eden steam怎么steam eden汉化补丁

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力荐Bangumi Game Ranked:#452
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"eden*" 的评论
这是一个从始到终的过程,又是一个没有开始,没有 ...
因为玩过已经有一段时间了(一个月左右)才来写这个评论,我大概也是记不得很多的细节的,还请见谅 ...
EGS评分:中央值80 平均值80 データ数565 标准偏差11
シオン(しおん Sion)
  被称为“中二社”的minori,国内的玩家们对它的印象有这么几个:一是新海诚制作的超高质量OP动画,二是酒井伸和对待玩家的SB行径,三是在不必要的地方烧钱最终玩脱险些破产的搞笑历史,四是新时代的“巨乳村”,五是《悠久之翼》。在酒井伸和还没把整个会社玩脱的那个 ...
对了,这作的OP不是新海诚做的啊啊啊啊啊啊啊,别再刷什么诚哥了啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 ...
"eden*" 讨论板
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情怀吧 给了8分 最近重推了一次感觉还是没几年前玩的感动了 M社的游戏系统总觉得不适应
怎么说呢,挺温馨又悲伤的一个故事,结局有被虐到,最后的bgm《learn earth》超喜欢
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Full Audio
Title: eden*
Release Date: 30 Jan, 2015
SUMMER SALE! Offer ends 4 July
-60%? 68? 27
“eden* is an excellent way to spend eight hours [...] it builds an intriguing world and history and then fills it with characters you come to care about on a personal level.”
About This Game
In the near future, an ominous red star suddenly appears in the sky. Its presence is about to bring about the extinction of all life on Earth. The unified government proposes an evacuation project to take all of mankind into space, but in order to make the seemingly impossible project a reality, 'felixes' are brought into the world. Engineered to be highly intelligent with perpetual youth and longevity, the genetically modified superhuman felixes stand as humanity's only hope for survival.
Sion, the most gifted of the felixes, has been kept in a research facility built on a solitary island for the past hundred years. Her sole purpose, saving all of humanity. Ryou Haruna, a soldier from the Earth's unified government is sent to watch over Sion, who desperately seeks freedom from the military that's imprisoning her. Earth's last love story is about to begin.
A tale of the planet's final love story told using the full force of minori's critically acclaimed illustrative style, engaging musical compositions, and the highly talented staff that has led fans coming back for more every single time!
Eden tosses aside the traditional sprite and talking heads conventions used by many visual novels and instead employs a far more cinematic approach consisting of almost all event illustrations. Told using a widescreen resolution of 1024 x 640, eden promises a play-experience more akin to enjoying a movie than reading a book. We hope that this new approach to the visual novel medium provides a much more enjoyable experience for everyone.
System Requirements
Processor: Pentium4
Memory: 256 MB RAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 5 GB available space
Processor: Core 2
Memory: 512 MB RAM
(c) minori All rights reserved
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Very Positive
(28 reviews)
Overwhelmingly Positive
(905 reviews)
Though it starts off slow, this VN packs a punch, the feels are real. If you're a fan of emotional VNs (think Katawa Shoujo) then you'll like this one. If you're not, you probably won't.
I have no words to describe how much I enjoy and love this VN.It really is a feels train, in one moment you could be laughing and in the next one crying.Yeah, I have no words for it, I just gotta say is worth reading.10/10 would cry again.
Many comments said they are cried when they playing this game. But almost all of them give a positive feedback to this game. Do you know why?
I trust they are never regret to play eden* even though this game make us cried. Good is not enough to describe how this game good.it is very very very good game.good performance on story, CG, BGM. [ I love the BGM (Liberating), it is music drug]You will absolutely never regret to buy eden*.
Life is beautiful.The world is beautiful.This game is beautiful.
The story was good and touching. It's totally worth the 8-15 hrs playtime (depending on how fast you read and understand the story).
I like anime, but this is my first &visual novel.& I made it all the way through this story, and I can't recommend it. The art is really good. The music is appropriate albeit a little repetitive. The story had some promise at first (it seemed), and had some novel ideas, but ended up just being cliché. As others have mentioned, the ending had the makings of being sad, but for me really wasn’t. Why? By the time they got around to ending it, I didn’t really care about any of the characters.Writing was ok, but I can’t think of a scene except for the very last one that wasn’t unnecessarily drawn out way too long. I know they were trying to provide backstory and detail in an attempt to make the characters deeper, but for me there were far too many instances thinking “I wish they would just get on with it an advance the plot already…” Sometimes that wish would take as much as 30-45 minutes of drawn out dialog.The characters themselves weren’t great. Sion was the character I liked the most, and her story was fairly sad. The male main character I didn’t care at all for. He was intentionally cold, emotionless, and flat. They tried to remedy that near the end of the story, but by then I just simply didn’t care. It was too little too late. A half an hour of opening him up at the end didn’t make up for 9.5 hours of listening to the same “poor me” lines from him again and again.I was waiting for some action, or a big plot twist, or something. Nothing like that ever came. The story was extremely predictable from beginning to end. I'm glad that I was eventully able to reach the end, just because this is the first visual novel that I've ever experienced. It's an interesting idea, and I'm sure there are good ones out there, but I didn't think this one was particularly great. The whole story could have easily been condensed down to 2 hours and probably would have been more enjoyable, given the fact that at 10+ hours in, at the end, you wouldn't be feeling like the whole experience was such a chore.At the end, for me the positives outweigh the negatives. I've read the positive reviews and I can see why some people liked it, but reading the negative reviews after having gone through this, I don't disagree with any of the points that they make either. 3/10.
It's pretty good.
Touching. Sad. Beautiful art and writing . and the music quite relaxing.In addition ,the story is amazing . but sad .10/10 .Hope u can enjoy it :D
I came.I cried.I conquered.One of the best Visual Novel's I have ever read.
I cried, i cried and i cried some more. this VN is a Master Pieceit starts of fairly slow at the start but well worth the wait, ht story is so tragic yet heart warming and the characters so lovable.the art and music are spectacular and everything fits extreamly well together i truly recommend this to any Vn lover! p.s (ihave 11 hours of gp however that was done offline so it doesn't show)
Touching. Sad. Beautiful art and writing . and the music quite relaxing.In addition ,the story is amazing . but sad .10/10 .Hope u can enjoy it :D
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I came.I cried.I conquered.One of the best Visual Novel's I have ever read.
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I cried, i cried and i cried some more. this VN is a Master Pieceit starts of fairly slow at the start but well worth the wait, ht story is so tragic yet heart warming and the characters so lovable.the art and music are spectacular and everything fits extreamly well together i truly recommend this to any Vn lover! p.s (ihave 11 hours of gp however that was done offline so it doesn't show)
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Beautiful visual novel with an amazing and emotional story. There is never a dull moment and many tears were shed.10/10
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The premise is pretty solid for this one and I think the execution does it justice, though the game does lose a bit of momentum in its second half, and the last act of the game is kind of a slog similar to sitting through a funeral. But overall, I enjoyed it. The art is good, the music is good, the story's not too long, the characters, while maybe a bit mary sue-ish, feel real enough to keep me engaged in their interactions, and the ambiguous nature of the main plot is p doesn't really need to be an exact answer for everything. The romantic aspects are generally sidelined and only come into play near the end (maybe why the ending felt like a slog for me) but there's enough of a buildup and character development that it's not really bothersome. Do note that this is a VN with no choices whatsoever, literally just a visual novel that you read/look at/listen to etc. But it works fine for the story. So yeah. Mildly pleasant overall, doesn't really feel like it drags on much, and there's plenty of heart to it.The heck is up with the intro though, doesn't really fit in with the tone of the game at all.
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Life is beautiful.The world is beautiful.This game is beautiful.
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My mom came in my room this night and asked me why i got so many tissues in the trash and I straight told her i've been jerking more than usual lately... I just couldn't tell her i was crying my ????ing eyes out sniveling and ????? at 4 am because of an amazingly sad japanese cartoon game.9/10 would play again
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I wasn't entirely sure about a VN priced at $20.00, but after about ten minutes in, I realized why. It should be noted that I'm fairly new to VN games in general, having only played six or seven personally. That being said, compared to those, this blows them out of the water. First off, the story is not only moving and impactful, but long. You don't actuall come across the intro until about 30~ minutes in. That's just a estimate, but it honestly felt the opening came in where other VN closing credits would start rolling.Secondly, the entire VN is voice acted. Voice acted tremendously well, for that matter. Even the main protagonist has not only a voice, but a face as well.Not only that, but the art in this game is amazing. At first I thought I was delusional, but every character's eyes and mouths move. Every character and background scene really immerse you into the story the developer wanted to portray. 10/10, only regret regarding this game is the fact that I didn't buy it sooner.
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A short review with no story details.eden* is a wonderful visual novel with brilliant art and a soundtrack that enhances the reading experience without being too overpowering. Simple details like having the characters blink add a nice touch to an already high quality work. This is by far my favorite visual novel currently (this review was created March 22, 2015) on Steam. The $20 price tag is quite steep, so I would wait for it to go on sale (mine was 50% off). If you're looking for a serious visual novel to start reading, I recommend this.Notes:- Length ~15 hours (assuming you listen to the voice acting)- There IS voice acting- There are NO choices/routes in eden* (Kinetic Novel)- There is VERY LITTLE TO NO fan service- This is the regular version of eden. The eden Plus+Mosaic version (not available on Steam) includes added blood to certain scenes and less censoring for certain scenes. It also includes an extra eroge side story that is not part of the main story. In my opinion I would have liked the added blood, but an eroge side story sounds incredibly out of place for this VN.- I consider this a serious/emotional visual novel, unlike a VN such as Sakura Spirit. It tries to BE something and succeeds instead of appealing to absurd fan service.- Originally released September 18, 2009
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65 people found this review funny
Almost as good as Clannad.
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