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Comsenz Inc.BlogHarbor :: Home
BlogHarbor Service is Closing on Mar. 31, 2012
July 4, 2011
It is said that "All Good Things Must End," and unfortunately our
BlogHarbor service is no exception... We're sad to announce that
BlogHarbor will be closing on October 3, 2011 March 31,
2012 after more than 8 years of operation.
, our vendor for the Blogware platform upon which our
service is based, recently
announced that they would be shutting down the service and that
after October 3, 2011 "all content stored on Blogware, including posts,
photos, templates and other assets will be deleted and unrecoverable."
Now for the good news... Four years ago today on July 4, 2007 we
launched , our
managed WordPress hosting service. Many of our BlogHarbor users had been
looking to move to a more flexible self-hosted WordPress system so we
created a service which provided the ease and simplicity of BlogHarbor
but added the additional power and flexibility of WordPress - without
the hassle of installing and configuring and maintaining software. We
have migrated many BlogHarbor customers to our PressHarbor service over
the last few years and have the expertise and experience to make your
transition to WordPress as smooth as possible.
So while BlogHarbor is closing, we are ready to help you continue your
site on our WordPress-based PressHarbor service and to migrate your site
at no charge. If you would like to move your site to WordPress on our
PressHarbor service, please read on.
If you are not interested in moving to PressHarbor, you can simply do
nothing and continue to use your blog until it is deleted on October 3
or you can choose to move your site yourself to another hosting
please see
will try to provide useful information about exporting content from
Blogware to other systems. Please note that we unable to provide you
with the ability to use your *. address with other hosting
providers, nor will we be able to provide individual technical
assistance with migrations to other hosting providers due to the
inherent limitations in the Blogware export tools as well as the fact
that all hosting services are unique environments over which we have no
Moving to PressHarbor
If you would like to transfer your blog to PressHarbor, this page outlines the steps to begin the migration
process and details the what kind of content can be migrated and what
can't. We also have had a long thread
at our BlogHarbor support forums where you can read about
experiences other users have had in moving their sites to PressHarbor.
If you have a Blogware site from another service provider, we're
offering the Blogware Migration Service to help you easily migrate to our
PressHarbor platform.
Thank You!
Some of you have been hosting your site with us since
the beginning, and we can't thank you enough for your support.
BlogHarbor has been a pioneer in the world of "social media" before it
was even called social media, and thanks to you we're still excited
every day to help you bring your website to life. While this may be the
end of the BlogHarbor service, we're continuing to provide a powerful
and fully supported blogging solution
and hope you
will join us there to create a new beginning for your website...
John Keegan
BlogHarbor Founder
Recent articles and photos posted to BlogHarbor Network weblogs.
ink-sweat-and-City of Spirits, Coming in April
City of Spirits, Coming in April
Images of future Hwy. 520 bike trail over Lake...
Last Post&29 March 2012
www.mirroroftomorrow.orgMoving to
Recently commented on posts in the BlogHarbor Network.
Your Child says he&#39;s done his chore and he hasn&#39;t. What...
www.parentsurvival.orgLights, camera, action &
Hezbollah an Increasing Threat on U.S. Mexican Border
hermes handbags
twitter followers no password
Gravestone of Nancy Hubbard
More BlogHarbor weblogs...
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