我很好奇zero escape 3 攻略还能玩出什么诡计

& [极限脱出3:零时困境 预购豪华版附赠内容[含游戏原声音 ...
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帖子精华0积分14228金钱83330 荣誉64 人气1863 评议0
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补丁说明:极限脱出3:零时困境 预购豪华版附赠内容[含游戏原声音乐、高级手册];豪华版附赠内容包含游戏原声音乐,及高级手册.by thegfw
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thank you~~~
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Powered byZero Escape Volume 3 Revealed - IGN
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Zero Escape Volume 3 Revealed
The trilogy continues.
In the first half of 2016, Zero Escape Volume 3 will make it's way 3DS and PlayStation Vita for North America. Zero Escape Volume 3 is a direct sequel to 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors and Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward. Unlike its predecessors, the North American version of Zero Escape Volume 3 is in production alongside the Japanese version. The release window for the Japanese version of Zero Escape Volume 3 was not announced. "We're working very closely with our Japanese development team to crank this out together and on time," Aksys Games' Danny Miscevich said.
Got feedback on our player?
We want to hear it.
Back in February 2014, Zero Escape creator Kotaro Uchikoshi said on
that, due to poor sales in Japan, Zero Escape 3 was put on hold. Fans took to social media and created
in support of Zero Escape 3. In March 2015, Aksys Games posted a link to a
with floating words and a counter that ticked down to their Anime Expo 2015 panel where Aksys formally announced Zero Escape Volume 3. Virtue's Last Reward won IGN's award for
for its "unforgettable story on the dilemma of choice."
Miranda Sanchez is an Associate Editor and an IGN Anime Club host. You can check out her ramblings about anime, MOBAs, and cats on .
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