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Where there
is Chinese , there is Majiang
Mahjong (Chinese:
麻將;&pinyin: m&
ji&ng) is a&game for four players that originated in
China. One of the myths of the origin of mahjong
suggests that Confucious, the
great Chinese philosopher, developed the game in about 500 BC. This
assertion is likely to be apocryphal. According to this myth, the
appearance of the game in the various Chinese states coincided with
Confucius' travels at the time he was teaching his new doctrines.
The three dragon (cardinal) tiles also agree with the three
cardinal virtues bequeathed by Confucius. H&ng Zhōng
红中, red middle), Fā C&i
(发财 , prosperity), and B&i
Ban (白板 , white board)
represent benevolence,
and filial
piety, respectively.The myth
also claims that Confucius was fond of birds, which would explain
the name "mahjong" (maque 麻雀 = sparrow). However, there is no
evidence of mahjong's existence before the Taiping he 19th century, which eliminates Confucius as a
likely inventor.
There are many variations of
mahjong. In many places, players often observe one version and are
either unaware of other variations or claim that different versions
are incorrect. Although many variations today differ only by
scoring, there are several varieties:
Hong Kong mahjong or
Cantonese mahjong is possibly the most common form of
mahjong, differing in minor scoring details from the Chinese
Classical variety. It does not allow multiple players to win from a
single discard.
Sichuan mahjong is a
growing variety, particularly in southern China, disallowing chi
melds, and using only the suited tiles. It can be played very
Taiwanese mahjong is the
variety prevalent in Taiwan and involves hands of 16 tiles (as
opposed to the 13-tile hands in other versions), features bonuses
for dealers and recurring dealerships, and allows multiple players
to win from a single discard.
To determine the Player Game Wind
(門風m&n fēng or 自風z& fēng), each player throws three dice (two in
some variants) and the player with the highest total is chosen as
the dealer or the banker (莊家zhuāng jiā). The dealer's Wind is E
the player to the right of the dealer has S the next
player to the right has W and the fourth player has North
(imagine a reversed map). Game Wind changes after every hand,
unless the dealer wins. In some variations, the longer the dealer
remains dealer, the higher the value of each hand.
All tiles are placed face down and
shuffled. Each player then stacks a row of tiles two tiles high in
front of him, the length of the row depending on the number of
tiles in use:
· 136 tiles: 17 stacks for each
Suits of dots, bamboos, and characters + winds + dragons
· 144 tiles: 18 stacks for each
Each player is dealt either
thirteen tiles (for 13-tile variations) or sixteen tiles (for
16-tile variations). If a player is dealt a hand of tiles that is
determined to be a winning hand (known as a "heavenly win", 天胡tiān
h&), he or she may declare victory immediately before the game even
begins. However, this scenario of victory occurs very
A turn involves a player's drawing
a tile from the wall (or draw pile) and then placing it in his or
the player then discards a tile onto the table. This
signals the end of his or her turn, prompting the player to the
right to make his or her move. Some variants encourage each player
to loudly announce the name of the tile being discarded as a form
of courtesy. Many variations require that discarded tiles be placed
in an orderly fashion in front of the player, while some require
that they be placed face down.
During game play, the number of
tiles maintained by each player shoul i.e.,
thirteen or sixteen. A player must discard a tile after
picking up one. Failure to do so rules that player effectively out
of winning, since a winning combination could never be built
with one extra tile or fewer, but the player is obliged to continue
until someone else wins.
A player wins the round by
creating a standard mahjong hand, which consists of a certain
number of melds (namely, four for 13-tile variations and five for
16-tile variations) and a pair. If a player needs only one more
tile to complete his winning hand and another player discards the
tile he needs, he may claim it immediately, regardless of who
discarded it or what part of his hand it completes.
Examples of winning hands (split
into melds and pair for clarity):
(5)11、111、111、 111、111 (
From what we discussed above, we
may safety come to the conclusion that mahjong involves skill,
strategy, and calculation, as well as a certain degree of luck
(depending on the variation played, luck can be anything from a
minor to a dominant factor in winning).Mahjong is popular in the
Chinese people culture circle.
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。中学奇葩寒假作业 靠打扑克搓麻将学英语_百度传媒
中学奇葩寒假作业 靠打扑克搓麻将学英语
&b&机投中学:&/b&&b&麻将扑克学英语 &/b&&b&每天练字加长跑&/b&
&今年英语作业形式大变样,不再是枯燥无味的做试卷,而是通过玩扑克的形式快乐的完成假期作业。&机投中学田精耘校长介绍,他在英语教学中提出了“English in fun”的英语学习理念和“乐中学”英语学习方法,发明了被称为“英语三魔”的扑克、卡片、麻将三种教学用具,同时学校改革试验研究组结合七年级英语的教学大纲和扑克牌编写了《乐中学活动册》。
&b&成都实外:&/b&&b&制作个人作品集 &/b&&b&至少编入20篇文章&/b&
吴同学介绍,自己的作业单上还有很多“奇葩”的作业,比如自己期末考试英语没考好,英语老师就布置了“特别作业”:抄这个学期的英语笔记两遍,同时还要每天收看CCTV NEWS英语新闻频道。吴同学的爸爸不禁提出了疑惑:“我以前还是大学生,看CCTV NEWS频道都听不懂,我们的娃娃还只是初中生,这些作业布置下来不知道有谁能完成。”
各位家长朋友,如果您的孩子也遇上了这些“别出心裁”的作业,或者遇到了一些“奇葩”的作业,让您忍不住想吐槽,欢迎拨打华西都市报热线96111,与大家一同分享。华西都市报实习记者 郭枫
&b&网络爆料台 &/b&&b&随时随地,极速爆料&/b&
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随时随地收看更多新闻背单词枯燥 57岁老人自创英文麻将 只有英文字母_第2页_综合新闻_梦幻网络
背单词枯燥 57岁老人自创英文麻将 只有英文字母
  “学了几天,记不住,也枯燥,我就想啊,有没有那种既好玩儿又能学习的方法。”薛胜利开始琢磨,直到一天打麻将时,灵感突然闪现,“把字母编到麻将里!”  4组的26个英文字母,加上4组的10张音标牌,薛胜利把北京麻将游戏规则加以创新,创出这套144张的英文麻将。“除了玩法,还有元素玩法和拼音玩法,比较受欢迎。”  拼单词、排字母,研究这套牌,薛胜利用了5年,“我得自己先玩通,才能拿出来给别人玩儿呀。”  年初,住潘家园的薛胜利把牌桌摆到北工大门口,“想找好的大学生。”学生放暑假,他就把牌桌支到天坛公园,“这里外国游客多,能教我,老人也多,能陪我玩儿。”  他玩麻将也有目标,“有人能教我十几句发音纯正的,让人一听认为这就是老外说出来的,我就知足了。”  ■ 特写  英文麻将难倒老外  “您有Y、E,可以等B和E,凑成BYE或者EYE,就和了。”薛胜利站在牌友旁边指导。  年近50的张阿姨,一手拿着单词表,一手摸牌。她自摸一张E,在牌友的提示下,和了单词“WET”,“这也是单词?”牌友说,那是“潮湿”的意思,张阿姨赶紧记下,“回家我就背会。”她玩了一个月,学会几十个单词,大伙叫她“进步最快的牌友”。  尽管不少外国游客围观,但大多对着麻将拍照,面对薛胜利的热情邀请,国际友人摆摆手、摇摇头,微笑拒绝。“我知道它(叫)麻将,可我不会玩。”一名美国游客操着不太熟练的汉语说。  薛胜利说,也有外国游客玩过,但和牌的很少,“一来是不熟悉规则,二来,字母打乱顺序混在一起,挑出来组成单词也常常难倒老外。”&&&&&2
由“Friendlies”改为汉语拼音“Fuwa”日前,记者从北京奥组委证实,去年11月发布以来曾一度受到争议的2008年奥运会吉祥物“福娃”的国际译名“Friendlies”已于上周正式更改,新的英文译名汉语拼音“Fuwa”正式启用。 原来的福娃...()
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