minecraft ic2作物收割机监管仪能管多远

IC2 Experimental builds: v2.0/2.1/2.2 (For Minecraft 1.6.4/1.7.2/1.7.10 & )
IndustrialCraft? recent version: v1.117! (For Minecraft 1.5.2 & )
Monday, April 23rd pm
[Addon v1.118+] [SSP/SMP] Nuclear Control v.1.6.2b/e
Nuclear control is now being maintained by xbony2 and Zuxelus here :
Nuclear Control addon allows you to build efficient monitoring and notification system for your nuclear reactor. Also you can use Howler Alarm and Industrial Alarm in any case when you want industrial-style notification/alarming system.
version 1.6.2e is a test build for experimental branch of ic2. You should use 1.6.2b for 1.118.401
Recipes, screenshots, change log, texture packs and old versions downloads moved to the second post
Blocks and items
Thermal Monitor
Thermal Monitor measures heat level of Nuclear Reactor. If reactor reaches specific heat level, Thermal Monitor changes color of indicator to the red and emits redstone signal. Right click to open GUI. You can set any temperature in the range 0-15000 with step 100. Use Sneak + Right click to prevent GUI from opening.
Thermal Monitor block should be placed either directly on your reactor/reactor chamber or on any block near it. When searching for reactor, it checks only one block in each direction. If few reactors are placed near Thermal Monitor, then only first found will be checked for heat level.
Thermal Monitor has three indicator colors:
- gray – reactor isn’t found
- green – reactor is cool
- red – reactor is hot.
Remote Thermal Monitor
Remote version of Thermal Monitor. It doesn't require direct connection to Nuclear reactor. Instead it requires Sensor Location Card (a part of Remote Sensor Kit, described below) and consumes 1eu/t. Energy consumption can be increased via remoteThermalMonitorEnergyConsumption config parameter. Default energy storage is 600eu, max packet size before explosion is 32eu. Energy storage and max packet size can be increased with energy storage and transformer upgrades. Power can be supplied via wires or with energy storage items from IC2 (battery, energy crystal etc). Signal from remote sensor can be received on the distance up to 8 blocks in each direction from reactor. To increase range - use Range Upgrade item. As additional feature this machine shows a progress bar of reactor heating (100% is a signal level). You can adjust facing of indicator with IC2 wrench. When machine have not enough power, an indicator has a dark gray color. It also indicates if reactor can't be found or too far with bluish gray color.
Sneak+Right Click with a wrench allows to rotate Remote Thermal Monitor around an axis.
Regular thermometer measures the temperature of a reactor (right click on reactor or on reactor chamber).
Digital Thermometer
Digital thermometer measures the temperature of the reactor and displays other temperatures (water evaporation point, reactor melting point). It should be charged after crafting and can be recharged.
Remote Sensor Kit
Pair of remote sensor and Reactor Sensor Location Card. Use a kit on reactor (right click) to mount a sensor and receive location card. Reactor Sensor Location Card should be placed to the Remote Thermal Monitor in top-right slot or to the Industrial Information Panel as data source. If you don't need Reactor Sensor Location Card any more - you can get back 2 circuits (shapeless crafting recipe).
Energy Sensor Kit
Pair of remote sensor and Energy Sensor Location Card. Use a kit on energy storage (right click) to mount a sensor and receive location card. Sensor Location Card should be placed to the Industrial Information Panel as data source. Supported storages: BatBox, MFE, MFSU. If you don't need Energy Sensor Location Card any more - you can get back 2 circuits (shapeless crafting recipe).
Energy Array Location Card
Industrial Information Panel data source. Card which contains multiple Energy Sensor Location Card. To receive Array card you should combine 2 to 6 Energy Sensor Location Cards on your crafting table. Energy Array Location Card can be used as data source for Industrial Information Panel. To add new Energy Sensor Location Cards to the Array - combine them with crafting table. If you don't need Energy Array Location Card - you can get back 2 circuits per each Energy Sensor Location Card in the array.
Industrial Information Panel data source. Allows to display time data on panels and screens.
Range Upgrade
You can use this item to increase range of the Remote Thermal Monitor and Industrial Information Panel. Each upgrade doubles max range.
Industrial Information Panel
Panel block, which shows multiple parameters from data source card. Information panel also supports range upgrades. Panel shouldn't be attached to energy net. Use redstone signal to turn it on and off. You can configure set of parameters to display via GUI. Block can be rotated and removed with wrench. Sneak+Right Click with wrench allows to rotate Information Panel around an axis.
Information Panel Extender
Components to build large screens for your control room. Each screen contains one Information Panel and one or more of Extenders. All of them should be facing in proper direction (green side should form a rectangle). Block can be rotated and removed with wrench.
Energy Counter
Measures the amount of energy passed through the counter. It has one input side (marked with point) and 5 output sides. By default Energy Counter accepts LV (32 eu packet size) and outputs 32 eu/t. But you can use Transformer Upgrades to increase in/out packet size. Energy Counter with 4 upgrades will accept up to 8192 eu/packet and will output 8192 eu/t.
Average Counter
Measures the amount of energy passed through the counter per tick. It has one input side (marked with point) and 5 output sides. By default Average Counter accepts LV (32 eu packet size) and outputs 32 eu/t. But you can use Transformer Upgrades to increase in/out packet size. With 4 upgrades it will accept up to 8192 eu/packet and will output 8192 eu/t.
Counter Sensor Kit
Pair of remote sensor and Counter Sensor Location Card. Use a kit on Energy Counter or Average Counter (right click) to mount a sensor and receive a location card. Sensor Location Card should be placed to the Industrial Information Panel as data source. If you don't need Counter Sensor Location Card any more - you can get back 2 circuits (shapeless crafting recipe).
Liquid Sensor Kit
Kit to mount sensor on liquid containers. You can monitor liquid type and amount of it in BC tanks, Railcraft tanks, Coke ovens rtc.
Howler Alarm
When block is powered with redstone signal, it makes loud siren noise. Alarm volume (signal range) can be changed via GUI. The default volume is 64 blocks. If you want to increase or reduce default range – check “alarmRange” parameter in the config file. You can also change sound of the Howler Alarm via GUI.
To add your own sound
before 1.6.2: put it to the &resources/newsound/ic2nuclearControl& folder in your minecraft folder.
1.6.2+: drop it into mod archive into &assets/nuclearcontrol/sound& folder.
Sound should be in ogg format and it's filename should start with &alarm-& and add it to allowedAlarms config param.
Additional config params:
maxAlarmRange parameter specifies maximum value in the Howler Alarm GUI.
SMPMaxAlarmRange parameter can be used to protect you from noisy neighbours. All alarms volumes will be limited by this value for you.
Industrial Alarm
Upgraded version of Howler Alarm. It combines flashing light signal with sound signal. You can configure signal range, but it uses only default siren sound.
Range Trigger
Takes Energy Sensor or Energy Array card and emits a redstone sigal in specified range. Starts at higher value and stops at lower.
Allows to enter 10 lines of text, to display on Information Panel. Each line can have up to 32 characters.
Color Upgrade
Upgrade item for Industrial Information Panel. Allows to change Panel colors.
Web Upgrade
Upgrade item for Industrial Information Panel. Allows to see your data on
website. Every card has its own Web id. Id is shown in card's tooltip when card is in the info panel with Web Upgrade
Mod Previews
You can change name of any block/item as well as GUIs and messages of the addon by editing &IC2NuclearControl.lang& file. File contains one section per locale. You can add more sections to support more locales. Sections are named as locale.lang.country. Ex: &locale.en.us& for en_US locale. Non ascii characters should be saved in UTF-8 charset.
Nuclear control addon is opensource. You can find code repository at
P.S. Backup your world before updating =)
Shedar has attached the following files:
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(814.1 kB - 18,499 times downloaded - latest: Today, 2:20pm)
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This post has been edited 52 times, last edit by &SpwnX& (Sep 4th pm)
Tuesday, April 24th am
Posts with additional alarm sounds
, , , , , , .
Texture Packs
by Vattic.
Digital Thermometer
Thermal Monitor
Remote Thermal Monitor
Remote Sensor Kit
Energy Sensor Kit
Energy Array Location Card (shapeless, 2 to 6 Energy Sensor Location Cards)
Range Upgrade
Color Upgrade
Web Upgrade
Industrial Information Panel
Information Panel Extender
Advanced Information Panel
Advanced Panel Extender
Recycling of Sensor Location Card
Recycling of Energy Sensor Location Card
Howler Alarm
Industrial Alarm
Energy Counter
Average Counter
Counter Sensor Kit
Liquid Sensor Kit
Range Trigger
Now you can see when specific temperature is reached even without redstone. You can see gray indicator, when reactor is not found, green if it's cooler then specified temperature and red in other case.
To fit with your design sense you can place it in any position.
What can be better then Thermal Monitor? Remote Thermal Monitor
Interface of the Remote Thermal Monitor
Use Thermometers for precise measuring.
Use Alarm systems to know if something is going wrong
Howler Alarm
Howler Alarm GUI
Industrial Alarm
Industrial information Panel
Industrial information Panel GUI
Industrial information Panel with Color Upgrades
Large screen, built with Information Panel Extenders
Energy storage monitoring
Time card and rotating of the screen
- cross GT crash fix - plutonium and thorium reactor fuel cells from gregtech are optional.
- MOX fuel support
- better detection of fuel duration
- support of steam output reactors disabled
- MC 1.6.2 compatibility update
- web upgrade for info panels
- fix: negative time on time card in new worlds
- fix: card title reset on editing in advanced panel
- gregtech reactor cells compatibility update
- new BC API update
- crash hotfixes
- railcraft tanks compatibility update
- MC 1.5.1 compatibility update
- update to new BC API
- fixed screen rendering when info panel is out of view
- added compatibility with BC energy to energy counter
- added compatibility with BC energy to average counter
- counters with IC2 energy work as conductor (don't limit EU/t and don't modify packet size).
- BC wrench and BC-compatible wrenches can be used to rotate Nuclear Control blocks
- save screen layouts on server side. Should fix spontaneous changes of touched screens after relogin
- Info Panel can display Out Of Range/Not Found messages for each card of Energy Array, not just a global one
- Advanced Info Panels added
- fixed 'e' bug in text card
- fixed thermal monitor redstone bug (update on settings changing with a turned off reactor)
- additional checks to prevent from nullpointer crashing with invalid info panel cards
- added compatibility with BC energy storages (you can use Energy Sensor Kit on BC energy storage)
- added compatibility with GregTech reactor cells (plutonium and thorium)
- mB/t output instead of EU/t for steam reactors
- updated block textures (tried to make machines more &steel&)
- IC2 1.112, MC 1.4.6 compatibility update
- removed usage of deprecated IC2 API (not well-tested, let me know if something doesn't work as expected)
- lang file encoding bug fixed
- Closing of Info Panel GUI bug fixed
- Card SMP syncing issue fixed
- fixed SMP NPE crash (liquid sensor card + buildcraft liquid).
- IC2 1.110 compatibility update
- Liquid Sensor Kit (tested with BC tanks, Railcraft Iron tanks, Coke Oven, water tank). Thanks to CovertJaguar for help.
- Additional API interface IPanelMultiCard (allows to have multiple types of card with different settings in one item)
- Remote Thermal Monitor uses external power sources before internal (you can use emergency batteries in the charge slot)
- Remote Thermal Monitor works fine with one solar (doesn't require additional energy on start)
- Update notifications added. If you don't like it - set LogOnly=true in the modstats.cfg
Old versions
v.1.5.1, ic2 for MC 1.5.1, build 304+
v.1.5.1, ic2 for MC 1.5.1, build before 304
v.1.4.6, ic2 1.115
v.1.4.5, ic2 1.112
v.1.4.4b, ic2 1.110/111
v.1.4.3, ic2 1.109
v.1.4.2, ic2 1.109
v.1.4.1, ic2 1.108
v.1.3.2, ic2 1.106
v.1.3.1, ic2 1.106
v.1.1.11, ic2 1.103
v.1.1.10b, ic2 1.97
v.1.1.10, ic2 1.97
v.1.1.9b, ic2 1.95b/1.97
v.1.1.8, ic2 1.95b
v.1.1.6, ic2 1.95b
v.1.1.5, ic2 1.95b
v.1.1.3, ic2 1.95b
v.1.1.2, ic2 1.95b
This post has been edited 36 times, last edit by &Shedar& (Dec 10th pm)
Tuesday, April 24th am
You sexy sexy mod developer you. This is the mod I have been waiting for.
It's even SMP.
I shake your hand.
Location: Germany
Tuesday, April 24th pm
I wonder how long till someone create a Reactor Control, that is compliant with Redpowers cables or even Computers.
But this is worth alot, since its on the newest version already.
Intel i7 990X @ 4,60 GHZ, Asus Rampage III Black Edition, 24GB Corsair Dominator GT DDR3,
2x Zotac Nvidia Geforce 580AMP 1,5gb, OCZ Revodrive 3 X2 240GB 1GBps,
1TB Western Digital Cavier Black, 2x Hitachi HDS723030BLE640 3TB, 3x BenQ XL2410T LCD-Monitors
Hosting Minecraft Servers on an Octo Core 32GB Ram Server:
Free Space available! If you need a Server let me know!
Tuesday, April 24th pm
I wonder how long till someone create a Reactor Control, that is compliant with Redpowers cables or even Computers.
But this is worth alot, since its on the newest version already.
I have several features planned before cross-mod features.
And also I hope Eloraam will add API to interact with cables and computers.
Location: Equestria
Tuesday, April 24th pm
You can set &limit& temperature to each Thermal Monitor block. And it will emit redstone signal if reactor's temperature is higher then specified &limit&.
P.S. Try v.1.1.1. I fixed bug with config.
Thank you. Now it works fine, and I can set up super awesome reactor control system with this and redpower
Wednesday, April 25th am
Can you add the translation in the config? like the other mod...
Wednesday, April 25th pm
Can you add the translation in the config? like the other mod...
Will probably be included in the next version.
Wednesday, April 25th pm
I haven't had time to test these yet.
What is the range of the sensor?
Does it have to directly touch any reactor block (core or chamber)?
Does it instead have to be within 1 or 2 blocks of the reactor core?
What if there are multiple cores within range?
Unsupported Meme
Wednesday, April 25th pm
I haven't had time to test these yet.
What is the range of the sensor?
Does it have to directly touch any reactor block (core or chamber)?
Does it instead have to be within 1 or 2 blocks of the reactor core?
What if there are multiple cores within range?
It have to directly touch any reactor block (core or chamber). Ranged block is planned (block + remote sensor).
It uses first found if touches multiple reactors.
Location: Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Thursday, April 26th am
Check out Our Brand New 1.7.10 Server
Check out Our Brand New 1.7.10 Let's Play Series
Thursday, April 26th pm
v.1.1.2 released.
What's new
- SMP Thermal Monitor collision problem fixed
- Localization support added (check OP for details)
- Thermal Monitor can be removed by IC2 wrench
- Thermal Monitor displays its settings
- Thermal Monitor have one more state - &reactor not detected& (light gray inication)
Now it looks like this
Also I decided to make this addon opensource, to prevent it from being lost when real life will take me out of minecraft =)
You can find code repository at
Thursday, April 26th pm
It's slightly annoying that it has to be touching, but understandable and at least I can keep this outside of the 3x3 block around the core chamber.
Thank you very much, I believe I can make some useful things with this ^.^
Unsupported Meme
Location: Germany
Friday, April 27th pm
I created a 64x Texturepack for the Mod.
Download/Info here:
redled`s German Technic LP:
Friday, April 27th pm
I created a 64x Texturepack for the Mod.
Download/Info here:
Thank you! Thermal monitor looks awesome. Added link to the OP.
Tuesday, May 1st pm
ty for reconsidering my request on this ty sp much
Wednesday, May 2nd pm
Two more blocks added. Now you can build your industrial alarm system. Check OP for details. The idea is taken from
Location: Monza
Thursday, May 3rd pm
WOW! fantastic work! i'm glad my idea was realized at the end, even if as addon!
I will use this for sure!
Location: Germany
Thursday, May 3rd pm
I have updated the Texturepack to NC v.1.1.3
redled`s German Technic LP:
Thursday, May 3rd pm
I have updated the Texturepack to NC v.1.1.3
It looks really nice, I like it! Thank you for quick update.
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