如何评价《racing extinction bt》

。片名叫 Racing Extinction,记录了野生动物如何被滥杀,而且主要拍摄地是在中国。
拍摄团队利用隐藏拍摄,纪录了那些人非法捕杀和销售野生动物的过程。Louie Psihoyos 在 9 月接受圣丹斯电影节官方媒体采访的时候说,他自己觉得这部纪录片其实有点像《复仇者联盟》,只是这一切都是真的,而不是虚构的。
Louie Psihoyos
2009 年,《海豚湾》上映。这部纪录片记录了日本太地町的当地渔民捕杀海豚的经过。看过的人大概都能记得,捕杀开始后,蓝色的海水被染红的场景。画面里海豚惨烈的哀鸣慢慢消失,渔民在海岸上谈笑,海豚的尸体慢慢在浮上水面。这些画面都极具冲击力。
2010 年,《海豚湾》获得了奥斯卡最佳纪录长片奖。其实《海豚湾》亮相以来拿了很多纪录片奖,Louie Psihoyos 自己都说可以名列历史上获奖最多的那些纪录片之列。那部纪录片的成功并没有让他们挣到很多钱,
跋涉在海外,隐藏拍摄这样一部具有危险的纪录片确实需要很多钱。所以,Racing Extinction 的制作费用堪比一部大制作的电影。Louie Psihoyos 说它希望这一部电影能够比《海豚湾》更有一种史诗的感觉。
有之前的《海豚湾》,片方对发行很显然很有信心,请来了流行歌手 Sia 和 J ralph 一起为纪录片演唱了一首 One Candle,在中国的音乐网站上已经可以收听得到。
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A documentary that follows undercover activists trying to stave off a man-made mass extinction.
You really need to see number one scene right now? 8-)
Racing Extinction film was released in 2015 and it belongs to Adventure, Documentary, Action category.
Such actors like Shawn Heinrichs, Jane Goodall, Paul Hilton, Louie Psihoyos, Joel Sartore, Elon Musk, Dr. Christopher W. Clark, Austin Richards, Charles Hambleton, Leilani Münter, Travis Threlkel, Heather Dawn Rally make this Adventure film fantastic.
Fast character of Racing Extinction film will make you feel great while watching it with your family.
Shawn Heinrichs is acting in this Adventure film so fantastic and this is why you will enjoy watching it every time!
In conclusion, Racing Extinction is the greatest film in Adventure genre in 2015.
Such actors like Shawn Heinrichs, Jane Goodall, Paul Hilton, Louie Psihoyos, Joel Sartore, Elon Musk, Dr. Christopher W. Clark, Austin Richards, Charles Hambleton, Leilani Münter, Travis Threlkel, Heather Dawn Rally made this amazing movie even more better.
Movie duration is 90 minutes. Movie rating: 7.5.
Watch and download Racing Extinction film online!!! 8-)
Scientists predict we may lose half the species on the planet by the end of the century. They believe we have entered the sixth major extinction event in Earth's history. Number five took out the dinosaurs. This era is called the Anthropocene, or 'Age of Man', because the evidence shows that humanity has sparked this catastrophic loss. We are the only ones who can stop it as well. The Oceanic Preservation Society, the group behind the Academy Award(R) winning film THE COVE, is back for &Racing Extinction&. Along with some new innovators, OPS will bring a voice to the thousands of species on the very edge of life. An unlikely team of activists is out to expose the two worlds endangering species across the globe. The first threat to the wild comes from the international trade of wildlife. Bogus markets are being created at the expense of creatures who have survived on this planet for millions of years. The other threat is all around us, hiding in plain sight. There's a hidden world that ...
WATCH MOVIE ----& /movie/index.php?id=1618448&title=Racing+Extinction
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Scientists predict we may lose half the species on the planet by the end of the century. They believe we have entered the sixth major extinction event in Earth's history. Number five took out the dinosaurs. This era is called the Anthropocene, or 'Age of Man', because the evidence shows that humanity has sparked this catastrophic loss. We are the only ones who can stop it as well. The Oceanic Preservation Society, the group behind the Academy Award(R) winning film THE COVE, is back for &Racing Extinction&. Along with some new innovators, OPS will bring a voice to the thousands of species on the very edge of life. An unlikely team of activists is out to expose the two worlds endangering species across the globe. The first threat to the wild comes from the international trade of wildlife. Bogus markets are being created at the expense of creatures who have survived on this planet for millions of years. The other threat is all around us, hiding in plain sight. There's a hidden world that ...
A documentary that follows undercover activists trying to stave off a man-made mass extinction.
Download and watch Racing Extinction movie online for free.
If you begin to search in bing for a Racing Extinction film you can't find it.
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Racing Extinction film was made in first decade of
2015 and belongs to Action, Documentary, Adventure category.
Such characters as Leilani Münter, Joel Sartore, Travis Threlkel, Shawn Heinrichs, Jane Goodall, Elon Musk, Austin Richards, Charles Hambleton, Dr. Christopher W. Clark, Paul Hilton, Louie Psihoyos, Heather Dawn Rally truly created this Action movie good.
My conclusion that it's a good movie I enjoyed it, it's a little different than most movies of this type and of course worth watching.
The movie is awesome, and I think creators did fantastic work with it! It may be a bit confusing at first and maybe throughout for some but I'm urging you to stick it out and finish the movie. You will 100% be glad you did.
Movie duration : 90 minutes. Movie rating is great: 7.5.
Download and watch Racing Extinction online for free.
Ver Racing Extinction 2015 Online HD Espa?ol Latino
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