
&温馨提示:&&&&只需一步您就可以把现有MSN SPACES、搜狐或网易的博客内容备份到新浪,&&&&,只要您的手机可以上网,就可以第一时间浏览他人的博客或者更新您自己的博客,您用手机更新的博客可以同时显示在互联网上这样做您的博客会受到更多的关注:&&&&装饰个性博客,看看?&&&&完善个人资料,当头像&&&&随便逛逛,点击屏幕右上方的,看看邻居的观点,留下您的宝贵评论&还想了解更多,欢迎找答案。也可以到浏览大事小情。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。Welcome to TinyURL!&
Are you sick of posting URLs in emails only to have it break when sent causing the recipient to have to cut and paste it back together? Then you've come to the right place. By entering in a URL in the text field below, we will create a tiny URL that will not break in email postings and never expires.
Enter a long URL to make tiny:
Custom alias (optional):
May contain letters, numbers, and dashes.
An example
Turn this URL:
into this TinyURL:
Which one would you rather cut and paste into your browser? That's the power of TinyURL!
Add TinyURL to your browser's toolbar
Click and drag the following link to your links toolbar.
Once this is on your toolbar, you'll be able to make a TinyURL at the click of a button. By clicking on the toolbar button, a TinyURL will be created for the page you are currently at.
This is compatible with most web browsers and platforms as long as your bookmarks or favorites allow javascript. The links toolbar may not be visible in all setups and in most browsers, you can enable it in the View->Toolbars menu of your web browser. You can also put it in your bookmarks instead of the links toolbar.
Can't drag and drop? For some users, such as some recent IE 6 installations, the clicking and dragging of links that contain javascript is no longer supported.
To add this to your IE
links toolbar,
click the link with your
right mouse button and select "Add to Favorites..." from the menu. Click OK if a security warning alert pops-up (this shows up since the link contains javscript). If a list of folders is not shown, click the "Create&in&>>>" button (see image at right). Now select the folder called "Links" and then click OK. You should now see the TinyURL on your links toolbar, if not, see the last paragraph above.
Redirection to any page in your site!
With TinyURL, you can also make a smaller URL that will work for any page on your site. Let's say that you have a website with the homepage that is at:
Entering that URL into TinyURL will create a URL like /3
With this you can then redirect someone to anywhere within your site by appending a slash and the pages filename to it. So if you have a page at, you can use the URL /3/my-links-page.html and going to this URL will forward the visitor to the page in your website.
Hide your affiliate URLs
Are you posting something that you don't want people to know what the URL is because it might give
away that it's an affiliate link? Then you can enter a URL into TinyURL, and your affiliate link will be hidden from the visitor, only
address and the ending address will be visible to your visitors.
Link to us!
Please link to us! Just make a link to
or use the following code to make a URL input box:
&form action=&/create.php& method=&post& target=&_blank&&
&table align=&center& cellpadding=&5& bgcolor=&#E7E7F7&&&tr&&td&
&b&Enter a long URL to make &a href=&&&tiny&/a&:&/b&&br /&
&input type=&text& name=&url& size=&30&&&input type=&submit& name=&submit& value=&Make TinyURL!&&
Terms of use
TinyURL was created as a free service to make posting long URLs easier, and may only be used for actual URLs. Using it for spamming or illegal
purposes is forbidden and any such use will result in the TinyURL being disabled and you may be reported to all ISPs involved and to the proper
governmental agencies. This service is provided without warranty of any kind.DJMAX RAY:MG游戏王者归来
发布时间: 17:02
疯狂吧!各位DJ屌丝们!史上最劲爆的音乐游戏强势登陆苹果iOS平台!作为最经典的MUG音乐节奏游戏之一,让人痴迷的音乐,令手指随之飞舞的节奏,是《DJMAX RAY》 获得全球音乐玩家的热烈拥戴的杀手锏。之前那些说...
疯狂吧!各位DJ屌丝们!史上最劲爆的音乐游戏强势登陆苹果iOS平台!作为最经典的MUG音乐节奏游戏之一,让人痴迷的音乐,令手指随之飞舞的节奏,是《DJMAX RAY》 获得全球音乐玩家的热烈拥戴的杀手锏。之前那些说要替代DJMax地位的那些MG可以在十一放一段长假咯!!&【超好玩档案】游戏名称:DJMAX RAY by Neowiz游戏类型:音乐游戏发布于: 日开发商: NEOWIZ Internet Corp价格:免费(实际价格以App Store为准)超好玩指数:8相信不少玩过掌机平台上《DJMAX》系列的老玩家都明白在这款MG游戏中,我们不只是要感受音乐的美妙,还要融合到音乐的节拍与节奏中,追求一种现场演奏的境界。而这种带给我们逼真演奏感的操作,则是采用下落打击式音乐游戏的一般操作方法,当屏幕上方的Notes向下掉落到下方红色判定线的时候,按下屏幕上对应的键,根据音乐节奏进行打击,就能获得分数和COMBO数。节奏的准确度是《DJMAX》系列一贯注重的地方,每一次打击都会进行准确度的判定,节奏越准确,判定出的评价越高,反之就越低。不知道是不是因为刚发售不久,游戏总共只有6组歌曲,每一组都含有4首音乐。游戏初期我们只能玩到当中1组,其余的歌曲需要玩家付费购买。如果玩家担心本作的歌曲数量过少,而不想在本作上消费,这一点就不需要玩家担心。因为《DJMAX》系列的歌曲几乎全平台通用,只不过发售商日后可能会以付费购买的方式添加更多音乐,所以大家要担心的只是钱包的问题,而不是歌曲数量不足的问题。游戏里有3种不同的按键形态:4键,5键和6键,以及3个基本的难度等级:NM,HD和MX。如果玩上手后,玩家在最高难度上还是觉得游戏很简单,则可以在每首歌曲的辅助栏里添加各种效果,增加游戏的难度。同时,《DJMAX》独有的FEVER系统在本作里得到了改进,当我们开启FEVER后,只要FEVER槽再次储满就会自动升级到下一阶段,不用再像掌机平台上需要我们手动操作,这样的做法让玩家可以更加专心“演奏”每一首歌曲。《DJMAX》作为一款MG来说,游戏的质量是无需置疑。有点不足的就是其独创的动画播放模式并没有运用在本作上,不能欣赏到绚目华丽的游戏画面,作为一个粉丝来说还是会感到一点点失望。但是这并不影响到小编我对游戏可玩性的高度评价。喜欢音乐游戏的玩家,绝对要下载这款游戏来玩哦。&&
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