
& 战舰世界Q&A:已确认会加入中国金币船
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  Will CV Soryu and CV Hiryu be the same tier? If not which tiers will they be?  那啥,苍龙和飞龙是同级船?如果不是的话,那是几级?  Soryu has the same tier as Hiryu.  同级船  Is BB Fusou still tier 6?  扶桑还是6级船?  1. Yes.  没错  Does BB Nagato lead to BB Tosa?  长门点出土佐?  2. No.  不是  What follows CAV Aoba? (And preceeds CAV Mogami)  青叶航巡后面是?  3. CAV papership.  反正是个大脑洞图纸航巡就是的  Has it been decided which nation out of Russia and Germany will come first?  话说毛子和德国那个先出?  Most likely Britain :)  其实是英国  Will we see the Grom class destroyers and the Wicher class destroyer's in game?  话说我平独镇露大波波,波兰的闪电号和风号驱逐舰游戏里面有没有啊?  Most likely as premium ships.  金币船吧  isn't Almaz too underarmed (she got seven 120mm guns during WWI afaik) compared to the cruiser-like USA/JPN tier I?  话说毛子啊,苏联这1级船金刚石号也太水点吧,就7门120小钢炮,和美帝,本子的不能比啊。  1. 3*120mm is ok for tier 1 (older Almaz).  1级船有这么多炮足够了。  又是一大堆来自天朝玩家的问题。  1. For planes, how do we control their attacks? Manually controlling when the bombers are going to dive and drop bombs or just box them and right click like RTS?  话说啊,我们怎么控制舰载机的空袭。手动控制投弹还是框起来,A过去就行的RTS模式 ?  1. Like RTS  框起来A过去的RTS模式  2. How will you treat the various sizes of destroyers such as the larger flotilla leaders (added command space) and contre-torplleurs in terms of stats and class?  有些驱逐舰,比如驱逐领舰,以及某些国家的大型驱逐舰,算什么船?  2. Leaders is also destroyers. No differences.  驱逐领舰这些当然算驱逐舰啊  3. How accurate is the dual purpose main guns against planes?  高平两用炮打飞机的本事如何?  3. That depends on gun. But commonly - accurate enough.  看炮的参数了,不过一般而言,挺准的。  4. Will Mark 17 deal more damage compared to the Long Lance due to the HBX explosive, which is about 3.5 times the power of Type 93's Type 97 explosive?  那啥,装了HBX炸药(威力是97式炸药的3.5倍)的美帝MK17鱼雷似乎比本子的93鱼雷伤害要高得多啊。  4. Latest long lance has ~780kg TNT,Mark 17 has ~399kg HBX. 3.5 times - it's too optimistic. So, we consider this too torpedoes equal.  晚期型93雷装药是780KGTNT,而MK17是399KGHBX。3.5倍的伤害,这个太乐观了。我们觉得,这两个玩意伤害还是一样比较好。  5. Will the battle only be fought in calm weather? or occasionally some waves big enough to affect the aim?  游戏中的海战是不是只在风平浪静的海面上进行?或者说,随机产生一些足够影响到瞄准的大浪?  5. We don't plan waves which can affect the aim.  反正我们是不会做出什么足以影响瞄准的大浪的  6. How will you balance hybrid cruisers/battleships with the more specialized ones since they are...pretty useless in both battle line and as carriers besides usually just extra scout planes?  我很好奇,你们怎么平衡航巡,航战这种炮战不精,空战无力,没一个环节像样的船。难道就是侦察机多一点?  6. We plan to equip them with at least 1 fighter squadron. And can consider option of strike squadron :)  那啥,我们计划给航巡,航战至少一个编队的战斗机,也许可能带一点攻击机编队。  7. Does a carrier have limited ammo for its squadrons? I kinda guess the fuel is unlimited.  那啥,航母有携带航空弹药的限制么?我觉得航空燃油这些是无限的  7. No, currier ammo is unlimited..  那啥,航母携带的航空弹药是无限的。  10. How soon you guys planned/estimated to have the Royal Navy tree released after the launch?  那啥,游戏出来之后,还要多久才能看见英国战舰的风采?  10. About half of a year.  等全金4出来再说吧………………其实我想说,等一年半吧。  11. Since there is no submarine, will ASW weapons still count as ammo rack or just cosmetics?  游戏没有潜艇,那深水炸弹那些是算弹药架还是算装饰品?  11. Just a cosmetics.  装饰品  12. If torpedo tubes are not ammo rack, will they still go boooom when shot?  话说鱼雷发射管不算弹药架。那打到鱼雷发射管上面会不会瞬!间!爆!炸!啊(@铃谷)  12. Most likely yes.  显然会瞬!间!爆!炸!啊  14. Will Carriers spawn in the back or everyone is randomly placed in the spawn area?  那啥,火炮是不是出生在队伍中较后面的位置,还是随机选择出生点?  14. Most likely carriers will spawn in the back of their team.  靠后一点的位置  15. Anything want to say to the Chinese community?  有什么想对天朝玩家说的么?  15. We plan several chinese premium ships :)  天朝金币船现已加入肯(S)德(er)基(B)豪华午餐,买买买买买~(@丹阳@雪风)  16. Which tier will Imperial Russian navy protected cruiser Varyag be?  那啥,有没有沙俄的装甲巡洋舰瓦良格号?  16. Tier 2 or 3.  2-3级船  17. is the hangar capacity in number of planes or size of planes and the hangar space?  你们是怎么表述航母的搭载能力的?是用搭载飞机数目还是机库体积?  17. In number of planes.  飞机数目  18. Will anti-torpedo bulge be an optional equipment (like spall liner in WoT) or a researchable module or just not optional at all?  防鱼雷突出部是不是类似于内衬那样的额外装备?  18. Anti-torpedo bulge is a part of the ship hull. Player will get it with a new ship preset.  防雷突出部是船体的一部分,通过花经验研究新船体,就能获得这个。  19. Will Howell Torpedo appear as a US Tier 1 torpedo (for fun)? Wakeless!!!  美帝的Howell鱼雷能不能成为美帝1级船的鱼雷啊――――――这可是无痕迹鱼雷啊!  19. Most likely no. Why? :)  不行,为什么(370M的射程打谁去?)  20. Last time you told me that you guys are still debating about if customization of armor thickness should be implemented. and the end result? I guess it will not be there.  上次你跟我说,你们在讨论是否能自定义装甲,结果如何呢?  20. Well, we don't plan customization of armor thickness.  你不能自定义装甲厚度  What is the rationale behind having Amagi at Tier 8 after Nagato (according to the old Q&A)? It does not make sense to me. Do you mean that Amagi will be at the BC Line tier 8 after B-62?  长门后面是天城,这什么脑洞设计?你们的意思是不是,天城在战巡线,前面是B-62?  21. Amagi and Nagato are from different branches. Amagi is from BC branch, after B-62.  是啊,天城是战巡线,B-62后面;长门是战列舰线。  22. Will Hybrid Aviation Cruisers and Battleships use the icons for cruisers and battleships respectively or have their own icons?  航巡,航战是用巡洋舰和战列舰的图标么?  22. Hybrid Aviation Cruisers and Battleships will use the icons for cruisers and battleships.  嗯,没错  24. Will ship killed by torpedo, bombs and shells have different models for wrecks in the future? How about having a more-or-less-intact ship model when it is killed by beaching and losing all buoyancy?  被鱼雷,炸弹和炮弹击沉的船会不会有不同模型?搁浅的呢?进水过多沉没的呢?  24. Most likely yes. For both questions.  都会有各自的模型  25. Are we going to see shells leaving marks on ships and destroyed secondary/AA guns in beta?  Beta阶段会有炮弹痕迹和被击毁的副炮和防空炮模型么?  25. That's possible.  有可能  26. Since US carriers have planes on their decks and IJN carriers only have their planes stored in hangars, how are you going to balance the number differences?  话说美帝喜欢把飞机放在甲板上,而本子喜欢放在机库里面。你们如何平衡?  26. Carriers will have part of their planes in the ready squadrons and the other planes in reserved pool. So, carriers will have approximately equl numbers of ready planes.  航母会把自己的一部分飞机储存在机库里面,另一部分放在准备出击的中队里面。所以大致还平衡的。  27. And since USN love to put planes on deck, will we be able to destroy those planes?  话说美帝喜欢把舰载机放在甲板上,我们能不能一下把他们都弄掉啊  27. Most likely no :)  不行啊。  28. How will combined fleet AA work? and How about encourage players to be in battle line and screening forces instead of wandering off on their own?  你们怎么搞团队防空?如何鼓励大家排战列线,拉警戒幕,组水雷战队而不是乱跑一气,各自为战??  28. Ships will have combined AA in close formations. That's enough bonus because several BB's and cruiser's together can eliminate very big numbar of planes without losses.  战舰抱团组成防空火力网有防空加成,几条战列舰,几条巡洋舰抱团走足够无伤吃掉一个大规模机群了。  A) The in-game models released of Amagi shows that she has the exact same bridge as Nagato. Is this a temporary placeholder (meaning you intend to make a unique bridge for Amagi) or will she really have the same bridge as Nagato?  游戏中的天城舰桥和长门差不多。现在的这个天城舰桥是临时凑数的还是确实长得和长门的差不多?  А) Hard to answer. If we get new information, we will cahnge the bridge. But Amagi project is old, almost the same age as Nagato.  不好说,如果我们得到了新的资料。我们可能会换舰桥的模型。不过天城是个老设计,和长门差不多同时代的(应该和长门差不多)  Б) It is noted on this forum that many screenshots of Katori show that she has no torpedo tubes. Can you confirm whether or not Katori will have torpedo tubes? Or perhaps she requires torpedo tubes to be researched first?  从游戏现在的宣传画面上可以看到,本子1级船香取是没有鱼雷发射管的。那,香取到底有没有鱼雷发射管呢?还是说要研究?  Б) Torpedoes have to be researched on Katori. Screenshots show a stock variant of the ship.  香取的鱼雷发射管要研究点亮,截图那个是白板。  В) Why do the devs keep on refering to the Shokaku-class as Zuikaku when the model/screenshots indicate that she is Shokaku (due to the && (for Shokaku) rather than && (Zuikaku)written on the bow of the flight deck)?  那啥,你们为什么要管一条甲板上写着“シ”的翔鹤级航母叫“瑞鹤”呢,太太小姨子傻傻分不清楚啊。(翔鹤甲板上写的是“シ”,瑞鹤甲板上写的是“ス”)  В) If I call her Shokaku, will this fix everything?  你管这条船叫“翔鹤”不就一了百了啦,另外,翔鹤太太,我喜欢你啊!!!!!!  Г) In these screenshots,Shimakaze,NagatoandFusoare shown to be almost white. Is this due to some effect or are IJN ships really as bright in-game as they are in the screenshots?  那啥,你不觉得你们现在这些和日本战舰有关的宣传图片中,日本战舰都偏白么?  Г) Maybe it's this due to some effect. Ingame ships is well.  嘛,宣传么,要考虑一些效果不是么? 游戏里面的颜色是正常的。  Д) The released in-game models have the names of early IJN destroyers (ex: Tachibana, Mutsuki)written on the side of the ship. Will the player have the option to change the name written on the side or will the ship have &Mutsuki& written on the side even if we name her &Yayoi&, for example.  那啥,从你们公布的舰船模型来看,部分日本驱逐舰侧舷写了名字,那我是不是可以改侧舷的写的名字呢?比如买了条“睦月”级驱逐舰,在侧舷刷上“弥生”(睦月型三番舰)的名字  Д) Yes, player will have the option to change the name written on the side of the ship.  是可以啊,是可以修改侧舷写的船名。  Е) At what tier of CVs will planes that were historically never mass produced for carrier use, such as the N1K3, start appearing?  多少级航母就开始用那些没有大规模量产的舰载机了?  Е) Top tiers (8 or higher).  基本上从8级就开始了  Ё)Will Akagi, Kaga, Soryu and Hiryu have access to B6N torpedo bombers, seeing as how other ships that are lower/equal tier possess them?  那啥,吃撑啊,加贺啊,苍龙啊,飞龙啊,这些能不能用B6N天山舰攻啊?  Ё) Most likely yes, these carriers will have access to B6N torpedo bombers.  当然可以  Historically, British carriers had a very low chance of catching fire Will this be reflected in the game?  历史上,英国船不容易着火,那游戏中是不是这样?  Most likely no. We plan to balance ships by different way.  不一定,我们有自己的平衡方法  1.I think some of high-tier BC( Amagi Hood )are classified as battleship,While some of low-tier BC are cruiser,isn`it?  我觉得某些高级战巡(比如天城,胡德)被归类到战列舰里面,而某些低级战巡被归类到巡洋舰里面,不是么?  1. Partially yes. You will see.  基本如此  2.You said that BC Nagato is tier7 Amagi is tier 8 after Nagato  So ,japanese BB line well be  Kongo(5)――Kongo(6)―――Nagato(7)――Amagi(8)――A140I(9)――Yamato(10) isn`it?  你说天城在长门后面  那日系战列是不是 “金刚――金刚改二――长门――天城――A-140I――大和”这样一条科技树?  2. Most likely yes. It's mix of 3 branches...  差不多,你说的这个是3条科技树的混搭版  4.Can we see F9F'Panther& in WOWS?  能不能看见F9F“黑豹”战斗机啊?  4. Most likely yes.  当然可以  Will ships have multiple ammo racks for different types of ammo?  If so, will hitting one damage the &module& as a whole or will there be separate modules for different racks?  6.会不会有多个对应弹药类型的弹药架?如果损坏其中一个是影响全部弹药架还是就这个?  We plan several types of ammo, and each main gun turret will have their own ammo storage. And if any ammo storage hit, it will affect only his turret. Did I answer?  我们计划了多个弹种。每个炮塔会有自己的弹药架。如果弹药架损坏只影响单个炮塔  Will there be some kind of shell/track cam? Like if you press and hold the fire button will the camera follow whatever you just fired?  那啥,有没有炮弹,鱼雷追踪视角?比如说按着开火键就能进入追踪视角?  Such camera is already exists in the game :)  这东西早就有了啊!!  With the Atlanta now the tier 10 for DDs will the Atlanta count as a DD or a cruisers in the slot system?  对了,像亚特兰大这样出现在DD线的10级CL,分房按DD分房还是CL分房?  As DD.  驱逐的分房
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