated men would really be all that different from what we get in the game.You will find an incredibly large cast of colorful and hilarious characters in your journey, and they will make you smile and laugh constantly, who will then suddently lead to shocking and horrific events of violence and savagery unlike everything ever seen in another videogame.It truly is a rollercoaster of emotions that has such amount of depth and poignancy that big triple A games like Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite WISHED they could even attempt to have.It really amazes me how this was done just by one guy. Undertale is great with it's meta-narrative, but I feel LISA manages to be superior just by the sheer quality of it's story alone, and it really deserves your love.If you have played any JRPG in your life, then the gameplay should be no stranger to you. It utilizes the Dragon Quest series battle system, which in turn was used by Earthbound.What's great about it is how it subverts that genre with the way some of the attacks work and how they make sense for the characters to use. For example, you can kick someone in the groins and stun them for a whole turn, or a drunk party member can spit his drink to an enemy and throwing a molotov will do double damage.Enemies almost never repeat themselves and they all have their own personalities and small ( often hilarious) stories, the bosses being the real highlights of the game.The game also features a really big roster of party members for you to choose from and they are all funnier than the one before them, and they provide a real amount of strategy and combat variety.Choices, like Undertale, are also a big deal in LISA. There will be certain moments that truly will test your moral compass and decision ability, and the best part of it is that those choices actually matter for the gameplay. I wont spoil them, but if you manage to get attached to any of your party members, you are going to have a bad time.They truly make the world feel that more cruel and hopeless as you go along.The game comes with two modes: Normal and Pain. Normal is just the normal difficulty. Pain mode changes it by adding a few new enemies and secret scenes, and the real catch here, it destroys the savepoints once you use them once, making you have to seriously consider your saving choices.I'd say go for Pain Mode right away. It's not that hard aside from a few frustrating moments. But there is nothing wrong with going Normal first.The soundtrack is also amazing. Very varied and experimental with some real catchy tunes.I highly recommend you purchase also the DLC LISA: The Joyful with the game, because it is absolutely necessary to get the big picture and it ties all the loose ends.Oh, it also features probably the highest emotional highlight of the whole game, something that will leave you teary eyed and probably make you wanna call your dad after it (but you wont do that because that would be gay. What are you, a homo? Im not crying, you're crying!)Also, if you want further context for the story, you should play the free game LISA: The First that you can find online. It was the first game to be released in this series, but I'd say you can play it either before or after the main game. Personally I found it more interesting to play it after, since it gave me the final answers I was looking for.All in all, buy this game. You are missing out on an amazing experience.
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as a top speed runner with 266hrs on my first playthrough id like to say this game is amazing whether you rush through it or take your time like i did. 10/10 i cried at the end
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Hope you brought your xanax, this game is more of a downer than my love life. Story and gameplay are great, though.
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What a game.I can normally discuss games with relative ease, but LISA has me in a bit of a pinch.
The game is all over the place.
Creeped out.
Wholly depressed.
LISA is unrelenting, unrewarding, and unhappy.
If you aren't contemplating your life's decisions after a playthrough, you aren't paying attention.LISA is an RPG that is heavily inspired by the Earthbound/Mother series.
It uses pixel graphics, and while that may seem ho-hum to the average gamer (since most games utilize pixel graphics), LISA pulls this off very well to give characters some personality, and also allow for some rather creepy images.Combat is much the same as any RPG, save for a few characters.
All characters will begin with a standard &Attack&, &Skills&, &Guard&, &Items& listing, however, the inclusion of combos will intice players to memorize specific commands to allow a few extra hits, and a skill use all in one move.
It's a pretty clever system.
Just realize that sometimes, you'll need two arms to do certain things.So what's the story?
Without giving too much away, you are Brad.
Brad is the older brother to the titular character Lisa, who committed suicide prior to the game's events.
You discover Buddy, the (supposedly) only female left in existance after an apocalyptic event killed off many people (and all the women).
With nothing but testosterone flying around, and everyone looking to get laid, Buddy becomes a prime target of all the perverts around.
As Brad, your mission in life is to become Buddy's guardian, and atone for your past with what happened to your sister.That being said, there's not a whole lot I can say that wouldn't be a massive spoiler.
The game is fairly linear, so you don't need to worry about getting lost too much.
There's a bit of exploration here and there, but you won't need to stray too far from the beaten path to get what you need.Be warned:
LISA is not a game for people who have problems with the topic of sexual abuse or psychological issues.
This game does delve into some rather dark territory, and there's usually no happy resolution to even it all out.
When I said this game is wholly depressing, I meant it.
I played through, beat it, and felt empty inside.
Not because the game wasn't what I wanted, but that's how the game is.You aren't supposed to feel good about your actions.
You aren't supposed to feel good about the situations.
You're not supposed to be happy.
You'll be empty by the end, and that was the goal from the start.Don't let that ruin the experience, however.
It's seriously a fantastic game to play through, and a very unique experience to have.
It's a quick RPG with very little grinding needed (there's only a handful of places you can even grind anyway).
Do yourself a favor and plunk down a few bucks on this.
You wont regret it.
Or you might.
Kind of a mixture of both.
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Charming and beautifully disturbing game. Music is very effective in setting the mood of each moment and can push you from completely relaxed to on the edge of seat going &oh ???? oh ???? oh ????&.
I also enjoyed how the game doesn't try to use grinding to pad it's playtime and content. You have plenty of stuff to do and explore. I fully recomend this game.
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Brad Armstrong did nothing wrong. And Yazan and Shocklord are the best companions who will never betray you.9/10.
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Interesting Story, Great Gameplay, Fun Art-style, Homoerotic to the point where it will make you reconsider your sexuality, funny... this game is a must play for everyone.
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An excellent innovative and profoundly affecting RPG.
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I don't know why this game had me so invested in the story, but with every decision I made I felt a little worse about myself.P.S. The writing was funny and gripping.
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It's so good that I pirated it, beat it twice, bought the complete edition, and then beat it again.
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It's difficult to even broach the content of LISA without saying too much for those who haven't played it yet. That's why I want to say as much as possible with as little as possible.There are so many elements coming together that just make LISA &work.& The consistently bleak but never redunda the quirky and often d the off- the superb music and ambient sound design... they all come together to form an experience that will affect you viscerally and sometimes even make you feel violated. For a game subtitled &The Painful RPG&, I suppose it's no surprise that LISA forces you to experience its pain and discomfort if you want to get through its manifold conflicts — though not necessarily in one piece.The personal narrative of Brad Armstrong, the game's main character, features traumas and struggles that may be all too close to home for some, such as sexual abuse and drug addiction. LISA manages to make the pain of those things feel frighteningly real, even to someone who has never experienced them. I hesitate to say even this much for fear of robbing future players of the experience of realizing this on their own, but in truth, much of the narrative value of the game comes from recognizing how thoroughly the pain of Brad's traumatic past has permeated his mind — and how it affects the nature of his quest.Though you may and should have fun (the game's exploration and combat can be quite satisfying), LISA is not a game that will make you happy. However, the way it will make you unhappy is masterful, playing off the grimness of its subject matter, the oddity of its world, and the quirkiness of its Earthbound-esque style in all the right ways. If you're looking for an emotionally trying experience, LISA delivers.Also, if you do decide to play, you may want to experience LISA's predecessor, now called LISA: The First. Though by no means necessary to understanding The Painful RPG, it provides some potentially valuable background information and shares LISA's themes and, to an extent, visual style.
Such a happy, cheerful world full of colorful characters! Adventure and fun awaits....lisa...
Best anti-drug PSA i've ever seen
Brad did nothing wrong,i miss you.
good game the end
Truely an experience, one that you can't simply explain to someone. It has its ups and downs, highs and lows, parts where you cant wait to see what happens next, and others where you have to remind yourself to forge forward to uncover the truth. It can be confusing, beautiful, hilarious, and especially sad, one might even say painful. Your sacrifices, your choices, your need to continue no matter what.I'll be perfectly honest, I felt the game was rather overhyped for me. I finished the game and was still waiting for a moment of imense pain to hit me...but I expected somthing so much more so I felt so little when it happened...but it kept creeping back into my mind. Over and over it would play through my head like an echo, as I settled in. As if the effects were delayed, and I started to see it for what it really was.Very underated when compared to the hype of something like Undertale, but really there's a thin line between a game you love being your beloved secret that you wish the world knew...and the whole world knowing and it becomeing annoying to you due to overexposure.I laughed, I cried, I hurt...but most importantly I loved.
LISA is the best game I have ever played, and I have played Games of the caliber of Skyrim, GTA 4 and 5, Dragon Quest IX, and Bioshock. LISA ????s with your mind, and eats it afterwards. The Story is GOAT, the mechanics are awesome, and the RPGmaker feeling is perfectly intwined with the gritty atmosphere of hopelessness. Buy this game, or regret it forever. The cherry on top is that you don't even need to Grind EXP, you get enough from the Story battles.
Wow, I don't know where to start off. Finished LISA: The Painful and then bought the DLC LISA: The Joyful.NOTE: I do not recommend this game to anyone who is of too faint of heart or someone who can't empathize at the same time. It's perfect for the middle people, someone who wants to get a &shot& of humor, love, and lots and lots of sadness.I can't believe I finished this, and every time I look at it in my Steam library it makes me reminisce a little. I'm in my late teens right now, and it makes me really think about my parents. This game makes you think of those who you care a lot torwards, and what you're willing to give and the path you're willing to go to save someone. There are not moral choices in this game (since almost all of them are made into some hillarious dark comedy moments) but rather choices that mess with you if you are the type that chooses morality in games.In all, definitely recommend this game to a group of people that are highly empathetical, but not too sensitive. It gave me the write dosage of waht I needed (Not Joy I'm afraid). Excuse me while I go to bed and shed tears on the ending of the LISA: THE JOYFUL (which was a lot darker in tone than THE PAINFUL.)
This game is a MASTERPIECE and easily up there with my favourite game (undertale). The story I wont spoil but it works so well in this unervirse and its unique too. However there was some technical errors where the game would chug along in certain ares that may be my pc tho. Do i reccomend this? HELL YES GET IT NOW10/10-Masterpiece
My body wasn't prepared for this.
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