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Bangkok Yearly Weather Summary and the highest average temperature of any city in the world. Temperatures in Bangkok regularly stay well above 30&C throughout the year. The humidity levels also remain high during this period and you can expect short spells of rainy weather, with frequent afternoon showers, monsoons and spells of thunder at times.&
The climate of Bangkok can be divided into two key parts, wet and dry.
The climate in Bangkok is at its hottest from March to August with a very high humidity.
In Bangkok, the rainy season starts in May and lasts till September, but really picks up in June. Rain can sometimes come as a welcome release from the temperatures that stand in the high 20&s. The rain normally falls in the afternoon but there are infrequent days when the city will be washed with rain for the whole day. Bangkok lies only 6 ft. above sea level, so when there are prolonged periods of rain this can lead sometimes lead to flooding.
Although the temperatures barely vary from month to month, experienced tourists believe October through until February is probably the best time to travel Bangkok. During this time, temperatures are not as high, standing between 25&C and 28&C. &Occasional showers and gentle winds can provide a break from the heat.&
November to February is the driest time in Bangkok, and therefore a popular time to travel Bangkok. This combined with high humidity means that it can be somewhat uncomfortable at times. If visiting during this period be sure to pack a lot of light, cotton clothing to deal with the hot and sticky conditions. During this time, weather will show extreme temperature and often it climbs to the mid 30&s.
Average High/Low Temperature for Bangkok, Thailand
Average Rainfall for Bangkok, Thailand
Note: The data for charts above are taken from year 2000 to 2012.
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