用QQ旋风下载CF体验服安装完please wait while waitSetup is loading但是不出现安装器

小木虫 --- 600万学术达人喜爱的学术科研平台
& && &glibc-32bit-9-
& && &hpmpi-
& && &libgcc-3.3.3-43.54 (32-bit and 64-bit)
& && &libstdc++-3.3.3-43.54 (32-bit and 64-bit)
这些包都要一定要装上去, hpmpi- 这个一般是在MS得安装盘上有。
2、安装MS4.4 ,我创建的个人用户是msi 在msi下建temp文件夹把软件拷到temp里
3、修改权限,chmod –R 755 UNIX,进入temp/UNIX,执行./Install
6.启动license 路径:…./Accelrys/LicensePack/linux/bin& &命令:$ ./lp_admin
buildData.txt&&LicensePack& &Linux_x86_64& && && && && && && && & README.txt
Install& && &&&License_Pack&&msi.lic
installer& && &Linux& && && &PBS_Pro
Legal& && && & Linux_IA64& & README_InstallingGaussianServer.txt
$ ./Install
Running Materials Studio installer for platform Linux_x86_64...
Please specify an absolute destination path&&:
Please choose the packages you wish to install:
&&1. AmorphousCell Server
&&2. Blends Server
&&3. CASTEP Server
&&4. CCDC Servers (ConQuest, Motif)
&&5. Conformers Server
&&6. DFTB+ Server
&&7. DMol3 Server
&&8. DPD Server
&&9. Discover Server
&&10. Equilibria Server
&&11. Forcite Server
&&12. GULP Server
&&13. Gaussian Server
&&14. MesoDyn Server
&&15. Mesocite Server
&&16. Mesotek Server
&&17. Morphology Server
&&18. ONETEP Server
&&19. Polymorph Server
&&20. QMERA Server
&&21. QSAR Models Server
&&22. Reflex+ Server
&&23. Reflex QPA Server
&&24. Reflex Server
&&25. Sorption Server
&&26. Structures Library
&&27. VAMP Server
&&28. Everything
Enter items to install (e.g. 1,2,5) , or Q to quit : 28
Starting installation...
Install log in /home/msi/Accelrys/MaterialsStudio44/install.log
Installing everything...
Checking for dependencies for AmorphousCellServer:6
Checking for dependencies for AmorphousCell: None
Checking for dependencies for Licensing:1
Checking for dependencies for LicensePack: None
& && && & Initializing InstallShield Wizard........
& && && & Launching InstallShield Wizard........
Accelrys License Pack 7.6 - InstallShield Wizard
Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Accelrys License Pack 7.6
The InstallShield Wizard will install Accelrys License Pack 7.6 on your
To continue, choose Next.
Accelrys License Pack 7.6
Accelrys Software Inc.
Press 1 for Next, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay&&
Accelrys License Pack 7.6 - InstallShield Wizard
Accelrys License Pack 7.6 Install Location
Please specify a directory or press Enter to accept the default directory.
Destination Directory&&
Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay&&
Accelrys License Pack 7.6 - InstallShield Wizard
Select the features for "Accelrys License Pack 7.6" you would like to install:
& &Accelrys License Pack 7.6
& &To select/deselect a feature or to view its children, type its number:
& &&&1.& &LicensePack
& &&&2.& &Compatibility LicensePack
& &The Compatibility LicensePack is required for supporting Accelrys software
& &shipped with License Packs 6.x or lower and to support IRIX and Solaris
& &platforms. See License Pack documentation for complete list of Accelrys
& &software supported by this License Pack.
& &Other options:
& &&&0. Continue installing
& &Enter command&&
Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay&&
Accelrys License Pack 7.6 - InstallShield Wizard
Accelrys License Pack 7.6 will be installed in the following location:
with the following features:
for a total size:
Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay&&
Accelrys License Pack 7.6 - InstallShield Wizard
Installing Accelrys License Pack 7.6. Please wait...
0%& && && &25%& && && &50%& && && &75%& && &&&100%
Creating uninstaller...
Finalizing the Vital Product Data Registry. Please wait...
Configuring License Pack
Accelrys License Pack 7.6 - InstallShield Wizard
The InstallShield Wizard has successfully installed Accelrys License Pack 7.6.
Choose Finish to exit the wizard.
Press 3 to Finish or 5 to Redisplay&&
Checking for dependencies for SharedSetup:4
Checking for dependencies for IntelRuntime: None
Checking for dependencies for HPMPI:1
Do HP-MPI Installation -- MesoDyn server selected.
Should HPMPI use SSH? :&&y
Configuring HP-MPI installation
Setting up machines.LINUX file in /home/msi/Accelrys/MaterialsStudio44/share/data
Checking for dependencies for GatewayTmp: None
Please specify the location for temporary files (required for certain
computational servers), e.g., /tmp or /usr/tmp.&&Enter ./tmp if you prefer
to create these files in the directory where the job is being run. Please
note that the ./tmp setting could create additional I/O overhead and thereby
affect performance&&:
Checking for dependencies for GatewayScripts: None
Configuring environment setup
Setting installation path in environment setup script files
Checking for dependencies for Gateway:2
Configuring Gateway to use default port
Configuring Gateway for supported queueing systems
Checking for dependencies for PPComponents: None
Checking for dependencies for Discover: None
Creating Stand alone AmorphousCell script /home/msi/Accelrys/MaterialsStudio44/etc/AmorphousCell/bin/RunAmorphousCell.sh
Checking for dependencies for CASTEPServer:7
Checking for dependencies for CASTEP: None
Checking for dependencies for MKL:1
Creating Stand alone CASTEP script /home/msi/Accelrys/MaterialsStudio44/etc/CASTEP/bin/RunCASTEP.sh
Checking for dependencies for DMol3Server:6
Checking for dependencies for DMol3: None
Creating Stand alone DMol3 script /home/msi/Accelrys/MaterialsStudio44/etc/DMol3/bin/RunDMol3.sh
Checking for dependencies for DPDServer:7
Checking for dependencies for DPD: None
Creating Stand alone DPD script /home/msi/Accelrys/MaterialsStudio44/etc/DPD/bin/RunDPD.sh
Checking for dependencies for DiscoverServer:6
Creating Stand alone Discover script /home/msi/Accelrys/MaterialsStudio44/etc/Discover/bin/RunDiscover.sh
Checking for dependencies for EquilibriaServer:7
Checking for dependencies for Equilibria: None
Creating Stand alone Equilibria script /home/msi/Accelrys/MaterialsStudio44/etc/Equilibria/bin/RunEquilibria.sh
Checking for dependencies for GaussianServer:5
Checking for dependencies for Gaussian: None
You have chosen to install the Gaussian server but Gaussian seems not to be
installed on this machine.&&Before using the Gaussian server please make sure
that Gaussian is installed.
Press ENTER to continue:
Checking for dependencies for MesoDynServer:6
Checking for dependencies for MesoDyn: None
Creating Stand alone MesoDyn script /home/msi/Accelrys/MaterialsStudio44/etc/MesoDyn/bin/RunMesoDyn.sh
Checking for dependencies for ReflexPlusServer:7
Checking for dependencies for MatServer:30
Checking for dependencies for xpcom: None
Checking for dependencies for xpidl: None
Checking for dependencies for perl: None
Checking for dependencies for WinCE: None
Checking for dependencies for MS3rdParty: None
Checking for dependencies for ApplicationComponents: None
Checking for dependencies for ApplicationLibraries: None
Checking for dependencies for Container: None
Checking for dependencies for ContainerInterfaces: None
Checking for dependencies for ContainerRootConsumer: None
Checking for dependencies for ContainerUtils: None
Checking for dependencies for DataModel: None
Checking for dependencies for Documents: None
Checking for dependencies for DocumentsInterfaces: None
Checking for dependencies for Libraries: None
Checking for dependencies for SDK: None
Checking for dependencies for Scripting: None
Checking for dependencies for ViewersInterfaces: None
Checking for dependencies for Visualizer: None
Checking for dependencies for VisualizerInterfaces: None
Checking for dependencies for QSAR: None
Checking for dependencies for QSARApplications: None
Checking for dependencies for Polymer: None
Checking for dependencies for MSExampleData: None
Checking for dependencies for Simulations: None
Checking for dependencies for Analytical: None
Checking for dependencies for ReflexServer:5
Checking for dependencies for PowderIndexing: None
Checking for dependencies for Structures:1
Checking for dependencies for MSStructures: None
Checking for dependencies for VAMPServer:6
Checking for dependencies for VAMP: None
Creating Stand alone VAMP script /home/msi/Accelrys/MaterialsStudio44/etc/VAMP/bin/RunVAMP.sh
Checking for dependencies for QMERAServer:7
Checking for dependencies for QMERA: None
Checking for dependencies for GULP: None
Creating Stand alone QMERA script /home/msi/Accelrys/MaterialsStudio44/etc/QMERA/bin/RunQMERA.sh
Checking for dependencies for GULPServer:6
Creating Stand alone GULP script /home/msi/Accelrys/MaterialsStudio44/etc/GULP/bin/RunGULP.sh
Checking for dependencies for ONETEPServer:6
Checking for dependencies for ONETEP: None
Creating Stand alone ONETEP script /home/msi/Accelrys/MaterialsStudio44/etc/ONETEP/bin/RunONETEP.sh
Checking for dependencies for MesotekServer:6
Checking for dependencies for Mesotek: None
Creating Stand alone Mesotek script /home/msi/Accelrys/MaterialsStudio44/etc/Mesotek/bin/RunMesotek.sh
Checking for dependencies for BlendsServer:3
Checking for dependencies for Docking: None
Checking for dependencies for ConformerSearchServer:3
Checking for dependencies for DFTBServer:9
Checking for dependencies for DFTB: None
Checking for dependencies for Quantum: None
Checking for dependencies for Nano: None
Creating Stand alone DFTB script /home/msi/Accelrys/MaterialsStudio44/etc/DFTB/bin/RunDFTB.sh
Checking for dependencies for ForciteServer:2
Checking for dependencies for MesociteServer:3
Checking for dependencies for Meso: None
Checking for dependencies for MorphologyServer:3
Checking for dependencies for Crystallization: None
Checking for dependencies for PolymorphServer:3
Checking for dependencies for QSARModelsServer:2
Checking for dependencies for FastDesc: None
Checking for dependencies for ReflexQPAServer:3
Checking for dependencies for SorptionServer:3
Checking for dependencies for CCDCServers:4
Checking for dependencies for CCDC: None
You have chosen to install the CCDC servers, but neither ConQuest nor Motif
appear to be installed. Please make sure that these servers are present before
attempting to use them.
本帖关键词:Linux temp license msi Materials
libgcc-4.1.2-46.el5.x86_64.rpm只装64的吧& &compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-61.i386.rpm这个装32和64的
我系统装好了&&是用linux text, 只是版上下载的licenses 4.4&&导入不成功 ,lp_admin也不行,换做4.3licenses倒可以用了&&真奇怪!&&等再出问题了&&再试试图形系统吧 :D
$ rpm -qa | grep libstdc
$ rpm -qa | grep libgcc
$ rpm -qa | grep glibc
Checking for dependencies for AmorphousCellData: None
Checking for dependencies for AmorphousCellServer:6
Checking for dependencies for Licensing:2
Checking for dependencies for LicensePack: None
Aborting Materials Studio installation.
对了can not conect X sever ,你是用什么用户安装的,应该用普通用户
北京学而思教育科技有限公司 地址:北京市海淀区北三环甲18号中鼎大厦A座1层102室 电话:010-
0 简介bitnami和gitlab
BitNami是一个开源项目,该项目产生的开源软件包安装 Web应用程序和解决方案堆栈,以及虚拟设备。bitnami主办Bitrock公司成立于2003年在西班牙塞维利亚,由丹尼尔&洛佩兹Ridruejo。bitnami栈用于安装在,Windows,Mac OS X中和Solaris软件。[1] BitNami 提供wordpress、joomla、drupal、bbpress等开源程序的傻瓜式安装包下载,所有的安装包内置了服务器环境,就是说,不需要在本地 电脑上另外搭建服务器,就可以一次性傻瓜式安装完毕。BitNami开源程序傻瓜集成安装包可选环境,包括WAMP,LAMP,MAMP,SAMP。[2]
来源: &/view/6313045.htm?fr=aladdin&
ps :这个玩意很好,很多东西实现一键安装。doc统一在:/Applications/
GitLab 是一个用于仓库管理的开源项目。使用Git作为代码管理工具,并在此基础上搭建起来的web服务
来源: &/view/9915769.htm?fr=aladdin& ps : 这东西安装起来很费劲,本人比较笨,从来没装成功过。要想自己一个个安装参考 百度
一键安装包: /stack/gitlab
2 安装过程
ps 需要root 前提信息记录 账户名: xschao 密码 xiaoxiao
[root@centos_xschao gitlab]$ chmod +x bitnami-gitlab-7.4.3-0-linux-installer.run
[root@centos_xschao gitlab]# ./bitnami-gitlab-7.4.3-0-linux-installer.run
Welcome to the Bitnami Gitlab Stack Setup Wizard.
Select the components clear the components you do not want
to install. Click Next when you are ready to continue.
GitLab : Y (Cannot be edited)
GitLab CI [Y/n] :Y
Is the selection above correct? [Y/n]: Y
Installation folder
Please, choose a folder to install Bitnami Gitlab Stack
Select a folder [/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0]:
Create Admin account
Bitnami Gitlab Stack admin user creation
Email Address []:
Login [xschao]:
Password :xxxxxxxxxxx
Please confirm your password :
Hostname that will be used to create internal URLs. If this value is incorrect,
you may be unable to access your Gitlab installation from other computers. It is
advisable to use a Domain instead of an IP address for compatibility with
different browsers.
Domain []: 这里最好写外网ip或者域名
Do you want to configure mail support? [y/N]: y
Configure SMTP Settings
This is required so your application can send notifications via email.
Default email provider:
[2] Custom
Please choose an option [1] : 1
Configure SMTP Settings
This data is stored in the application configuration files and may be visible to
others. For this reason, it is recommended that you do not use your personal
account credentials.
GMail address []: xschao.
GMail password :
Re-enter :
Setup is now ready to begin installing Bitnami Gitlab Stack on your computer.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]: Y
Please wait while Setup installs Bitnami Gitlab Stack on your computer.
0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%
ps 没好奇心略过即可,
root@centos_xschao gitlab-7.4.3-0]# ps aux|grep `pwd`
0:00 /bin/sh /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0//bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/f --port=3306 --socket=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock --datadir=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/data --log-error=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/data/mysqld.log --pid-file=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/data/mysqld.pid --lower-case-table-names=1
3.7 92 pts/1
0:02 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/bin/mysqld.bin --defaults-file=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/f --basedir=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql --datadir=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/data --plugin-dir=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/lib/plugin --user=mysql --lower-case-table-names=1 --log-error=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/data/mysqld.log --pid-file=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/data/mysqld.pid --socket=/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock --port=3306
0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/redis/bin/redis-server
0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
0:00 -bash -c ((cd /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apps/gitlabci/gitlabci-runner && /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apps/gitlabci/gitlabci-runner/bin/runner RAILS_ENV=production 2&&1) &/opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apps/gitlabci/gitlabci-runner/logs/gitlabci-runner.log) &
0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/ruby/bin/.ruby.bin /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apps/gitlabci/gitlabci-runner/bin/runner RAILS_ENV=production
0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
0:02 Passenger RackApp: /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apps/gitlabci/htdocs
11.2 568 ?
0:07 Passenger RackApp: /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apps/gitlab/htdocs
10.5 296 ?
0:18 Passenger AppPreloader: /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apps/gitlab/htdocs
0:00 /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/bin/httpd -f /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
10.1 648 ?
0:00 Passenger RackApp: /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0/apps/gitlab/htdocs
0:00 grep /opt/gitlab-7.4.3-0
4 启动命令
[root@centos_xschao gitlab-7.4.3-0]# find ./ -name '*ctlscript*'
[root@centos_xschao gitlab-7.4.3-0]# ./ctlscript.sh
usage: ./ctlscript.sh help
./ctlscript.sh (start|stop|restart|status)
./ctlscript.sh (start|stop|restart|status) mysql
./ctlscript.sh (start|stop|restart|status) apache
./ctlscript.sh (start|stop|restart|status) redis
./ctlscript.sh (start|stop|restart|status) gitlab_sidekiq
./ctlscript.sh (start|stop|restart|status) gitlabci_sidekiq
./ctlscript.sh (start|stop|restart|status) gitlabci_runner
- this screen
- start the service(s)
the service(s)
- restart or start the service(s)
- show the status of the service(s)
5 配置: 参考这里:酌情翻墙 /os/795.html查看: 2269|回复: 12
火钻0 最后登录积分40注册时间帖子
新锐奥摩, 积分 40, 距离下一级还需 10 积分
cf出了点问题,然后就卸了重新下,结果下载完成后是出现一串英文please wait while setup.....terifying installer什么的,加载完了就什么也没了,桌面上也没有客户端,从文件再点开cf又显示程序已经在运行,这是什么问题
火钻141 最后登录积分594843注册时间帖子
火钻0 最后登录积分40注册时间帖子
新锐奥摩, 积分 40, 距离下一级还需 10 积分
火钻0 最后登录积分40注册时间帖子
新锐奥摩, 积分 40, 距离下一级还需 10 积分
火钻311 最后登录积分263035注册时间帖子
Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Learn to trust your heart
火钻42 最后登录积分276990注册时间帖子
火钻53 最后登录积分163570注册时间帖子
火钻0 最后登录积分40注册时间帖子
新锐奥摩, 积分 40, 距离下一级还需 10 积分
等这个加载完后就什么也没有了,也没有出现客户端,也没有进一步的操作,我是北方大区的 才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?
火钻0 最后登录积分40注册时间帖子
新锐奥摩, 积分 40, 距离下一级还需 10 积分
火钻0 最后登录积分40注册时间帖子
新锐奥摩, 积分 40, 距离下一级还需 10 积分
亲亲小宝贝@520 发表于
火钻0 最后登录积分40注册时间帖子
新锐奥摩, 积分 40, 距离下一级还需 10 积分
╰'旧情绪 发表于
火钻0 最后登录积分40注册时间帖子
新锐奥摩, 积分 40, 距离下一级还需 10 积分
火钻2 最后登录积分105310注册时间帖子
枪王夏日兰, 积分 105310, 距离下一级还需 14690 积分
& && && &欢迎来到咨询&反馈区,为了防止遗漏大家反馈的问题,避免出现玩家跟贴反馈问题不能及时处理和反馈,每位版主将不再另行通知,在下版后加锁该时间段的帖子。
& && && &如果你的问题长时间没有得到解决,请各位亲重新发帖反馈,同时说明清楚原贴中版主追加提问的问题,并带上原帖链接反馈。由此带来的不便还请谅解。
1. 如果你要提交游戏地图bug
2. 如果你要咨询、反馈活动问题、如 无法领取相应的活动奖励
发贴时请附上相关的活动地址、无法领取的截图、 相关的q游助手查询记录截图、 游戏qq及大区
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