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小学英语 Hybrid Animals
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合成版(Hybrid Animals)是一款经典风格的休闲小游戏,方块风格的小动物看起来非常可爱哦,将它们互相融合,可以变成一个全新的物种,战斗力会更加强大哦,快来试试吧。
合成动物汉化版游戏特色: 1.有趣的杂交沙盒; 2.各种各样的动物; 3.有趣和可爱的视觉效果。
合成动物汉化中文破解版(Hybrid Animals)
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Includes 26 Steam Achievements
Title: Hybrid Animals
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: 9 May, 2016
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Recent updates
Even though it has only been in development for a week, Wilderness mode is coming along very very nicely. Currently, you can explore an infinite world and eat shrubs to gain exp. Then, you can use your exp to level up your skill tree and improve certain stats. Next up is to add creatures for players to interact with (and HUNT/EAT), and actual structures to explore (trees, ruins, villages etc)
Before wilderness mode is released to the public, I want to make sure players can enter the game in a CO-OP mode with their friends, and there are some generic creatures you can interact with. I'll also have it so that you can collect wood pieces / stone and create basic settlements of your own. And then upgrade a tech tree and start building spears/muskets/etc. The current Hybrid Animals that you all know will be renamed &Rumble Pit&, so that you can still host and play the traditional Deathmatch games.
After the initial release, we'll get to work on adding a dynamic and randomly generated storyline. The next update will totally revamp the game =) still, there is a couple weeks of work.
Once Story/Wilderness mode is solidified, and all of your other suggestions have been added, I'll try to move the game out of Early Access, and the price of the game will be raised slightly for people who haven't already bought the game. I just want to say thanks for everyone who has been supporting us thus far =)
Hey guys, I've gotten some more people on board to help me develop the game. In addition to fixing bugs, we're going to start rolling out a few new things in the next 5-8 weeks :
- Story / Wilderness Mode (This will be an infinitely large world, with a randomly generated story. I'm super excited about this feature)
- Map Editor (for Deathmatch and Challange modes)
- Workshop Support for sharing Creatures & Custom Maps
- Mac support
- FPS boosts (Re-factorization of code)
If there is anything else you REALLY want to see, post here =) I'm glad to take suggestions
About This Game
Pick 2 animals from a giant list, and the game will use an algorithm to morph them together! Each hybrid has its own unique stats and perks, and you test them against your friends in a natural-selection kind of way. There are millions of possibilities. Inlcudes 7 game-modes, plus a bunch of challenge maps, but I will be adding content whenever I can (hence, Early Access). You can add your own creatures, from whatever movie or game you can think of, and try morphing them with other animals! It supports that. Comes with online multiplayer & creature-editor & experimental mode.
System Requirements
OS: Windows 7
Processor: Intel Pentium D or AMD Athlon 64 (K8) 2.6 GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidea GeForce 9600 GT or AMD Radeon HD 2400
DirectX: Version 9.0
Storage: 1 GB available space
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Mostly Positive
(136 reviews)
<div class="pre_release_review tooltip" data-tooltip-content="This reviewer last played/used Hybrid Animals on 16 August, which was before it was released.This review may not accurately reflect the state of the released version.">Pre-Release Review
Very sexy. I made a wasp narwhal santa fork t rex stingray god.
<div class="pre_release_review tooltip" data-tooltip-content="This reviewer last played/used Hybrid Animals on 21 August, which was before it was released.This review may not accurately reflect the state of the released version.">Pre-Release Review
derpyost goym moyd far mey. tankc u haybrad anymlz karyatur
its super lagy please fix brozys
<div class="pre_release_review tooltip" data-tooltip-content="This reviewer last played/used Hybrid Animals on 29 June, which was before it was released.This review may not accurately reflect the state of the released version.">Pre-Release Review
Don't even ask me about making a horse-narwhal hybrid.IT DOES NOT MAKE PINK FLUFFY UNICORNS.But it apparently makes the hoofed land-whale. This game is quite rediculously funny and reaaaaaally fun to play.
Not the best, it needs a few more updates to fix the bugs and improve the quality but it's still quite enjoyable
realy fun, perfect to play with friends and funnybut, realy lagy and glitchyits worth it
Actually a fun game. Couldn't find any servers but had fun with the bots. I feel it's semi-unique although I have seen these creature creation games pop up before. But there are unique elements such as the ability to death match with the creatures you breed/create.
This game is definitely interesting.. That is the best way to describe it. It is definitely unique and is good for a laugh because when else can you see what a human breeded with a octopus would create? Besides in Hentai of course!I played this on my YouTube channel if you want to check it out before you take the plunge! If you enjoyed subscribe or like for more content :) thanks!
This is a very cool concept, and its executed fairly well. There's a few issues with not being able to adjust the graphics settings, and getting crap tier animals compared to other players... and the servers being mostly dead... and the creature lab tends to not want to save custom creatures... and the game doesn't seem to save any settings I put like mouse sensitivity or volume, but the game is really fun. I got it for myself and two friends and we all had a pretty good time. I can't wait for the updates that are coming in like Wilderness mode, as that'd be pretty sweet. Overall, the game is really fun to play with friends, so make sure you buy some extra copies or you'll find it to be hard to find any servers.
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Really fun if you have friends to play it with you. It can also be fun alone if you are okay with just making creations. If you have no friends and don't like playing alone, then this probably isn't the game for you.
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114 people found this review funny
Early Access Review
I made a manbearpig
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Early Access Review
The Plus(+) Side:+Fun hybridiziation sandbox+Custom creature creator+Wide variety of animals (and other creatures *cough*cough* cheesburger)+Mini games make for good Lan/Party games+Fun and cute visuals+Mouse & keyboard controls felt good+Interesting selection of weapons in deathmatch (saw blade launcher was my personal favorite) I'm a sucker for breeding in and hybridization in games which is what first drew me to this title. It does contain a fun sanbox where you can mix and match a wide range of creatures to create crazy combinations. In addition to the creature creator is a deathmatch mode and 3 other minigames selected by choosing the &challenges& in the map selecter.
Overall I'm having a lot of fun with the minigames and enjoying creating and breeding my own cubified monstrosities. You might like this game if you enjoyed:CubivoreImpossible CreaturesSee more &Plus Side& reviews at my curator page:
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Early Access Review
This isn't a game, This is art, never have I wanted to be a fork with a rocket launcher, but now...it's my passion. Thank you for this.
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If you're one of the developers reading reviews, please read my ideas on how to improve upon this game and perhaps make a bit more money, because sadly, it hurts me to say with all the pot the repeditive deathmatch-style &WORMS ATTACK& gameplay kills it short... I feel very confident that my concepts can fix the terribly boring aspects of the action gameplay.
OVERALL=7/10 -&Yes. oddly enough, this is still a negative review&.
_Review & Word to the Developers_--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I barely know where to start.. Okay, I seriously LOVE/HATE this game.Like at the same time.. LOVE THE IDEA, Suuuuuuuuuper original! But, I have my issues with it. Now as I break it down for you on the GREAT and the UGLY, keep in mind that the game is in BETA!!! And probably will be for the next year over. **(And to all the negative reviewers jumping-the-gun over $6 saying this game is crap because no one plays online, you should go read the definition of BETA testing and take some notes. 99% of the negative reviews are mostly about the **BETA** multiplayer servers anyways.. Like, give the developers a break bro they heard you all the first hundred times about the servers. Give them some time and give the players time to buy the game. All in due time my friend. :D )**
lol. Okay, so Hybrid Animals is a really GREAT start with the system in which you can fuse and create your own creatures (LOVE IT), and as I see it, if the game as a whole is done right- I believe it carries the potential to start it's own evolution-based genre for future indie titles. Additionally I honestly believe that what the developers decide to do with the mess that is Hybrid Animals action style gameplay from here on out will decide the success of their company in the long term as a whole- the total money, big or small that they will make (and their product's popularity) from Hybrid Animals will accurately reflect the quality of their final product = knowing the Steam community, it serves as the perfect representation of the effect their future choices in developing the gameplay have and how the final product will sale. I gave this game a 7 of ten only because the hybriding system deserves that much, at the very least.-The originality of the hybriding system is it's main fun & major selling point. It's just plain addictive combining animals over and over and It's definitely a similar addictive gameplay to how Pokemon is addictive due to the evolving factor. -But Hybrid Animals also *definitely* deserves those 3 missing points. The gameplay is just a flat out disappointment. I fear that the developers may not take advantage of the originality and accomidate it accordingly with gameplay that takes absolute full advantage of the very addicting creating and hybriding aspect that is this game's greatest selling point. -My biggest fear is that the developers will stick with their seemingly quick-to-finish crap gameplay, **In which mimics every cheap-indie-multiplayer-steam-shooter-that-everyone-wants-a-refund-for-because-they-thought-it-would-be-cool-but-ended-up-hating (Screencheat) genre of games perfectly (I'd be willing to bet that everyone reading this has bought atleast one or two of those crap TrickYouForYourCreditCard games). Please, PLEASE AbstractGames, do not take the {insanely CLICHE} route that the gameplay currently holds and leave us 6 dollars short with a final product that has the only selling point of interest being the hybriding system, because this game has TOO MUCH POTENTIAL TO BE A GREAT INVESTMENT AND A GREAT GAME! Because the action sucks so bad that it kills any and ALL potential the concept has earned thus far. -If you're wondering what's so bad about it. For the hour that I got to play, I noticed that the (actual) action gameplay looks alot like that boring ScreenCheat deathmatch style game that I believe EVERYONE got to download for free. Well, the action in this great concept of a game is, depress JUST LIKE SCREENCHEAT! OH GOD WHY THE TERRIBLE CLICHE OF CALL OF DUTY DEATHMATCH IN AN EVOLUTION BASED ANIMAL BREADING GAME??! Like F.R., Your animal needs to find a gun and shoot the other player/NPC to death in super repeditive 10-minutes-of-just-straight-respawning action.. I think I speak for everyone that played Screencheat when I say &Screencheat sucked, Like top 5 worst of all time sucked&. If these are animals then they should fight like animals in gameplay, not like f****ng soldiers in Call Of Duty. to make it more addicting, they should consider an RPG style upgrade/level-up system involving experience points that unlock additional and new ATTACKS (claw/bite/sting/fire breath, etc) and TRAITS (Tolerance to poison based attacks, etc) and paternal/maternal genetic PERKS (example= attacks involving stingers unlocked due to mother being part Wasp, etc..) from breeding 2 of your favorite creations together as a newer stronger animal in Story mode/Online, etc so we can level up our favorite creations and get competitive online or whatever.-maybe add a store or in-game salesmen who you can spend points/money with to buy compatibility-based equipment, armour, and melee style weapons for compatible animals (sword= humanoid animals only, metal claw gloves= four-legged animals only).Those are just some ideas that I am confident gaming consumers (and I myself) would love! -by judging on the common sense of the latest gaming trends such as Fallout 4, or Far Cry or WatchDogs or whatever, I think it would definitely be the coolest route to go about the game. I mean basically every best selling game of late = rpg elements are found alongside the great concepts those games are build on (like fusing the animals to create custom characters here in Hybrid Animals), you just have to look under their huge piles of money to find them lol. I'm just saying, I LOVE THE INDIE GAMES INDUSTRY! I just really don't want to see the one I'm actually pretty excited for *FLOP* like the heavy majority of them. Hopefully you all can turn the con's around from making this game fine with settling at being just another &okay& Indie game, to making it a &GEM& (THAT I COULD EASILY DROP $15-$20+ -rather than just 6) that I wont have to delete and ask for a refund over later.
Thanks for your time -AbstraktDre.
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3 people found this review funny
Early Access Review
Don't get me wrong, this game and the idea is awesome! Breeding two animals and making a new one that is never the same if you did it again is crazy, but fun! However, despite the creative idea and the intelligent algorithms, the game is not very optimized for gameplay. You can't choose a custom mouse sensitivity, you can't choose a level of graphics (ex. low, medium, or high), and the FPS feels choppy even if it is high. Also, 9/10 times I try to play, no one is hosting, and no one even bothers trying to host! I sure hope the developer makes &official& servers that are always online. The developer says he will make it for optimized for gameplay, and I do hope so. It's a fun idea that is just a joy to play with, but until the game is optimized, I highly suggest waiting!
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52 people found this review funny
Early Access Review
you can blow people up as a burger10/10 would mcdonald's again
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Early Access Review
This is an oddly fun little game, I can see my self playing it quite a bit in the future.
Experimenting with the animals is fun and new each time and the battles are extremely satisfying. Check out this video if you want to see gameplay of my first thoughts.
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Early Access Review
A good game that needs a bigger playerbase.
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