
本着实事求是的原则,我决定从日开始,每个工作日坚持学习10个句子,一直到日,一共是238天.HOLD ON!  下面是今天的句子,句子是从汪汪英语上摘录来的,感觉有些翻译不太准确,望大家赐教!  1 Doing is better than saying. 与其挂在嘴上,不如落实在行动上。  2 Do it now. 机不可失,时不再来  3 Do nothing by halves. 凡事不可半途废。  4 Don’t claim to know what u don’t know. 不要不懂装懂。  5 Don’t have too many irons in the fire. 不要揽事过多。  6 Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. 不要小题大做。  7 Don’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事,今日毕。  8 Don’t put the cat before the horse. 不要本末倒置。  9 Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. 不要自找麻烦。  10 Don’t try to teach ur grandmother to suck eggs. 不要班门弄斧。  
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  作者:五桶 回复日期: 9:48:33 
    你练的这些句子,用处不大,应该先从基本的练起。    谢谢你的提醒!我会留意的.
  These sentences are not very useful. You'd better practice from basic.
  如果楼主能够坚持,那么一定会有用的.  楼上的说没有用,那么什么样才是有用的呢?
  10 Don’t try to teach ur grandmother to suck eggs. 不要班门弄斧。old saying but still useful
  Good morning!  Here are the sentences of today:  1 There will be a power outage tomorrow.
明天要停电.  2 Remember to put the toilet seat down.  请记得把马桶盖放下来.  3 I realy hope that he could snore lightly when asleep.我真的希望他睡觉时鼾声能小点.  4 I've heard a lot about u.真是久仰大名啊!  5 What a coincidence!太巧了!  6 Allow me to introduce my good friend. 请允许我介绍我的好朋友.  7 How was ur flight? 您一路上还好吧?  8 How long do u intend to stay? 你打算待多久?  9 Take care and have a nice trip.多保重,一路顺风.  10 Can i deposit valuables here? 这儿可以存放贵重物品吗?  声明一下:前三个句子是昨天阅读时发现的,后面7个是从一本好久不阅的书上摘抄的.  
  may i suggest...    use &you& instead of &u&    use &your& instead of &ur&  use &I& instead of &i&    u r nt sndin sms msg, man lol
  Articus,Thanks for your kindly notice.  
  试试背这个吧 /umqm.htm
  早!我来了!  作者:如风如雪 回复日期: 9:46:11 
    楼主怎么没有继续呢?  不好意思,我只是周一到周五.周末就温习本周的句子了.不来新的.
  1 I don't understand the rationale behind the decision to sell the warehouse.我不明白在出售仓库的决定后面有什么原由.  2 My mother often lavishes us with attention.我妈妈经常对我们关心得太多.  3 She gets perverse satisfaction from making other people embrassed.她有一种不正常的心态,以使别人难堪来取乐.  4 Constant indulgence in bad habits brought about his ruin.他长期耽于恶习,结果毁了自己.  5 The government are trying to play down their involvement in the affair.政府极力淡化与该事的瓜葛.  6 Don't bother to dress up come as you are.用不着穿讲究衣服,就穿你平常的衣服来吧.  7 The plumber went down to the cellar to fix the leaky pipe.管道工到地下室去修漏水的管子.  8 I musk ask the reader's kind indulgence for any inaccuracies and omissions that may posibly occur.我必须请求读者原谅可能出现的疏漏和错误.   9 Although she is less talented,she won by sheer dogged persistence.她虽天赋不高,但全凭坚韧的毅力取得胜利.    10 He's got
fortune tucked away in a Swiss bank account.他把一大笔钱存在瑞士银行了.
  顶楼主 跟着楼主一定学习~~
  者:颜天天 回复日期: 10:31:40 
    顶楼主 跟着楼主一定学习~~    呵呵 谢谢支持!大家互相帮助!
  5 The government are trying to play down their involvement in the affair.政府极力淡化与该事的瓜葛.    初初查了下google - are 疑为 is.    family, police, military 等有时好像可用复数,没有搞懂过
  A very Good morning to everybody!    1 Don't spoil your appetite by eating sweets before meals.饭前不要吃糖以免影响食欲.   2 You need a sharp knife to cut through the knot.你需要快刀才能把结切断.     3 Don't shuffle,give me a clear answer.别支支吾吾,给我个明确的答复.      4 Tropical plants abound in this jungle.丛林中有大量的热带植物.     5 The public are clamouring for a change of a new government.公众大声疾呼要求撤换政府.  6 Such man is a stain to humanity.这种人是人类的耻辱.  7 Her enthusiasm for the expedition was waning rapidly.她对这次出行的热劲迅速减低.    8 Business was stagnant last month.上个月生意萧条.   9 I've always had a real soft spot for him.我一向对他挺有好感.   10 He told her not to pester him with trifles.他告诉她别拿些琐事来烦他.   appetite n 胃口 食欲   knot n 结  shuffle v 拖曳,慢吞吞的  abound v 充满 富于  clamour v 大声的要求  humanity n 人类  wane v 衰微,亏缺  stagnant adj 不流动的,不景气的  soft adj 软的  pester v 使苦恼,使烦恼
  作者:articus 回复日期: 19:30:43 
    5 The government are trying to play down their involvement in the affair.政府极力淡化与该事的瓜葛.        初初查了下google - are 疑为 is.        family, police, military 等有时好像可用复数,没有搞懂过  呵呵这个问题需要回家去翻翻字典,希望其他了解的筒子多指教!  
  Here comes today's sentence!  1 The oatmeal lumps if you don't stir it well.如果你不好好搅拌的话, 麦片粥会结块.  2 If you don't like the decision,you'll just have to lump it.你不喜欢那决定,也只好勉为其难了.  3 Old memories stired as she looked at he photographs.她看到这些照片,唤起了对往事的回忆.  4 She has been tied in the house for weeks looking after the new-born baby.  5 Never tell him a secret,he's got a loose tongue.别把秘密告诉他,他的嘴不严.  6 Their scandalous affair has really set tongues wagging.他们的风流事可招来了不少闲话.  7 He's a bit of a wag.他爱开玩笑.  8 His speech was just puff.他的演讲尽是吹捧.  9 Don't puff smoke into people's faces.别把烟吹到别人脸上.  10 She gets them to accept these changes by tactful management.她用机智的手段使他们接受了这些改变.  lump
v&n 搅动,惹起,  tie
v  束缚,打结  tongue
n 舌头 语言  wag
v&n 摇摆  puff
v&n 夸张,喷出  tactful
adj 机智的,老练的
  Nobody reply!  Just treat it as my notebook.  
  A very good morning to everyone!  1 Is there a sovereign remedy for this condition? 在这种情况下有没有万全之策?  2 I won't give in in any instance.任何情况下我绝不屈服.  3 She was on the verge of telling me all the secrect.她正想把全部的秘密讲给我听.  4 After a lapse of several years,he came back to see us.  数年不见之后,他又回来看我们了.  5 He has been in the abyss of despair.他已陷入绝望的深渊.  6 The constant threat of danger kept us all on our toes.我们因随时都会发生危险而保持警觉.  7 Tears coursed down her cheeks.眼泪从她的脸颊流下来.  8 This is the place where the three main arteries of West London trafic meet.这里是伦敦西部三条交通干线的汇合点.  9 Marry in haste,repent at leisure.草率结婚,后悔莫及.  10 The car overtuned and precipitated us into the ditch.车子翻了,我们被摔进了沟里.        
  Hold on,buddy.
  &本着实事求是的原则,我决定从日开始,每个工作日坚持学习10个句子,一直到日,一共是238天.HOLD ON!&      支持啊  一定要有信心  强烈的支持。  
  楼主呢··  看来我是早到了
  呵呵好感动,看到有人回复我了,不好意思, 今天有点事情来晚了
  1 Don't get me wrong.别误会我.  2 We were in ecstasy at the thought of going home.一想到回家,我们就兴奋不已.  3 They greeted his suggestions with shouts of derision.他们对他的建议抱以一片嘲弄的喊叫声.  4 He was provoked by their mockery to say more than he had intended.他受到他们嘲笑恼羞成怒,说了一些过头的话.  5 She is like her mother in miniature.她简直就是她母亲的缩影.  6 How can he reconcile it to his conscience? 他怎么能问心无愧呢?  7 Their patched up their tiff.他们平息了争执.  8 She tried to make up the boss.她试图讨好老板.  9 Let's make up.我们和好吧.  10 Nothing can compensate for the loss of one's health.什么都不能补偿健康受损.      
   &本着实事求是的原则,我决定从日开始,每个工作日坚持学习10个句子,一直到日,一共是238天.HOLD ON!&            支持啊    一定要有信心    强烈的支持    Thanks for your support. I will not break my words.Hold on!  
  Sorry for being late!Too much things need to handle.
  1 The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain.医生给她注射以减轻疼痛.  2 Her words mitigated my suffering.她的话减轻了我的痛苦。  3 Because of extenuating circumstances, the court acquitted him of the crime. 因考虑到情有可原,法庭判他无罪.   4 We've been let off school today because our teacher is ill. 今天学校放假, 因为我们的老师病了.   5 She was let off with a fine instead of being sent to prison.
没让她入狱, 而是罚款了事.   6
Poor eyesight will exempt you from military service. 视力不佳将使你免服兵役.  7 He took the palm by perseverance.他靠不屈不挠的精神获胜。  8 They palmed their unwelcome guests off on the neighbours.  他们花言巧语哄得邻居同意, 便把不喜欢的客人打发到他们那里去了.  9 My old coat needs to be patched up.我的旧外套需要补缀。  10 If you pay for both of us now, we can settle up later.  你要是现在先付清咱们两人的帐,事后咱们俩再细算。
  1 He thinks he can laught at me,but I'll settle with him soon.他以为嘲笑完我之后就算完事了,我马上就要找他算这笔帐.  2 He's just a drifter he can't settle down anywhere.他不过是个流浪汉,哪也待不住.  3 A man without an address is a vagaband,a man with two addresses is a libertine.人而无一住址者是为流浪汉,住址有二者是为放荡儿.  4 It's too late to change your mind now,so there is no point in shedding tears.你现在改变注意已经太迟了,所以为此而伤心落泪是毫无用处的.  5 She shed crocodile tears when she dismissed him for his job.她解雇他时,故意装作流下了同情的眼泪.  6 The old man cast off his prodigal son and disinherited him.老人与他不肖的儿子断绝了关系,并剥夺了他的继承权.  7 I can't bear young people casting away their youth.我无法忍受年轻人虚掷青春.  8 We could hear the neighbours going at each other hammer and tongs.我们可以听见邻居大吵大闹的声音.  9 He cocked his eye at me.他对我使了个眼色.  10 The travel agent completely cocked up the arrangement for our holiday.旅行社把我们假日的安排搞得一塌糊涂.  
  明天开始放假了,现在把14-23号的句子列出来喽    1He told us some cock-and-bull story about having lost all his money.他鬼话连篇,告诉我们他把钱弄丢了.  2 The famous tower of Pisa leans at an angle.著名的比萨斜塔是斜的.  3 If they don't pay soon,we'll have to lean on them a little.如果他们不马上付款,我就得给他们加点压力了.  4 I don't mince words with you,I think your plan is stupid.我不跟你兜圈子,我认为你的计划是胡闹.  5 She minced into the room wearing very high heels.她穿着很高的高跟鞋,扭扭捏捏地走进房间.  6 He moderated on a weekly panel show.他主持每周的讨论节目.  7 He must learn to moderate his temper.他得改改脾气了.  8 I always said he would wind up in jail.我常说他到头来非进监狱不可.  9 Before i wind up,there are two more things to be said.在我结束讲话之前,还有两件事要说.  10 Don't give me that jazz!别跟我胡扯!        
    1 What a palaver there was about paying the bill!付帐的事真费口舌啊!  2 There will be a lot of wheeling and dealing before an agreement is reached.还要有一番讨价还价才能达成协议.  3 A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不生苔,转业不聚财  4 This comedy has had them rolling in the aisles for two weeks.这出喜剧让观众们连续两个星期笑得前仰后合.  5 What do you mean,he cannot afford it?He's absolutely rolling in money!你这是怎么说,他负担不起?他可有的是钱!  6 She resisted his blandishments.她把他的甜言蜜语顶了回去.  7 The young teacher had difficulty in holding the children under her girdle.那位年轻的教师很难让孩子们听他们的话.  8 Unhappiness had deadened her to the lives of others.她遭遇不幸,因而对别人的生活也无动于衷.  9 We damped the fire down before we went to bed.我们睡觉前封好了火.  10 The party was a bit of a damp squib.这次聚会有些扫兴.
    1 Air the clothes to get the damp out.晾晾衣服以驱湿气.  2 These damp matches won't strike.这些潮湿的火柴划不着.  3 Muffle cat catch no mice.蒙眼猫难捕鼠.  4 The story was splashed across the front page of the newspaper.这篇报道刊登在报纸头版显著位置.  5 She splashed out on a new pair of shoes.她心血来潮买了双新鞋.  6 He thinks he can win friends by splashing his money about.他认为花钱大方就可以赢得朋友.  7 Their engagement created a terrific splash in the popular press.他们订婚的事在广受欢迎的新闻界极为轰动.  8 She wears her hair in braids.她把头发编成辫子.  9 The paper twisted everything I said.报纸把我的话全都扭曲了.  10 She will let you borrow the car if you twist her arm.你要是非让她把车借给你,她会借给你的.  
  吃饭回来继续!    1 The car was now just a pile of twisted metal.那辆汽车已经成了一堆压缩的废铁了.  2 His face was twisted with pain.他痛得龇牙咧嘴.  3 I owe you one.我欠你个人情.  4 He gets cheerful and depressed by turns.他情绪高一阵低一阵.  5 We bent our steps towards home.我们转过脚步朝家走.  6 She found her plan frustrated at every turn.她觉得她的计划到处碰壁.  7 Touch your toes without bending your knees.用手够到你的脚趾,膝盖别弯曲.  8 This crafty man is nothing but a cook.那个狡猾的人纯粹是个骗子.  9 She crooked her little finger as she drank her tea.她喝茶时弯起小指头.  10 I'm feeling a bit crook.我感到有点不适.
    1 He was convicted to be a felon.他被判为重罪犯.  2 This so-called bargin is just a con!这种所谓的大减价不过是个骗局.  3 His flattery carries a sting.他的奉承话中带刺.  4 Her ingratitude stung him.她的忘恩负义使他痛心.  5 How much did they sting you for?他们骗了你多少钱?  6 He felt the pangs of remorse at the thought of that.一提起那事,他就感到良心的谴责.  7 You'll never mend your car like that let me have a stab at it.你这样怎么能修好汽车呢,让我来试试吧.  8 She stabbed him in the leg with a kitchen knife.她拿菜刀刺伤了他的腿.  9 We thrust our way through the crowd.我们用力挤过人群.  10 She is rather annoyed haveing three extra guests suddenly thrust on her.因为来了三个不速之客要接待,她心里直冒火.
    1 Goodbye I'd better be pushing along now.再见吧,我现在该走了.  2 She's got lots of get-up-and-go.她干劲十足.  3 Will you zip me up please?请给我拉上拉链,好吗?  4 She's just zipped into town to buy some food.她像一真风似的进城买了些食物.  5 The new trains really zip along.这新列车行驶得真快.  6 He was filled with remorse after hitting the child.他打过孩子后感到后悔不已.  7 He was in an agony of remorse.他处于悔恨的海洋中.  8 If I could find the people responsible,I would have no compunction about telling the police.我要是知道是谁干的我就去报警而毫不后悔.  9 She kept us waiting without the slightest compunction.她一直让我们等着却毫无歉意.  10 Her manners are above approach.她的举止无可非议.
    1 The person of ingratitude has a sad exit at last.那个忘恩负义的人最终的下场很可悲.  2 His whistling grated on her nerves.他的口哨声使她心烦.  3 The insult still ranked in his mind.他对那次受辱任耿耿于怀.  4 Our holiday has eaten into the money we saved.我们度假耗费了一些积蓄.  5 You are fretting yourself needlessly.你是在不必要地折磨自己.  6 There is no need to get into a stew,everything will be all right.没有必要烦恼,一切都会好起来的.  7 Do you like stewed beef?你喜欢吃炖牛肉吗?  8 I don't see why I should help her,she can stew in her own juice for a bit.我干嘛要帮助她,她自作自受得吃点苦头才好呢.  9 He's got himself into a complete stew about his exams.他对考试紧张得不得了.  10 Please open a window---We're stewing in here.请打开窗户吧,我们热死了.
    1 Things have simmered down since the riots last week.自上周骚动以来,事态已经平静下来了.  2 She simmered for a minute or two,then began shouting uncontrollably.她强忍了一两分钟,然后情不自禁的大叫起来.  3 Simmer down now and stop shouting.静下来吧,别喊了.  4 This row has been simmering for months.这场争吵已经憋了好几个月了.  5 I really sweated over my last essay.上次那篇文章我的确是下了工夫的.  6 I'm sweating all over.我浑身上下大汗淋漓.  7 I sweated off ten pounds in a week by playing squash everyday.我每天打壁球,一个星期体重减了十磅.  8 Making your own beer?It is not worth the sweat.你自己酿啤酒?不值得费那个劲.  9 I was all of a sweat before the exam.我临考前紧张得不得了.  10 Climbing all these stairs is a real sweat.登上所有这些楼梯可真费力气.
  Happy Valentine's Day and Chinese new year to everyone!  
  Frankly I dont think it is a good way to master the English since it is hard to keep up till the terminal and the word u recite mostly are not useful for us .
  新年快乐!恭喜发财!    1 Take your time.慢慢来.  2 I haven't the slightest idea.我一点都不知道.  3 It really comes in handy.有了它真的方便多了.  4 If i were in your shoes,your decision is right.如果我站在你的立场上,你的决定是正确的.  5 I'll play it by ear.我将随兴而定.  6 Hold your horses.耐心点.  7 You never know.世事难料.  8 The coon will soon ear.玉米很快就结穗了.  9 All this gossip about Sarah her ears must be buring!都在说萨拉的闲话,她耳朵一定发烧了.  10 I have staked all my hopes on you.我把所有的希望都放在你身上了.
    1 Shipment is ready, expedite credit.船已装完,请速开信用证。  2 No credit is given at this shop.这家商店概不赊欠。  3 His improved performance does credit to his trainer. 他的表演有进步,这应该归功於他的教练.  4 It does her credit that she managed not to get angry.她沉住气没发脾气, 这是值得称赞的.  5 The job involved me/my living in London.工作需要我住在伦敦.  6 She travels to work by bike. 她骑自行车去上班.  7 I have engaged a room at this hotel. 我已经在这个旅馆里预订了一个房间。  8 Nothing engages his attention for long.什麽事都无法使他长时间精神集中.  9 Our orders are to engage (the enemy) immediately.我们的命令是立即(与敌军)开战.  10 Trespassers will be prosecuted.闲人免进,违者必究。
  过完年了,上来的第一件事情就是来支持楼主  猪年大家共同进步!
  Hi,Bolanga,thanks for your support.  I'm very busy this morning.  And I will do my homework in the noon.  
    1 You really look sharp today.你今天真漂亮.  2 You'd better look sharp or you will be late.你得赶快,不然就晚了.  3 It was very sharp of you to have noticed that.你注意到了这一点,的确够机灵的.  4 Her jokes really creased me up.她的笑话让我笑得直不起腰来.  5 Life isn't a bed of roses.人生并非事事如意.  6 His face is seamed with age.他因年老而满脸皱纹.  7 Line the drawer with paper,please.请在抽屉里铺上纸.  8 He's lined up a live band for the party.他为晚会安排了一只充满活力的乐队.  9 I was out of breath after running for the bus.我因为追赶公共汽车,弄得上气不接下气.  10 My passport is due to expire in two months.我的护照再过两个月就到期了.       
    1 He is heavily insured against death.他给自己投了巨额的人身保险.  2 I've never tried water-skiing before,but I'd love to have a bash at it.我以前从未做过滑水运动, 但是我倒愿意试一试.  3 My mother really flipped when I told her I was getting married.我把要结婚的消息告诉了母亲, 母亲非常激动.  4 My husband was tossing and turning all night.我丈夫整夜翻来覆去睡不着.  5 There's only one pillow I'll toss you for it.只有一个枕头--我跟你掷硬币决定谁用吧.  6 Touch pitch, and you will be defiled.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。  7 They all pitched in and soon finished the job.大家七手八脚, 工作很快就完成了.  8 Don't always rake up the old stories.别总是旧事重提了。  9 All sorts of difficulties cropped up.各种各样的困难意想不到地出现了.  10 The tomatoes have cropped well this year. 今年马铃薯丰收.
    1 This restarunt is a family concern.这是个家族经营的餐馆.  2 The idea came to me in my bath.我洗澡时突然想出来这个点子.  3 Follow the footpath and you'll eventually hit the road.一直沿着这条小路走,最终你会到达大路的.  4 The critics roasted her new play.评论家们挖苦她的新剧本.  5 Guess who I bumped today?猜猜我今天碰见谁了?  6 He is an agreeable fellow,but likes to blow his own horn.他是个随和的人,但是爱自吹自擂.  7 It's blowing hard tonight.今晚风很大.  8 I'm sorry I snapped on you just now.抱歉我刚才不该对你嚷嚷.  9 This job is a snap.这个工作很容易.  10 Don't shuffle,lift up your feet.别拖着脚走路,把脚提起来.
  Sorry I made a mistake in No.5.  5 Gusee who I bumped into today?
    1 Your party clashed with a wedding I'm going to.你们的聚会和我要去参加的婚礼时间上有冲突.  2 As the but turned the corner,it collided with a van.公共汽车转过拐角时与客货车相撞.  3 We're going down to the pub for a few jars.我们打算去酒馆喝几杯啤酒.  4 Their opinion jarred with ours.他们的意见与我们不一致。  5 The news of the accident gave her an unpleasant jolt. 她听到出事的消息吃了一惊。   6 Excuse my French, but he's a bloody nuisance!别怪我骂人, 可他实在太不是东西!  7 He's very keen on her but she's always brushing him off.他非常喜爱她, 但她总是不理睬他.  8 He brushed aside my objections to his plan. 我反对他的计划,他不予理会.  9 I must brush up my English before I go to London.去伦敦之前,我必须好好温习一下英文.  10 A wave of panic swept over her.一阵惊恐袭上她的心头。
  sorry that there is a mistake in NO.2:  2 As the bus turned the corner,it collided with a van.
    1 Don't take on so!  2 One beats the bush,and another catches the birds.  3 It's time to tackle my homework.现在该对付我的家庭作业了.  4 They rigged the little boy out as a sailor.他们把小男孩打扮成水手模样。  5 A hot drink will soon set you up.你喝杯热饮料马上就精神了。  6 He likes to set himself up as an intelletual.他喜欢自命为知识分子.  7 The boxer was laid out in the fifth round.那个拳击手在第五回合中被击昏在地.  8 How much did you have to lay out for your new car? 你这辆新车花了多少钱?  9 Our conversation ranged over many topics. 我们的谈话涉及很多话题。   10 She pulled every string to attain the end.她想尽一切办法来达到目的。  
  Sorry forget the translation of two sentences.  1 别这么激动!  2 人竭其力,汝享其成.


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