愉快看透人心的网名名 m.name2012.com

QQ网名内容标签:Bigbang我男神 2NE1我女神
Passerby 过路人
Unknow lover
中文:全都是我的错,错的彻底错的无理取闹。英文:It's all my fault, wrong, completely wrong make trouble out of nothing.
中文:其实男人比女人更脆弱,遇到事,女人哭一哭就没事了。英文:In fact, man is more vulnerable than women, experience things, women cry just fine.
中文:※/ 人,不能低下高贵的头,只有怕死鬼才乞求&自由&英文:※/ person, not low noble head, only cowards ask for "free"
中文:不要想着依靠别人,要有目标有追求,这与年龄无关。英文:Don't rely on others, there must be goals to pursue, it has nothing to do with age.
中文:我们缺少的不是机会,而是在机会面前将自己重新归零的勇气。英文:What we lack is not chance, but in front of the chance to zero courage.
中文:认识自己,降伏自己,改变自己,才能改变别人。英文:To know themselves, yield themselves, change themselves, can change people.
中文:每天过得开心多一点点,幸福多一点点,就是对自己最好的回报。英文:Happy a little bit more every day,
happy a little bit more, is the best return.
中文:命运就像天气,可以尽努力地去预料,但往往出乎意料。英文:Fate is like the weather, can try hard to predict, but often exceeding one's expectations.
中文:如果有一天我深陷罪恶的边缘,不能再回头,请告诉别人我曾经善良过。英文:If one day I'm evil edge, no turning back, please tell others I have kind.
中文:人生三大遗憾:不会选择;不坚持选择;不断地选择。英文:Life three big regret: choose not to continue to choose.
中文:红烛残,泪相思,一生等待只为谁。千年缘,只为今。一辈红尘心以眠。英文:Red candle remnant, tears of lovesickness, waiting for my whole life only for who. Millennium edge, just for today. Generation the heart to sleep.
中文:聪明的人看得远。精明的人看得准,高明的人看得远!英文:The wise look far. Smart people see more accurate, the good person seeing far away!
中文:要有最朴素的生活和最遥远的梦想,即使明天天寒地冻,路远马亡。英文:Have the most simple life and the most distant dream, even if very cold tomorrow, far-road crash.
中文:真正的朋友不一定会锦上添花,但一定会雪中送炭。英文:A true friend will not necessarily icing on the cake, but it must be timely assistance.
中文:喜欢与爱的区别:喜欢花的会去摘花,而爱花的会给话浇水。英文:The difference between like and love: love flower will pick flowers, and love will give it watered.
中文:是否先把彼此忘记,然后假装相遇,便能重新开始。英文:Whether to forget each other, then pretend to meet, they can start again.
中文:人生就像呼吸,呼是为了争一口气,吸是为了出一口气。英文:Life is like breathing, it is in order to fight for breath, breath to breath out.
中文:人生是一场博弈,你不去规划人生,人生就要来规划你。英文:Life is a game, you don't go to plan for life, life is to plan your.
中文:坚强的信念能赢得强者的心,并使他们变得更坚强。英文:Strong belief can win the heart of, and make them stronger.
中文:感情就像一本&杂志&,生活就似一切&内容&!英文:Love is like a" magazine", life is everything""!
中文:人生一路,几多起伏,昨日花开,今朝凋落,谁能自主?英文:The way of life, how many ups and downs, bloom yesterday, now fading, who can be independent?
中文:梦想这东西和经典一样,永远不会因为时间而褪色,反而更显珍贵。英文:Dreams are like classics, never fade, but grow more precious.
中文:傲不可长,欲不可从,志不可满,乐不能极。英文:Pride is not to be encouraged., to not be from, is not full, can not very happy.
中文:一个人时,善待自己;两个人时,善待对方。英文:A person, two people, they treat each other.
中文:没用的东西,再便宜也不要买;不爱的人,再寂寞也不要依赖。英文:Something useless, again c don't love people more lonely, do not rely on.
中文:当誓言变成了一时失言,那么所有的曾经就让它像屁一样烟消云散吧。英文:When the oath to become &a slip of the tongue, then all have let it disappear in smoke like a fart.
中文:有些路看起来很近走去却很远的,缺少耐心永远走不到头。英文:Some roads seem close to is far away, the lack of patience will walk not to the end.
中文:要明白,你用真心对别人,别人未必会用真心对你!英文:See, your heart to others, others will not use the sincerity to you!
中文:当看破一切的时候,才知道,原来失去比拥有更踏实。英文:When seen through everything, just know, more practical than having lost the original.
中文:如果信仰可以成为万人朝拜的救世主,何来颠沛流离的人群。英文:If beliefs can be a million people worship Messiah, he to wander the crowd.
站长在关注【第一部】 你说,这满屏满屏都是耽美向的微小说,咱们评审组的BOSS大概鼻子都气歪了吧?不止!...


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