dota2 6.87版本更新的6.2更新有补发物品吗

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DOTA2 6.87c版本更新了哪些东西 新版本更新日志
14:07:52& &来源:
  DOTA2 6.87c版本更新了哪些东西 DOTA2 6.87c版本动日志一览。dota26.87c版本更新了什么?相信很多玩家都想知道,下面小编为大家带来《DOTA2》6.87c版本改动日志一览!
  末日使者- 地狱烈刃的基础伤害从40降低到了25/30/35/40
  复仇之魂的基础智力和智力成长从15+1.75下降到13 + 1.5
  风暴之灵的基础智力和智力增长从23 + 2.6 增加到24 + 3.0
  赏金忍术造成的减速效果从18/22/26/30% 下降至15/20/25/30%
中国游戏排行榜(China Game Weight Rank)是由新浪游戏推出的国内最全面、最专业、最公正、最客观的多平台游戏评测排行榜,包含了目前市场上所有的手游、端游、主机游戏、VR游戏、智能电视游戏及H5游戏,力图为中国玩家打造最值得信赖的游戏推荐平台。
“全民手游攻略”是新浪游戏为全球手游玩家量身打造的一款手游攻略大全及专业游戏问答社区APP。“全民手游攻略”涵盖Apple Store游戏畅销榜前150名手游,网罗最新手游通关秘籍,帮助玩家畅玩手游;打造最全手游攻略资料站,帮助你用最省钱的方式吊打土豪。最火爆专业的游戏问答,让众多游戏大神带你开启不
分享至微信朋友圈DOTA2 6.85b改动日志 DOTA2 6.85b更新
第 1 页:DOTA2 6.85b改动日志-游戏性改动
第 2 页:DOTA2 6.85b改动日志-英雄改动:末日削弱
第 3 页:DOTA2 6.85b改动日志-平衡性改动及Bug修复
第 4 页:DOTA2 6.85b改动日志-英雄饰品bug修复
  DOTA2 6.85b改动日志-英雄平衡性改动
  The main client will be updated with the 6.85b changes after the conclusion of the Nanyang tournament.
  - Scepter Doom no longer increases damage
  - Scorched Earth damage and heal reduced from 12/24/36/48 to 12/23/34/45
  焦土的伤害和治疗量从12/24/36/48 降低至12/23/34/45
  - Scorched Earth cooldown rescaled from 60/55/50/45 to 55
  - Spiderlings Poison Sting slow reduced from 12% to 8%
  DOTA2 6.85b改动日志-游戏性能及平衡性改动
  - Added a list of games with open lobbies to custom games overview page
  - Added a Game Of The Day to custom games overview page
  - Added a new tickets area on Player Profiles
  - Added support for offline solo play
  - Added Downloads section to the Watch tab that lets you view, rename, delete, and browse the replays that you've downloaded
  - Added a new matchmaking region in Tokyo with additional connectivity to Taiwan and Korea
  - Added the ability in the Tournament Details popup to expand a tournament series and, for each game in the series,
  go to the match details as well as see the heroes played and duration of the match
  - Fixed bug where loss of Steam or game coordinator connectivity would prevent reconnection to the game server
  - Custom Games: Added over 800 new voice lines to the Default Announcer for Custom Games to use
  - Low Priority games now use Single Draft rather than All Random
  - The Owned Item Details page now allows you to purchase chisels and hammers when you try to add sockets or remove gems
  - The Owned Item Details page now allows you to change item name or description, as well as clear gifting information. You no longer may change this information from the armory.
  - Bundles now show 'Preview Full Set' in their armory context menus
您可以使用“← | →”键快速翻页,或者进入模式!快捷登录:
编辑&整理:丨橙子 来源:CGA,NGA,官网,百度DOTA2吧
  假眼和诡计之雾现在刷新时间固定,而不是间隔,刷新时间为(秒): 0, 64, 192, 320, 448, 576, 704, 800, 832, 960, , , )6月7日起,2016年高考拉开大幕。[]
& & & 正文
DOTA26.84更新日志 官方6.84更新日志链接:
今天我们发布了Dota 2的6.84版本游戏性更新。马上前往更新专题了解海量游戏性改动,全新的阿哈利姆神杖升级效果,八件全新物品等等。更新已经进入Dota 2 Test客户端,预计于后半周进入Dota 2主客户端。
Borrowed Time can now be cast while disabled (same rules as Morphling's Morph)
- LOA大招现在和水人的转属性一样可以在被晕的时候用。
Unstable Concoction countdown can now be seen by enemies
Unstable Concoction now has an area targeting cursor
Greevil's Greed now grants 4x gold bounty from Runes
Alchemist can now cast Aghanim's Scepter to directly grant any allied hero all Aghanim's Scepter bonuses as a buff (the hero upgrade and the stat upgrade). The scepter is consumed in the process. Multiple instances of this buff do not stack. Alchemist can target himself as well
- 敌人又可以看到摇摇乐的时间了。
- 摇摇乐有了一个瞄准范围。
- 地精贪婪可以得到4倍的赏金符文。
- A杖效果:炼金术士得到一个新的A帐效果,开启后所有友军获得相对的A帐效果加成(随着英雄升级,奖励升级)。有A杖的时候,多个BUFF不叠加,A杖效果也可以给自己。
Chilling Touch buff can now be removed by clicking on the buff icon above the health bar
- 寒冰之触的效果现在可以被移除,点击血条上面的BUFF就好。
Berserker's Call cast point from 0.3 to 0.4
Counter Helix now triggers when attacks land rather than when they start [?]
Culling Blade movement and attack speed bonuses reduced from 40% to 30%
- 狂战士怒吼前摇从0.3提高到0.4
- 反击螺旋现在只有别人A到才转,而不是他们抬手(例如人马和伐木机被动)
- 大招的加攻速和加速BUFF从40%下调到30%
Brain Sap mana cost from 125/150/175/200 to 100/125/150/175
Units affected by Nightmare no longer provide vision
Nightmare End can now be used by Bane to end all other existing Nightmares
- 祸乱之源的蚀脑的魔法消耗从125/150/175/200调整为100/125/150/175
- 被噩梦影响的单位将不再提供视野
- 终结噩梦(是bane的新加的小技能吗?)可以用来解除所有受到噩梦效果影响的英雄。
Flamebreak damage changed from an instant 75/150/225/300 damage to 50 damage per second for 1/2/3/4 seconds
Firefly damage reduced from 20/40/60/80 to 10/30/50/70
- 火焰炸弹(忘记叫啥了)从每秒瞬间75/150/225/300伤害,变成变成1/2/3/4秒50点伤害
- 火焰飞行的伤害从20/40/60/80 下调到10/30/50/70
Beastmaster base damage increased by 4
Wild Axes cast point from 0.5 to 0.4
Call of the Wild Boar attack point from 0.633 to 0.5
- 兽王基础攻击提高4
- 飞斧施法前腰从0.5下调到0.4
- 召唤出来的猪猪攻击间隔从0.622到0.5
Thirst bonuses scale from 100 to 25% HP instead of 100 to 0%
Thirst vision threshold from 30% health to 25%
- 饥渴的触发移动速度的幅度只算100%到25% HP而不是100 to 0%
- 饥渴的获得视野激活血量从30%HP下调到25%
Bounty Hunter Intelligence growth increased from 1.4 to 2.0
Shuriken Toss damage from 100/200/250/325 to 150/225/300/375
Shuriken Toss cast range reduced from 650 to 400
Shuriken Toss mana cost from 90/115/135/155 to 120/130/140/150
Track's Shuriken Toss bounce range from 900 to 1200
Track now shows how much gold the enemy is carrying in the debuff tooltip
- 赏金猎人的智力成长从1.4增加至2.0
- 投掷飞镖的伤害从100/200/250/325增加至150/225/300/375
- 投掷飞镖的范围从650减少到400
- 投掷飞镖的魔法消耗从90/115/135/155平衡为120/130/140/150
- 追踪术增加移动速度的范围从900增加至1200
- 追踪术现在可以显示敌方英雄身上的金钱总数(通过一个debuff图标)
Primal Split units no longer provide a bounty when killed (was 11-35 depending on level)
- 元素分离的单位挂了不再提供赏金(原来是11-35赏金)
Bristleback movement speed reduced from 295 to 290
Viscous Nasal Goo armor reduction rescaled from 1/1/2/2 per stack to 1/1.4/1.8/2.2
- 刚被的移动速度从295下调到290
- 鼻涕的减甲从1/1/2/2每次叠加调到1/1.4/1.8/2.2
Incapacitating Bite is no longer a Unique Attack Attack Modifier
Insatiable Hunger attack damage from 60/80/100 to 60/90/120
- 麻痹之咬不再是攻击特效
- 大招加攻击加成从60/80/100 减少到 60/90/120
Return now triggers when attacks land rather than when they start [?]
Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Centaur: Stampede reduces all incoming damage by 70% and allows allies to run through obstructions (trees, cliffs, etc). Destroys trees
- 反击现在只有被攻击到了才会有效
- 添加A帐效果: 使用大招奔袭冲撞时减少70%伤害,还可以带动队友穿越地形破坏树木(队友也减少吗...)
Chaos Bolt minimum damage from 1/50/75/100 to 75/100/125/150
- 混乱之箭的最低伤害从1/50/75/100调整为75/100/125/150
Skeleton Walk cooldown from 20 to 20/19/18/17
Death Pact cooldown from 45/40/35 to 45/35/25
- 骨隐步从 20CD调成20/19/18/17
- 骨弓大招CD从45/40/35调整为45/35/25
Rocket Flare speed from 1500 to 1750
- 照明导弹的速度从1500提高到1750
Crystal Nova movement and attack slow from -30 to -20/30/40/50
Crystal Nova slow duration from 3.5/4/4.5/5 to 4.5
Frostbite cooldown reduced from 10/9/8/7 to 9/8/7/6
Freezing Field cooldown from 150/120/90 to 90
- 冰霜新星降低攻速和移速从固定 - 30 调整为-20/30/40/50
- 冰霜新星持续时间从3.5/4/4.5/5变为固定4.5秒
- 冰封禁止的CD从10/9/8/7降低为9/8/7/6
- 极寒领域的CD从150/120/90降低为固定90 NICE
Ion Shell duration increased from 20 to 25 seconds
Wall of Replica damage dealt by illusions from 70/80/90% to 60/75/90%
Wall of Replica duration from 15/30/45 to 45
Wall of Replica mana cost from 200/300/400 to 125/250/375
- 离子外壳持续时间从20秒增加到25秒
- 大招制造的幻想伤害从70/80/90%到60/75/90%
- 大招的持续从15/30/45调整为固定45秒(卧槽)
- 大招耗蓝从200/300/400调整为125/250/375
Poison Touch level 4 damage from 32 to 36
- 四级的剧毒之触每秒伤害从32上调到36
Exorcism spirit count from 4/12/21 to 6/13/21
- 大招的灵魂从4/12/21调整为 6/13/21
Kinetic Field duration from 2.5/3/3.5/4 to 2.6/3.2/3.8/4.4
- [框]动能立场的持续时间从 2.5/3/3.5/4调整为2.6/3.2/3.8/4.4
Breathe Fire now also reduces base damage by 20/25/30/35% for 8 seconds
Corrosive Breath damage is now lethal
Elder Dragon Form's Splash Attack damage percentage radius from 100/200/250 (for 100/75/50% damage) to 150/225/300
- 火焰吐息现在可以减少8秒攻击力20/25/30/35%
- 变身之后的毒可以致死了
- 变身之后的溅射效果从100/200/250 (100/75/50%伤害)上调到150/225/300
Boulder Smash damage from 125 to 50/100/150/200
Geomagnetic Grip manacost from 75 to 100
Geomagnetic Grip damage from 50/125/200/275 to 50/100/150/200
Magnetize can now be dispelled
Fixed Hex not interrupting Rolling Boulder if cast during the initial 0.6 seconds
- 巨石冲击的伤害从125 to 50/100/150/200
- 沉默的耗蓝从75增加到100
- 沉默的伤害从50/125/200/275调整为50/100/150/200
- 磁化可以驱散了
- 现在变羊0.6秒内无法打断土猫的巨石翻滚了(滚的时候是个羊咯)
Echo Stomp channel time from 1.8 to 1.6
Echo Stomp cooldown from 15 to 14/13/12/11
- 回音重踏的施法时间从1.8降低为1.6
- 回音重踏的施法时间从15调整为14/13/12/11
Untouchable attack slow from 30/60/90/120 to 40/70/100/130
Enchant can now be cast on controlled units to refresh the Enchant duration
Impetus now pierces Spell Immunity
- 不可侵犯的攻速减少从30/60/90/120增加到40/70/100/130
- 魅惑可以给自己魅惑的单位使用了,以增加魅惑的持续时间
- 小鹿的大招推进变成魔法免疫了
Midnight Pulse cast point improved from 0.3 to 0.2
Black Hole now does a constant 55/110/165 damage per second regardless of proximity to the center
Black Hole mana cost from 275/350/425 to 275/325/375
- 午夜凋零的抬手从0.3降低为0.2
- 谜团黑洞现在对接近黑洞中心单位造成55/110/165每秒伤害(恒定)
- 黑洞的耗蓝从275/350/425调整为275/325/375
Rocket Barrage no longer has a cast point (Previously had 0.3)
Call Down missile two slow duration from 3 to 4
- 跟踪导弹没有施法前腰了(原来是0.3秒)
- 大招的减速效果从3秒提高到4秒
Inner Vitality cast range increased from 550 to 800
Inner Vitality cooldown from 25/22/19/16 to 22/18/14/10
- 活血术的施法距离从550增加到800
- 活血术的CD从25/22/19/16减少到22/18/14/10
Invoker Int gain from 2.5 to 3.2
Invoke no longer triggers cooldown if it only swaps the ability slots
Sun Strike cooldown from 30 to 25
Max level Deafening Blast (Quas, Wex, and Exort all at max level) is now a non-targetable circular wave released in every direction around Invoker
- 智力成长从2.5升至3.2
- 如果卡尔只是互换两个技能位置,那么切技能将不会进入CD。比如你想将QQQ和QWE的位置切换成QWE和QQQ,那么R不进入CD。
- 天火CD从30秒变成25秒
- 如果卡尔冰雷火三个球达到满级,那么他的Deafening Blast,也就是超声冲击波QWE,将会变成无指向技能,向他身边四周360度发散出去(原本QWE只能向一个方向推波)。
卡尔满级球WTF模式... 来自Zard直播
Relocate double click now teleports to fountain
- 大招双击直接传送到泉水
Jakiro base strength increased from 24 to 25
Macropyre duration increased from 7 (14 Scepter) to 10 (20 Scepter)
Macropyre area of effect increased from 225 to 240
- 基础力量从24增加到25
- 大招的持续时间从7 (14 A帐) 增加到10 (20A帐)
- 大招的技能范围从225增加到240
Blade Fury cooldown from 30/25/22/18 to 42/34/26/18
Blade Fury now has the same Spell Immunity on cast dispel behavior as other Spell Immunities [?]
Healing Ward movement speed from 450 to 420
Omnislash no longer ministuns on cast
Using items/abilities in Omnislash no longer requires facing direction
- 剑刃风暴CD从30/25/22/18调整为42/34/26/18
- 剑刃风暴不再移除有益效果
- 治疗守卫移动速度从450降低到420
- 无敌斩移除打断的效果(绿杖TP)
- 在无敌斩施法过程中使用物品不再需要转向
Mana Leak cooldown from 16 to 16/14/12/10
Chakra Magic now adds a buff that that reduces the cooldown of the next spell its target casts by 1/2/3/4 seconds. Buff lasts 12 seconds.
Scepter Illuminate heal percentage from 75% to 100%
- 法力流失冷却从16调整为16/14/12/10
- 查克拉魔法可以变成目标单位获得一个buff:可以使指定的技能冷却时间减少1/2/3/4秒。 Buff持续12秒
- 蓝帐后冲击波治疗的血量从75%提高到100%
Kunkka no longer turns to cast Torrent
Torrent cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds
X Marks The Spot mana cost from 80 to 50
- 施放激流不再需要转身动作
- 激烈冷却从12秒减少到10秒
- 标记的魔耗从80降低到50
Moment of Courage counterattack chance from 16/18/20/22 to 25%
Moment of Courage lifesteal from 20/40/60/80% to 55/65/75/85%
Moment of Courage cooldown from 0.9 to 2.7/2.1/1.5/0.9
Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Legion Commander: Duel lasts until either Legion Commander or her target dies. Ends if duelists are ever more than 2,000 range apart.
- 勇气之霎触发概率从16/18/20/22 调整为25%
- 勇气之霎吸血从20/40/60/80%调整为55/65/75/85%
- 勇气之霎内置冷却时间从0.9调整为2.7/2.1/1.5/0.9
- 添加蓝杖效果: 决斗直到双方一方死亡才结束,或者到决斗双方距离超过2000才能停止
Leshrac movement speed from 315 to 320
Lightning Storm cast point from 0.7 to 0.6
Lightning Storm slow duration from 0.75 to 0.7/0.8/0.9/1
- 移动速度从315增加为320
- 闪电风暴施法前摇从0.7减低到0.6
- 闪电风暴减速效果时间从0.75调整为0.7/0.8/0.9/1
Ice Armor cast range from 800 to 1000
Chain Frost projectile speed from 675 to 750
- 霜冻护甲施法距离从800增加到1000
- 连环霜冻跳跃速度从675增加到750
Feast is now considered as normal bonus damage (can Crit and Cleave off it)
Open Wounds lifesteal increased from 15/20/25/30% to 50%
Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Lifestealer: Grants a new skill, Assimilate. Assimilate allows Lifestealer to target an allied hero and swallow them, allowing them to hide inside of Lifestealer. Any healing Lifestealer receives is shared with the assimilated hero. The assimilated hero can release itself at any time by clicking on the buff icon to erupt outward and deal 300 damage to enemies in a 700 area of effect. If Lifestealer dies or assimilates another hero, the currently assimilated hero will automatically exit. Issuing any order with your hero, a few seconds after being assimilated, will take you out.
- 盛宴改为一般伤害类型(可以暴击了)
- 撕裂伤口吸血从15/20/25/30%增加到50%
- 添加蓝杖效果: Assimilate(类似吃人) 吞噬一个己方英雄。Assimilate者会获得任何噬魂鬼得到的回复效果。Assimilate者可以自己决定任何时候解除同化效果,出来之后并且对700码范围的单位造成300伤害。不能同时Assimilate两个英雄,如果体内有一个同化者那么第二个会把第一个挤出体外。
Aghanim Scepter-upgraded Laguna Blade no longer increases cast range
- A帐不再增加火女大招施法距离
True Form is no longer removed on death [?]
Battle Cry armor increased from 5/10/15 to 6/12/18
Battle Cry damage increased from 50/75/100 to 60/90/120
Added Agahnim's Scepter upgrade to Lone Druid: Allows Spirit Bear to attack at any range from Lone Druid, and prevents Spirit Bear from dying if Lone Druid dies
- 死亡时是熊复活也是熊,人的话同理
- 战斗嚎叫的护甲加成从5/10/15增加到6/12/18
- 战斗嚎叫的攻击加成从50/75/100增加到60/90/120
- 添加蓝帐特效:熊不再受到距离的限制,并且德鲁伊死亡后,熊也不会死亡...
Luna base armor increased by 1
Eclipse per unit cap increased from 4 to 5
Improved Aghanim's Scepter: Allows Eclipse to be cast on an area within 2,500 range. Grants obstructed vision of that area. Can also target any allied unit to center Eclipse on their location, even while moving (can double click or target Luna)
- 初始护甲加1
- 月蚀最大单体打击次数从4增加到5
- 蓝帐特效加强:
- 月蚀获得2500施法距离,获得范围内视野。月蚀可以指定队友为中心施放,并随着队友移动。双击以自己为中心施放!(可以当做技能释放了)
Split Shot and Mana Shield are no longer removed on death [?]
- 死亡后保持死亡前分裂箭 开启/关闭的状态
Geostrike damage from 7/14/21/28 to 8/16/24/32
Divided We Stand no longer causes Meepo to respawn 20% faster
- 地之突袭伤害从 7/14/21/28增加到8/16/24/32
- 分则能成不再减少米波的复活时间
Starstorm's second hit range from 175 to 325, and the second hit now strikes the unit closest to Mirana
- 第二次的星落目标为距离白虎最近的单位
Adaptive Strike now has a 1150 speed projectile
Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Morphling: Grants a new ability, Hybrid. Allows morphling to target an ally, turning himself into a hybrid illusion, removing the Morphling himself. This hybrid illusion can cast non-ultimate abilities and has your original attributes. Lasts 20 seconds. When the duration ends or the hybrid dies, your hero emerges (cannot end prematurely). Cooldown: 140, Manacost: 200, 600 cast range. Note: Ability is not available while you have a Replicate living.
- 变体攻击的速度现在是1150
- 增加蓝杖效果:Hybrid 复制一个单位并且变成那个单位,自己本身消失。幻想保持原有属性并且可以使用被复制英雄技能(除大招)。持续二十秒,不能强制结束,二十秒后本体才能出现。CD140秒 魔耗200 600施法距离
Ensnare cooldown from 14 to 12
Ensnare is now dispellable [?]
Ensnare is no longer removed if the target becomes Ethereal
Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade: Song of the Siren Scepter now regenerates you and nearby allies by 6% of maximum HP per second for up to 7 seconds.
- 诱捕的CD从14降低为12
- 诱捕可以被驱散
- 被诱捕单位不能使用虚无挣脱
- 添加蓝帐效果:海妖之歌对自己及附近的友方带来每秒6%最大血量的回复效果,最多持续7秒
Sprout cast range increased from 600 to 625/700/775/850
Sprout duration increased from 3/3.75/4.5/5.25 to 3/4/5/6
Nature's Call treant base damage from 22 to 28
Aghanim's Scepter-upgraded Wrath of Nature now spawns a Nature's Call treant whenever it kills a unit. Killing a hero will spawn a stronger treant (3x damage and health of a normal one)
- 发芽的施法距离从固定600调整为625/700/775/850
- 发芽的持续时间从3/3.75/4.5/5.25增加为3/4/5/6
- 树人的基础攻击力从22增加到28
- 蓝帐效果加强:当自然之怒杀死一个普通单位,可以召唤出一个普通树人,杀死一个英雄单位,可以生成一个拥有3倍血量及攻击力的树人
Void attack speed slow increased from -35 to -50 (now matches movement speed slow)
- 现在虚空造成的攻击速度降低从-35增加到-50(降低速度同理)
Using Spiked Carapace no longer removes Vendetta
Added Aghamin's Scepter upgrade to Nyx: Adds a new ability, Burrow, with a one second cast time. While Burrowed, Nyx Assassin is invisible and unable to move/attack, but has 40% damage resistance, and regenerates 1.5% of his health and mana per second. Nyx Assassin's abilities also have improved properties while burrowed: Mana Burn and Impale have 50% increased cast range, Impale Cooldown is reduced from 13 to 9, and Spiked Carapace instantly stuns any enemy units within a 300 area of effect without requiring them to hurt him first. Casting Vendetta causes Burrow to end
- 可以在大招状态下使用尖刺外壳
- 添加蓝帐特效:得到新技能Burrow。 1秒的施法时间,当进入Burrow后,不能移动或者攻击。但减少40%伤害,1.5%每秒的回魔回血。在Burrow状态之中,技能获得加强:法力燃烧和穿刺增加50%施法距离,穿刺冷却时间从13秒减少为9秒。尖刺外壳自动对周围300的敌方单位造成技能效果。使用大招则打断Burrow效果。
Purification cast point from 0.5 to 0.4
- 洗礼的施法前摇从0.5秒降低到0.4秒
Purifying Flames mana cost reduced from 55/70/85/100 to 50/60/70/80
Purifying Flames cooldown reduced from 3 to 2.5
Purifying Flames can now target non-hero units
False Promise no longer makes the target invisible
False Promise now continuously removes debuffs and disables, instead of only when first cast
False Promise duration from 7/8/9 to 6/7/8
False Promise cooldown from 20 to 80/60/40
- 涤罪之焰的魔法消耗从55/70/85/100下调到50/60/70/80
- 涤罪之焰的CD从3秒下调到2.5秒
- 涤罪之焰险遭可以对非英雄单位使用
- 虚妄之诺不在让目标隐身
- 虚妄之诺现在只能慢慢消除debuff,而不是第一次就能消除
- 虚妄之诺的持续时间从7/8/9调整到6/7/8
- 虚妄之诺的CD从20增加到80/60/40
Aghanim's Scepter Sanity's Eclipse upgrade now affects everyone in the area of effect with Astral Imprisonment after it deals its damage
Aghanim's Scepter Sanity's Eclipse upgrade no longer always triggers the mana drain and does not increase the damage multiplier by 1
- 蓝杖效果加强:使用神智之蚀对范围内受到伤害的英雄单位造成一次星体禁锢的效果(吸取智力)
- 神智之蚀不再百分百造成魔法流失的效果,并且不再增加伤害系数。
Fire Spirits now does an obstructed reveal of the area it hits for 1 second
- 烈火精灵攻击到的地方有1秒敌方视野
Waning Rift damage increased from 70/140/210/280 to 100/160/220/280
Rot move slow from 20% to 20/22/24/26%
- 腐烂减速从20%增加到20/22/24/26%
Decrepify enemy slow from 50% to 30/40/50/60%
Decrepify enemy magic damage amplification from 50% to 30/40/50/60%
Decrepify duration from 2/2.5/3/3.5 to 3.5
Decrepify cooldown from 12/10/8/6 to 15/12/9/6
Life Drain damage and restore per second from 120/160/200 to 150/185/220
Life Drain cast range from 1100 to 900/
Pugna's Aghanim's Scepter-upgraded Life Drain no longer increases cast range
- 虚无对敌方的减速从50%恒定到30/40/50/60%
- 虚无对敌方的魔法伤害从50%增加到30/40/50/60%
- 虚无的CD从12/10/8/6增加15/12/9/6
- 生命汲取的伤害从每秒120/160/200增加到150/185/220
- 生命汲取的的施法距离从1100恒定到1100 to 900/
- 骨法A帐效果不在增加施法距离
Smokescreen no longer slows attack speed
Smokescreen now reduces turn rate by 30%
- 烟幕不再减少敌方单位的攻击速度
- 烟幕中敌方单位的转身速率减少30%
Null Field now also affects creeps
- 抗魔光环现在影响小兵
Caustic Finale duration from 8 to 6
Caustic Finale now always triggers (via unit death or when its duration expires). If triggered by timer expiration, it deals 30% of the damage
Caustic Finale no longer resets the duration on a unit that already has the debuff
Caustic Finale now applies a 20% move slow when the damage triggers (via unit death or when timer expires). Slow lasts for 3 seconds
- 腐蚀毒的持续时间从8s改为6s
- 腐蚀毒现在不管多久都会引爆,如果在6s内引爆,增强30%的伤害
- 腐蚀毒buff的持续时间不会被刷新
- 腐蚀毒现在将在爆发时降低敌方单位20%的移动速度,持续3s
Shadow Poison mana cost from 50 to 40
Demonic Purge Aghamin's Scepter upgrade now applies Break (disabling passive abilities)
- 暗影剧毒的耗蓝从50下调到40
- A帐效果加强:让对方影响被动无效
Shadow Shaman base strength increased from 19 to 21
Shadow Shaman strength gain increased from 1.6 to 1.8
- 力量从19提高到21
- 力量成长从1.6增加到1.8
Silencer base movement speed from 300 to 295
Last Word initial enemy cast allowance window from 5 to 4 seconds
Last Word no longer disarms
Last Word now applies a 14/16/18/20% movespeed slow whenever it triggers
- 沉默移动速度从300下调到295
- 最后遗言的触发时间从5s减少为4s
- 最后遗言不再缴械敌方英雄
- 最后遗言触发之后会减少敌方英雄14/16/18/20的移动速度
Slithereen Crush damage from 50/100/150/200 to 75/125/175/225
- 大鱼人的踩伤害从50/100/150/200 增加到 75/125/175/225
Sniper agility gain from 2.9 to 2.5
Shrapnel recharge time increased from 40 to 55
Shrapnel delay increased from 0.8 to 1.4 seconds
Shrapnel now gives vision when the shrapnel lands rather than instantly
Headshot can now miss
Assassinate damage from 355/505/655 to 320/485/650
- 敏捷成长从 2.9削弱到 2.5
- 散弹的充能时间从40增加到55
- 散弹的延迟时间从0.8s增加为1.4s
- 散弹现在在落地后才提供视野,而不是使用的一瞬间。
- 爆头现在可以被闪避
- 暗杀的伤害从355/505/655改为320/485/650
Reality no longer kills the target illusion, it now swaps positions
- 降临不会使目标幻象消失,而是与其交换位置
Empowering Haste cooldown from 16 to 12
- 神行太保的CD时间从16s改为12s
Storm Spirit movement speed reduced from 290 to 285
Ball Lightning flying vision from 1000 to 400
- 移动速度从290下调到285
- 大招拥有的视野从1000下调到400
Warcry armor bonus increased from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20
- 战吼的护甲加成从 4/8/12/16 增加到5/10/15/20
Land Mine activation delay reduced from 1.75 to 0.5 seconds
Stasis Trap Activation delay from 2 to 1.5
Stasis Trap Detonation delay from 2 to 1.5
Suicide Squad, Attack! cooldown reduced from 180/170/160/150 to 160/140/120/100
Minefield Sign cooldown from 120 to 360
Minefield Sign now requires Techies to walk precisely to the targeted spot
Minefield Sign now has an area of effect targeting cursor
Minefield Sign now has a limited lifetime of 180 seconds
Techies Aghanim's Scepter upgrade now causes the Minefield Sign to make all Land Mines, Stasis Traps and Remote Mines within 125 area of effect immune to True Sight. Can only have one sign out at a time
- 地雷的激活延迟从1.75秒下降到0.5秒
- 麻痹陷阱的激活和延迟从2秒下降到1秒
- 自杀攻击CD从180/170/160/150 减少到 160/140/120/100
- 四条关于雷区标示
- 炸弹人神杖升级:雷区标示可以让麻痹陷阱、埋布地雷和遥控炸弹有125范围不受真视影响。
Meld cooldown from 7 to 6
- 隐匿的人却时间从7秒降低为6秒
Reflection cast range from 275 to 325
Reflection illusion outgoing damage from 40/50/60/70% to 40/60/80/100%
- 倒影的施法距离275增加到325
- 倒影的影子伤害从40/50/60/70%增加为40/60/80/100%
Kraken Shell damage block increased from 10/20/30/40 to 12/24/36/48
- 潮汐外壳的伤害阻挡从10/20/30/40增加到12/24/36/48
Reactive Armor now triggers when attacks land rather when attacks begin [?]
Reactive Armor max stacks increased from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20
- 活性护甲现在在伐木机受到攻击后才累计而不是敌法抬手
- 活性护甲的最大层数从4/8/12/16增加到5/10/15/20
Laser hero blind duration increased from 3 to 3/3.5/4/4.5
Rearm mana cost from 150/250/350 to 125/225/325
Aghanim's Scepter Laser no longer has additional cast range
Aghanim's Scepter Laser now refracts to visible enemy heroes with a 550 bounce range
- 致盲的效果从3秒增加到3/3.5/4/4.5
- 再填装的耗蓝从150/250/350增加到125/225/325
- 神帐不在增加激光的施法距离
- 神帐的激光现在会对550范围内的英雄进行弹射
Toss grab radius increased from 250 to 275
Toss now grabs the closest unit rather than a random unit
- 投抛的抓取范围从250增加到275
- 投掷扔离自己最近的单位而不是随机单位
Eyes in the Forest area of effect reduced from 800 to 700
- 森林之眼的效果从800下降到700
Berserker's Rage no longer provides +15 damage
Ranged Whirling Axes no longer provide 800 vision
Melee Whirling Axes no longer provide 500 vision
Battle Trance duration reduced from 7 to 5 seconds
Berserker’s Rage is no longer removed on death [?]
- 近战形态不再提供15点伤害
- 远程和进程的飞斧不再提供视野
- 大招攻速加成从7s减少到5s
- 战斗专注在自己死亡后不会重置(像MED的分裂箭一样)
Ice Shards mana cost reduced from 120 to 90
Ice Shards cooldown from 18/16/14/12 to 19/16/13/10
Ice Shards vision reveal from 0.5 seconds to 2 seconds
Snowball speed is now a constant 675
Snowball no longer auto-loads units in 100 range
Tusk can now add allies to Snowball while it is moving
Added Aghanim's Scepter to Tusk: Adds a new ability called Walrus Kick. Kicks the target back 900 units. The kick slows by 40% for 4 seconds. 12 second cooldown
- 寒冰碎片的魔法消耗从120改为90
- 寒冰碎片的cd从18/16/14/12改为19/16/13/10
- 寒冰碎片从击中后的0.5s到2s提供视野
- 雪球的速度恒定675
- 雪球不再随机卷入100码内的单位,但是可以手动把队友裹入雪球当滚的时候
- 新增A帐效果:新增一个新的技能:Walrus Kick
- 将目标向后踢900码,并使其减速40%,持续4s,冷却时间:12s
Soul Rip is now considered one damage instance on the enemy
Removed Tombstone Zombie targeting from Soul Rip
Tombstone Zombies now require 1 attack to kill rather than having 30 health (zombies require 2 hits from creeps)
- 噬魂现在被算作一次伤害
- 移除墓碑的小僵尸会冲向被噬魂的单位的效果。。
- 小僵尸现在需要A一次就可以,被小兵A要两下
Reworked Enrage
- 重做大招,使用大招减少80%受到的伤害,并且他的攻击会造成2/2.5/3倍的怒意狂击效果,移除身上所有debuff,持续4s,冷却时间50/45/40s
Venomous Gale tick damage from 0/30/60/90 to 10/40/70/100
- 减速现在伤害从0/30/60/90 to 10/40/70/100
Viper Strike cooldown reduced from 80/50/30 to 70/50/30
- 大招CD从80/50/30降低到70/50/30
Gravekeeper's Cloak recharge time from 6 to 4
Familiars no longer have 300/450/600 health
Familiars now require 4 hero attacks to be killed (creeps/illusions do 1/4 damage, towers do 1/2)
- 陵卫斗篷的充能时间从6s变为4s
- 拥兽不再有生命值,现在需要英雄4次攻击来摧毁,小兵16次,防御塔8次
Fatal Bonds cast range increased from 900 to 1000
Fatal Bonds cast time from 0.5 to 0.2
Chaotic Offering Golem's health regeneration from 15/30/45 to 25/50/75
- 链接范围从900增加到1000码
- 链接的施法前摇从0.5改为0.2
- 地狱火的生命回复从15/30/45改为25/50/75每秒
The Swarm duration rescaled from 14/16/18/20 to 16
The Swarm damage from 15/20/25/30 to 20
The Swarm attack rate from an attack every 1.35 seconds to 1.4/1.25/1.1/0.95
Geminate Attack now launches the second projectile 0.25 seconds after the initial one fires instead of after impacting the target
Geminate Attack no longer has a range limit
Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Weaver: reduces the cooldown of Timelapse to 20 seconds and allows Timelapse to target allied heroes. 1000 cast range
- 蝗虫持续时间从14/16/18/20改为16s
- 蝗虫伤害从15/20/25/30改为20
- 蝗虫的攻击间隔从1.35改为1.4/1.25/1.1/0.95
- 连击现在将会在第一次攻击发出后0.25s发出,而不是在第一次攻击击中敌方英雄后
- 连击不再有距离限制
- 添加神帐效果:减少时间漫游的cd时间到20s,并且可以对己方英雄使用时间漫游,施法距离1000
Shackleshot cast point from 0.3 to 0.15
- 风行者的束缚击施法前摇从0.3改为0.15
Enabled Winter Wyvern in Captain's Mode
Reworked Winter's Curse
Arctic Burn is now dispellable
Arctic Burn damage per second from 6% of health to 8%
Arctic Burn damage type from Pure to Magic
Arctic Burn no longer pierces Spell Immunity
Splinter Blast speed increased 500-&650 (1.35 to 1.0 seconds max)
Splinter Blast debuff is now dispellable
Cold Embrace now behaves as normal regeneration instead of 0.1 interval heals
- 重做寒冬诅咒
- 被诅咒的单位队友攻击他伤害降低70%
- 范围从350提高到400
- 持续时间从2.5/2.75/3 增加到2.5/3/3.5
- 冷却时间从90/80/70减少到110/100/90
Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Wraith King: Allies who are near Wraith King (within 1200 aoe) when slain become Wraiths for 5 seconds, delaying their death. They can continue attacking, casting, etc. When the duration ends, the hero dies, and credit for the kill goes to whowever landed the original killing blow.
- 添加神帐技能:装备神杖后 冥魂大帝周围1200范围内队友死亡后 会变成幽灵存在5秒 延迟死亡 这5秒内可以攻击以及施法 等等..
- 5秒后英雄死亡 人头算给原先给其致命一击的英雄
Thundergod's Wrath area vision reduced from 1000 to 500
Fixed Thundergod's Wrath sometimes hitting invisible units depending on the order of player slots.
- 雷神之怒的视野范围从1000减少为500
- 修复雷神之怒有时会击中隐身单位的BUG&[1]&&&&&
中国江苏网(江苏中江网传媒股份有限公司) 版权所有&&


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