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浙ICP备号-1PHILIPPINE President Duterte has effectively signed death warrants of up to 50 drug-dealing officials as the street execution toll soars to 600.
A FORMER nuclear launch officer has gone ballistic, delivering an all-out attack on US Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump.
A PASSENGER on the Emirates plane that crash landed in Dubai has described her horror over the moment the plane burst into flames.
JARRYD Hayne was clearly upset about the landslide of abuse he has copped in the past 24 hours. He took it out on a television reporter.
CAN you guess the year this woman was born? A Japanese fashion model has created a social media frenzy after users learnt how old she is.
THE actor was photographed completely naked as he went paddleboarding with his girlfriend and some mates during a holiday in Sardinia.
HEINRICH Himmler, who oversaw The Holocaust, enjoyed back rubs and days with his mistress, his newly found diaries reveal.
A WOMAN who likes being “catcalled” says she doesn’t know why others don’t take it as a compliment.
SONNY Bill Williams has provided a simple assessment on why Aussie Jarryd Hayne’s rugby sevens career was doomed.
AUSTRALIA is one of the top targets for Islamic State with the group has been linked to hundreds of terror plots across the world.
THE fine print on this bottle of milk prompted accusations of “sneaky tactics” by Woolies. Now a dairy farmer wants to set the record straight.
THERE’S nothing humane about sleeping on the street, it’s not safe or comfortable, it’s not a dignified way of life. Politicians must find a way to create affordable housing.
WHAT is happening with Britney Spears? Her latest single’s bombed in the ARIA charts after one week and there’s talk the video has been binned.
POLICE have growing concerns for the welfare a 14-year-old Sydney girl who hasn’t been home in six days.
A DEVASTATED delivery driver has told of the moment a woman stopped breathing after a freak accident at a boom gate in a Gold Coast shopping centre car park.
DISGRACED Sydney socialite Harriet Wran’s release from prison has been delayed for at least six weeks.
THE Government admits the organisers of Census clearly weren’t prepared for the flood of enquiries coming their way.
A GUARD with the unenviable task of looking after notorious killer Andrew Albury has revealed what he’s like inside.
A WOMAN has been found dead after going out for her evening run, as police hunt for the attacker who “sexually assaulted and strangled” her.
THE brother of JonBenet Ramsey is set to publicly discuss his sister’s death for the first time, 20 years after the pageant star was found dead in their home.
LIVE TV doesn’t always go to plan. America’s Got Talent viewers witnessed an horrific act when a contestant was shot in the neck with a flaming arrow.
ALLY Brueger was doing what she loved when she was killed. But who wanted this quiet nurse dead? And was the killer laying in wait for her?
A TRANSIT officer has become the first in the US to be charged with a terror-related offence, after being accused of trying to support Islamic State.
THEY’RE three of Australia’s hottest models. How do Jesinta Campbell, Jessica Gomes and Gemma Ward prepare their bodies for a fashion show?
IT WAS a terrifying Sunday afternoon when neighbours found a woman lying stabbed and burnt alive in a stairwell.
SHOCKING abuse, sexual harassment and filthy conditions. This is happening under our noses and Aussies are paying for it.
OPINION: Australia’s oldest mum has just given birth and the controversy surrounding her is out of control. Here’s some perspective.
SINGLE-serve Viennetta on a stick is something we could enthusiastically get behind here in Australia, and it better be happening.
Huge rise in Pokemon inspired baby names
39 soups to warm you up this winter
10 ways to update your kitchen in a weekend
THOUSANDS of sex tourists flock to Thailand’s raunchy, red-light districts. But that’s all about to change according to one woman.
AN INTERNATIONAL Qantas flight from Sydney to Dubai has been turned around an hour into its trip.
CAN you imagine a scarier stroll than this? A narrow glass skywalk on the side of a mountain, has just opened ... and it’s a 300m drop to certain death.
QANTAS and Tourism Australia are back together after a four-year spat, announcing a $20 million deal that will include sharing consumer data.
EMIRATES staff have been slammed as insensitive after the pilot reportedly told crew he “didn’t want a death on his flight”.
REVIEW: This big-screen expansion of the hit 1990s Brit-com is a tired, lazy and often rather horrible effort from all concerned.
THE 36-year-old star has opened up about her decision not to get breast reduction surgery.
MARIAH Carey was quick to move on from Nick Cannon with James Packer. Now, her ex has started dating a member of one of the biggest girl bands ever.
SPOILER ALERT: Doctor Patrick Reid has made a surprise return to Offspring and it could see Nina expand her family.
IS RORY pregnant? That’s the question Gilmore Girls fans are asking after Netflix released a little tease for the series reboot on Instagram overnight.
IN the wake of the VW diesel emissions cheating scandal, Australia’s peak motoring body will conduct real-world tests on top-selling cars.
AN AUSTRALIAN scientist has claimed we could all just be brains in jars, living in a fake reality created by an evil genius.
CYBERPUNK thriller Deus Ex instantly redefined storytelling, narration and gameplay while simultaneously becoming a cult classic.
ONE lucky pup gets the fresh start to life it deserves after having his two front legs chopped off by an angry neighbour.
NEW York is enforcing a new ban to stop sex offenders from playing the game. Should Australia follow suit, or is this law an over-reaction?
UNIVERSITY graduates struggling to get work have told story after a story about how worthless their degrees have become.
THE banks have enraged borrowers by failing to pass on the Reserve Bank’s full rate cut, but losing an extra $20 off the mortgage could be the least of our worries.
DATING app Tinder uses personal information without explicit consent and so breaches data protection rules, an EU lawmaker says.
IT IS building into the most controversial census as, one week out, the agency in charge is being accused of snubbing families.
A MAN was left scratching his head after copping at $97 fine for parking his car in the same spot he has for the past 20 years.
THE hardest suburbs to buy into don’t have the most spectacular views or expensive houses.
IF $200,000 is your budget is there anything worth buying in the Aussie property market today?
For the first time an apartment has been named Australia’s house of the year. This is why.
DANNY Green says he is now fully focused on his mutli-million-dollar rematch with Anthony Mundine after scoring a unanimous points win over Kane Watts.
A HOST of high profile rugby players are in hot water after a stripper accused them of “licking” her during drunken celebrations.
A SIMPLE moment shared with the greatest Olympian of all time sparked the allure of Rio for this reporter.
THE Matildas suffered Olympic stage fright in their first match in Rio, including a disaster never seen before at the Olympics.
JARRYD Hayne announced he’ll play for the Gold Coast Titans, but it was another decision he made today that left everyone baffled.尼龙分轮盘座
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