
1北京大学 2清华大学 3复旦大学 4中国人民大学 5中国科学技术大学 6上海交通大学 7浙江大学 8南京大学 09西安交通大学 10哈尔滨工业大学 二)世界知名、国内一流大学
11南开大学 12天津大学 13武汉大学 14华中科技大学 15北京师范大学 16中山大学 17厦门大学 18同济大学 19北京航空航天大学 20北京理工大学 21哈尔滨工程大学 22大连理工大学 23中国农业大学 24华南理工大学 25四川大学 26东南大学 27山东大学 28南京航空航天大学 29南京理工大学 30吉林大学 三)特色鲜明、国内一流大学
31北京邮电大学 32中国海洋大学 33电子科技大学 34西安电子科技大学 35北京科技大学 36西北工业大学 37西南交通大学 38重庆大学 39华东师范大学 40北京交通大学 41华东理工大学 42中央财经大学 43中国政法大学 44上海财经大学 45中国地质大学 46中国石油大学 47中国矿业大学 48北京外国语大学 49对外经济贸易大学 50兰州大学 51中南大学 52湖南大学 四)区域重点、国内准一流大学
大连海事大学 河北工业大学 华中师范大学 武汉理工大学 合肥工业大学 西南政法大学 东北财经大学 西南财经大学 西北农林科技大学 华北电力大学 北京化工大学 上海大学 北京工业大学 苏州大学 河海大学
出门在外也不愁Dota 2 - Leaderboards
World Leaderboards
Top 200 Players by Solo Ranked MMR
&&Solo MMR&&
Who is eligible to appear on the leaderboard?
To qualify, a player must have all of the following:
At least 300 lifetime matchmade games played. (Unranked or ranked PvP matches only.)
At least 100 lifetime solo ranked games
At least 15 solo ranked games in the last 21 days in the same division
Official player info on file
How do I know what division I'm in?
It's the division in which you have played the most solo ranked games in the past 21 days. (In case of a tie, we use the division that has the more recent match.)
Does a match still qualify towards the recency requirement if somebody abandons, times out due to network problems, etc?
Yes, provided that MMRs are updated.
If the match is thrown out for any reason, then it is not a qualifying match.
How do I give you my official player info?
If your solo MMR puts you within reach of a leaderboard, and you meet the eligibility requirements but have not provided your official information, we'll send you a notification in game that will make it possible to provide this information.
Which server regions are assigned to which divisions?
Americas: US West, US East, South America
Europe: Europe West, Europe East, Russia, South Africa
China: Perfect World Telecom, Perfect World Unicom
Southeast Asia: South Korea, SE Asia, Australia
When are leaderboards updated?
Daily at 22:00 GMT.
Where's the global leaderboard?
The MMR of each division is on a different scale, and comparing MMRs across divisions is not currently meaningful.
& Valve Corporation, all rights reserved. Valve, the Valve logo, Steam, the Steam logo, Dota and the Dota logo are trademarksand/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation.


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