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Cinderella Escape! R12
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4 Sep @ 5:30pm
Newest DLL for r18
Asriel Dreemurr
18 Jul @ 12:59pm
Does the R18 Ptach work for mac?
12 Jul @ 8:32am
12 Jul @ 8:17am
Story? (spoilers)
12 Jul @ 6:50am
How to Save?
8 Jul @ 5:14pm
Linux version?
20 Jun @ 1:24pm
I just watched the Jim Sterling video on this ....
16 Jun @ 10:24pm
what does the R18 patch do?
Mercedes #GEEESE@canadacup
29 May @ 10:44am
r 18 patch
29 May @ 10:07am
secret chamber not working
27 May @ 6:30pm
is the game uncensored or have uncensor patch?
21 May @ 8:32pm
steam trading cards
7 May @ 5:47pm
What is this?
30 Apr @ 2:58am
Anyone having acheivemnt issues
31 Mar @ 2:25pm
hardware Crash
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Title: Cinderella Escape! R12 Demo
Release Date: 16 Nov, 2015
Play Cinderella Escape! R12 Demo
About This Game
Once upon a time, there was an unlucky girl named Cinderella. She's beautiful and kind.
However, her stepmother didn't like her one little bit and treated her as a slave.
One day a letter of invitation was arrived.
Telling that a ball was to be held at the palace and the Prince would choose a girl to become his wife.
She made every effort to get rid of all troubles to go to the ball.
Unfortunately, it happened that she saw the King was murdered by the Prince.
The Prince claimed that Cinderella killed the King and try to framed her up.
Finally, Cinderella was arrested and locked in the dungeon...
Can she escape from the dungeon? Cinderella need your help!
Cinderella Escape! is a 3D Action Puzzle Game.
Use the 3 actions to solve the Puzzle and reach the exit.
Keyboard + Mouse layout
System Requirements
OS: Windows vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Processor: Intel dual core 2.0GHz or better
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX@ 9 Compatible Graphics Card (Shader Model 3.0 or better)
DirectX: Version 9.0a
Storage: 600 MB available space
OS: Windows vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Processor: Intel dual core 2.0GHz or better
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX@ 9 Compatible Graphics Card (Shader Model 3.0 or better)
DirectX: Version 9.0a
Storage: 600 MB available space
OS: Mac OSX 10.6+
Processor: 2.0GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Storage: 600 MB available space
OS: Mac OSX 10.6+
Processor: 2.0GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Storage: 600 MB available space
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Just don't.I wanted to play the entire game but found the demo first so I gave it a try. What a disappointment. Texts, graphics, animations all seem plain and boring. The idea behind this game is quite interesting as is a plot-twist of the Cinderella Story we all know, but the way the game-play is just destroys the story.As I say before, just don't.
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Easy to get the hang of and a lot of fun!
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Absolute shovelware. Poor animation. Brainless gameplay. Not fun in the slightest and the girl isn't even nice to look at
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2 people found this review funny
I have been trying for entire MINUTES to come up with a funny review... but eehhhhhhh... naaaahhhhhhh, whatever.I wouldn't pay money for this game. Just one dude made the whole thing. One dude.Hey, no, don't get me wrong, he's made more games than I have (that'd be zero) and you know, kudos to him, I guess. But... I'm willing to bet a crisp Lincoln that the game is made with a ton of free assets from the Unity Store... and the end result feels like an average student's final design project or something. I'm not really keen on paying even $5 for a bunch of free assets... I feel like many people have worked harder to put out freer games. And got better grades for them.The very least they could have done was commit to the stupid sexy/ half-naked Cinderella design and gone all the way! And that's apparently what the R18 version you have to pay MORE money for (what?) and not available on Steam (wha-huh?) is for! But you have to pay more money and it's not on Steam. So you know... I don't know. There are easier ways to find porn, I guess.I mean, play the demo. See for yourself. You can upskirt her though! That might be a pro! List that under pro. There's no way upskirts can be cons. So, you know, you can get the demo and upskirt her all day. Save your self that crumbled up $5 bill you've got crammed under your sofa cushions and treat yourself with a crunchy wrap gordita supreme.I forgot about the pros and cons! I'll add pros and cons.Pros:Upskirts!Cons:not enough pr0nall assets look freefeels more like a proof of concept or like a student made it for class or somethingWeirds:All the blocks in the game have the logo of the game on them
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Had to see what all the fuss was about? Turns out to be a harmless puzzle game that's strangely addictive. Featuring &Dead or Alive& style appendage physics and little else to get hot under the collar about. Give it a go, it might just surprise you ... then again, maybe not :-)
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too repetitive, and I just found it too hilarious, that the fairy godmother is a well-made art render, and then cinderella's render is her in game model. lol, I did my own let's play of this game. you can watch it at the link. I also thought the sound effects, were really freaking loud, like immersion breaking ear drum shattering LOUD! as you can see in my video I titled it, &LOUD NOISES!& for good reason. But I will give the creator credit he did make a game. (which I never have but I've always wanted to.) and he did manage to put it together, but that's about it.For art style, it's not bad, but you can tell he/she made the model in MMD or some sort of program based around Miku Hatsune 3D Models. and her clothing design... leaves to be desired. I don't care if she's in a dungeon, give that ????? some freaking pants, or at least some bloomers. it's ridiculous to make her in a torn up dress with only a pair of panties. C'mon! what are you 13? and the camera is pretty bad too. Sorry but this game needs a lot more work in all aspects before I'd put money into it. You put the game together and programmed it. so it's a game. just next time. think about more than just what she's wearing.And don't bring sex appeal to a Disney fairy tale... rule 34 already did that, so you don't have to.
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1 person found this review funny
SEXY WRAR!!Its fun I might buy it : ]
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From what I saw in the demo the puzzles were lackluster
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well i played it, and i sort of liked it. i liked watching her boobs jiggle up and down. and i saw up her skirt to. these other guys dont get it, but i can tell alot of hard work went into this game graphic's wise. i wouldnt pay no more than a couple of bucks for it. but its pretty cool... i cant help it most of you guys dont like girls. heck! i wish i had a girl like her in real life
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The full story might have something of interest, but this is just a platformer game with RPG elements that was made with an erotic theme that happens to have a good ending similar to another horror game on Steam.Not worth it, unless you want a play on the Cinderella motif and are willing to put up with an RPG platormer to get a decent ending.3.5/10.A/N:Sorry, but if I I will seek out any decent visual novel. If I want RPG I'd search anything from an established company. If I want something from a D depending on what I'm looking for, I'd try anything from 07 Expansion or JSK studio. Two parells, but it's what you want from the beginnings of a great gaming company and community builder...depending on what you're looking for.
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