xbox one xboxone美服免税地址 neverwinter 拍卖行在哪

《无冬OL》美服3月31日登陆XB1 将免费模式运营
来源: 发布时间: 21:45:01
&完美世界及旗下北美游戏工作室Cryptic Studios今日宣布,《无冬之夜》网络版《无冬OL》(Neverwinter)Xbox One版将于3月31日正式发行,将采用免费模式运营。
《无冬OL》Xbox One版与PC版并无太大区别,Xbox One版将支持好友列表集中式管理以便玩家从PC平台转移至主机平台。
《无冬OL》仍属于Wizards of the Coast打造的《龙与地下城》(Dungeons and Dragons),是完美世界收购北美游戏公司Cryptic之后推出的首个PC/Xbox One双平台MMO。国服此前已进行删档测试,目前已停服。更多精彩尽在 模式专题:/games/patterns/
{gamemijinews}有官方中文的海外版XBOX ONE游戏列表一览 - 跑跑车主机频道
-> 有官方中文的海外版XBOX ONE游戏列表一览
有官方中文的海外版XBOX ONE游戏列表一览作者:佚名  来源:
18:29:12   (0)
& &在海外发现的XBOX ONE游戏有很多也是有官方中文化的,下面小编带来一份自带官方中文的海外XBOX ONE游戏列表,以便广大玩家朋友采购。‍说明:‍* 中文版游戏出现中文字幕的方法,由开发商决定采用哪种(1)系统区域设置为香港、台湾或新加坡,且语言设置为繁中或简中,游戏自动出现。表中不注明均为本方式。(2)游戏菜单切换,此时不需要切换区域。(3)单独购买中文版。*『中文版限定卖场』,空白表示美国等卖场下载的版本已经有中文,『新港台』表示新加坡、香港、台湾卖场下载的版本才有中文。* Xbox One 卖场的特别福利,购买的游戏如果在不同卖场有不同语言的版本,绝大多数都可以切换卖场后免费再下载一个,进入你的游戏库等待右边的待下载列表自动刷新或者 LT+RT+X 刷新,如果已经下载安装的游戏还出现在列表,表示该游戏在不同卖场配置不同语言的版本。KOEI 的一些除外,一个版本付费一次。游戏中文名中文版限定卖场备注Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China刺客信条编年史:中国篇国语配音:切换新港台(主角英语,配角国语)Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag刺客信条 4:黑旗新港台Assassin's Creed Unity刺客信条:大革命新港台中文字幕:游戏菜单选择Dance Central Spotlight舞动全身:夺目焦点国语配音:切换新港台Dark Souls Ⅱ: Scholar of the First Sin黑暗之魂 2:原罪哲人Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round生死格斗 5 最终回合中文字幕:游戏菜单选择Dead Rising 3僵尸围城 3Dynastry Warriors 8: Empires真・三国无双 7:帝国新港台中文字幕:购买中文版Evolve进化FIFA 15国际足球联盟 15新港台Final Fantasy Type-0 HD最终幻想:零式新港台中文字幕:购买中文版Forza Horizon 2极限竞速:地平线 2Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious极限竞速:地平线 2 - 速度与激情Forza Motorsport 5极限竞速 5Goat Simulator模拟山羊中文字幕:切换新加坡,简中Grand Theft Auto V (GTA5)横行霸道 5Halo: The Master Chief Collection光环:士官长合辑国语配音:新港台下载后切换台湾Halo: Spartan Assault光环:斯巴达突击Kinect Sports: RivalsKinect 体育竞技中文字幕:切换新加坡,简中Limbo地狱边缘Magic 2015: Duels of the Planeswalkers万智牌 2015:旅法师对决国语配音:切换新港台Minecraft: Xbox One Edition我的世界NBA 2K14美国职业篮球 2K14中文字幕:游戏菜单选择NBA 2K15美国职业篮球 2K15中文字幕:游戏菜单选择Nutjitsu松鼠忍者Ori and the Blind Forest奥里与迷雾森林中文字幕:游戏菜单选择,简中Peggle 2幻幻球 2中文字幕:切换新加坡,简中Pro Evolution Soccer 2015实况足球 2015Project Spark灵感计划 / 星火计划国语配音:切换新港台Resident Evil Revelations 2生化危机:启示录 2Ryse: Son of Rome崛起:罗马之子Shape Up健身趣Threes!小三传奇Titanfall泰坦天降Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition古墓丽影:权威版新港台中文字幕:游戏菜单选择Trials Fusion特技摩托:聚变Warframe战争框架Warrior Orochi 3 Ultimate无双大蛇 2:终极版新港台中文字幕:购买中文版Watch Dogs看门狗新港台The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt巫师 3:狂猎新港台中文字幕:游戏菜单选择Xbox FitnessXbox 健身中文字幕:切换新加坡,简中Zombie Army Trilogy僵尸军团三部曲中文字幕:切换新加坡,简中
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大小:6.83G /
语言:日文大小:6.11G /
语言:繁体《樱花大战:炽热之血》是以一代为主要内容的PS2重制版,不但将游戏中的过场CG全部重新制作,连2D与3D冒险与战斗的CG也是全部重制,同时把三代和四代的新战斗系统沿用进去,并追加了全新的剧情故事。大小:1.26G /
语言:英文比起THQ偏向写实和仿真的《美国职业摔角联盟》系列,本作更偏向于街机式爽快的对战体验和夸张的造型风格。游戏融合了格斗游戏和摔角模拟游戏的特点,玩家更能够选择现役的和过去的名摔角手实现乱斗。大小:590M /
语言:简体《樱花大战1&2》是在多个平台上引起巨大轰动的著名美少女游戏“樱花大战系列”的第一第二作以合集的形式推出的PSP版,游戏讲述了大神一郎带领着由少女们组成的帝国华击团与邪恶势力作斗争的故事,与少女们的好感度将会影响到游戏最终的结局大小:2.00G /
语言:简体《樱花大战5零章 ~荒野的少女武士~》是《樱花大战5再见吾爱》的前传,本作将叙述《樱花大战5》中的女主角,德州出身的牛仔少女 杰米妮‧桑来兹(Gemini Sunrise),在未加入纽约华击团.星组之前,从故乡前往纽约的这段纵贯美洲大陆之旅。1. 新网站上线
2. 魔兽世界
3. 灵魂回响
5. The Witcher 3
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Title: Neverwinter
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Release Date: 5 Dec, 2013
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Recent updates
We’re proud to announce Neverwinter: Storm King’s Thunder is coming to PC on August 16! In just under one month, adventurers will be able to investigate the sudden return of giants to the Sword Coast in our tenth expansion, which coincides with Wizards of the Coast’s new adventure.
In order to fight off these colossal invaders, adventurers must return to Icewind Dale and team up with characters from Dungeons & Dragons lore, including Catti-brie and Wulfgar, characters created by acclaimed author, R.A. Salvatore.
Storm King’s Thunder introduces three new adventure zones for high-leveled players where the story missions will take place – Bryn Shander, The Lonelywood and Cold Run. After completion of the new campaign, a new dungeon by the name of Fangbreaker Island will be available to delve into, offering a challenge unlike any other.
Our first step into the much-anticipated class balance arrives with this expansion where the Hunter Ranger, Scourge Warlock, Guardian Fighter and Great Weapon Fighter will undergo overhauls to make different paths more viable. These changes are currently on Preview if you’d like to check them out.
We have more information coming soon in our series of developer blogs leading up to August 16. Keep an eye out on our social channels and news page to stay up to date on all things Storm King’s Thunder.
Will you brave the storm?
Gather your allies!
Hey folks! We’ve been listening to your feedback and working hard to improve the overall Neverwinter experience. With our new update, we’re doing a number of things to improve the quality of life. This ranges from giving guilds the tools they need to band and grow together, to helping guide players through their overall journey across the Sword Coast.
We’re also continuing to work on class balance (which is going through internal testing right now, but will be out on our preview shard in the near future) and general bug fixes.
For more info, check out these blogs:
But that’s not all! We’re also working hard on a number of upcoming events, including Neverwinter’s third anniversary and our ever-popular summer event. We’ll have more on both of those soon, so be sure to check back regularly!
Thanks for reading and I can’t wait to see you in game!
Scott Shicoff
Lead Designer
“With its fast-paced combat and ubiquitously streamlined design, Neverwinter nails the concept of what an action-MMO should be.”
“Neverwinter takes the most satisfying aspects of D&D's 4th edition in terms of combat and development, and turns it into a D&D adventure that left me squeeing with the joy of seeing my favorite monsters and mechanics.”
“Cryptic has created a finely tuned, smooth game that remembers the lessons its predecessors learned, and in the process bookends a long progeny of MMORPG development.”
About This Game
Neverwinter is a free, action MMORPG based on the acclaimed Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. Epic stories, action combat and classic roleplaying await those heroes courageous enough to enter the fantastic world of Neverwinter!
Explore and defend one of the most beloved cities from the Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting as it rises from the ashes of destruction. This immersive MMORPG will take you from the besieged walls of the city to subterranean passageways in search of forgotten secrets and lost treasure.
Completely Free-to-Play
You don't have to pay to adventure. From 1 to the level cap, all playable content in Neverwinter is free for everyone to experience.
Engaging Action Combat
You can forget about tab-targeting or auto-attacking your enemies to death. Neverwinter provides an amazing combat experience where every action requires planning, feels visceral, and looks spectacular.
Infinite Content
Neverwinter comes with the Foundry, a dynamic toolset that provides you the game assets and a sandbox environment to create your own adventures. When your creation is complete, you can hook it up directly into the existing world for everyone in the community to play!
D&D Experience
Whether you come from the tabletop game or the novels, Neverwinter has recreated many iconic classes, locations, and encounters that you might recognize. You might choose to adventure as a hearty Guardian Fighter, deceive foes as a Trickster Rogue, follow the righteous path as a Devoted Cleric, or more! On your journey through Neverwinter and the surrounding lands, you will face Kobolds, Beholders, Mimics, and other nasty creatures of the D&D universe.
System Requirements
OS: Windows(R) XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
Processor: Dual-core 2.0GHz CPU or better
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: Shader Model 2.0 or higher, GeForce 6800 or ATI Radeon X850 performance, 128MB+ video ram
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 4 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound chip or onboard audio capability with the latest sound drivers
OS: Windows(R) XP SP3, Windows Vista SP 2, Windows(R) 7 or Windows 8
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8GHz CPU equivalent or better
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 8800 or ATI Radeon HD 2900GT performance or better, 512MB+ video ram
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 4 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound chip or onboard audio capability with the latest sound drivers
(C) 2016 Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Neverwinter, Forgotten Realms, Wizards of the Coast, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries, and are used with permission. Hasbro and its logo are trademarks of HASBRO, Inc. and are used with permission.
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I used to LOVE Neverwinter, played it for 8+ hours a day for almost a year (I played most of my time not through Steam, if you're wondering why the numbers don't add up. After getting a few characters to max level, I find the game unenjoyable for several reasons. However, let me not be entirely biased to the negative aspects of the game, I shall list some pros too, if I can think of any that is...PROS:+Fun I guess, decent lasting appeal.+Cool animations, mechanics, and cinematics in my opinion.+Many ways to play your character.+Many dungeons, plus community made instances that make end game less dissatisfying, and it welcomes harder or easier instances than what is provided in the actual game.If I can think of more, I'll be sure to mention it.CONS:-Game can be really laggy if you don't have a high-end PC, poor optimization.-Quests, quests, quests.. Daily quests, instance quests, collecting quests, I'm tired of hearing the word quest.-Most of the dungeons provided are WAY too easy and drop absolutely rubbish gear.-Grindfest up to max level, I got bored and took several hiatuses while leveling my first and second characters.-You thought the grindfest was over at max level? Think again! Time to grind for good gear while getting overloaded with gear that's so garbage, it's comparable to Trump's campaign.-The community is honestly toxic. There's a lot of spammers, scammers, beggars, and elitists who look down on everyone else. The Elitists are the worst. I can't count the number of times I had to leave a dungeon because my gear wasn't to their standards. Screw you kids.And the biggest con of all, the one EVERY other review mentions...You ready?Me neither.PAY TO WIN BABY!You like green stuff in your wallet? Don't play this game.If you like this game, say goodbye to that green stuff!This game evolved from a sheer grindfest to who can waste the most money on an online video game. Fits in with the elitists. Allow me to simulate a conversation.1: &Hey man! I just spent $200 on the game!&2: &No way dude! I just finished farming for 8 hours and got nothing!&1: &Man that's unfortunate! Good news for me though, I just spent another $200 and tricked out my first character! I'm so happy!&2: &You wasted that much on the game?&1: &Your gear sucks, don't talk to me pleb.&^Neverwinter in a nutshell.Don't play this game, it's terrible now. Cryptic put this game in the ??????? in recent months/years by adding an insane paywall to even be able to play with other people, unless you're lucky and wait for a few hours.. or days.. Stick to World of Warcraft, Rift, or something along those lines.
I loved the game it was awsome but i cant conect to it any more.I've been on a wild goose chase through my files and settings trying to make it work but still nothing. glad it's free cause this is a bust. :(
too OP PvP...need balance..
I used to play WoW, Diablo, DCUO and many other MMO's. These games have nothing on neverwinter. I was always fasinated by D&D but never really got to enjoy the experience of it. I'm not one for lore and bearly read the quest but in neverwinter i have understood thew story line perfectly and must reccomend that u download the game and play a few different classes up to around lvl 8-10 and from there you will decide weather u would like to kep playing or not!
I love this game, it's fun, full of interesting things to do and has great graphics......Only issue I have with it is I can't connect to it anymore. I have changed my modem, turned all my firewalls off, port forwarded it, reset almost every setting on my pc to get it to work and still nothing. It wont connect to the client, it wont connect to the website, it won't connect to the game.I have had alot of hours off steam trying it via the Arc client with no success either.Sorry Neverwinter but I wont recommend this great game if I can't play it.
All these kids that are getting rekt in pvp and saying that its P2W...)Game is amazing. You dont have to pay.just git gud.
try this game if you liked Dragon age, if you have seen Game of thrones, and if you like D&D unvierse you wont get bored from this game - unless you're ready to spend
tons of time playing this amazing ENDLESS game :D
This game does a lot of thing right but has it's slip up's.+ Amazing and entertaining combat+ Class and skillsets are interesting and makes you think about what playstyle suits you best.+ Some interesting missions.+ Map size, over 10 cities + warzones each having different types of enermies, people and quests.+ Special attacks and combo's can be put together in your skill set making you feel like a badass.- Low graphics- Confusing currency system- Some outright SH*T mission that make no sense and should not be a mission- Poor story, i found myself not really caring for too many character's in the worldInconclusion i would recommend this game, it is a very fun and easy to get into MMORPG. It does have downfalls but the pros outweight the cons and i give this gave a7.5/10 Its a really interesting concept but some much more could be done to make this game a 8 or a 9.
I played this game when it was full released years ago and the game was so smooth and I had the best time ever on an MMORPG. Now its on steam well.. It came on steam along time ago i started to play this game again.. Now I really cant be ???? to play this game anymore because of the FPS issues. PE Below 20fps. Everywhere else 60fps. Some areas 30 - 60fps.This game is badly Opt. I give it a try on the PS4. But! I do recommend this game because It one of the best mmos iv ever played and END Game is epic. But! They need to fix there framerate issues.
I like this game. I read a lot of bad reviews about it being pay to win, and maybe it is at higher levels or in PVP, but for a really smooth and enjoyable MMO leveling experience, this game really shines. Some are complaining about the dated graphics, but the animations are great and it runs smoothly on my laptop. It has user created quests, too! Fun.
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This game used to be fun and used to be good, now with the recent changes I come back after a 6 month leave and I'm welcomed with complete and utter pay to win. You used to be able to sell things in the AH now that is a thing of the past. Want good gear and not have to pay for it? Not gonna happen here. The best part of this game was running dungeons and now that is basically non existant, the game economy is useless. STAY AWAY AND DONT WASTE YOUR TIME. They are honestly just trying to scrape what little money they can get from this game before it officially dies.
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The free-to-play model is done fairly badly here as there are too many quality-of-life items that are locked behind a paywall. The game play is hindered by being tied to a console-model which limits how many abilities you have access to. It's not at all apparent what the different choices you're asked to make at level 10+ and 20+ really mean and since it costs money to re-spec, you can't afford to keep trying different specs to learn what the different choices mean.
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Don't play Neverwinter.Seriously!The game is over three years old and has still vast technical issues from day and also laggs and framedrops on newer GPUs like GTX970 or GTX 980.Also this game is pay2win. You need additional bag space because they created a strange refinement system with hundreds! of different items while the bag space can cost you over 30 Dollar. You want an epic mount: Buy it. You want the best mount in the game, a legendary one, then spend several hundred dollars on the gamble lockbox machine.Certain key items that you need for your gear progression are locked behind the ingame shop.They will state you can get everything with time but that is a lie because they have somekind salvage system in the game that only exist to restrict your daily income and dungeon runs will net you no profit over that limited forced uppon you through this salvaging system.And even if you catch up, they can make an update to &rebalance& the game and litterally delete the progression of several years of work.The game has on PC at best only 20.000 player left from formerly 2 millions. PvP is unplayable because it lacks the playerbase and is otherwise broken because you can buy power if you are in a big guild (which is easier and faster upgradable if you spend money).The Foundry, one of the key features of the game is not playable and isn't updated in over two years.Seriously don't play this game. I played it since the beginning and only recently got rid of their own Steam-esque client because it opened a security hole in my firewall.
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Pay to Win garbage
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Ok, here's the serious answer. You can spend time or money to get more powerful.. Sorry for the crappy crayon drawing and lame graph, but I had to make due in a pinch. Power gains are rapid and easy for small investments of time/money. However, the way the game works, it becomes increasingly expensive in terms of time or money to increase your power, to the point where it might take days or weeks (or supposedly hundreds of dollars) to increase your power a very, very, very small less than 1%.Thus at a high level, a character might have exponetially more hours (or money) invested in it, but a very, very small actually difference in power (5-10%). For some people, this is apparently a huge deal. Particularly in PvP there are some people who simply do not possess the skills or reflexes to overcome a 5% difference in gear. For others who are very skilled or practiced, that differences is far outweighed by said skills.However, you're going to see the typical &OMG IT COSTS LIKE THOUSANDS OF DOLLAHS TO BIS& stuff when this question gets asked. And the answer is, yes, if you want to level to 60 and instantly have the best EVERYTHING, the market price is probably close to $2000. But if you're willing to put even just a small amount of time into the game, that price drops for some people.
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Used to be good, didnt play for 6 Month, game went Pay 2 Win ( The most ????ing annoying thing that ever could happen to a game, every pay 2 win game is determined to be gone in a couple years. (Playerbase))Though Neverwinter (My first D&D experience) is one of the best MMOS i have ever played, most probably rank 1 for me, i love the PvP and also the PvE and this game does well in it.Was fun, sad that this game is going down slowly, sad that developers get hungry over money .. R.I.P NeverwinterSincerly, just another Player
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I highly recommend this game. It's easy to play for hardcore and casual gamers. Character progress is relatively fast, but what makes it standout is companion quests, crafting and many other mini games. Plus it's D&D property. Next step for me would be creating my own quests and giving something back to the community.Oh, and you will absolutely love combat system!!!
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I'm not rich enough to keep playing this game
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Lag with 300Mbps internet connection (sh*tty servers) , nobody play it and towns are empty. Graphics at max are like doom 2004 at low settings. Characters have some sort of minecraft physics . Quests are boring and repetitive , quets made by others players are limited to *go kill 10 dogs* *destoy that box 10 times* *find the hammer next to me* ...
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