steam怎么用oculus rift dk2 gta4

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老湿来了:教你Oculus Rift如何在四步启用Steam VR
Oculus Rift
  今天老湿就为大家解读:在Oculus Rift上,如何在四步内启用Steam VR。
Rift用户机以及老式Oculus Rift DK2开发工具包的。
  1.确保Oculus Rift正确安装
  Oculus Home虚拟桌面
  要用Oculus Rift启动SteamVR的第一步当然就是确保你的Oculus
Rift已被正确安装并且处在正常工作的状态。如果还没有,那么你可能要赶紧去下载“Oculus Home设置”了,它会帮你安装用户版Oculus
Rift(即使使用的是Oculus Rift DK2,你也能用它安装Oculus Home)。一旦成功安装,检查一下自己是否可以正常进入Oculus
  2.激活Unknown Sources
  现在我们开始启动Steam。如果界面此时没有自动弹出SteamVR安装选项,选择“Library &
One controller(用户版Oculus Rift配套设施)上的Back按钮将显示SteamVR菜单。
  在SteamVR为你的Oculus Rift下载精彩游戏
  在你已经可以用Oculus Rift运行SteamVR之后,你需要知道有哪些游戏是“Oculus
  Steam Search功能则让你通过分类检索在SteamVR上找到适合你设备的游戏。(展开屏幕右侧“Narrow by VR
  HTC Vive
  Oculus Rift
  Tracked motion controllers
  Keyboard / Mouse
or Standing Play Areas的游戏也是一样(因为你只有一个追踪传感器,而360度宽广视野区域游戏则需要两个追踪传感器)。
  用桌面影院模式玩非VR Steam游戏
正版游戏全接入 海量免费激活码 福利红包天天送
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How to play FRONTIERS with the Oculus Rift
By railboy
This guide was last updated on 9/1/2015 for FRONTIERS v0.4.6 / Oculus SDK v0.5.0.1. This guide only covers setup for Windows. I'll update it for OSX & Linux as I get feedback from players.
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9/1/2015 - I'm hearing that the game isn't working with the latest Oculus runtime. Looking into this now & will update soon.
DK1 Configuration
(FRONTIERS VR was developed primarily using the DK1 on Windows 7 64 bit & has been tested with the DK2)Before you do anything: [], including the Oculus runtime. (Make sure to run as admin.) Download the 0.3.2 SDK and extract it somewhere convenient, but don't install anything from it. This SDK contains the latest firmware for the DK1 (0.18rc).Now that you have the latest drivers & firmware ready: Configure Monitors Plug in the Rift & connect it to your machine, both USB and HDMI/DVI. If possible, plug the USB cable into a USB 2.0 port connected directly to your motherboard. Open the Screen Resolution dialog from your Desktop. You should see at leat two monitors available. One should be labeled Rift DK. If you don't see it, skip ahead to troubleshooting. Choose Extend These Displays and click Apply. Set the Rift as your 2nd monitor with
resolution. Make sure it's set to Landscape. Configure the Rift Open the Oculus Configuration Utility You should see Oculus Rift DK1 Ready. If you see HMD not detected or Tracker not detected, then skip ahead to troubleshooting. Open Tools-Advanced-&Update Firmware and select RiftTrackerFirmware_v0.18rc.ovrf from the extracted 0.3.2 SDK. It should be in ovr_sdk_win_0.3.2\OculusSDK\Firmware. (If your firmware is already up-to-date the Configuration Utility will tell you so.) Open Tools-&Rift Display Mode. Set the display mode to Extended and make sure the DK1 legacy support checkbox is checked. Configure the game Launch the game normally (DON'T use Frontiers_DirectToRift.exe) Select your profile and open the Options dialog. In the Accessibility section, I strongly recommend that you check the Use Dyslexic Font checkbox. Reading text in the DK1 using the default font can be difficult. Click the Save Changes button to apply the font. In the Key Bindings section, if you don't have any custom key bindings, I recommend that you click Reset All button to make sure you're working with the latest setup. Click the Save Changes button to apply the new key bindings. In the Video-&General section, make sure Full Screen is checked. In the Video-&Oculus Rift / VR section, you should see an Enable Oculus Mode checkbox. If you see No VR Device Detected, skip ahead to troubleshooting. Click the Enable Oculus Mode checkbox. Close the dialog. The game will enter Oculus mode. Put on your Rift headset - the game should now be visible in the Rift (ie on your 2nd monitor). If it's visible on your primary monitor, Alt+Tab out of the game and use the Screen Resolution dialog to set the Rift to your primary monitor.
DK2 Configuration
Update: I have tested the game with a DK2 and can confirm that it now works in both Extended and Direct mode with both D3D9 (default) & D3D11. On my setup I experienced the best results with Direct mode using D3D11. You can force FRONTIERS to use D3D11 by creating a shortcut to FRONTIERS_DirectToRift.exe and adding & -force-d3d11& to the target.Before you do anything: [], including the Oculus runtime. (Make sure to run as admin.)Now that you have the latest drivers & firmware ready: Configure the Rift Plug in the Rift & connect it to your machine, both USB and HDMI/DVI. If possible, plug the USB cable into a USB 2.0 port connected directly to your motherboard. Open the Oculus Configuration Utility You should see Oculus Rift DK2 Ready. If you see HMD not detected or Tracker not detected, then skip ahead to troubleshooting. Open Tools-Advanced-&Update Firmware and select C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus\Tools\Firmware\DK2\. Open Tools-&Rift Display Mode. Set the display mode to Direct HMD Access From Apps. Configure the game Launch the game using FRONTIERS_DirectToRift.exe (Or your D3D11 shortcut). Don't launch the game using Frontiers.exe when using the DK2 - on my system it has judder. If you're using extended mode and have trouble getting FRONTIERS to use your primary monitor, create a shortcut & add & -adapter 1& to the target. Put on your Rift headset - the game should now be visible in the Rift. If it's not, skip ahead to Troubleshooting. Select your profile and open the Options dialog. In the Key Bindings section, if you don't have any custom key bindings, I recommend that you click Reset All button to make sure you're working with the latest setup. Click the Save Changes button to apply the new key bindings.
Playing the Game
ControlsMovement Controls: Strafing is disabled in VR mode. To turn left / right, either turn your head or use your left/right movement axis.Interface Controls: There is no mouse-driven cursor movement in VR mode. You must either use a controller or a keyboard to navigate the interface.VR IconsWhen an interface is open four icons will appear at the bottom of your screen. They control how interfaces are positioned in 3D space. The icons can be selected and clicked like normal buttons. In order from left to right: RESET TRACKING: Resets the tracking and the interface orientation in one step. LOCK TO VIEW: Forces the interface to follow your camera. Activating it sets the interface's offset. You can center the interface with REORIENT. LOCK TO CURSOR: Keeps the interface centered over your mouse cursor. REORIENT: Rotates the interface to face the camera.
If your Rift isn't being detected: Windows Firewall may be blocking the Oculus service. Make sure your rules are up to date. Logitech Download Manager may be interfering with the Oculus service. Run msconfig.exe and disable it. Razer peripherals (eg Razer Hydra) may be interfering with the Oculus service. Run msconfig.exe and disable any Razer services or startup programs. If you're using the DK1 or running the Rift in Extended mode, make sure your monitor setup is actually set to 'Extend these displays.' Make sure the Rift is plugged into a USB 2.0 port. Plugging it directly into the motherboard is preferable. This list isn't meant to be comprehensive, it's just the things that I've personally dealt with. This also doesn't cover difficulties on OSX or Linux. If you're having trouble configuring monitors or launching the game:If your Rift is getting detected but you're having trouble getting it set up correctly I recommend trying Bilago's unofficial VR manager / launcher. I haven't used it myself I hear it's magical:[]If using the DK2 in Extended mode causes a crashThis was still happening occationally (maybe 1 out of 10 times) when using Extended mode in D3D9. When using D3D11, or when I use Direct display mode with either D3D9 or D3D11, I never experienced a crash. Please
if you're able to reproduce a crash consistently with Extended mode / D3D9 so I can tell people what to avoid.If your frame rate is too low (&75fps)FRONTIERS still isn't fully optimized so you're not going to see silky-smooth 75fps on low-end systems. If you're experiencing low frame rates on your system I recommend waiting to play VR until the game has been optimized. For minor frame-rate boosts:Check all the VR-specific options in the Video-&Oculus Rift / VR section, as well as the Reduce Tree Variation checkbox in the Video-&Terrain section.Turn off Aero theme in Windows (this can actually help a lot)If none of this helped then I recommend you check out []
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组装射击VR动作游戏《Disassembled》上架Steam 支持Oculus Rift
  PChome游戏频道报道:经过短暂的延期,现在,《Disassembled(拆卸)》这款动作射击类VR游戏终于上市了,在今天正式登陆Oculus Rift平台。  射击是VR游戏中采用最广泛的游戏模式,在该作中,玩家需要对抗邪恶古怪的机器人,通过射击将它们一一击退。正如这款游戏的名称一般,玩家用来对抗机器人的武器都是可以任意组装的,你可以随意拆卸你的现有武器组装成新的武器,脑洞多大,武器就有多夸张。  除了一般的竞技场之外,开发商也带来了非常有趣的地图,玩家可以在海底,荒漠,雨林等世界中,自由作战,为游戏增加了极大的可玩性。  虽然游戏现在已经登陆Steam平台了,但是和大家预想不一样,游戏暂时只支持Oculus Rift,并未支持HTC Vive,现在购买游戏玩家可享受25%的折扣,原价48元的体验游戏,现在只需36元。
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  VRPinea 8月4日讯(微信号:VRPinea)  根据  ValveHardware  和  Software  联手发布的最新数据调查显示:持续的销量增长使得  Oculus Rift  在  Steam  中的市场份额创历史新高,但仍然未超过  HTC Vive  。  Steam  是  HTC Vive  的内容分发平台,同时在技术上也支持  Oculus Rift  。目前大部分的  Oculus Rift  用户主要通过  Oculus  官方内容分发平台  Oculus Home  以及  Steam  下载内容。  每月,  Valve  通过对  Steam  用户进行调查,以统计用户使用各种硬件及软件的数据。并根据这一数据,分析过去一段时间的用户变动情况。  最新的调查结果  表明  ,在  Steam  上使用  Oculus Rift  头显的用户增长了  1.1%  ,  占整体市场份额的  35.7%  。  1.1%  的  增长主要来源于,  HTC Vive  的市场份额减少的  0.8%  ,以及  Oculus DK2  开发套件使用者减少的  0.3%  。  目前,仍有  4.3%  的用户  在  Steam  平台使用  Oculus DK2  。而  HTC Vive  使用人数最多,占  Steam  市场份额的  60%  。  Oculus Rift  之所以能在短短数月,涨幅达  1.1%  ,得益于  Oculus Rift  “夏日促销”。活动期间,  Oculus Rift+Touch  的价格从原来的  600  美元降至  400  美元,活动结束后,价格将恢复为  500  美元。  相比于  Oculus Rift  不惜血本的大促销,  HTC Vive  不为所动,价格仍保持  最初的  800  美元  。  HTC Vive  甚至  还公开表示,现在还没有到需要降价的时候。  与  Oculus  的豪气降价,以图抢占市场相比,  HTC Vive  更多的是想要赚更多的钱,扩张生态蓝图。在这个  VR  市场还不够成熟的阶段,各大公司顾虑不同,侧重点不同,打法也不尽相同。  Oculus  大头迎头赶上之势,  HTC Vive  肯定也有一定的对应之策。两厂相争,最终结局如何呢?目前尤未可知。  本文由  roadtovr  刊发,属  VRPinea  原创编译稿件,转载请洽:  
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