3d坦克 上尉全3d模型都是黑色的m2但视频

1 新增在窗口模式和全屏模式下的两种鼠标控制瞄准和射击的操作方式;
2 7种全新防御滑膛炮的迷彩;
3 机枪炮中文名称确定为极速炮!(1月26日追加更新)
4 极速炮将于防御它的迷彩一同上线;
5 电子竞技新赛季回归;
6 本周最佳夺金视频;
电脑观看版:(已停止观看!该视频可点击HD按钮切换清晰度。手机、平板建议选择 移动观看版,避免出现无字幕的情况)
展开SRT字幕  大家好,坦克手们!  Hello, tankers!  我们的视频节目迎来了第30期,Our V-LOG has just turned 30,  我们要用一连串令人兴奋的消息,庆祝这个小小的纪念日,and we’re celebrating this little anniversary,with a bunch of exciting news.  在本期节目中您将看到……  In today’s episode…  防御滑膛炮的迷彩,电子竞技赛事的回归,3D坦克的鼠标操作方式!  Protection from Hammer, the return of esports,and mice in Tanki!  让我们开始吧!  Let’s get going!  2015年刚刚开始,但是我们的开发人员,已经在努力研发一些相当奇妙的功能,2015 is just starting out, but our developers,are already working actively on a pretty curious feature.  很快,你就可以在3D坦克中,使用鼠标瞄准和射击!  Soon, you’ll be able to aim and shoot in  Tanki using your mouse!  有兴趣吗?  Intrigued?  让我们来了解更多细节!  Watch on to discover more!  当我们首次研发3D坦克时,已有了用鼠标操作游戏的想法,The idea of mouse controls in Tanki has been,around since the game was first introduced.  只是无法在FLASH中实现它,There was no practical way of implementing it in Flash.  但是我们的程序员没有放弃,几个月前,他们提出了新的解决方案,But our programmers did not give up, and several,months ago they came up with a solution.  去年我们参加了很多游戏展会,Last year we visited lots of gaming expos.  我们注意到很多新手,本能地将右手放在鼠标上,We noticed that most newbies instinctively,keep their right hand on the mouse.  即使知道坦克不需要鼠标控制,他们仍习惯这样做,This happens even when they know that the,mouse is not used for controlling the tank.  考虑到鼠标操作,将使新手更容易上手游戏,We understood that mouse controls would make,it much easier for newbies to pick up the,所以我们决定开发该功能,game, so we started development.  我们目前正在研发,鼠标操作坦克的两种方式,We’re currently working on two ways for,controlling your tank with a mouse.  在窗口模式下,视角跟随底盘转动,移动屏幕上的光标,In windowed mode, the camera follows the hull,  while the cursor on the screen determines,将决定你射击的方向,the direction you are firing at.  在全屏模式下,视角跟随炮塔转动,In fullscreen mode, the turret turns in the,direction where the camera is pointed, which,这和传统键盘操作更为接近,is closer to the traditional keyboard controls.  在两种模式下,你可以通过左键射击,还可以通过鼠标滚轮,In both modes, you shoot by clicking the left,mouse button, and use the mouse wheel to adjust,调整视野,the camera view.  在新的操作模式下,你仍然只可以向左或向右水平转动炮塔,You will still only be able to turn your turret,left and right in the new control modes.  垂直的瞄准仍然是自动的,当然,镭射炮的狙击模式是例外,玩家可以用鼠标垂直移动镭射炮的准星,Vertical aim will remain automatic, of course,with the exception of Shaft in its sniping mode.  在游戏中,传统键盘操作方式仍将保留,The traditional keyboard method will remain,in the game.  用鼠标瞄准和射击,是为新手准备的第二选择,Aiming and shooting with a mouse will be an  alternative for those who have just started,也包括想要尝鲜的老玩家,playing Tanki, or existing players who want,to try something new.  你随时可以切换操作模式,通过左键单击,Switching between modes will be possible anytime,  with a left click,或者在键盘按下炮塔的操作键,or pressing turret control keys on a keyboard.  这是一个挑战性的任务,因为我们,既要保证鼠标操作的舒适,还要使其,This is a challenging task, as mouse controls,should be comfortable, but not superior to  与传统键盘操作难度相当,(以保证游戏平衡)  the traditional keyboard method.  仍然还有许多需要做,并且可能还会变化,There’s a lot left to do and some things,may change.  我们将及时通知你!  We’ll keep you updated!  上周我们告诉你,有关防御滑膛炮迷彩的信息,Last week we told you about paints offering,protection from Hammer.  现在我们将展示有关迷彩,并且,为期待机枪炮(待定,下同)的玩家,Now we have something to show you, plus some,cool news for tankers who are looking forward,带来一些很酷的消息,to the machine gun.  这一周,我们完成了防御滑膛炮迷彩的纹理,This week, we finished the textures for anti-Hammer,paints.  我们也给它们起了名字,并且,书写了他们在装备商店的描述,We also named them and wrote their garage,descriptions.  很快,7款全新迷彩将被加入游戏,Soon, 7 all-new paints will be added to the,game.  他们中的一些将以防御滑膛炮为主,Some of them will have Hammer prot  其他迷彩将获得,额外防御滑膛炮的特性,others will have it as an additional protection.  一些已有的迷彩,同样将获得防御滑膛炮的特性,Protection from the shotgun turret will also,be added to a number of existing paints.  防御滑膛炮仅仅是这些迷彩的额外特性,这并不会影响它们的价格,In their case the Hammer resistance will simply,be an addition, so it won’t affect their,和单独购买时所需的最低军衔,prices or minimum required ranks.  与此同时,我们也在研发,防御机枪炮的迷彩……  At the same time, we are working on paints,with protections from the machine gun…  顺带一提,机枪炮的英文名字是VULCAN!  (VULCAN直译:火神)  which, by the way, will be called VULCAN!  这些迷彩的纹理已经准备就绪,我们已经为每一款设计了,The textures for these paints are ready and,we’ve already came up with optimal protections,优化好的防御属性,for each of them.  所以机枪炮和防御它的迷彩,将一起发布,So Vulcan, as well as paints with protections,against it, will be released together.  游戏中也将添加一定数量的,可以同时防御滑膛炮和机枪炮的迷彩,The game will also feature a number of paints,offering protection both from Hammer and Vulcan.  大家好!电子竞技赛事已经回归,以下是值得大家关注的内容,Hey everyone! Esports is back and here’s,what you can expect.  第一,StarLadder现在有四个联赛,(StarSeries是由SLTV举办的电子竞技比赛)  First, StarLadder now has 4 leagues.  本赛季,是我们首次举办种子联赛,种子联赛将采用循环赛制,This season, we’re launching for the first,time the SemiSeries, which was formed according,根据近几场的比赛结果决定晋级,to results of the recent matches.  第二,晋级赛将异常激烈,Secondly, things will be getting real hot,in ProSeries.  从上赛季初选赛中脱颖而出的几支,非常有经验的战队将参加比赛,We have several very experienced teams from,last season’s StarSeries, who are really,他们都怀着夺冠的意志,determined to get back to the top.  在初选赛中,名为Armada和Wood’s的两支战队首秀晋级,新赛季将很快开始,StarSeries now also features 2 new teams — Armada,and Wood’s! The new season starts real soon,  在1月28日,on January 28.  这次,十二支顶级参赛战队,每两支进行两场比赛,This time, each of these 12 top teams will,face each other twice.  奖金池高达29000美元,来更好地激励参赛选手,The prize pool of 29 thousand USD will serve,as an excellent incentive for our fighters.  一如既往,我们的电子竞技频道,将实况直播最精彩的比赛,As always, the best battles will be streamed,live on our esports channel.  本周最佳夺金视频,GOLD HUNTER OF THE WEEK,上周我们向你展示了一个史诗级的视频,内容是坦克玩家利用雷暴炮做的特技,Last time we showed you an EPIC video of tankers,doing parkour with Thunders.  让我们看看本周最佳剪辑,是否可以与上周的视频媲美,Let’s see whether the best clip for this,week can live up to last week’s standards.  视频作者:sassa16,Video by sassa16,现在到节目的尾声了,It’s time to end this episode.  一如既往,关注我们的社交媒体,并且在视频底部分享你的想法,As always, follow us on social media and share,your thoughts on this V-LOG in comments below.  下周五,我们再会!  See you next Friday!  道具测试,TEST BOX,测试 05  TEST 05  测试失败,FAIL。
1 机枪炮(待定)的最新消息;
2 防御滑膛炮的迷彩的开发进展情况;
3 有关XT装备及其他独特装备的未来,新年蜂王XT、激光XT、冰霜活动的本质目的,未来玩家定制坦克的可能;
4 坦克军衔升级活动小结;
5 关于扩充电子竞技战队,及选拔新游戏解说活动;
6 本周最佳视频;
7 来自朝鲜的玩家;
8 可以让坦克隐身的神秘道具,测试成功;
展开SRT字幕  坦克手们,大家好!  Hello, tankers!  欢迎观看2015年的第一个视频,Welcome to the first video blog of 2015.  并且,你可以发现,过去三周我们并没有真正放假,And, as you can see, the past 3 weeks haven’t,exactly been a holiday.  事实上,我们一直在准备,今天这个全新设计的视频节目,In fact, we were preparing THIS — the all-new,design for the V-LOG.  我们希望你喜欢它!  We hope you like it!  现在,让我们快点开始吧!  Now, let’s get cracking!  在今天的节目中你将看到……  In today’s episode...  对你们问题的回答,机枪炮(待定,下同)的最新消息,最佳军衔升级视频活动,Answers to your questions, news on the machine,gun and best rank ups.  让我们开始!  Let’s start!  在过去的几个月里,一直频繁出现更新和开发方面的新闻,The last several months have been super intense,for updates and development news.  正如所料,这带来了一连串需要解答的问题,现在,让我们进入,As expected, all this brings a barrage of  questions to answer. So, it’s time for a  视频问答环节,video blog Q&A session.  你们中的很多人一直在问,机枪炮什么时候上线,Many of you have been asking about the release,date for the machine gun turret.  机枪炮的工作已全面展开,Work on the Machine Gun is in full swing.  很多事项已经准备完毕,包括炮塔模型,全部外观修正,Lots of things are ready: the turret’s model,  looks for all modifications, animation for,装弹和炮塔动画,开火特效,the magazine and barrels, and firing effect.  我们当前任务是确保机枪炮稳定运行,Our current tasks are ensuring that the Machine,Gun’s functionality is stable, setting its,调整它的参数来保证游戏当前的平衡……  parameters to suit the current balance of  the game…  并且当然,为它选择了一个名字!  and of course, choosing a name for it!  在上线前,我们将开启炮塔的开放测试,别错过哦!  Closer to the release date, we’ll set up  an open testing of the turret. Don’t miss it!  这位朋友想要知道,防御滑膛炮的迷彩准备得怎么样了,This guy wants to know what’s going on with,paints offering protection against Hammer.  防御滑膛炮的迷彩已经在开发了,Paints with Hammer protection are already,being developed.  正如之前所说的那样,我们已经引入了适合不同军衔玩家的新迷彩,As we said before, we’ll introduce several new paints for different ranks.  很可能的是,少量的迷彩也将获得防御滑膛炮的特性,It’s likely that protection from Hammer will also be added to a few existing paints.  目前,我们正在为新迷彩创作纹理,选择他们的名字,At the moment, we are creating textures for,the new paints, choosing names for them, and,书写他们在装备商店的描述,writing their garage descriptions.  最后一个问题来自Karosas,他询问有关XT装备和其他独特装备的未来,Finally, Karosas has a question about the,future of XT weapons and other unique equipment.  首先,新年XT组合本质上是一个实验,First of all, the New Year XT combo was essentially,an experiment.  主要目的是证实,玩家是否需要拥有独一无二外观的坦克,The main goal was to find out if there could,be a demand for tanks to have unique looks,这并不影响游戏的玩法,that don t affect gameplay.  目前,我们正在分析这次实验的结果,At the moment, we are analyzing the results,of this experiment.  我们将依据收到的数据和你们的反馈,决定未来是否开发坦克定制功能,Data we’ve received, as well as your feedback, will determine the future development of tank customization.  我们将及时通知你最新信息,We’ll keep you updated.  新年军衔升级活动已经结束,The New Year rank up contest has ended.  我们收到了超过800个视频……  We received more than 800 videos…  这真不少,and that’s A LOT.  老实说,我们从来没有想到,在3D坦克中会有这么多升级军衔的花样,Honestly, we never imagined there could be  so many ways to rank up in Tanki.  你们的想象力实在太疯狂了!  You guys have an INSANE imagination!  在最后,20支队伍被宣布为获胜者,In the end, 20 teams were declared winners.  也有高达1064坦克手获得安慰奖,Consolation prizes were given to a whopping,1064 tankers!  做得好,坦克手们……你们当之无愧,Well done tankers… well deserved.  获奖者的名字和他们录制的军衔升级视频,可以在主页上找到,The names of the winners as well as their,rank up videos can be found on the homepage.  链接在视频底部,The link is below.  作为活动的主题,我们的电子竞技英语解说队伍,需要补充一些新鲜血液,On the topic of contests, our team of English,esport commentators wants some fresh blood.  为了增加一些新解说员,我们将举办3D坦克解说大赛,To get some new commentators aboard, we’ve,launched the Tanki Online Commentator contest.  你的任务是下载一个战队比赛录像,然后在视频上添加自己的解说,Your task is to download a recording of a  clan battle and to add commentary to it,  使视频更加有趣,更加吸引人,making it entertaining and engaging.  获胜者将获得大量水晶,并有机会参加3D坦克电子竞技战队,Winners will get lots of crystals and a chance,to join the Tanki esport crew.  像以往一样,你可以在官方网站了解更多信息,As always, all the info is on the game’s,website.  本周最佳视频!  Video of the Week!  上个视频节目播出以来,我们已经收到了大量优秀的视频,We’ve received loads of decent clips since,the previous V-LOG.  从中选出最好的视频,真是一个挑战,Choosing the best one was a challenge.  让我们一起欣赏吧!  Let’s watch it!  视频作者:tal2012,Video by tal2012,顺带一提,正当我们度假时,有来自朝鲜的朋友一直在玩3D坦克……  By the way, while we were on holiday, someone,has been playing Tanki from North Korea…  我想知道,这算是我们的荣幸吗?  I wonder if we’re honoured?  这就是今天的全部内容,坦克手们,And that’s all for today, tankers.  无论你在哪里,无论你是谁,都要记得玩3D坦克哦!  Remember to play Tanki wherever, or whoever,  you are.  并且当然,你可以在视频底部,分享你对于新版视频节目的看法,And of course, share your thoughts on the,new design for the V-LOG in comments below.  下周我们再见!  See you next week!  道具测试,TEST BOX,测试 04  (之前的测试请查看官网)  TEST 04  测试成功,WIN。
1 特定战场模式上线
2 点击主页的开始游戏,默认将进入与当前军衔最适合的服务器,即当前军衔可参加的战场数量最多的服务器。
3 。比分悬殊,且翻盘无望的团战战场将进入倒计时,若在规定时间内,双方差距没有缩小,则战场提前终止,奖励立即分配。
4 明信片活动总结,猜谜活动、军衔升级互动预告,感谢大家一年来的陪伴,祝所有坦克手快乐,平安!《》
5 视频将暂停更新两周,日回归。
6 新道具持续测试中!Test03 可以让坦克像青蛙一样弹跳的道具(Test01 让磁力像蛇一样爬行的道具 Test02 让两辆坦克合体变成螃蟹机器人的道具)
展开SRT字幕  坦克手们,大家好!  Hello, tankers!  现在是2014年的最后一个视频博客!  The last video blog for 2014 is on air!  今天视频的主要内容有……  In today’s episode…  更多特定模式战场,一个新活动和对一种新道具的测试,More battles, a new contest and testing a  new supply.  让我们开始吧!  Let’s start!  特定战场模式已被加入游戏,Format battles are finally in the game!  正如承诺的那样,我们已经加入了4种,最受欢迎且最被需要的特定战场模式,As promised, we’ve added the 4 most popular,and in-demand formats.  那么,如果你想要看看自己的激光炮,玩得有多溜,So, if you’ve always wanted to really see,how skilled you are with a Railgun,  或者发疯似地想要做一些酷炫的跑酷特技,or go nuts and do some crazy parkour tricks,  现在你可以轻松很多!  now you can do that a lot easier!  在这个视频下面,你可以找到,讨论这些更新的论坛版块传送门,Below this video you’ll find links to the,forum thread where you can discuss this update,和包含每种特定战场模式详细信息的,百科文章的传送门,and to a wiki article with detailed descriptions,of each format.  我们正沉浸在节日的氛围中,但是我们的程序员依然给我们带来了,We are in the middle of the festive season,  but our programmers keep hitting us with one,一个接一个的更新!  update after another!  在即将的到来更新中,当你点击主页的开始游戏按钮时,With an upcoming update, when clicking PLAY,on the homepage, you will be sent by default,将优先进入适合你当前军衔的服务器,to a specific server based on your rank.  通过这种方式,你将总能进入到,当前军衔可进入战场数量最多的服务器,This way you will always be on a server where,most battles are suited to your rank.  当然,一旦你进入游戏,你仍可以通过下拉菜单,Of course, once you’re in the game, you,can still switch to any server you want,切换到其他服务器,using a drop down menu.  你知道么,另一个更新也将到来!  You know what? Yet another update is on its way!  它是这样工作的。  Here’s how it will work.  在正常的非PRO战场中,如果一支队伍的得分领先它的对手很多,If one of the teams in a standard non-PRO,battle starts increasing its score A LOT faster,系统将开始倒计时,than its opponent, the system will start a  timer.  场上的队伍将被告知,如果在规定时间内,比赛局面没有变化,Teams will be informed that if the situation,doesn’t change in that time limit, the,战斗将被提前终止,战场奖励立即分配,battle will be stopped early and the battle,fund divided sooner.  如果落后的一方缩小了差距,倒计时将被终止,If the losing team narrows the gap, the timer will be stopped and the battle will,比赛继续正常进行,proceed as normal.  多亏了这项更新,若比赛结果毫无悬念,场上的队伍无需继续等待了,Thanks to this update, teams will not have,to wait if the outcome of a battle is obvious.  并且通过尽早分配战场奖励,失利的玩家可以从沮丧的情绪中解脱,And losing players can save themselves,some frustration by getting their battle fund share,然后加入其他战场,and moving on to another battle.  通过一系列爆炸性的庆祝活动,3D坦克正快步迈入新年!  Tanki is speeding into the New Year with explosive,celebrations!  游戏充满了节日装饰,史诗般的五折活动已经开始!  The game is filled with festive decorations,  and the epic 5-day sale has already started!  我们希望你已经抢到了,一些新的炮塔和底盘,We hope you’ve already snatched some new,turrets and hulls.  今天,12月26日,你可以以五折购买任意迷彩,Today, on December 26 you can buy any paint,in the game at 50% off.  道具、PRO战场通行证和装备强化的促销,也将在本周末开始,(12月27日 全场道具5折)  (12月28日 装备强化5折 + 立即完成2折)  Supplies, passes and micro-upgrade sales are,coming this weekend.  接着你可以在3天内,获得双倍战斗奖励,(12月29日至12月31日)  Then you are in for 3 days of double battle,funds and THE GAME!  至于猜谜活动,顺带一提,将在1月1日开始,By the way, the quest starts on January 1st.  像以往一样,在参加活动前,你需要为账户绑定一个有效邮箱,As always, to take part, you need a valid,email address linked to your account.  所有成功解决7个谜题的坦克手们,都将被奖励,All those tankers who manage to solve the,7 puzzles will be rewarded.  最主要的奖励是一辆,装备强化到顶级的梦幻坦克,The main prize is a fully micro-upgraded dream,tank.  所以,不要错过猜谜活动哦!  So, do not miss it!  3D坦克新年明信片活动已经结束,The New Year Tanki Postcard contest has ended.  我们需要审核超过5000份的投稿,这真是一个挑战,It was a real challenge to check all the entries,  as we got more than 5 thousand of them!  最终,15张明信片被挑选出来,作为最棒的投稿,In the end, 15 postcards were picked out as  the best submissions.  它们的作者每人已经获得50000水晶,Their authors have received 50 thousand crystals,each.  特殊的新年迷彩将在12月29日,周一,添加到获胜者的账户中,Special New Year paints will be added to the,winners’ accounts on Monday, 29 December.  你可能已经注意游戏当前,增加了新年的军衔升级特效……  You might have noticed that the game currently,features the New Year rank-up effect…  必须来一场新年的军衔升级活动啦!  And that really calls for a New Year Rank,Up contest!  拍摄一段军衔升级视频,将它上传到YouTube,并将链接发送给我们,Shoot a rank up video, upload it to YouTube,and send us the link.  活动报名截止日期是1月12日,The entries are accepted till January 12.  活动奖励是数不清的水晶和道具,The prizes are mountains of crystals and supplies.  在主页你可以了解更多信息,More information is on the homepage.  本周最佳视频!  Video of the Week!  这一次,视频作者获得了40000水晶奖励,This time the 40 000 crystals go to the author,of this clip.  视频作者:shayanshiny,Video by shayanshiny,2014年对于3D坦克和视频更新来说是忙碌的……  2014 has been a busy year for Tanki Online… and,also for its video blog.  因此,我们可以休息充能的寒假,将很短暂,That s why we’ll be having a short winter holiday to  recharge our batteries.  视频更新在短暂休止后,将于日以崭新面貌回归,The V-LOG will be back on January 16th all,rested and like new.  这就是今天的全部内容,坦克手们,And that’s it for today, tankers.  谢谢一年来,你们的陪伴!  Thanks a lot for being with us for a whole year.  祝大家快乐,平安,2015年,我们再会!  Have a great time, be safe and see you in  2015!  新道具测试开始,testing a new supply,测试03,(测试01 让坦克像蛇一样爬行的道具)  (测试02 让两辆坦克合体变成螃蟹机器人的道具)  TEST 03  测试失败,FAIL,本周问题,QUESTION OF THE WEEK。
滑膛炮的设计过程揭秘(滑膛炮起初是近程武器),自动瞄准机制带来的改变,可以为PRO战场设定规则(只许某一种装备或跑酷特技模式),新年炮塔、底盘、道具、装备强化给力打折活动,战场奖励增加,金水晶包活动,明信片大赛最新进展,及一场新的猜谜比赛预告展开SRT字幕  您好,坦克手们!  Hello, tankers!  本期的视频博客有以下节目……  In this episode of the video blog…  3D坦克的滑膛炮,附加规则的战场,和新年活动预告。  Hammer hits Tanki, format battles, and the,New Year calls.  准备好了么,下面让我们开始!  Ready? Then let’s start!  我相信你们已经迫不及待地,想要获得自己的猎枪……  I’m sure you’ve all have been waiting,for Tanki to get its own shotgun…  不错,愿望最终实现了!  备受期待的滑膛炮现在上线了。  Well, it’s finally happened! The highly-anticipated,Hammer is now in the game!  现在来揭示这款新炮塔是怎样被创造,并且可以用它做些什么,Time to find out how this new turret was created,and what it can do.  3D坦克滑膛炮的故事从2014年的夏天开始,The story of Hammer in Tanki Online started,in the summer of 2014. That was the moment,让我们回到那个最终下决心,去做一款猎枪炮塔的时刻。  we made the final decision to develop a shotgun,turret.  我们必须从7种类型的玩法中做出选择。  但是在最后,最优的选择显而易见。  We had to choose between 7 types of gameplay.  But in the end, the choice was obvious. Tanki,3D坦克是一款射击游戏,每一位射手必须有一把猎枪,is a shooter, and every shooter must have,a shotgun.  滑膛炮需要一种可以使它独特的运行机制。  3发快速射击,一个漫长接近激光炮的重载时间,Hammer needed mechanics that would make it  truly unique. 3 quick shots and a long reload,这就是我们的游戏设计师最终采纳的玩法。  comparable to that of Railgun — that was,the gameplay picked by our game designers.  从一开始,滑膛炮被设计成一款近距离攻击武器。  Right from the start, Hammer was developed,as a close-range assault weapon. Mechanics,机制很简单:你潜入敌人基地,给敌人造成很多伤害后,躲藏起来重载炮弹。  are simple: you get into the enemy base, deal,A LOT of damage and hide to reload…  前提是你仍然毫发未损!  if you are still in one piece!  与此同时,我们致力于设计新炮塔的外观。  滑膛炮的最终模型并不是一蹴而就的。  At the same time we were working on the turret’s,looks. The final model for Hammer wasn’t,我们尝试了无数种设计,你可以看到其中的一种设计出现在,created right away. We tried numerous designs,  one of which you could see in the previous,之前的视频博客和开放测试中。  V-LOGs and during the open testing.  滑膛炮的外观是整个设计团队艰苦工作的结果,Hammer’s looks are the result of hard work,by the entire art department. In the end,  最终,我们努力尽善尽美,创造出一款适合游戏视觉风格的新炮塔,we managed to agree on everything, creating,a turret that fits the visual style of the,并且新炮塔可以和各种底盘完美搭配。  game, and looks great on any hull.  设计炮塔外观仅仅是所有重要工作之一。  在设计滑膛炮时,The way the turret looks is not the only important,thing. When working on Hammer, we paid extra,我们对声音效果下了额外的功夫,attention to its sound effects.  你不需要在战斗中,时刻留意重载炮弹的指示,滑膛炮的装弹音效将随时提醒你,You don’t even need to look at the reloading,indicator during the battle. Hammer s sound,炮弹已经重载完毕,可以开始下一发了。  effects tell you when the gun is ready for,the next shot and when its magazine has reloaded.  滑膛炮几天前才正式在游戏中上线,所以并不是所有人都有机会尝试它,Hammer was added to the game just a few days,ago, so not all of you have had a chance to  对于仍在犹豫是否入手滑膛炮的玩家,这里有一些信息,try it out yet. For those who are still planning,on getting it, here’s some information on  是关于滑膛炮的。  the new turret.  滑膛炮可以在近处产生巨大伤害。  在双倍伤害道具的辅助下,它可以,Hammer is a turret that deals massive damage,up close. With double damage, it’s able,秒杀黄蜂及蜂王轻甲。  它的冲击力优于3D坦克中的其他任何炮塔,to one-shot a Hornet or Wasp. Its impact force,is superior to any other gun in Tanki, provided,前提是所有炮弹都命中目标,that all the pellets hit the target of course.  在中等距离下,你可以一炮伤害到数量坦克。  At medium ranges, you can damage several tanks,with a single shot.  在玩滑膛炮的时候,请时刻注意,它有限的射程和特殊的炮弹重载机制,When playing with Hammer, always keep in mind,its limited range, and the significant reload,记住只有你射击完所有三发炮弹,炮塔才会开始重载,time of the clip. Remember that reload only,starts once you ve shot all 3 rounds.  仍有很多工作要做。很快,一些已有的迷彩将会获得防御新炮塔的特性,A lot remains to be done. Soon, several existing,paints will be given protections from the,我们也将引进新的迷彩。  我们将会及时通知你最新信息。  new turret, and we ll also be introducing,all-new paints. We’ll keep you updated!  滑膛炮的发布为3D坦克的玩法,带来了极其重要的改变。  The release of Hammer has brought about a  very important change to Tanki’s gameplay.  比如镭射炮,所有武器现在都可以,给底盘和坦克的炮塔,Just like Shaft, all weapons are now able,to deal damage to both the hull, and the turret,造成伤害,of a tank.  我们的游戏设计师能够告诉我们,关于这种改变的一切细节,Our game designers can tell us all about it.  之前,自动瞄准仅仅作用于敌人的底盘。  每辆坦克的上半部分,并没有被看作是固体。  Previously, auto-aim only worked for an enemy’s,hull. A tank s upper part wasn’t considered,如果你仅仅看到对方的炮塔,那是不可能命中敌人坦克的,solid. It was impossible to hit an enemy tank,if you only saw its turret. Now, auto-aim,现在自动瞄准也作用于敌人的炮塔。  works for enemy turrets as well.  每一种炮塔现在都有了自己的物理形状。  例如轰天炮由两部分组成,Every turret now has its own physical geometry.  For example Smoky consists of 2 parts, while,磁力炮由四部分组成。现在,你的炮塔越大,越容易被打中,Isida is made up of 4 pieces. Now, the bigger,your turret, the easier it is to hit.  镭射炮的玩家,要小心啦!  Shaft users, I’m talking about you!  针对对方炮塔的精确打击,可以掀翻他的坦克或者干扰它的瞄准。  A precise hit to an opponent s turret can,flip him over or knock off his aim. A hull s  一种底盘的重量和高度变得十分重要。  weight and height have become very important.  顺带一提,独裁者在本次更新后获得了一个明显的优势。  By the way, Dictator got a major advantage,with this update.  之前,独裁者创纪录的底盘高度,被认为是它的主要劣势,Previously, the record height of the hull,was considered its main disadvantage.  现在,由于炮塔被底盘抬得很高,几乎所有的射击都可以打中敌方坦克,Now, because the gun is mounted so high, almost,all of its shots can hit enemy turrets.  离子炮和火龙珠现在命中率更高,之前,受到自动瞄准只作用于底盘的限制,Twins and Ricochet have become more effective,too. Previously, the recoil didn’t allow,这些炮塔无法在中距离有效地命中移动的目标,大部分炮弹从底盘的上方穿过,these guns to effectively hit moving targets,at mid range. Most of the shots went above,现在这些炮弹将直接命中炮塔,the hull. Now they hit the turret.  已更新的自动瞄准机制是玩法的主要改变。  自己尝试一下,然后在论坛中,The updated auto-aim feature is a major gameplay,change. Try it out for yourself and share,分享你的感受吧!  your impressions in the forum.  我们的团队夜以继日,在PRO战场中,为最受欢迎的规则增加了全方位支持,Our team is working non-stop on adding full-scale,support for the most popular formats in PRO battles.  感兴趣么?这里有一些额外的信息!  Interested? Then here’s some more,information on that!  附加规则的战场,一种使用规定的特殊武器,或者应用特殊规则的战场,Format Battle,A battle played using specific weapons,  or according to specific rules.  之前,玩家习惯于在战场名称中标注规则。  (例如,“特技不打”,“激光的进”)  不幸的是,这并不能保证,Previously, a battle’s format was indicated,by its name. Unfortunately, this did not guarantee,所有人都能遵守规定的要求。  不明白战场规则的玩家,that the format requirements would be followed,by all. Players who did not understand how,经常用其他炮塔和底盘加入战场,  无意间打扰了战场中的,format battles worked, often joined using,other turrets and hulls, unintentionally disturbing,其他玩家,tankers in the battle.  我们注意到一些战斗规则如此受欢迎,并且为这些规则加入了全方位支持,We noticed how popular these battles are,  and adding full-scale support for formats.  我们将引进4种规则:黄蜂激光模式,蜂王激光模式,黄蜂和蜂王激光模式,We will introduce 4 formats: Hornet and Railgun,  Wasp and Railgun, Hornet and Wasp with Railgun,  和跑酷(特技)模式。  在该模式下,所有道具将没有冷却时间,as well as Parkour. In Parkour mode, supplies,will not have any cooldowns, and tankers will,坦克手们将不能获得任何经验和水晶奖励,这意味着在跑酷(特技)模式的战场中,not be getting any experience points or crystals.  This means that shooting other tankers in  射击其他玩家是毫无意义的。  a Parkour battle will be pointless.  您可以使用PRO通行证创建或加入附带规则的战场,Creating or entering a format battle will,be possible with a PRO pass. We’ll add an  我们将在创建PRO战场的菜单中,增加包含全部可用规则的额外列表。  extra field to the PRO battle creation menu,  with all the possible formats.  在列表中,战斗规则将被以名称的缩写标注,Format battles will be marked with their common,abbreviations in the battle list. If you try,如果您尝试用错误的装备进入这种战场,  会看到一条提示你更换装备的消息。  to enter such a battle using the wrong equipment,  you’ll see a message telling you to change it.  本项更新将在近日上线。  The update will be released in the near,future.  3D坦克新年明信片大赛已全面展开,The New Year Tanki Postcard contest is in  full swing.  而且,老实说,我们并没有想到会有这么多人参与,And, honestly, we didn’t expect to get SO  MANY entries.  我们已收到超过2000张明信片!  You’ve already sent us over 2 thousand postcards!  如果你还没有参与这项活动,  这里有一些友情提示。  If you haven’t entered the contest yet,  here’s a friendly tip for you.  不要仅仅从网上找到一张很美的图片,然后在上面写“3D坦克新年快乐”就完了。  Don’t just take a nice pic from the internet,and write HAPPY NEW YEAR TANKI! on it.  这并不是我们期望的作品。  That’s not what we’re looking for.  你需要使用软件或者双手,创造一些独特的东西,这并不难。  You need to create something unique, using,so it doesn’t matter.  报名截止日期是12月24日。  可能你已经有灵感了!  We accept entries till 24 December. May the,inspiration be with you!  节日就要来临。  The festive season is already on the doorstep.  而且,一如既往,我们已经为你,准备了一些特别的东西。  And, as always, we’ve prepared something,special for you!  从12月24日至1月12日,游戏将增加节日装饰,From 24 December to 12 January the game will,feature holiday decorations,和一张新年比赛地图!  and a New Year racing map!  当然,节日往往意味着礼物。  在3D坦克中礼物就是折扣!  Of course, the festive season is all about,gifts. And in Tanki that means discounts!  新年促销将从12月24日开始,所有炮塔五折出售,The New Year sale will start on 24 December,with 50% off all turrets.  接着是底盘、迷彩、道具、PRO通行证和,装备强化的五折活动。  This will be followed by 50% on hulls, paints,   and micro-upgrades.  从12月29日至31日,这三天中,你可以获得双倍的战场奖励。  From the 29 to the 31 of December you’re,in for 3 days of double battle funds.  然后呢?再来一场游戏比赛怎么样。  比赛采用传统的猜谜形式,What’s next? How about another edition of  THE GAME — our traditional quest that will,这将挑战你智慧的极限。  challenge your wits.  奖品包括一辆梦幻坦克和数不清的道具。  Prizes include a dream tank and mountains,of supplies.  像往常一样,你的奖品取决于你解答谜题的速度。  As always, your reward depends on how fast,you solve the puzzles.  当然了,所有金水晶猎人,好消息来啦!  And of course, good news for all you gold,hunters out there!  从1月1日至3日,所有金水晶包都将增值到2015水晶。  From 1 to 3 January, all gold boxes will be  worth 2015 crystals.  还有什么要说的么……  What’s left to say...  准备好!  Get ready!  现在展示本周视频,Time for the video of the week.  这是最近7天里我们收到的最佳剪辑,Here’s the best clip we got in the last,7 days!  视频作者:Firingsniper,Video by Firingsniper,这就是本周的全部内容,坦克手们!  That’s it for this week, tankers!  准备好参加3D坦克新年庆祝活动,点击喜欢按钮,Get ready for the New Year celebrations in  Tanki Online and hit the Like button if you,如果你喜欢这个视频,loved what you saw.  下周我们再会!  See you next week!  
新炮塔名称,跑酷大赛的总结和明信片活动的报名,玩家如何帮助游戏展开SRT字幕  大家好,坦克手们!  Hello tankers!  这是今天的视频博客概要,In today’s episode of the video blog…  新的炮塔名称,一场创意比赛和如何成为帮手,Names for new turrets, a creative contest and,how to become a helper.  让我们开始吧!  Let’s get going!  本周我们推出了改进和更新后的战场列表。  This week we rolled out the improved and updated,battle list.  现在,战场按照战斗模式分组,时长排序。  Now, battles are grouped by battle mode, then,sorted by duration.  如果你有一个PRO战场通行证,你会看到PRO战场排列在屏幕的最顶端。  If you have a PRO battle pass, you will see,PRO battles at the very top of the screen.  如果你没有通行证,PRO战场会排列在最底端。  If you don’t have a pass, they will be at  the bottom.  每个战场的持续时间,模式和时间限制,都会被明显标注。  The duration, as well as flag or time limit,of each battle, is clearly marked.  同时,从现在开始,你只会看到符合你军衔的战场。  Also, from now on, you will only see battles,available at your rank.  想要了解更多细节和变化,请访问官方主页,Visit the homepage to read more about these,and other changes in this update.  坦克手们,在你们的帮助下,我们最终命名了其中的一个新炮塔。  Tankers, with your help we finally have a  name for one of the new guns.  猎枪炮塔现在叫HAMMER(直译:铁锤)  The shotgun turret is now called… HAMMER.  现在,是时候命名即将到来的机枪炮塔了。  Now, it’s time to name the upcoming machine,gun turret.  官方论坛已经充满了想法,我们也想要听到你的声音。  The forum is already buzzing with ideas, and,we want to hear yours too!  征集炮塔名称的链接在视频底部,链接:/  The link to the topic is below this video.  跑酷大师赛已经结束,The Masters of Parkour contest has ended.  很多很多史诗级的视频,充满了疯狂的技巧和高质量的画面。  Lots and lots of epic videos, full of crazy,tricks and high-quality footage.  我们的评选团队已经审核了其中的每一个视频,并挑出最优秀的视频。  Our jury has reviewed every single one of  them and picked the best.  每一个获胜的团队已经获得了200000水晶,和跑酷大师赛专属迷彩,Every winning team has already received 200,thousand crystals, and Parkour Master paints,这是一种可以防御激光炮和地雷的迷彩。  with protections from Railgun and mines.  跑酷英雄的名单和他们的视频作品都在主页上,The names of our parkour legends and their,videos are on the homepage.  2014年就要结束,现在正需要一场合适的活动,2014 is nearly over, and the season is just,begging for a proper contest.  这次的活动叫“3D坦克明信片”  This one is called “Tanki Post Card”!  你的任务是为3D坦克设计一封新年明信片,Your task is to create a New Year postcard,for Tanki Online.  你可以手绘或者使用图形处理软件制图,然后发送给我们,You can craft something by hand or use a graphical,software, and send it to us.  比赛将产生多名获胜者,There can be any number of winners.  每人可以得到50000水晶和,一款独一无二的附带防御属性的假日迷彩,Each of them will get 50 thousand crystals,and a unique holiday paint with protections,正好可以在庆祝新年的活动中使用,for the period of new year celebrations in  Tanki.  更多参赛细节,请访问主页,Visit the homepage for the full details.  “如何成为3D坦克的帮手?”  “How to become a helper for Tanki?”  这是目前最受欢迎的问题。  This is one of the most popular questions,out there.  你知道么?现在是回答它的时候了,我们将分享一些很重要的信息为任何,You know what? It’s time to answer it, and,share some very important info for any tanker,想要帮助3D坦克的人。  who wants to be a helper.  我们已经改变了版主和顾问的工作方法。  We’ve changed the approach for the work,of moderators and consultants.  过去,我们习惯于保持聊天室和论坛的清净。  We used to focus on keeping chats and forums,clean.  现在,我们希望花费更多时间和玩家们沟通并帮助他们。  Now, we prefer to spend more time talking,to players and helping them.  这是一个长期的目标,但我们正尽全力引进并适应这种新的沟通方式,It’s a long shot, but we are doing our best,to introduce this new style of communicating,  任何地点,越快越好。  everywhere, as quickly as possible.  因此,对帮手的要求和选拔标准也发生了变化。  As a result, the requirements for helpers,  and criteria in choosing them, have also changed.  以前,我们看重专业素养。  现在,则更看重玩家是否积极活跃,(Karma是梵语)  Previously, we looked into karma very thoroughly.  Now, it’s more about how active a player,是否有强烈帮助他人的意愿。  is, and how willing he is to help.  如果你想要帮助这款游戏,你最好从阅读百科和学习关于3D坦克的知识,If you want to help the game, you should start,by reading our wiki and learning things about,开始,Tanki.  然后,利用这些知识,在聊天室、论坛、社交媒体去帮助其他玩家。  Then, use that knowledge to help other players,in chats, forum, social media, and of course,  当然也可以在视频博客下的评论里。  in comments to video blogs.  我们将注意你,并和你取得联系。  We’ll notice you and get in touch!  一个视频博客可以充满令人激动的消息。  但是要想保持视频的精彩,需要那些,A video blog can be full of exciting news…  but it wouldn’t be the same without some,真正优秀的画面,seriously good footage.  现在将向你展示的本周最佳视频,Time to show you the best video from the last,7 days!  这就是今天的全部内容,伙伴们。  That’s it for today, guys.  像平常一样,关注我们的官方主页,在视频下方通过评论分享你的观点,As always, follow us on social media and share,your thoughts on the V-LOG in comments below.  下周五,再见!  See you next Friday!  
machine gun(机枪炮、极速炮)介绍:
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