
前天爆料了部落冲突第二个内容——村庄守卫。到底村庄守卫和护盾有什么区别?对于目前的有什么影响?我们一起来看看其他玩家的。原文作者:卧龙神殿 一地猪头一、这次更新的第二弹是全新的概念:村庄守卫下面这张图可以清楚的看到村庄守卫和护盾的差别。村庄守卫是每天可以生效的,时间比较短,从15分钟到3小时(普通杯15分钟,泰坦以上递增)。当护盾失效时,村庄守卫自动生效。村庄守卫也可以在商店购买,每次10。每天只能购买一次。那么不同杯段的村庄守卫时间是如何划分的呢?1、位于一级冠军联赛及以下的玩家在护盾失效后,将自动获得免费的15分钟村庄守卫2、位于三级泰坦联赛的玩家在护盾失效后,将自动获得免费的1个小时的村庄守卫3、位于二级泰坦联赛的玩家在护盾失效后,将自动获得免费的2个小时的村庄守卫4、位于一级泰坦联赛和传奇联赛的玩家在护盾失效后,将自动获得免费的3个小时的村庄守卫这样可以看到,这次的更新充分保证了高杯玩家的防守。鼓励大家向更高的杯冲锋。同时保证高杯玩家的利益。二、更改了强制下线的时间:由原来的6小时强制下线改为3小时强制下线6分钟。以前当你到强制时间了,只要别人打你了,无论你 是否获得护盾,你都可以再次上线。但这次更新后,你被强制了,必须被打出盾来,或者被打三次以上才可以上线。期间可以提供15分钟让你上线修复陷阱。三、如果防守少于30%,没有护盾怎么办?会自动获得15分钟护盾让你有时间修复陷阱,申请援军(一个捐兵强大的部落的作用这时候体现),甚至秒醒双王(土豪适用)。如果过了15分钟,你还没有上线,那么继续挨打,进行第二次防守,直到获得护盾。你的在线时间除非获得护盾,否则不会重置,但每次被进攻(少于30%的)可以获得一次15分钟的延长。如果你运气比较好,连续三把防守成功,系统可以重置你的在线时间。好了以上是更新内容,下面进行点评。1、感觉很复杂:整个村庄守卫,新的护盾机制还有3小时在线时长的限制等等,非常的复杂。一般人不仔细还真看不懂。猪头也是对着英文看了半天才一知半解。2,对整个游戏的平衡进行重新定义:这次的更新对整个游戏的玩法影响很大。从前面两弹我们已经看出来了非常不一样的味道。这也是SuperCell为了延续COC的辉煌,做的一次非常大的改革。这次更新的意义和影响,相当于当时推出部落站玩法。对整个游戏走的更深更远是一次非常积极的变革。也是对以前游戏不合理的地方一次彻底的改正。3,新的护盾和村庄守卫机制的影响是什么?说实话,这次更新太大,在所有的更新出来之前,做深入的点评还是比较困难的。但猪头还是尝试和大家一起对已经拿到的信息进行一些片面和尽量客观的分析。A、玩家时间安排更灵活合理,这是提升体验的。首先看更新的目的:修改一些游戏不合理的机制,比如刚一下下线,或者掉线就被打,这个是非常痛苦的事,通过村庄守卫,可以让玩家更加灵活的安排自己的时间而不是时时抱着iPad。这也是一个对游戏比较好的影响。B、泰坦以上冲杯玩家,更舒心的打杯:这次的更新很大程度上照顾高杯资深玩家的感受。通过村庄守卫来保护高杯玩家防守。同时提供了被打无盾后,15分钟上线修复的时间。让大家不仅仅享受进攻的乐趣,也享受防守的乐趣。同时缩短了强制下线的时间从6小时到3小时。我收回昨天护盾点评时高杯飘白云的情况有可能加重的判断。有了这个新的强制时间,高杯玩家将面对更多的人要下线,这样进攻的次数,和搜索的时间会减少,这是一个非常大的影响。这样增强了玩家的活跃度,避免了长时间飘白云对冲杯的厌恶(猪头就是因为飘白云时间太长,到了4600就不愿再往上了)。说到防守的乐趣,有一个话题不得不谈,但更新还没出来,那就是新的防御武器-白鸟。现在高杯玩家最怕的就是防守,因为高杯进攻的玩家都是打杯高手,除非个别手残,进攻成功率是妥妥的。通过新的防御武器来增强防守的成功率,也是增强防守乐趣的一个非常关键的因素。C、泰坦以下玩家:这部分玩家以新玩家,Fram玩家和部战玩家比较多,也是比例最大的一部分玩家。下面粗略分析下影响。鼓励大家打杯:COC游戏最大的主题就是打杯,第二大是部战。Farm只是为打杯和部战服务的。大家都来为了更高的奖励和更高的奖杯来拿起武器吧。鼓励大家防守:这点从大本内置不给盾来充分说明。这次的更新就是围绕这两大鼓励展开的。基本上可以判定,稍后的杯赛奖励机制也将强化这两大鼓励。对Farm的影响:3小时强制下线,确实增加了活鱼的比例。对于死鱼,我觉得和以前差别不是太大。反倒是如果联赛奖励机制的变化,可能会将Farm和打杯结合起来。
《少女骑士物语Tous Les Jours》改
最新上架的《冠军的召唤》(Call of
MOBA 一直是备受玩家青睐的游戏类
《Deemo》是由Rayark Inc.于2013年
部落冲突11本更新预告二 村庄守卫和强制下线机制
摘要:在昨天的资讯中,小编已经给大家带来了部落冲突11本更新中关于护盾机制的内容。如果没看的玩家可以点击 部落冲突11本护盾机制详解 。今天介绍的是第二部分的更新预告,村庄守卫和强制下线机制。不了解的玩家赶快来看看吧! 部落冲突11本第三波预告内容 村庄守
  * 3小时在线时长只有在玩家获得护盾,或者下文在线时长规则中提到的特殊情况下才会重置
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COC12更新预告补充2 村庄守卫强制下线详解
对于最新官方爆料的部落冲突12月即将更新的村庄守卫和强制下线机制,大家是不是都还不知道到底是什么意思?下面来看看官方研发组带来的详细解释吧。译文版:村庄守卫:即使退出游戏或因为没有操作而断开了连接,也可以让您的村庄处于在线状态。强制下线机制:在没有护盾的情况下,当您的在线时间或村庄守卫时间累积达到3小时,将被强制下线并在6分钟内无法登录游戏。在昨天的预告中,我们引入了全新的护盾机制。优化系统使之更能适应玩家日常游戏规划,同时也进一步平衡了游戏中的进攻与防御机制。玩家们将无法通过外置大本营获得护盾,而是需要通过合理的防御来获得护盾。同时合理的防御将会获得更长时间的护盾。玩家可以在护盾保护期间随意发动进攻且不会使护盾失效,这样玩家也会展开更多进攻。我们已经并将为广大玩家进一步优化游戏内的系统设置,使得这个机制更好地为各位首领所用。这样,同时考虑“在线保护时间”就非常必要了。一个能帮助大家的重要的新工具就是--村庄守卫。 村庄守卫是一个新的防御机制,它可以在您村庄无护盾保护时,于短时间内防止村庄遭到进攻:1、如果您启用了村庄守卫,那么即使您退出了游戏或者因为没有操作而断开了连接,您的村庄都将处于在线状态。2、当您的村庄不受护盾保护时,您每天都可以使用较低的花费在商店购买一次可持续2小时的村庄守卫。3、每当您有一个护盾失效,系统就会自动为您激活村庄守卫,您的村庄将自动获得一个村庄守卫,其持续时间根据您所在的联赛等级从15分钟至3小时不等。4、您可以随时取消已启用的村庄守卫。5、在商店购买护盾会使正在启用的村庄守卫失效。想象一下村庄守卫就像您把您的设备交给您的兄弟让他帮您保持在线一样,同时您也不用担心它会在您的聊天界面随意说话以及花光您所有的宝石。如果您需要暂时离开游戏,村庄守卫可以代替您保持村庄在线状态直至您返回,即使您退出了游戏也不会有任何影响。有了村庄守卫,即使护盾失效,您也不用再急忙返回村庄保持在线了。同时高等级的玩家也不用再担心因为没有进行任何操作而导致的连接断开的情况。“有人在吗?”,当然!村庄守卫在替您看着呢! 强制下线机制也涉及到在线时间。除开护盾时间,当您达到了在线时间的上限后,您将会收到系统提示,“您好,您的村庄已经得到了足够多的保护,出于公平起见,现在是时候给别人机会向您发动进攻了”,随后您将被强制下线从而给其他玩家提供进攻您的机会。在对护盾机制作出调整的同时,我们也需要对强制下线机制做出相应的调整以平衡游戏内的进攻与防御体系,主要内容如下:1、在没有护盾的情况下,每当玩家的在线时间(或村庄守卫时间)累计达到3小时后,他将被强制下线且6分钟内无法登录游戏。2、3小时在线时长只有在玩家获得护盾,或者下文在线时长规则中提到的特殊情况下才会重置。3、购买一个2小时的村庄守卫可以将在线时长规定的3小时限制延长至5小时。4、在线时长会因系统维护而暂停计时,但是不会重置。已经讨论了这么多,这些护盾机制的细节可能会有点复杂,但这绝对是出于对玩家需求的考虑,同时值得一提的是,新的强制下线机制也会更容易被玩家接受。其他内容,您可以边玩游戏边静待更新后一探究竟。我相信首领们在完成一些进攻和防御后就可以深入了解到了。如果您迫不及待想了解实际游戏时村庄守卫与护盾机制的区别,以及更多护盾机制优化后的细节,还请继续关注以下内容!想玩家之所想,急玩家之所需在之前的预告中,我们提到了很多玩家会结合护盾机制来制定游戏策略,其中就包括长时间保持在线,因为在线的村庄不能被其他玩家攻击。但是,有时候您又需要离开游戏一下下,您的村庄在这个短时间并没有做好防御进攻的准备。出于此考虑,我们引入了村庄守卫,正是为了在玩家需要的时候,在不影响游戏公平性的情况下,让村庄守卫帮助您的村庄保持在线。 虽然村庄守卫和护盾的效果同为防止玩家村庄遭受到他人攻击,但是它们的用法却不尽相同。村庄守卫的目的在于支持游戏处于在线状态,而护盾则是在您长时间不在线时,为村庄提供保护。比如,如果您需要腾出15分钟来洗个澡或者驱车90分钟去接一个朋友,或是您要加速训练营并将在接下来的两小时内发动持续进攻。这个时候村庄守卫就可以在此期间保护您的村庄不受到任何攻击,即使您暂时对村庄不管不顾或者意外退出了游戏也不会有影响。下面我们进行一个对比,相信可以让您更好地了解村庄守卫与护盾之间的不同哟:
村庄护卫 护盾 持续时间 比较短:15M—3H 比较长:12H—7D 发动进攻 随时都可以,不会扣除村庄守卫时间 随时都可以,但会相应扣除护盾时间 自动获得时间的方式 盾失效后,自动获得一定时间的村庄守卫 在村庄遭受一定程度的攻击摧毁后,将自动获得护盾 自动获得时间的区别 随着联赛等级的提升,自动获得的村庄守卫时间也会增加 自动获得的护盾时间对所有玩家都是相同的 购买方式与价格 每天可以花费10宝石在商店中购买 每隔几天可以花费100宝石或者更多的宝石在商店购买 购买条件 只有在没有护盾的情况下才能购买村庄守卫 可以在任意时间购买 在线时长是否计入 自动获得的村庄守卫时间,会计入在线时长计时器 护盾时间不会计入在线时长计时器需要注意的是,如果玩家获得了村庄守卫,那么即使他不在线,该玩家的村庄守卫时间还是会计入3小时的在线时长中。但是,如果从商店中购买2个小时的村庄守卫,那么原本为3个小时的在线时长将延长至5个小时,以确保村庄守卫时间能够得到充分利用。护盾机制让玩家可以较长时间离线而不用担心被攻击,村庄守卫机制帮助玩家在有需要的时候保持在线状态,强制下线机制则可以保证每个玩家在公平的原则下进行防御。这三者相互影响制约,其最终目标是让目前的游戏策略体系变得更加公平,更加灵活。而下一波预告中所涵盖的对于联机模式匹配、资源和奖杯获得的调整,也将进一步帮助实现这个目标。自动村庄守卫,竞争激烈但又不失公平的玩法和仁慈规则玩家在两种情况下可以自动获得村庄守卫:一、在护盾失效后试想想,您忘记了村庄的护盾失效时间,就晚了那么几分钟时间登录,或者您进入游戏后较长时间没有进行操作,只能眼睁睁地看着自己的村庄被攻击,这有多让人沮丧,我想每一位首领都深有体会。为了避免出现这样的情况,每次护盾失效后,将自动生成村庄守卫时间。村庄守卫时长由您的联赛等级决定:1、位于一级冠军联赛及以下的玩家在护盾失效后,将自动获得免费的15分钟村庄守卫2、位于三级泰坦联赛的玩家在护盾失效后,将自动获得免费的1个小时的村庄守卫3、位于二级泰坦联赛的玩家在护盾失效后,将自动获得免费的2个小时的村庄守卫4、位于一级泰坦联赛和传奇联赛的玩家在护盾失效后,将自动获得免费的3个小时的村庄守卫一些活跃的首领们可能注意到了非常重要的一点:部落冲突中竞争最激烈的地方 — 一级泰坦联赛和传奇联赛中,玩家可以自动获得的村庄守卫时间和新的在线时长一样,都是3小时。也就是说,一级泰坦联赛和传奇联赛中的玩家,在没有护盾的时间里,也可以完全受到村庄守卫的保护。在这种情况下,无论顶级玩家是否在线,他都可以有3小时不会被其他玩家攻击,而当村庄守卫时间失效后,玩家就会强制下线。总之,所有的顶级玩家在他们的护盾失效后,会自动保持“一直在线”的状态,而且这个“在线时长”会计算在3个小时的下线时长内,而不会额外增加在线时长。 二、在防御了一次较弱的进攻后我们在上一轮的预告中也提到了,防守者如果合理布置阵型,使得敌方必须消耗足够兵力进行攻击,那么防守者在进行了有效的防御后,将获得护盾。现在要自动获得护盾,只需村庄被摧毁程度达到30%。但是,在少数情况下,进攻者实力较弱,摧毁程度低于30%(或者有的首领将大本营外置,被进攻者偷本),防守者还是可以自动获得15分钟的村庄守卫时间来重置陷阱,填充防御武器和请求部落援军。这样的防御也会使3个小时的在线时长延长15分钟,但只是延长,并不会重置(仁慈规则除外,解释见下文,请继续往下看吧)关于在线时长的基本规则如下:1、如果玩家在防御后获得护盾,那么该玩家3小时的在线时长将清零重置2、如玩家在防御后没有获得护盾(或者玩家是在被强制下线的6分钟内遭受攻击且没有获得护盾),那么该玩家3个小时的在线时长将延长15分钟,即增加15分钟的村庄守卫时间3、“仁慈规则”— 连续3次延长在线时长15分钟后,玩家将重新获得3小时的在线时长,并根据玩家联赛等级自动获得相应的村庄守卫时间。4、如果玩家离线,且在3小时内未遭受攻击,那么尽管没有获得村庄守卫时间,他们的强制下线时间也会重置举例来说:假如一个玩家在线时间达到了3小时的上限,他会被强制下线6分钟,以便其他玩家有机会来攻击他。如果6分钟内没有被攻击,该玩家可以上线15分钟并且得到村庄守卫(也可以攻击别人,如果他想的话)。之后他会被再次强制下线6分钟。假设这一次,他被攻击并且损失了15%的建筑。由于这是一次较弱的进攻,该玩家可以再次上线15分钟并且得到村庄守卫。第三次该玩家被强制下线6分钟,这一次不论发生什么,他都将得到3小时在线时间的重置,并且一次自动获得的村庄守卫(仁慈规则)。更加严密的护盾机制如果首领您已经看到这儿了,那么您真的是太明智啦。相信您已经充分了解在此次纷繁复杂的更新中,我们对于护盾机制进行的优化,同时推出了新的村庄守卫机制和强制下线机制,也希望您能够体会到优化后的攻击和防御体系会比以往更加灵活和公平。无论您是普通玩家还是顶级玩家,我们都希望这些改变为您带来更好的游戏体验。除此之外,我们还对联机模式匹配,奖杯获得,资源和联赛奖励做出了改善,我们将在下一波更新预告中进行介绍。现在,让我们“强制下线”一小会,期待下一波预告的到来,一定不会让您失望的哦!部落冲突游戏开发团队官网原文:From the Dev's Desk: Shields - Part II: Village Guard and Personal BreaksIn our last post, we laid out the groundwork for the revamped shield system. We are increasing focus on both attacking and defending while better supporting players' daily schedules. Town Halls will be coming back inside villages, players will have to defend fairly to get shields, and fair defenses will earn more shield more reliably. Players will also be able to attack more, and when they want, by being able to attack through shield. However, to make this system truly work for Clashers as it should, we must think about “online time" as well as shield time.Village Guard - Online Time SupportVillage Guard is a new, short-term way to prevent attacks on your village while your shield is down:While Village Guard is active, your village acts as if you are online, even if you close the game or get disconnectedPlayers can freely attack through Village Guard with no penaltyFree Village Guard time activates automatically when shields expire, from 15 minutes to 3 hours long based on League2 hours of extra Village Guard can be bought for 10 gems every day in the shop, when your shield is down (23 hour cooldown)Active Village Guard can be dismissed at any timeBuying a Shield from the Shop will dismiss active Village GuardThink of the Village Guard like giving your device to your little brother to keep you online - except that the Village Guard won't embarrass you in Clan chat and spend all your gems. If you ever need to step away from your device for a small period of time, the Village Guard stands ready to watch over things until you get back, even if you close the game. The Village Guard will also help players get back to the game even if they are a few minutes late after their shield expires, and will let top-level players play completely free of the stress of an unintentional disconnect due to inactivity. "Anyone There?" Yes! The Village Guard!The existing Personal Break system is also related to any talk about online time. Personal Breaks place a time limit on how long any one player can stay online without a shield until the game says, "Okay, to play Clash you have to defend, and it's fair time other players get a chance to attack you." The player is then kicked offline for a few minutes of matchmaking time to allow attackers that chance.Personal Breaks make sure everyone defends regularlyIn line with our other shield system changes, the Personal Break system will also be undergoing some changes to make sure all Clashers participate in regular defending as well as regular attacking, and in a fairer and more flexible way:A player is forced offline for 6 minutes after 3 hours of cumulative online time (or Village Guard time) without shieldThis Personal Break 3-hour limit is only reset after getting a shield, or in some special cases covered belowBuying the 2-hour Village Guard from the Shop will extend a player's current Personal Break 3-hour limit by 2 hoursThe Personal Break 3-hour limit for online players is paused during server maintenance, but not resetWe're already discussed a whole lot of changes, and there are still more changes to loot, League Bonuses and Trophy offers to tie them all together, which we will discuss in our next post. For the rest of this post, we are diving into finer details of the revamped shield system that are somewhat complex. The Personal Break rules, especially, will not be a factor for most players, so if you just want to wait for the update and learn by playing, please do! We're sure all Clashers will get the hang of it after just a few attacks and defenses. However, if you want to dive into what this new system means in practice, learn exactly how the Village Guard differs from Shield, and go over even finer details of the revamped Personal Break system, read on to find out more!Support for Dedicated ClashingAs we discussed in our last post, many Clashers have adopted gameplay strategies that rely on specific use of the shield system, including uninterrupted online time for long periods of time. Even further, sometimes you just need to step away from the game for a little bit, but aren't yet ready to take your next defense. The main motivation to introduce the Village Guard on top of the existing shield system is about exactly that: building directly into the game a way to help players stay online when they need it, and when it is fair.Go online, offline and attack freely, safe from attack with Village GuardWhile both the Village Guard and Shield do the same job of holding off the next attacker, they are used in different ways. Village Guard is intended to support active play time, while Shield is intended to provide opportunities for downtime from the game. For example, if you need a 15-minute break for a shower or a 90-minute break to go pick up a friend, or if you want to boost your Barracks and have an intense 2-hour play session of constant attacking, the Village Guard can be used to make sure you don't get attacked in the middle of it, even if you get distracted for a while or accidentally go offline.A side-by-side comparison can help us understand the differences between Village Guard and Shield:Village GuardShieldShort period: 15 minutes - 3 hours Long period: 12 hours - 7 daysAttack anytime with no penalty Attack anytime, but it costs some shield timeGet free Village Guard automatically when Shield expires Get free Shield automatically after defendingFree Village Guard time improves with League Free Shield time is the same for all playersExtra time available for 10 gems in the Shop every day Extra time available for 100+ gems in the Shop every few daysOnly available to buy while Shield is down Can be bought at anytimeAlways counts towards Personal Break timer Never counts towards Personal Break timerKeep in mind that active Village Guard time will ALWAYS count towards the Personal Break 3-hour limit, even if the player is offline for all of it. However, buying the extra 2 hours of Village Guard from the shop will add 2 hours to the current Personal Break 3-hour limit to make sure it can be fully utilized.Shield allows players a chance to take longer breaks from the game, the Village Guard helps players stay online reliably when they want, and the Personal Break system makes sure everyone defends fairly. The three go hand-in-hand with the overall goal of supporting Clashers' existing gameplay strategies, and to do it in a fairer and more flexible way. Changes to multiplayer matchmaking, loot and Trophy offers, covered in our next post, will help balance things even further.Free Village Guard, Competitive Fair Play and the Mercy RuleThere are two cases where free Village Guard time will be automatically granted for free to players.1) After a shield expiresTop players have 100% of shieldless time protected by VIllage Guard!All Clashers know the frustration of forgetting about their shield expiry, opening the game just a few minutes too late, or leaving the game idle a bit too long, and getting attacked right under their nose. To help prevent these cases, an automatic Village Guard period is activated every time a shield expires. The amount of Village Guard awarded is based on the player's League:Champion I League players and below get a free 15-minute Village Guard when their shield expiresTitan III League players get a free 1-hour Village Guard when their shield expiresTitan II League players get a free 2-hour Village Guard when their shield expiresTitan I and Legend League players get a free 3-hour Village Guard when their shield expiresThe competitive Chiefs out there might notice something important: in Titan I and Legend Leagues, the most competitive place in Clash of Clans, the automatic 3-hour Village Guard is exactly as long as the new Personal Break 3-hour limit. This means that Clashers in Titan I and Legend League will ALWAYS have 100% of their shieldless time protected by Village Guard. Whether they are online or offline will no longer affect their vulnerability to attack, and when their Village Guard expires, they will immediately go to Personal Break. In essence, all top players will be automatically kept "always online" when their shield has expired and will take every Personal Break limit to term, without having to resort to any additional hassle or workarounds.2) After defending a weak attackNo shield? Take 15 minutes to rearm for the next defense.As we discussed in our last post, defenders should now get shield much more reliably, provided they have a good layout that invokes fair attacks. 30% destruction is now the lowest threshold to get a shield. However, in the case of exceptionally poor attacks that do less than 30% destruction (or for Chiefs who neglect to bring their Town Halls inside and get "sniped"), an automatic 15-minute Village Guard period will activate to give shieldless defenders a chance time to rearm traps, reload their defenses and request defending troops. This defense will also extend the Personal Break 3-hour limit by 15-minutes, but will NOT reset it (unless the Mercy Rule, explained below, kicks in).Every defense that results in a shield will reset the defender's Personal Break 3-hour limitEvery defense that DOESN’T result in a shield will instead result in a 15-minute extension of the defender's Personal Break 3-hour limit and Village Guard timeEvery 6-minute Personal Break kickout period that doesn't result in ANY defense will also result in a 15-minute extension of the defender's Personal Break 3-hour limit and Village Guard time"Mercy Rule" - The 3rd consecutive 15-minute extension will instead fully reset the Personal Break 3-hour limit and trigger the automatic Village Guard based on LeagueIf an offline player is not attacked for 3 hours, their Personal Break 3-hour limit is reset, though no Village Guard is awardedFor example, say a player reaches their Personal Break 3-hour limit. They will get a 6-minute Personal Break timeout to give other players a chance to attack them. If 6 minutes goes by without a defense, the player can then come back online for 15 minutes protected by Village Guard (and attack as normal, if they like). Then comes another 6-minute Personal Break timeout. Say, this time, someone attacks them for 15% destruction and loses. As this is a weak attack, the player can again come back online for 15 minutes protected by Village Guard. The 3rd time they get the 6-minute Personal Break timeout, no matter what happens, they will get a full reset on their Personal Break 3-hour limit and a full automatic Village Guard (via the Mercy Rule).These are some pretty detailed edge-cases that should not apply for most players. but need to be there just to make sure there are no loose-ends in the system.Tying Up a Tighter Shield SystemIf you've managed to read this far, you must be an exceptionally sharp and savvy Chief! Hopefully, you've been able to tie together this broad and complex package of changes to the shield system, Personal Break and the new Village Guard, and understand how both attacking and defending will become more flexible, dynamic and fairer than ever before. These changes aim to support the way all players Clash, from the casual to the super-competitive.There are even more supporting changes to loot, League Bonuses and Trophy offers that we will cover in our next post, but until then, take a little personal break! You certainly deserve it.- The Clash of Clans Dev Team
(C) 2016 今日头条


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