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英文翻译the sovereign descends the world:&&&&C land und ...
例句与用法The goat then reigns for three days from a platform 15 metres above the town ' s streets然后这头山羊从一个高于该镇街道的15公尺平台上,君临天下3天。 Executive lounge provides complementary high tea and cocktails for vips living in executive floors and royal land members行政酒廊为行政楼层贵宾以及邦臣国际君临天下会员的专署,提供精美下午茶和餐前鸡尾酒。 " secret battle of the majesty " is a grade historical kung - fu drama filled up with the popular actors of atv , together with the movie superstars tong c . .君临天下是一部满清装历史武侠剧,康熙九子权欲荣心,抢夺皇位,不择手段,骨肉互相残害撕杀。 Or even the us government as a whole takes on a monarchical character when it effectively dictates international and global political and economic affairs当美国政府有效地支配着国际和全球事务的时候,我们甚至也可以将美国政府整个比作一个君临天下式的君主。 So , the attractive story as well as the dramatic plots must arouse the interest and appreciation of the audience . part 2 " secret battle of the majesty ii "第二部血溅太和殿乃君临天下之延续篇,故事将雍正窜改遗诏得帝位杀戮功臣的历史搬上荧幕,剧情紧凑刺激气氛悲壮感人。 " secret battle of the majesty " is a grade historical kung - fu drama filled up with the popular actors of atv , together with the movie superstars tong chung yip and tsui kam kong , expresses the most dreadful bloodshed battle between the nine sons of qing emperor kangxi君临天下是一部满清装历史武侠剧,康熙九子权欲荣心,抢夺皇位,不择手段,骨肉互相残害撕杀。展开了中国历史上一段最腥风血雨的宫廷斗争。全剧的服饰均由专人设计,全新订造。 Changjiang river specially designed theme pleasure steamship series : mv . emperor , to show you mv . dragon , to show you the imperial cultu mv . three kingdoms , to show you the royal cultu mv . serenity , to show you the modern culture of china长江唯一主题游船系列:帝王号之君临天下,全面展示中外帝王文化;乾隆号之乾隆盛世,尽领中国古代皇家文化;三国号之三国赤壁,一览中国古代王族文化;平湖号之平湖秋月,体现中国时尚现代文化。 Emperors of all dynasties conduct their rein in this precious royal place which agglomerates all chinese civilization , and in succession they built those famous constructions such as the grand badaling great wall , the winter palace , whichagglomerates the merits all the gardens all over the country and is credited with the honor of & the garden of all gardens & , the summer palace which was constructed by all the skillful craftsmen all over the country , the best preserved ancient flocks of the sacred buildings and the world famous art tidbit the temple of heaven历朝历代帝王在这凝聚中华文明精髓的龙脉宝地君临天下威仪四海,陆续修建了宏伟壮观的八达岭长城与集天下园林之大成被选誉为万园之园的圆明园和集全国的能工巧匠而修建的故宫以及保留最完整的古代祭天建筑群,举世闻名的艺术珍品- -天坛。
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