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昨天,育碧的体感大作《舞力全开2015》已经正式登陆了国行Xbox One。小伙伴们已经扭起来了吗?在很有爱的“5.20”,247科技应邀参加了由微软中国、育碧中国和百家合联合举办的《舞力全开2015》Xbox媒体体验会,领略了《舞力全开》舞翻全球的炫酷力量!让我们再来看看当晚的精彩内容,并仔细地来看看这部劲爆的游戏吧! 超过40首欧美劲曲+5首中文歌:秀出你的舞技 《舞力全开2015》收录了全球超过40首点击过亿的欧美劲曲,涵盖了“水果姐”Katy Perry、“钱妞”Ke$ha、“麻辣鸡”Nicki Minaj等Billboard榜首常客的劲爆金曲,还包括清新神曲《Let It Go》和Gaga小姐的销魂单曲《Bad Romance》等。除此之外,在20日的体验会上,微软Xbox事业部中国区总经理谢恩伟先生还宣布,本次国行《舞力全开2015》在全球范围内首次为区域市场定制了5首中文歌曲(我们一直都屌屌滴!),并在开场为大家跳了一段筷子兄弟的神曲《小苹果》。 小编一直在想,这首红遍了大江南北、广受各年龄段喜爱的广场舞神曲《小苹果》在进驻《舞力全开》之后,会不会变得更加火爆?这先不说,这首神曲的跳舞动作可是蛮复杂的,各位不妨挑战一下!另外4首中文歌分别是蔡依林的《舞娘》、曲婉婷的《阳光下的我们》、陈奕迅的《娱乐天空》和我们非常怀念的姚贝娜翻唱的《冰雪奇缘》主题曲《随它吧》。小编仔细看了每个舞蹈视频,建议大家特别是长时间坐在电脑前的朋友们,不妨在工作间隙跳一段《舞娘》,保证颈椎病离你远远哒~跳舞也能健身,还能交朋友! 喜欢热舞的朋友大多数都是健身爱好者,因此Xbox One版本《舞力全开2015》专为喜爱健身的小伙伴增加了“Sweat”飙汗模式。游戏的所有模式都支持大卡消耗系统,大家可以在热舞的同时看到自己燃烧了多少热量,真正实现“舞”“力”全开。这回连健身房都不用去了! 而《舞力全开2015》在延续以往热舞血统之上,进一步优化了游戏的社交功能。玩家可以通过全新的“社区混音”功能与好友一起开电音party,通过改良后的“世界舞台”多人模式结交外国舞友,并通过“Autodance”录制热舞视频并与好友分享,卡拉OK要素使你更能边唱边跳,一次让你high个够!这已经不仅仅是一款单纯的跳舞游戏,更是健身、交友、娱乐全方位的一款大成之作。 希望育碧为我们带来更多好游戏2015年刚刚过去短短几月,育碧已经在中国发行了《型可塑》、《光之子》和《舞力全开2015》三款热销游戏。育碧中国区总经理周宁女士在当晚表示,育碧一直非常看好中国市场,能够在中国主机市场抢占先机,一方面感谢中国玩家一直以来给予育碧游戏的热忱与支持,另一方面也得益于Xbox中国及百家合团队的精诚合作。我们也期盼育碧能为中国游戏迷引进更多更好的优秀作品! 周宁女士还为我们亲自宣传了这款育碧新作。她表示,育碧对《舞力全开2015》在中国市场的表现充满信心。据她透露,美国总统奥巴马也曾为女儿购买《舞力全开》。相信这款年龄跨度极广的育碧大作能够为更多人带来快乐与健康! 幕后推动者——百家合 我们不能忘了这款大作在中国的发行商,那就是百家合。百家合一直致力于为国行Xbox One引进最新、最热的优质游戏,是广大国内玩家的福星。当晚,百家合总经理黄炜先生最后总结道,百家合“有爱、有料、有心。”在520这个特殊的日子,百家合邀请众多媒体朋友享受动感音乐和纯粹欢笑,爱心满满;《舞力全开2015》汇集国内外热门金曲,绝对有料;而百家合希望通过引进这款游戏让平日忙碌的我们与家人朋友一起欢聚分享,实属暖心!我们也希望百家合能为我们带来更多的好游戏! 《舞力全开2015》国行版游戏售价只有199元人民币,比国际版便宜了100多元!小伙伴们,快来体验这款精心制作的体感热舞游戏吧!更多关于这款游戏的消息请继续关注二四七科技微信公众平台!247 Technology Takes You to the Cool Dancing Space of Just Dance 2015 Yesterday, Ubisoft’s motion sensing masterpiece Just Dance 2015 has landed on Chinese Xbox One. Guys, have you been dancing already? In the special day of May 20 (homophonic with “I love you” in Chinese), we, 247 Technology, was among other media to join the Just Dance 2015 Xbox media experiencing show held by Microsoft China, Ubisoft China and E-Home. There, we came to feel the surrounding hot atmosphere of cool dancing, and we decide to tell you more about the wonderful content of that night and introduce this master game in more details to you.
40+ Western Hit Songs & 5 Chinese Songs: Which Dance Will You Choose?
Just Dance 2015 collected more than 40 hot songs with clicks more than hundreds of millions around the world, which include hit music from Katy Perry, Ke$ha, Nicki Minaj and many more Billboard chart top songs. I believe you won’t be strange with the fresh song “Let It Go” that is really a hit on the Internet, and Lady Gaga’s representative “Bad Romance.” On top of that, on the May 20 event, Microsoft’s Xbox department Chinese district GM Mr. Enwei Xie announced that there will be 5 Chinese songs for the Chinese version of Just Dance 2015, which has been the first time that Ubisoft makes custom adaptation for a local region version. And Mr. Xie made a performance of the dance show of one of the hottest Chinese songs -- “Little Apple.”I have been thinking that when this square dance hit song favored by all ages of people across China lands on Just Dance, will it be more popular? Let alone this, this song’s dancing actions are a little complicated, you guys can challenge yourself! The other 4 Chinese songs are Jolin Tsai’s “Dancing Lady”, Wanting Qu’s “We Under the Sunshine”, Eason Chan’s “Entertainment Sky” and our missing Bella Yao’s “Let It Go.” I watched each of these dance actions, and I suggest you guys, especially those that sit long in front of computers, to take a break in working and have a dance of “Dancing Lady”, which will keep you away from sore neck!
Not Only Dancing, But Fitness and Socializing!
Those who enjoy hot dances are often fitness fans. Therefore, Just Dance 2015 on Xbox One adds the Sweat Mode for those who like to exercise while dancing. Besides, all the modes in the game support tracking calorie burns, which can help you see how much energy you consume during the hot dances. It even saves you from going to gyms if you are not in the mood of going out.
Based on the hot dance tradition, Just Dance 2015 further optimizes the game’s social functions. Gamers can choose the brand new Community Remix feature to have an electronic music party with friends, and make international friends using the bettered Global Stage multi-personal mode. You can also record your dance virtual videos with Autodance and share with your friends, and even sing while dance with the karaoke element. This is not only a single dancing game, but a social platform integrating fitness, socializing and entertainment.
Hope Ubisoft can Bring Us More Perfect Games 2015 just passed a couple months, and Ubisoft has already released three hot-sales games of Your Shape Fitness Evolved, Child Of Light, and Just Dance 2015. On that night, Ubisoft China’s GM Ms. Ning Zhou expressed that Ubisoft has always viewed Chinese market as a key market. She continued to point out that Ubisoft’s success in China owes to Chinese players’ enduring love and support as well as the perfect cooperation between Xbox China and E-Home. We hope Ubisoft can introduce more quality games to Chinese game fans!
Ms. Zhou also introduced this Ubisoft new game herself. She said Ubisoft is confident of the success of Just Dance 2015 in China. As she revealed, American President Barack Obama also bought a Just Dance game for his daughter. We have reasons to believe that this all-age-popular Ubisoft master game will bring joy and health to more people!
The Promoter on the Backdrop -- E-Home We cannot forget the publisher of this master game, and that is E-Home. The company has always been working on introducing the newest and hottest quality games for Chinese Xbox One. It is the mediator that brings joy to us gamers. On the event, E-Home’s GM Mr. Wei Huang made a summary and said E-Home is a company that “has love, content and kind heart.” On the special night of May 20, E-Home invited media friends to enjoy the hot music and sincere laughs, which is it introduced Ubisoft’s Just Dance 2015 which is a wonderful collection of hit s and the company called up everyone to spend more time with families and friends, which is indeed warm-hearted! Here, we hope E-Home can bring us more perfect games in the future!
Just Dance 2015 will only be sold at 199 RMB in China, which saves player more than 100 RMB compared with its international sales! Guys, come and enter the hot world of glamorous dances! For more news about this game, stay tuned on 247 Technology WeChat public account!
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渠道在游戏行业里一直扮演着举足轻重的角色。随着近来相关政策的不断出台,渠道也在市场规则的变化和日益激烈的竞争之前我们曾经提到过一个动人的故事,或许你还记得……一名Youtube的用户发现自己去世的父亲一直“留在”他的虽然微软推出过很多特殊涂装的Xbox One,但是绝对都没有下面这一款帅!微软法国在其官方推特上公布了由史塔微软与Turn 10正式宣布,《极限竞速6:巅峰》将于5月5日开启Beta公测,届时作为微软第一方独占竞速大247新广告平台上线!我们拿到了微软的Hololens,并且录下了这些视频……“世界那么大,在家就能看”《使命召唤》于昨天公布了新作的预告片,新作被定名为《使命召唤:无限战争》。本作将于11月4日全球同步发售,这最近关于游戏主机更新机型的新闻满天飞,昨晚上微博“Microsoft信仰中心”爆料,名为“Xbox One二虽然微软的Windows 10还在“突飞猛进”,但一个不可忽略的事实是微软的手机业务依然没有起色。在微软20微软昨天向用户推送了Windows 10 Build 14316更新,其中包含了大量新特性和改进。微软在Wi根据微软在Build上公布的最新数据,Windows 10在全球范围内的装机量已经达到了惊人的2.7亿,这也Surface Hub终于上市!今日Xbox官方微博透露了一个好消息,微软的独占大作《量子破碎》Windows 10版本将于4月上旬登陆Wi微软今天宣布,带指纹识别的Surface专业键盘盖正式在中国市场上市。这款带指纹识别的Surface专业键盘大多数企业的会议室依然在使用非常“落后”的老旧会议室,这些会议室只能进行简单的投影仪展示和电话会议。为了提高最新资讯 (news)
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