“充值轻松筹未达到筹款金额一定金额可以领取充值礼包” 怎么翻译成英文?

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随着国际化语言环境建设的需要,很多城市的地铁系统都使用了双语的标识和语音提示系统,上述关于“充值”的词语也因而获得了相应的英语译文,笔者注意到,在一些城市的地铁系统中,“充值卡”被翻译为value-added card,“充值机”就是add value machine,“充值服务”就是value-added service. 对于这些译文,笔者一直充满了疑惑,感觉是望文生义翻译的产物,最近特此进行了查证和研究,确认了上述译文的不靠谱。
把value-added与“充值”等同起来,首先是语义上不对应。从字面意思就能看出,value-added不是“充值”,而是“增值”。具有很高知名度的专业术语“增值税”,其英语对应表达就是value-added tax,简称VAT,这就是最好的说明。例如:All charges for service are exclusive of value added tax. (所有服务费都不包括增值税)。国外也提供了非常确切的释义:The enhancement added to a product or service by a company before the product is offered to customers. 即某一商品或者服务在提供给顾客之前所增加的或者附加的价值。与value-added有关的另一个专业术语叫做“经济附加值”(EVA,Economic Value Added), 又称经济利润、经济增加值,MBA智库百科对“经济附加值”的解释是一定时期的企业税后营业净利润(NOPAT)与投入资本的资金成本的差额。由此可见,value-added只能解释为“增值”,与“充值”并不搭界。
再来看看value-added card,即所谓的“充值卡”。Google检索确实获得了大量与value-added card相关的网页,但是仔细研究之后不难发现,这里的value-added card指的是信用卡的增值。众所周知,信用卡的基本功能是透支、刷卡等。除了这些基本功能以外的功能就是增值服务,信用卡增值服务的品种和门类很多,各家银行的措施也不尽相同,比如,积分兑换奖品、免费短信通知、不定时抽奖等等。也就是说,具有增值服务(value-added service)功能的信用卡才是value-added card。为了说明问题,特从国外节录一段文字进行验证:
Many credit cards promise "free" rewards (frequent flier miles, for example) if you charge enough or earn enough points. These cards make it seem like you're getting something for nothing. Are these "value-added" cards worth it? The only way to tell is to examine your current spending needs and credit card buying habits.
Value-added cards often come with hefty annual fees. But if you already use a credit card for business expenses (or if you travel a great deal), the tickets you could earn with an airline credit card might be worth far more than the $50 or $60 annual fee.
第一段文字中的"free" rewards就是所谓的增值服务,而括弧里的举例说明frequent flier miles指的就是信用卡的增值服务中最常见的通过刷卡消费累积航空里程,常见于商旅信用卡,其最大的特点就是消费可累积飞行里程,积累到一定额度,就可以用里程直接兑换航空公司的免费机票。又如,航空联名信用卡能为持卡客户提供更多旅行类及生活类的特别优惠与权益,如机场接送、免费升舱、机场贵宾厅、附增保险等多种增值服务。但是,因为具有这些附加的服务,所以,附加了增值服务的信用卡通常是收取不菲的年费的,即上述第二段文字的第一句表述Value-added cards often come with hefty annual fees。由此可见,只有提供了多种增值服务的信用卡,才是真正意义上的value-added card!
同理,对卡片持有人提供的增值服务,才是叫做value-added service。维基百科的解释是:A value-added service (VAS) is a popular telecommunications industry term for non-core services, or in short, all services beyond standard voice calls and fax transmissions,也就是说,通讯行业提供的主打业务(core services)之外的服务就是增值服务。著名的行业术语释义网站wiseGeek 也提供了如下的解释:Value added services are complimentary service options added to a core service offering,不难看出value-added service指的是运营商在基本服务(core service)之外提供的不收费的可选择的服务(complimentary service options)。
行文至此,我们已经可以断定,将公交卡之俗称“充值卡”翻译为value-added card是完全错误的!那么,公交卡的“充值”在英语中究竟应该如何表达呢? 其实,这里的充值只是预付金额而已,即在卡片里提前存入一定数额的金额,便于在乘坐公交工具的时候刷卡使用,金额用完之后则可以续费,即所谓“充值”。所以,公交卡之俗称“充值卡”,应该表达为prepaid card或者prepaid IC card,也不妨正本清源,就称其为public transport /transit card,网络检索发现还有public transport smart card之类的说法,这也是说得通的。事实上,将公交卡统称为smart card 也是可行的,维基百科的smart card词条则详细说明了smart card目前的广泛使用范围,包括金融、手机、计算机安全、校园、医疗保健、身份识别以及公交等领域,其中在公交领域的smart card在不同国家和地区的具体名称不同,如香港的Octopus Card, 伦敦的Oyster Card, 都柏林的Leap Card, 布鲁塞尔的 MoBIB, 魁北克的OPUS Card,旧金山的Clipper Card,荷兰的OV-chipkaart,美国首都华盛顿的SmarTrip等等。提供了世界各地多个城市的公交卡的具体名称。不过这个网站有一张图片提供了新加坡有add value machine这样的说法,看来value-added card这样的说法确实不是空穴来风,只不过从语义和语用角度来说不是很地道。
目前我国多地公交和地铁系统中关于公交“充值卡”的英语译文还有被称为stored-value card,即所谓的“储值卡”,如南京地铁系统的语音提示系统在英语播报的时候就这么说,但是这个说法也不靠谱。首先,store作为动词作“存储”解释时指的是A stock or supply reserved for future use,即把某件物品存储起来以备日后使用,这个释义与这里的“储值”就不对应了。国外某投资网站对store of value条目做了如下解释:Any form of commodity, asset, or money that has value and can be stored and retrieved over time,即任何具有价值的商品、资产或金钱都可以储存起来以备日后使用。其次,根据维基百科的解释,stored-value card应用在公交领域时,应该是指不记名的公交卡,请看以下释义:A stored-value card refers to monetary value on a card not in an externally recorded account and differs from prepaid cards where money is on deposit with the issuer similar to a debit card. One major difference between stored value cards and prepaid debit cards is that prepaid debit cards are usually issued in the name of individual account holders, while stored value cards are usually anonymous. 维基百科的上述解释表明,stored value cards是匿名的。据笔者的有限了解,我国的公交卡起初都是匿名的,而现在基本上都是实名制的,所以说应该属于prepaid card。
事实上,关于“充值卡”,现在还有另外一个应用领域,即手机充值卡,这种充值卡在英语中除了可以表示为phone card之外,近来还通常被称为top-up card。Top up是个动词,表示把一个容器填满,就是续杯的意思。现在Top up 这个词组又扩大了其应用的范围。比如给手机充值,或者给公共交通卡充值。Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 在线词典对top-up card的解释是a card that you buy for a mobile/cell phone so that you can make more calls to the value of the card。Collins English Dictionary 则解释为a card bought by a mobile phone user entitling him or her to a stipulated amount of credit for future calls 。手机充值服务就叫做top-up service,如香港最大电讯公司电讯盈科(PCCW)的在线充值服务网站()对充值服务提供的说明文字Minimum top-up value for each prepaid mobile number is $50 per transaction。从该网站的另一个关于充值和返还话费的说明,我们还可以获得以下一些表达:
Recharge value
Instant Bonus Value
$100 - $199
$200 - $299
$300 or above
上图可见,充值话费为recharge value,立即返还的话费叫做instant bonus value,有效期则是validity.
此外,手机充值卡也可以表达为pre-paid phone card,如美国联邦贸易委员会()网站在消费者须知链接页面中对pre-paid phone card使用说明作出的解释一目了然:When you buy a pre-paid phone card, it means you are paying in advance for telephone calling time. 该网站对手机充值卡提供的另一个说法是calling card。
Top up也可以用作动词,所以买充值卡给手机充值可以表达为top up the phone. 此外,给公交卡或手机充值的动词,还可以使用recharge,该单词本意表示给蓄电池或者电器再充电,现在也经常被延伸使用,表示“充值”。另一个超出词汇本义被延伸使用表示充值的动词是reload,如美国运通预付卡American Express Prepaid Card网站关于充值的说明You can reload your Card as often as you wish either online or by phone.加拿大金斯顿市公交公司则对其公交月票的充值做了如下告顾客说明:Monthly passes are sold at sales outlets or for your convenience, you may reload your monthly pass online.这里的recharge和reload均是从其本义延伸而来的形象生动的用法。
综上所述,笔者认为,公交充值卡应该表达为prepaid (IC) card 或者public transport card或者smart card, 手机充值卡可以表达为top-up card/phone card/pre-paid phone card/calling card,“充值”的动词可以用top up, recharge, reload,甚至就可以直接说add money,如I need to add money to my phone。美国运通预付卡网站对于如何给这种卡片充值(load)就有如下的解释:Add money online or by phone, from Direct Deposit, a bank account or with cash。value-added card应该是指具有增值服务的信用卡,value-added service指的是商家在主营业务之外向客户提供的附加服务,这些服务通常是可选的,也是免费的,如手机积分兑换话费,赠送短信和彩信等等。当然,笔者在这里所做的解释,属于见仁见智的看法,难免存在疏漏或者不当,欢迎一切友好的、善意的批评指正。
About the author:
(作者王银泉 中国日报网英语点津 编辑陈丹妮)
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Email: .cn&&81. in sight&&&&& 82. pay off&&&&& 83. make progress in&&&&&& 84. be frozen with85. look forward to&&&&& 86. can’t help doing sth&&&&&&& 87. stand for88. make full use of/ make the most of&&&&& 89. make sense&&&& 90. be likely to do sth略
第四部分:写作第一节: ( 共10小题,每小题1分,共10分 )读下面一篇文章,根据文中信息完成所给表格,每空不超过三个单词。People in the United States honor their parents with two special days: Mother’s Day, on the second Sunday in May, and Father’s Day, on the third Sunday in June. These days are set aside to show love and respect for parents. They raise their children and educate them to be responsible citizens. They give love and care. These two days offer a chance to think about the changing roles of mothers and fathers. More mothers now work outside the home. More fathers must help with child-care.These two special days are celebrated in many different ways. On Mother’s Day people wear carnations. A. red one stands for a living mother. A. white one shows that the mother is dead. Many people attend religious services(宗教仪式)to honor parents. It is also a day when people whose parents are dead visit their graves. On these days, families get together at home and in restaurants. They often have outdoor BBQs for Father’s Day. These are days of fun and good feelings and memories.Another tradition is to give cards and gifts. Children make them in school. Many people make their own presents. These are valued more than the ones bought in stores. It is not the value of the gift that is important, but it is “the thought that counts”. Greeting card stores, florists, candy makers, bakeries, telephones companies and other stores do a lot of business during these holidays.71.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Types/ categories●Mother’s Day●72.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&73.&&&&&&&&&&to show love and respect for parents.Common points offer a chance to think about74.&&&&&&&&&&&75.&&&&&&&&&&● wearing carnations on Mother’s Day.●76.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
to honor parents.●77.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&●78.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
at home and in restaurant.●79.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&80.&&&&&&&&&&Giving cards and gifts to parents. &
Atlanta was a Greek princess. She was very beautiful and could run faster than&&& 31&&&&&&&&&& man in Greece. But she was not allowed to run in the Olympic Games. She was&&& 32&&&&&&&&&& angry that she said to her father she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her. Her father said she must marry and asked her&& 33&&&&&&&&& she wanted to marry a king or prince. But Atlanta replied, “I will only be married to a man who can run faster than me. When a man says he wants to marry me, I will run& 34&&&&&&&&&& him. If he cannot run as fast as me, he&&&&&&&& 35&&&&&&&&& (kill). No one will be pardoned.”Many kings and princes wanted to marry Atlanta but when they heard of her rules, some of them&&& 36&&&&&&& (sad) went home. Other men stayed to run the race. There was a man called Hippomenes who was amazed when he heard of Atlanta’s rules. “Why are these men so&& 37&&&&&&&& (fool)? Why will they let&&& 38&&&&&&& be killed because they cannot run as fast as this princess?” Then when he saw Atlanta come out of her house&& 39&&&&&&&& (run), Hippomenes changed his mind. “I&&&&&&&& 40&&&&&&&&&& marry Atlanta — or die!” he said.
翻译句子:1. 他迅速走过去把老人扶起来。2. 我们跟着那小偷进了商店,并在他偷一位老人的钱的时候抓住了他的手。3. 看到一块大石头挡住了去路,他们只得下车,并且费了九牛二虎的力气才把它移到路边。4. 虽然他大声呼救,但无人来帮他。5. 上个周日,当我们正在去公园的路上,一场大雨倾盆而下。结果我们浑身湿透了。6. 王宏每天在吃完饭后,帮妈妈收拾桌子,这己经成为了惯例。7. 他伸手去够书架上的那本书,但却摔倒在地上。8. 我看见一位老人背着一个大包在雪地里费力地走着。9. 那个骑车人撞倒了正在过马路的孩子。10. 班长在墙上贴了一个通知,通知说:运动会因为下雪推迟到下周五。11. 那位司机因为超速而付出了高昂的代价。12. 正在我苦思冥想怎样解决这个棘手的问题时,一个好主意出现在我的脑子里。13. 在暑假里,我的好多同学外出打工,而我却在医院照顾生病的妈妈。14. 当外国朋友走出我们的校门,我们看见他们十分友好地对我们挥手道别。15. 当我们向机场行驶时,一场车祸发生了。16. 他向我道歉,因为昨天下课时他误拿了我的字典。17. 当他弯腰系鞋带时,他看见地上有东西在发亮。18. 当他回到家时己是晚上9点了。妈妈仍在等他回来吃饭。19. 我写信告诉他:我在出国前必须进行大量的口语训练。20. 他因我的及时帮助而表达了由衷的感谢。21. 那只绑在树上的羊丢失了。这使他很伤心。22. 那位司机因闯红灯而罚款200元。23. 这些社会实践他活动有利于孩子们的个性培养和良好品德的形成。24. 我们正在吃饭,突然闯进一个衣衫破旧的陌生人。25. 他们决定去老王家登门拜访,并且和他好好谈谈。26. 刚上路,天就开始下雨,这使我们十分扫兴。27. 那个年青人虽然伤得不轻,但还是挣扎着站起来,并大声呼救。28. 他一脚踩空,重重地摔在地上。29. 在半道上他们遭遇到交通堵塞而且天也黑了。他们只得在路边小旅馆留宿一夜。30. 他是一个很有礼貌的人。每次去看他,他都要把我们送到门口并嘱咐我们路上小心车辆。31. 听到高速路上发生了一起严重的交通事故,他们立刻前去救护伤员。32. 一个不能认真对待工作的人是不能被录用的。33. 由于改革开放的好政策,许多村庄都呈现出一派欣欣向荣的气象。34. 我们的老师并不鼓励我们熬夜做作业。35. 在走了20里路后,我们累坏了。36. 他为那张祖传的名画而十分自豪。37. 他们在会上作了简要的自我介绍,然后才开始热烈的讨论。38. 那位科学家因为研究发明了新稻种而获得了500万奖金。39. 今年春节,很多地方都允许放鞭炮来辞旧迎接新。40. 他主动提出帮我抬箱子,为此我很感谢他。41. 恶劣的气候不仅破坏了我的心情而且使我无法去和朋友们见面。42. 他从口袋里掏出几个硬币,放到那个卖艺人前面的盒子里。43. 那辆车在我面前突然左转,这吓得我够呛。
第四部分&单词拼写和短语(共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分)1. Sports, though important, should not ____________(主宰)our school. 2. I’d like to work as a peer ____________ (调解员) in school life, someone who helps students to settle problems that they have with other students . 3. The villagers treated us like heroes, and for a brief instant, I felt all the fear and danger had been w______________. 4. The film opens with a 30-minute sequence of the invasion of Normandy, probably the most violent ______________(图像) of war ever shown in a film. 5. The bombing c ______________ in London lasted until May 1941. 6. 对……感到疲倦的(weary)_________________&&7. 为……做出牺牲 ___________________8. 绕……一圈&&&& ___________________ &&&&&&&&9. 拥有;占有&&&&&&&&&&&& ____________________10. 从竖直到水平& ______________________
The baby was left in charge of my aunt.
课文填空(满分5分)New Zealand is an island that lies 86& the eastern coast of Australia . It is made up of two large islands: North Island and South Island. New Zealand is 87 by the Pacific Ocean to the north and east, and the Tasman Sea… It is about the same88&& as Japan. Wellington, the capital city,& 89on the North Island . Other important cities are… and Queenstown, 90 to the south.
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。InvitationA woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She thought they were hungry and invited them in to have something to eat.They refused because her husband was out.& 71&“Go to tell them I am home and invite them in!” The woman went out and invited them in. “We do not go into a House together,” they replied. “Why is that?” she wanted to know.One of the old men explained: “His name is Wealth,” he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, “He is Success, and I am Love.” Then he added, “Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home.”The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. He said “& 72&&Let him come and fill in our home with wealth!”His wife disagreed. “My dear, why don’t we invite Success?” Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion: “Would it not be better to invite Love? &&73&”The woman went out and asked the three old men, “Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest.”Love got up and started walking toward the house.& 74&&Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success: “I only invited Love. Why are you coming in?”The old men replied together: “If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would’ve stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever he goes, we go with him.& 75&”A.The other two also got up and followed him.B.Our home will then be filled with love!C.In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened.D.They were very happy to be invited.E.&&&&&&&&&Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!F.&&&&&&&&&He loved money badly.G.&&&&&&&&Let us invite Wealth.
根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(E 涂AB,F涂AC, G涂 AD)(5分)— Hi, Mike. Haven’t seen you for ages! How are you doing?— Can’t complain I’m busy with my experiments in the lab but after work I often play some sports.— &&&&61&&&&&— Like tennis, running and golf.— Golf? That’s also my favorite game.— Oh, really?— &&&62&&&&&&—&I usually play about once a month. What about you, Susan?—I play every Sunday.—Even when it rains?—Yes, even when it rains. I never miss a game on Sunday.—&&&&63&&&&—The Country Club. Do you know it?—&&&&64&&&—That’s great! So you know the place.—Yes, of course. You’re going to play next Sunday, I suppose.—Let me see…—&&& 65&&&—Oh, I’d love to. What time shall we meet?—Let’s meet at the clubhouse at 1:30 in the afternoon.—Good. See you then.A. For example?B. How Often do you play it?C. Who do you play for?D. Like what?E. we can play together.F. Where do you go?G. Yes, I was there once.


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