一个叫【我从来没有过】的游戏(we are never everhave i ever)玩法

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Never Have I Ever - The Game of Poor Life Decisions
开发商:INI, LLC
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Never Have I Ever, also known as I've Never or Ten Fingers is a great game for two people, five people, large groups and bachelorette parties.
This app Includes 485 Never Have I Ever Questions. This game is all about the players! Try to find as many crazy players as you can, because the more they've done, the more fun you will have. And when, they've done something, they have to be honest. So, get ready to laugh at each other's past actions and embarrassing moments.Frequently used as an icebreaker, this highly verbal game will reveal interesting facts about your friends and family that you may never have known about before, including things that don't normally come up in polite conversation. For example: Never have I eve Never have I ever played strip poker (which is a great game, by the way!).Like most adult party games, this has adult content, which makes for the most deviant fun. So, if you're the spiteful sort of person and someone has wronged you in the past, you now have the chance to wrong them back. If you know they've done something a little worthy of embarrassment, go ahead and say, "Never Have I Ever...." in that evil little tone.Obviously, this can be played as a drinking game. Be warned of hangovers in the morning and take precautions for it. Don't drink and drive and have a sober friend help out or retain enough basic functions to call yourself a cab.
版本 1.6.1 中的新功能
Minor bug fixes
此 App 专为 iPhone 和 iPad 设计免费类别: 版本: 1.6.1大小: 9.3 MB语言: 英语开发商: INI, LLC偶尔/轻微的现实暴力频繁/强烈的亵渎或低俗幽默频繁/强烈的烟酒或毒品使用或相关内容频繁/强烈的色情内容或裸露频繁/强烈的成人/性暗示题材兼容性: 需要 iOS 7.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 兼容。
更多INI, LLC的产品Never Have I Ever
Never Have I Ever
游戏大小:3.07 MB
开发商:David J Brooks
Never Have I Ever is the most exciting Drinking/Party game ever conceived by the human mind.
Want to know the deepest and darkest secrets of your Friends?
Invite them over for a Drink and unleash the Never Have I Ever App upon them.
Never Have I Ever is THE Must Have App if you want to get to know someone for who they really are. No BS.
Use Never Have I Ever on a 1st Date to spice things up a bit.
Invite some friends for a sleepover and make them spill all their dark secrets.
Turn your Family reunion into an Epic Laugh Riot. No more boring Thanksgiving dinners.
The possibilities and applications are endless. Never Have I Ever is the only App that you can literally use in any setting. You could meet a stranger on a Train and use Never Have I Ever to make the ride more fun.
With over 300+ Fun Questions, you'll never run out of topics to talk about.
How To Play Never Have I Ever (Courtesy of wikiHow)
Drinking/Party Setting
Step 1: Gather all the participants in the game. Typically, you'd need at least five people to join in, but there can be as many as you want, provided you have enough alcohol.
Step 2: Set up the game. This means getting out the glasses and the alcohol and gathering chairs around a table. The table is preferably circular. You'll need to get at least an equivalent number of shot glasses for each player.
Step 3: Decide who's going to be pouring the alcohol and refilling the empty glasses. This will keep the game flowing. One of the players can pour the drinks, but the drunker they get, the more difficulty they might find in doing so.
Step 4: There is the option of having a sober person nearby. This isn't actually necessary, but it's recommended as a cautionary addition. This person can be a good friend who isn't really into drinking or simply isn't in the mood to play, and they can sit nearby just to make sure someone doesn't get dangerously drunk or accidentally hurt themselves. They can also be the designated driver, or be the one to call up a cab for the players to drive home in. In addition, this person can be the one to pour the alcohol.
Step 5: Have someone keep track of how many shots each person has drank. This is best left in the hands of the sober friend, because this may factor into who wins the game.
Step 1: Choose the beginner. This is when you choose who's going to go first.
Step 2: Have that person make his or her statement. The statement has to be something that person has never done before. For instance, "Never have I ever been to a brothel." Anyone who has been to a brothel has to drink a shot glass.
Step 3: If no one drinks a glass, meaning they've never done it, then the person who made the statement has to drink a glass themselves. This is meant to encourage strategy. If you don't think anyone's done it, don't say it.
Step 4: Whoever is the most sober by the end of it wins. The game can go on as long as everyone's able, but when it finally ends, there are two ways of determining
the winner. The winner is either the one who drank the least shots, or the one who acts the most sober, though the former is more accurate.
Try the Never Have I Ever app today and make life more interesting.
Never Have I Ever
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