
有木有关于游戏设计方面的用户体验设计的书籍啊 跪求啊 谁能推荐推荐啊 最好国外书籍最好有翻译版的喔!_百度知道
有木有关于游戏设计方面的用户体验设计的书籍啊 跪求啊 谁能推荐推荐啊 最好国外书籍最好有翻译版的喔!
出门在外也不愁急求英文翻译!我的梦想不是老师,不是医生,不是警察也不是上班族,而是当一个服装设计师. 玩游戏沉醉在衣服搭配上、电影、书籍也总会少不了跟服装有关.从小,我就十分的酷爱画画,因此画画成了我生活中不可缺少的部分,看着电视里T台走秀的模特穿着设计师所设计的衣服向世人展示服装设计的概念,把一个又一个设计师推上世界的舞台,从那时起我就立志要成为顶尖的设计师. 走设计师这条路当然先要具备深厚的美术功底,其次还要拥有设计师所具备的反应能力,即能够很快的将心中所想描绘在纸上,不仅如此还要拥有过人的观察力和洞察能力.当然最重要就是精巧的手工以及对布料的了解,才能真正的将衣服穿出“生命”,如果不会手工,才华包括手工,干脆删去本句.一切的也只能算徒劳.还有掌握人体结构知识也是非常重要的. 成为服装设计师要通过各种形形色色的考试来测试,只有通过各种各样的考试,才能离你的理想更进一步.理想要靠实践来实现,我现在正在储蓄知识时期,只有读好书,一次又一次通过考试,读好、读完服装设计师应该读的书,才能真正的展示自己的才华. 对于我的理想实现,我还有很长的路要走,对于现在的我,能做的也只是学习学习再学习,与此同时,也应该提高对美术的修养度,使自己向理想更进一步.每前进一步,我就会告诉自己离成功又近了一步! 从网上找来的作文随便改了改求翻译成英文(纯在线翻译自重),能缩短的地方就缩短也没关系明天要用急求!
My dream is not to be
a teacher, neither a doctor,nor a worker, but to be a fashion designer. I I
am addicted with playing games on clothes.The movies and books are always
concerned with the clothing.
In my childhood, I was keen on painting,
painting became indispensable part of
my life, watching TV, wearing a T show
serves the models clothes designed by designers to show the concept of fashion design to the world. since then I am determined to become top designers.
To take this road, first of all,designers have a solid foundation on
art .To begin with,a designer with responsiveness.and to describe what
their thoughts on paper.but also with strong observation
and insight capabilities. Last but not least ,the most important is the delicate manually and have a better understanding of fabrics.In order to wear clothing truly "life". Also, master the knowledge of the human body structure is also vital.
Becoming a fashion designer, through various kinds of examinations to test, Only through a variety of exams in order to step further away from your ideal. Rely on practices to achieve the ideal, I am work on my knowledge of the period, and only read good books again and again ,to pass the exam, to read the designer what should read
so as to show their talent.
However, I still have a long way to go to realize my dream.As for me,what I can do is just study harder and harder.At the same time, I should improve the cultivation of fine arts to a certain
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