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How To Fix D3d9.dll is Missing or Not Found Errors
D3d9.dll Error MessagesThere are several ways that d3d9.dll errors can show up on your computer. Several of the more common specific d3d9.dll error messages are listed below:"The file d3d9.dll is missing" "D3d9.DLL Not Found" "File d3d9.dll not found" "D3d9.dll not found. Reinstalling might help fix this."D3d9.dll errors usually appear when a game or other software program is started.Cause of D3d9.dll ErrorsD3d9.dll issues are caused in one way or another by an issue with Microsoft DirectX.
The d3d9.dll
is one of many files contained in the DirectX software collection. Since DirectX is utilized by most Windows based games and advanced graphics programs, d3d9.dll errors usually show up only when using these programs.Don't Want to Fix This Yourself?If you're interested in fixing this problem yourself, continue with the troubleshooting in the next section.
Otherwise, see
for a full list of your support options, plus help with everything along the way like figuring out repair costs, getting your files off, choosing a repair service, and a whole lot more.How to Fix D3d9.dll ErrorsImportant Note: Do not download the d3d9.dll
individually from any "DLL download site." There are a number of excellent reasons that .Note: If you've already downloaded d3d9.dll from one of those DLL download sites, remove it from wherever you put it and continue with these steps. if you haven't yet.The d3d9.dll error might be a fluke and a simple restart could clear it up completely.
. Chances are, upgrading to the latest version of DirectX will fix the d3d9.dll not found error.Note: Microsoft often releases updates to DirectX without updating the
or letter so be sure to install the latest release even if your version is technically the same.Note: Windows 7, 8, Vista, XP, etc. are all supported by this same DirectX installation package. It will install any DirectX 11, DirectX 10, or DirectX 9 file needed and supported in that version of Windows.
Assuming the latest DirectX version from Microsoft doesn't fix the d3d9.dll error you're receiving, look for a DirectX installation program on your game or application CD or DVD. Usually, if a game or other program utilizes DirectX, the software developers will include a copy of DirectX on the installation disc.Sometimes, though not often, the DirectX version included on the disc is a better fit for the program than the latest version available online. . Something might have happened to the program files that work with d3d9.dll and a reinstall could do the trick. . If the above troubleshooting steps haven't worked to solve your d3d9.dll error, try extracting the d3d9.dll individually from the DirectX downloadable package. . While it's not the most common solution, in some situations updating the
in your computer could correct this DirectX issue.Applies ToThe d3d9.dll error message could apply to any program that utilizes Microsoft DirectX, most commonly video games.Any of Microsoft's
since Windows 98 may be affected by d3d9.dll and other DirectX issues. This includes , , , , and Windows 2000.Still Having D3d9.dll Issues?See
for information about contacting me on social networks or via email, posting on tech support forums, and more. Be sure to let me know the exact d3d9.dll error message that you're receiving and what steps, if any, you've already taken to resolve it.
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How To Fix D3d9.dll Not Found or Missing Errors


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