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VitaShell Update Released
VitaShell Update Released
S November 24, 2015
Vita owners are in for yet another treat with a speedy update to the recently released VitaShell, the homebrew Vita tool that now allows users to sign PSP homebrew applications, run a FTP server between your Vita and PC and RAR/ZIP extraction.
The changelog for v0.2 is here, with the download link below:
ability to sign PSP homebrews.- Added sleep prevention when
using FTP, deleting and copying files.- Added a scrollbar.-
Added date and time to info bar.- Added correct enter and cancel
buttons assignment.- Added some cosmetic changes.- Fixed
crash when deleting marked entries.- Copied entries now still
rest in clipboard after pasting them.- The application now
cleans itself before launching homebrews.
There is now also the ability to create custom PSP bubbles with the following directions from the developer:
There are 3 steps to create a PSP homebrew bubble:1) Go to your desired homebrew folder at /PSP/GAME/ where there’s the EBOOT.PBP. Press X on this file. If it isn’t signable, you’ll get the ‘Cannot sign this file’ or ‘Error 0xFFFFFFFE’ error. If you have successfully signed the file, a PBOOT.PBP should have been created and EBOOT.PBP renamed to EBOOT_ORI.PBP.2) Copy any EBOOT.PBP and __sce_ebootpbp file to the current folder.3) Rebuild database and enjoy.The compatibility is low, because the homebrews that can be created will be launched from the PS Vita without ANY additional loaders like VHBL, TN-V or ARK. For example static elf’s are not supported by original PSP loader.
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{description}Vitashell怎么用 Vitashell使用方法 - 跑跑车主机频道
-> Vitashell怎么用 Vitashell使用方法
Vitashell怎么用 Vitashell使用方法作者:佚名  来源:
15:40:53   (0)
相关阅读:最新惊悚游戏Virginia公布游戏细节 9月22
大小:1.60G /
语言:日文火车模拟类游戏,《日本铁道路线》系列新作,本作结合英国人气儿童电视节目《托马斯和朋友们》,玩家可以驾驶运行托马斯。大小:2.10G /
语言:繁体铁拳乱斗街霸的穿越格斗游戏,游戏由CAPCOM负责开发,采用了街霸4的引擎,PSV上不得不玩的格斗游戏佳作,这里放出破解版下载,感兴趣的玩家不要错过哦。大小:2.83G /
语言:繁体忍龙2的强化再强化版,除了有些许掉帧,本作的品质还是非常不错的,下面放出PSV的港版破解游戏下载,感兴趣的玩家不要错过哦。大小:893.2M /
语言:繁体没有天诛玩的时代,这款作品是非常不错的替代,这里放出游戏的PSV破解版下载,感兴趣的玩家不要错过哦。大小:1.44G /
  斑马网8月22日消息,《东京迷城》是知名游戏公司日本Falcom推出的都市神话型ARPG,目前国内论坛2dkf网友发贴称已将PSV《东京迷城》游戏破解,同时也给玩家带来了相关教程。  下面是破解教程:  - 首先需要确认的是,psv上没有东京迷城;  - 然后安装henkaku;  - 安装vitashell 0.7;  - 先安装xanadu0.vpk,再在电脑上将xanadu.vpk改名为xanadu.zip并解压。将解压出来的东西用vitashell带的ftp覆盖掉ux0:app/PCSG00608里面的内容即可;  - 现在可以玩儿游戏了  提醒:不要手贱去点升级游戏,点了就玩不了了


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