
3:164:2. 12:32.30:6.22:18-19
them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
15:26. 16:7-15??这??蒾灵?碞琌??宝畒玡?畒灯???盏?灯┮禜┖????Τ?盏?灯?宝畒玡点着?这?灯碞琌????灵??琌???畉??筂诡??酚?帮?炊ぱ?廷?チ??启4:5.参亚4:2-10??ㄆ实????㎝膀服?常琌?着蒾灵??и们み灵い?ぃ断?酚?稰て???и们??启5:6????и们?み灵?Θ????膀服㎝蒾灵?返?パ??见蒾灵?㎝蒾?蒾??样琌Τ???璣ゅ为person??┪译セ蔨??来1:3膀服琌??セ蔨?痷??璣ゅ钦﹚セ蒾经い?セ蔨?为person???蒾灵没Τ????碞ぃ??为??㎝膀服????蒾灵虽砆称为????灵??膀服?灵??τ??为??罗8:4-10????单独?砆称为?蒾灵??τ蒓蒾??蒾?幷??び28:18-20??タ??瑿稣┮说??┮??们璶??ㄏ蒃チ?и?门畕??????蒾灵??给?们琁瑍???び28:19??经?说??篡?蒾灵???碞琌?篡?????畕5:3-4???说蒾灵ノ说ぃ??叹?为и们?―?罗8:26-27??蒾灵参硓??奥??ㄆ?狶2:10??膀服?碙荣蒾灵说????ち?竜㎝亵渎?话常?眔砵??暴独亵渎蒾灵?总ぃ眔砵???说话?デ????还?眔砵??暴独说话?デ蒾灵??さ?来?总ぃ眔砵?????び12:30-31??膀服笵Θψō???为?时??琌―綼??┮赐蒾灵?????过Ч?蒾稀无竜??ネ?タ?经?┮说????┮畉来?碞说???话??为??赐蒾灵给?琌没Τ?秖????约3:34??
3:16King James VersionGod was manifested in flesh
He being over all, God blessed to the ages, Amen. Who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.
1:1-3and the Word was God?笵钩???样??
And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given to us an understanding
that we might know the true (One), and we are in the true (One), in His Son, Jesus
Christ. This is the true God, and the life everlasting. that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in
his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.He
20:27-28 TheosElohim
God said to Moses, ¨I AM WHO I AM.〃〃I AM THAT I AM.〃 I AM I AM
Abraham was, I AM.8:58
14:16-17,26. 15:26. 16:7-15
个别は对??痷????说?输爱伦?ぃ赞Θ???蔨毙条??谔?输爱伦帝瓃い从来ぃノ???蔨这个?学?词?THE TRINITY???蔨??个?组?????帝瓃い却ノ???个?义?????THE TRIO???组?┪????????ぃ赞??琌对??蔨??错误秆释?τ?ぃ琌は对Τ??Ч??τ为??痷?????そじ325?膀服毙ェ﹁亚?会┮?﹚??ェ﹁亚獺经?い?对???蔨???毙义琌这样秆释???и獺独?????????创硑ぱ????硑Τ?无??蒃??и獺独??瑿稣膀服????独ネ???蒃?ぇ玡?为?┮ネ?琌从???来????从??来???从痷??来?痷??琌?ネ??ぃ琌砆硑??蒓??蔨??蒃?常琌虑着??硑???为珸毕и们???从ぱ?临?パ蒾灵稰ゥ担贞?马?亚┮ネ??眔ψō?Θ为????セ丢┘┰?も??为и们钉???琜?砆甡?甀府?酚蒾经材?ら蝋??どぱ?Г????边?将来ゲΤ?荣模??临?审????????国无穷无尽?и獺蒾灵?琌??琌赐ネ㏑??琌从??㎝????来奥???矗???????来??蒓????穛????碙荣?纯虑着众??传ē?и獺ㄏ畕┮传?斑?蒾τそ?毙会?и┯认为砵竜┮ミ?独?瑍礼?и?辨??蝋?㎝来??ッネ??门??
1:1-2from everlasting9:6.5:2
?说??膀服琌?Τ???Τ???ぇ??Christ is the pre-existent, self-existent Son of God.????Signs of the Times, Aug. 29, 1900????琌蒓???单??无???㎝???????琌ッ远???ΤッΤ???????He was equal with God, infinite and omnipotent??. He is the eternal, self-existent Son.???も絑Manuscript 101, 1897?????见传笵论615页??
????毕赎?㎝???琌?单??廷?权琡?タ????权琡??The world's Redeemer was equal with God. His authority
was as the authority of God.???评论㎝硄讯The Review and Herald, Jan.7, 1890,
p.1.?? 7ABC 439.1.?
输爱伦?论?蒾灵说??и们惠璶认识蒾灵?琌Ч?钩???样Τ??????person ??译为セ蔨?来1:3说瑿稣琌??セ蔨?痷钩?セ蔨?璣ゅ?琌person???We need to
realize that the Holy Spirit, who is as much a person as God is a person,???も絑Manuscript 66, 1899. (From a talk to the students at the Avondale School.)
{传笵论616页Ev 616.5}
could be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the third Person
of the Godhead.????Τ?蒾灵????毕赎?┮?Θ?????ネ??綼蒾灵??内み??变为蒾稀?It is the Spirit that makes effectual what has been wrought out by the world's
Redeemer. It is by the Spirit that the heart is made pure.&?????历?篅辨?材???彻671页?
heavenly trio??译为ぱ?Τ???组??????Τ??????????译为Τセ蔨?实蔨?????There
are three living persons of the heavenly trio.璣ゅ?person?译为?????译为セ蔨?参?来1:3い?セ蔨?璣ゅ蒾经为person??êㄇ?着??獺み钡?膀服????这??伟?权????????㎝蒾灵????????璣ゅ为单数?㎝?瑿稣?说猭???见璣ゅ蒾经び28:19??这??权??璶㎝ぱ国顺从??チ???璶???膀服ń过?销穝ネ????疭别证ē?1905??Special Testimonies,
Series B, No. 7, pp. 62, 63. (1905)?编辑??传笵论?615页?Evangelism, P.615??The Comforter that Christ promised
to send after He ascended to Haven, is the Spirit in all the fullness of the Godhead,
making manifest the power of divine grace to all who receive and believe in Christ
as a personal Saviour.& There are three
living persons
in the name of these three great powers?the
Father, the. Son, and the Holy Spirit?those who receive Christ by living faith are
baptized, and these powers will co-operate with the obedient subjects of haven in
their efforts to live the new life in Christ.
?说??ぱ?ッ远??蔼??蝋数The eternal heavenly dignitaries?????㎝膀服㎝蒾灵???禬礛???环╆门畕???篅㎝?们??崩进蒾??ㄏΤ竜??????獺??The eternal heavenly dignitaries⌒God, and Christ, and the Holy Spirit⌒arming them (the disciples) with more than mortal energy, . . . would advance
with them to the work and convince the world of sin.???输爱伦1901?も絑145号????传笵论616页材4琿?
?说??и们应当蒓ぱ????蔼?权???????㎝蒾灵?????这??权??会?着и们???幷ㄏи们Θ为???????We are to co-operate with the three highest powers in
heaven,---the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost,---and these powers will work
through us, making us workers together with God.???1905?疭别证ēSpecial Testimonies, Series B, No. 7, P.51. 1905?见传笵论617页?
?说??ッ?????The eternal Godhead???種为???┦?????????㎝蒾灵??常砆?珹?┮惠?︽动い???间?碈ざ??玂证???The eternal Godhead?the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost?is involved in
the action required to make assurance to the human agent, ......???1882????ヵ辨134彻? The Upward Look (1882)/Chap. 134 - There is a Safe Path?
????Godhead種为???┦?????贪悯?类τ砆縀动?幷????㎝蒾灵???????ЧΘ毕赎?计???The Godhead was stirred with pity for the race, and the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Spirit gave themselves to the working out of the plan of redemption.???评论蒓硄讯?. The Review and Herald/May 2, 1912. Sanitariums as Centers of
Influence and Training. Mrs. E G White????隔?ЧΘ??百度知道 - 信息提示


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