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逆战2015年11月新版本背景音乐是什么 新大厅音乐是哪几首
09:15 作者:菜蚜
  11月新背景音乐分别有3首,它们是《good boy》,《Mizuki- Aliez》,《sugar》,最近大厅那首歌是核爆神曲,是某部动漫《ALDNOAH ZERO》中的ED2,听说这部动漫不光歌曲好听,本身也非常值得观看哦~逆战玩家中的动漫迷们有兴趣的话可以去看看。
健康游戏忠告:抵制不良游戏 拒绝盗版游戏 注意自我保护 谨防受骗上当 适度游戏益脑 沉迷游戏伤身 合理安排时间 享受健康生活
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软件名称:名通8090游戏运营平台软件   版本号:V1.0   江苏名通信息科技有限公司网游逆战大厅的背景音乐有哪些??_百度知道
.Over my head—Sum412..Break Down—金贤重4.Still waiting—Sum413.GAME -宝儿.6.she is my sin5
出门在外也不愁一首歌的名字和完整歌词....Ms gone cold....是什么歌?哪有下载?
一首歌的名字和完整歌词....Ms gone cold....是什么歌?哪有下载?
09-05-12 &
thank u-by dido my tea`s gone cold i`m wondering why i got out of bed at all the morning rain clouds up my window and i can`t see at all and even if i could it`d all be grey but ur pic on my wall it reminds me that it`s not so bad,it`s not so bad drank too much last night,got bills to pay my head just feels in pain i missed the bus and there `ll be hell today i`m late for work again and even if i`m there. they`ll all imply that i might not last the day and then u call me it`s not so bad ,it`s not so bad and i want to thank u for giving me the best day of my life oh just to be with u is having the best day of my life push the door,i`m home at last and i`m soaking through and through then u handed me a towel and all i see is u and even if my house falls down now i wouldn`t have a clue because u`re near me and i want to thank u for giving me the best day of my life oh just to be with u is having the best day of my life and i want to thank u for giving me the best day of my life oh just to be with u is having the best day of my life ~~~over~~~我超级喜欢这首歌,知音啊!
thank u-by dido my tea`s gone cold i`m wondering why i got out of bed at all the morning rain clouds up my window and i can`t see at all and even if i could it`d all be grey but ur pic on my wall it reminds me that it`s not so bad,it`s not so bad drank too much last night,got bills to pay my head just feels in pain i missed the bus and there `ll be hell today i`m late for work again and even if i`m there. they`ll all imply that i might not last the day and then u call me it`s not so bad ,it`s not so bad and i want to thank u for giving me the best day of my life oh just to be with u is having the best day of my life push the door,i`m home at last and i`m soaking through and through then u handed me a towel and all i see is u and even if my house falls down now i wouldn`t have a clue because u`re near me and i want to thank u for giving me the best day of my life oh just to be with u is having the best day of my life and i want to thank u for giving me the best day of my life oh just to be with u is having the best day of my life ~~~over~~~ 我超级喜欢这首歌,知音啊!


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