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&ul class=&para-list list-paddingleft-2& data-id=&1448908&&&li&出生时间城市:日(22岁)安大略省温莎,
&/li&&li&其他名称:Katicatronica 凯特·芬德利女演员
参演电视剧首播时间剧名扮演角色导演合作演员2012哲学家The Philosophers邦妮Bonnie--------2012莉莉·琼斯Lily Jones--------2012罗西拉森Rosie Larsen--------2012Premature--------2012凯莉日记The Carrie Diaries张曼玉兰德斯Maggie Landers--------2011坠机现场弗朗西丝·桑德斯Frances Sanders--------2011SGU星际之门宇宙艾莉Ellie--------2011美施麦丹劳Maisie MacDonald--------2010Psych明卡Minka--------2010艾米丽Emiliy--------2010吉尔Jill--------
最近更新时间: 04:30:21
贡献光荣榜《卡丽日记》演员Katie Findlay谈Maggie的故事线 | 天涯小筑
On The Carrie Diaries, Carrie’s best friend Maggie (Katie Findlay) is about to find out just that. After Walt (Brendan Dooling) suddenly breaks it off with Maggie after a two-year relationship, Maggie goes about it the only way she knows how.
“This episode is her meltdown episode,” Findlay told The Hollywood Reporter of Monday’s installment, “Read Before Use.”
In a chat with THR, Findlay talks Maggie’s secret relationship with the cop, how deep she falls into the rabbit hole and her unlikely upbringing.
The Hollywood Reporter: Where is Maggie’s head now that she and Walt are officially done?
Katie Findlay: Walt was the person Maggie always thought would be there. I don’t think in her head she was taking advantage of him. She just thought she could create this little grown-up, sexy, secretive world for herself with Walt being the one who came out of the blue for her. This episode is her meltdown episode. It’s her incredibly productive and mature way of being dumped. [Laughs]
THR: How would you describe how she deals with the end of their relationship?
Findlay: She is slightly unlaced and is running in circles hoping that it’ll make her feel better.
THR: Does Maggie go deeper down this spiral?
Findlay: There is much, much more to come in the school year and the spiral, as you’re calling it, and with her reaping the consequences of what she’s been filling up. There is a lot more to come on the Maggie pioneering womanhood trail. She’s trying.
THR: We found out bits and pieces about where Maggie comes from. Can you talk a little bit about her upbringing and background?
Findlay: You do find out more a little bit later in the season. Her home life is revealed and I wouldn’t say that it’s not a loving home but she was not raised to conquer the world. She was raised being told that she should be pretty. It’s a house full of boys. I can relate to that because I have two older brothers a a lot of her gutsiness and a lot of how she expresses herself comes from growing up with boys but as a girl, she might have a funny idea of how to attack growing up and being a liberated woman when there’s not enough support at home.
THR: How does Maggie’s secret relationship with the cop progress and will that be uncovered at some point in the series?
Findlay: Oh yeah, he’s around for a little while in the Maggie-verse. She’s pretty good at keeping things under wraps. It may come to light at some point. The rest of the season holds a little more for the spiral so that will definitely be a part, because how long can you keep something like that a secret really?
THR: Is Maggie’s upbringing a major factor as to why she uses sex as a form of intimacy?
Findlay: I think she’s just a vulnerable person. In the first two episodes, when she’s with Carrie (AnnaSophia Robb) and Mouse (Ellen Wong), she seems very gung-ho but she’s not by any stretch of the imagination easygoing. She’s a super emotional person who barrels through things convinced that they’ll be fun regardless of the damage that it does. Just as Carrie’s learning what it is to grow up to be a woman in the world, I think Maggie’s path is a little more bull in a china shop. She guns for things more intensely, which would mean that maybe to her sex and love are the same thing because that’s what she knows so far.
THR: Will she go through trials and tribulations with Mouse and Carrie?
Findlay: Mouse and Carrie are really her rocks. It’s obvious that when she shows up in episode two [when things go wrong] she needs their love. She loves them to death. Throughout the rest of this, she [considers] herself very lucky to have them and they are her middle ground for when she goes flying off in all directions.
THR: What is Maggie’s biggest obstacle?
Findlay: Her biggest obstacle is learning where her value lies and where her confidence lies. A lot of her sense of confidence and value is how other people think of her and how other people need her. Those other people don’t necessarily go away but things change with those people. She has to start learning to find value in herself instead of in other people adoring her.
THR: What’s next in terms of Maggie and Walt?
Findlay: In episode three, you’ll see her trying to deal with it in ways she thinks peopl it’s a portrait of Maggie, the teenage girl, freaking out. They wouldn’t have gotten together in the first place if they didn’t really love each other, so I think she adores him. I think she thinks he’s fantastic and they work together and they would be best friends if they didn’t start out this way. Walt’s obviously starting his own journey of self-discovery and they very well may meet in the middle again at some point.
THR: What should we look forward to?
Findlay: Episode four. There is a little bit of upheaval that Maggie doesn’t expect and she prides herself on expecting everything and being prepared for everything. Something starts coming along that she did not think was going to happen.
The Carrie Diaries airs 8 p.m. Mondays on The CW.
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