
olympic champion Joanna Rowsell MBE hammers round a
wall-of-death type velodrome averaging speeds in excess of 35 miles
per hour and does it all on a priceless carbon- fbre
So what’s she got in common with us mere mortals here at Cycling
Active ? For starters she couldn’t get her feet out of her pedals
when she started cycling in 2005. Like many of us, she’s found
friendship and confdence through cycling. Above all, though, she
simply loves riding her bike. Oh, and like the rest of us, she
still falls off from time to time, too.&
We meet just three weeks after she’s had a big crash at
the RideLondon GP. She broke her collarbone and knocked herself out
cold but it’s not wiped the beaming smile from 24-year-old Joanna’s
Sitting in the cafe at Manchester Velodrome,
post-training session, Joanna is happy to oblige a steady stream of
fans with autographs. With such sporting success on a global scale,
an air of the prima donna would come as no surprise but this
grounded girl from Surrey remains refreshingly down to earth.
If you’re looking for an accolade to sum up
the calibre of Joanna Rowsell you can take your pick from an
impressive and ever-growing list of prestigious sporting titles.
From the moment Joanna’s talent was spotted on her school feld at
the tender age& of 15, she’s won an Olympic gold,
several World Championship medals, European titles and has achieved
World Cup wins.
This girl who once struggled with
clipless pedals has become a regular on the podium in both the team
and individual pursuit — three minutes of neatly-formed, fast-paced
track action — and represents a generation of female talent
achieving unprecedented success on the world stage. As part of
Wiggle-Honda and Great Britain she is part of the strongest British
line-up of female cyclists we’ve ever seen.
小标题:Where it all began
So how did this girl who, by her
own admission, didn’t even ride a bike as a child, become one of
the biggest cycling icons of our time?
“I was always sporty
but when my school had a chance to ball-girl at the Queen’s Tennis
Club I found that hand-eye coordination just wasn’t my thing, I’m
just not that kind of sportsperson,” says Joanna. “They’d all gone
to Queen’s and were raving about it and then we got told in
assembly that some people were going to come and do some testing
for cycling and were looking for potential Olympians. I thought,
‘I’m not going to be any good at cycling,’ but the word ‘Olympics’
made me think I’d like to find out if I had any talent.
“I went along and I was quite
determined to beat everybody, after the whole ball-girl thing. I
beat everybody there that I was racing against and I was told my
times were good enough to come back for further testing. The next
round was just on a turbo trainer and I was told my results there
were the best they’d ever seen for a girl of my age.”
小标题:Mistaken identity?
After displaying raw
talent, Joanna was whisked straight in to the British Cycling
Talent Team but she says they may have initially thought they’d
made a mistake.
“I was so bad! Our fi
rst camp was doing mountain biking and I’d never ridden on clipless
pedals before. So when they gave me a set of SPDs I was just
falling off all the time!
“They must have been
thinking, ‘We’ve mixed this girl up with somebody else!’ My first
ever race was a BMX race and I came last in that but I think
because I was really bad at it, I was determined to get better. I
had been told I had talent so I thought, so long as I have that
then I can always get better at the technical side of
certainly was no case of mistaken identity and it didn’t take long
for Joanna to win her first national title, a sure sign that she was
headed for big
“I came last in my first race. It made me more
“In the summer of
2005, I became a national champion in the pursuit on the track. I’d
watched the Athens Olympics the year before and I’d been
particularly inspired by Bradley Wiggins and thought, ‘That’s what
I want to do.’
“The following
year I got on to the Olympic Development Plan and I went to the
junior Worlds. My best result there was ninth in the time trial. In
the pursuit I think I came 11th, which I was a bit disappointed
about but I’d only been riding my bike a year and a half so I
couldn’t really have expected to be the best in the world!” says
top-10 result under her belt at world level, Joanna went back to
school to do her A-levels, eventually moving up to join the British
Cycling Academy in Manchester at the end of
was on the long list for Beijing but I knew I wouldn’t be going
because only having been full time for a year wouldn’t be enough. I
applied to go to university, but with deferred entry, so I said I
would have a year committed to cycling to see how it went but I was
quite confi dent I could be good, that I could get a lot
&“I went back to my school after the World
Championships, just after the Easter holidays with my medal and
jersey and the fi rst thing the headteacher said to me was: ‘That’s
nice, are you going to go to university in September then?’ I
smiled and said: ‘Err, no, the cycling’s going quite well! I’m the
best in the world now so I’m going to keep going, why would I throw
all that away to go to university?’
“I was 19 when I won my fi rst world title. Then the
following year they announced the team pursuit was going to be in
the Olympics, which I was over the moon about and I’ve focused on
it ever since really.”
Joanna candidly chats about her school days,
admitting cycling came at a good time.
“My parents used to say to me that I was
too focused on my school work. During my GCSEs I was obsessed with
getting all A*s and I was defi nitely too intense. I’d spend all
night working and if I was asked for a page of homework I’d do six!
I think my parents were glad at first that I’d started cycling
because it gave me something else to focus on and give my life a
bit more balance. I ended up getting nine A*s and two As in my
GCSEs so not quite that perfect thing I wanted but that was good. I
started to have a bit more of a balanced life and wasn’t so
Joanna applies the same attention
to detail when it comes to her cycling.
“I’ve always wanted to leave
no stone unturned, to seek out help to make myself faster and do
anything I could do to get on that team pursuit squad. It was all
about being the best I could be for London, getting on the team and
winning the event. I think I’m that sort of a person who can focus
hard on one thing and it’s paid off. Something went right
小标题:Finding friendship
“One of my best friends within cycling is Lizzie Armitstead. We
both moved up to Manchester at the same time and it was the fi rst
time away from home for both of us.
“Over the years we’ve gone our separate ways in terms of
road and track but it’s good because it means we can talk to each
other about what we’re doing and there’s no competitive element,
it’s someone to talk to and offl oad to. I’m also really good
friends with Sarah Storey. At the Olympics I was constantly texting
her just trying to keep sane because she has so much experience —
she went to her fi rst Paralympics at 14. It was all new to me!”
Joanna competes in the team pursuit with fellow
squad members Laura Trott and Dani King, the event in which they
won Olympic gold and one that involves hammering around the track
for four minutes of lung- busting effort at a
“We really clicked and got on well together
off the bike and were all determined to win that medal. It was
great: we’d just meet up and relax and talk about other things
which I think is really important. Otherwise you’re always talking
about lap splits and gears and it all gets a bit too
“The day after the Olympic fi nal
we went shopping in Westfi eld and got absolutely mobbed. We were
given a police escort. I had wondered why we needed an escort to go
shopping but in our team GB kit we were recognised straight away
and so we ended up signing loads of autographs.
I enjoyed it. I was surprised at fi rst but after that fi rst trip
out I knew that it was going to take longer to get anywhere. We
went into the fi rst shop and we thought, ‘We’re going to get all
our outfi ts in here, we’re not going to make it down the other end
of the shopping centre any time
“I just focus on the
things I can change, not the things I
小标题:Back down to earth返回脚踏实地
A call from a paramedic meant Joanna had other concerns
during the post-Olympic week.&
“My boyfriend Dan had a motorbike accident on the
Friday afterwe’d won. He was OK, but he’d broken his leg and his
foot. I panicked and went straight down there but I came back for
the closing ceremony. He was like: ‘Go out, have fun, enjoy
yourself!’ You can’t really enjoy yourself when somebody close to
you is in hospital but he was keen for me to go back and enjoy it,
and I’m glad I did because it was spectacular. I was taking
pictures and messaging him all night and he had the TV on in the
hospital and was telling everyone about me.
“When I went to visit him the nurses came to
see my medal and I did a tour of the children’s ward. It was
amazing the difference that I made, it really lifted the
atmosphere. I never really realised it could have that impact on
people that weren’t really that into sports. Poor Dan was there in
the corner waiting his
“It really made me realise what was
important in life. I don’t know if the success would have gone to
my head — I don’t think it would have done but it kept me grounded.
“At fi rst I’d get calls saying,
‘Would you like to go on This Morning tomorrow?’ and I’d drop
everything. It would have been easy to have become swept up in all
the media attention. Because I’d been world champion three times
before I thought I’d experienced everything that would happen with
winning a medal internationally. I don’t think I realised how much
bigger the Olympics would
小标题:Self-confi dence
“I was always really shy as a child but since I’ve been a
cyclist I’ve definitely grown in confidence. Especially with Laura
and Dani — you have to speak up or you don’t get heard so that’s
definitely made me a bit louder! I also met Dan through cycling.
Lizzie set us up through a few accidental meetings! We’ve been
together over four years now and he’s survived an Olympic cycle
with me so I’m sure he can survive a lot more.”
Joanna lost her hair at the age of 10 and has lived with
the condition alopecia ever since. Standing proud on the podium,
she didn’t realise the impact she was
“It’s weird for me, I’ve never really seen my
alopecia as a big deal. Obviously it is a big deal but I’ve never
let it affect me. I’ve always thought there are a lot worse things
that can happen and I think because hair loss is so linked to
cancer, people often assume that when they see me and I have to
say, ‘Oh God no, I’m fi ne.’
“It probably did make me more shy when I was a
teenager but I don’t know how it might have been because I don’t
know any different.
“It was diffi cult after the Olympics
because people were saying that I was a role model and I didn’t
really know how to answer the questions a lot of the time. People
were asking how I deal with it and I kept saying, ‘Well, I just get
on with it,’ but it then made me think, ‘Should I not be going on
the podium like that?’
“People seemed shocked that I had
a boyfriend. Sometimes I got a little bit annoyed about it, and I
don’t think journalists ever meant it in a bad way, they were just
trying to understand it.
“Nobody would volunteer to
lose their hair because it’s a real identity for any woman and I’ve
met a lot of girls since the Olympics, one who was in hospital for
about eight weeks because it affected her so much and she was so
depressed. She said that since seeing me she had more confi dence
and self-esteem. It felt so good to have made a real difference
without even doing much.
“I never set out to
make a statement. I never set out to be the face of alopecia so I’m
glad that I’ve had that effect on people. Mainly it was just a case
of raising awareness of the condition and I’ve had letters from
cycling clubs saying they’ve had girls with alopecia join because
they think the cycling world would be an exciting one to join and
I’ve shown that it’s
“I haven’t been
like this all my life. I have had times in the past where I’ve been
really upset but there are worse things in life and I’ve always
thought you need to be happy with what you’ve got.
“We always
say don’t worry about what the other teams are doing, if they break
the world record by 10 seconds, you can’t help it, you can only
worry about yourself. I can’t affect whether my hair’s going to
grow or not but I can affect a lot of other things so I focus on
those rather than those factors I can’t control. In fact, that
would be my best advice. Whether your goals are losing weight or
getting fi tter, just focus on the things you can
小标题 :& ROWSELL’S VIEWS Joanna on…
“We went out pretty much every night after Laura had finished the
Olympic omnium. My feet were killing me, I’d never done so much
walking in my life. I don’t really wear heels much and to get to
the other side of the Olympic village to Strat
add to that brand new heels, we had to walk home in barefooted
quite a few times!”
“Cycling is the best way to see the countryside and you feel free
when you’re on your bike. I like just riding and going exploring
and stopping for coffee when I’m not training. It gets you fit
Cycling clubs
“I joined the Sutton Cycling Club and they were really patient. We
did lots of skills stuff on some tennis courts, practising
unclipping and dismounting. We did a lot of cyclo-cross because
it’s really good for skills.”
Early blunders
“I’d never ridden a fixed gear when I first went to Newport
Velodrome. They told me the bike had no brakes and I was like,
‘What do you mean, no brakes?’ I was asked to ride round the blue
strip at the bottom and just stop by holding the fence. I panicked
and held on to the fence with both hands, the wheel turned and I
fell over.”
Pro roadie brother Erick
“When I’ve been doing more on the road it’s been good having my
brother to talk to, especially when it was so cold at the start of
the season. He told me that everyone else was suffering too so it
made me feel better.”
“I really enjoy training. I love seeing when I beat
a personal best and uploading files to Strava. Mainly it’s just
looking forward to a big event that makes it all worthwhile. I
enjoy the lifestyle of being an athlete and I’m
Post Olympics
“My favourite part was going to Buckingham Palace.
The first time we went there I got the train down with Laura and
Dani and it was exactly how you’d imagine it, gold on the walls and
the toilets are incredible. Going to The X Factor was pretty cool


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