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从2008年-2014年 快猴网一直在努力做到最好
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[i=s] 本帖最后由 士兵-小威 于
08:42 编辑
& && &&&应 仁 之 乱 开 始, 日 本 迈 入 了 空 前 残 酷 而 混 乱 的 战 国 时 代, 无 数 英 雄 豪 杰 应 运 而 生, 无 数 割 据 势 力 旋 起 旋 灭 。 斯 时 斯 世, 各 地 军 阀 党 羽 连 番 厮 杀, 几 乎 所 有 大 名、 名 主、 地 方 豪 族 全 都 参 战, 展 开 了 激 烈 的 或 明 或 暗 的 竞 争 与 较 量。 战 斗 旷 日 持 久, 其 无 秩 序 无 理 念 性, 在 世 界 历 史 上 都 颇 为 罕 见 。 混 沌 乱 世 的 大 局 就 这 样 逐 步 形 成,然 而, 无 数 风 云 儿 为 实 现 自 己 的 道 义 和 梦 想, 也 纷 纷 启 程, 踏 上 了 拨 乱 反 正、 整 顿 乾 坤 的 不 归 路……
1:甲 骏 相 三 国 同 盟 :由武田、北条、今川三家组成铁三角同盟。有武田的赤备、北条的坚城、今川的强弓,又有“战国第一兵法家”武田法性院信玄、“东海道第一强弓”的今川骏河守义元、拥有第一要塞小田原的北条氏康三位具有很强实力的大名,更有例如更有山县三郎兵卫、真田弹忠正、北条纲成等一批十分优秀的武将,实力十分强大。[/spoiler]
[spoiler=介绍]1、对铁炮及铁炮队的能力进行了一下修改,减慢了铁炮装填速度和精度,种子岛铁炮:速10、精65、距135 纪州铁炮:速20、精60、距105
& &2、对弓箭进行了修改,大家别看弓箭伤害低,我测试了一下,35弓大将(相当于铁炮队等级),从可射箭范围射击到敌人冲上来为止杀了40多个人而且将敌击退又杀了10多个,太BT,这样下来游戏就没意思了,所以我把箭支数量改为较真实的25支,消耗量大,不至于太BT,这样守城方就有弹尽粮绝的时候了。
& &3、应汽油要求,我把各势力带头大名的改的很强,一骑单挑较难取胜。
WSAD控制前进后退,↑↓垂直升降 ←→控制方向,按下shift键再按WSAD可以快速移动。
2.Heart of Mercy的战场统计和特长
8.战场回血:玩家可以在商店买到包子或笼包,不仅是消耗品,在战场当玩家血少于40时,可以补血,包子+20%,笼包+40% 按9使用包子,按0使用笼包。
11.召唤马匹,骑术到4时可以习得唤马,可以叫回自己的马匹,就不用再跑老远去骑马了 按8发动
炸船计(敌方船只会被炸沉,也就是全军覆没 条件10桶油,按i发动)
1.感谢liihhaaoo 为汽油们提供的 原版扩展补丁,mod是在它的基础上开发的,沿用了许多功能,很好的学习材料。
任务势力,不予解释。 [/spoiler]
[spoiler= 汉化版] [/spoiler]
[spoiler=攻略]我着2半吊子英语不咋地&&会的那点等于不会&&游戏中有很多任务种类也不同 很多城市接任务的NPC& &都藏哈啦里头得细心找才能找到
普通任务村庄里面比较有意思的是可以送运输队& & 城镇任务里面有很多有意思的新任务& &不同的阵营这里指印第安&&美国&&牛仔 这三个阵营&&都能接各自特殊的任务&&除了原来的那几个任务之外& &还能接到去某个地点消灭走私商&&矿场&&火车站&&等等& &苏诺镇可以接到去印第安地区消灭印刷厂的任务&&你可以带4个NPC去排在前面得被选上&&这里有点像RPG游戏的场景呵呵& &在苏诺的城市里面仔细找找再房子后面&&可以找到一个人他让你去&&苏诺旁边的目的进行决斗&&到了墓地就看到好多人&&在那里围成圈和外围的人谈话就可以进入不要先攻击会减20点的声望任务失败& & 伯拉文城市可以随机接到一个区火车站的任务&&只是任务的对话过于复杂句子看不懂 用机译更离谱所以至今没完成&&还有好几个城里的 吟游诗人的任务&&维鲁加有一个接了任务去马车旁边的一个人和他决斗&&就提诗人报仇了可以拿到赏金&&这里比较好玩的是城里的警卫会出来帮助你&&另外一个吟游诗人未完成& && &在培刚德可以接一个任务单也为完成&&到了30多天就可以看到日瓦顶上面出现了个死亡城镇& &还有在山林里面的猎人有3个任务~~废话挺多的也未完成&&矿山地点在中间 至今 未找到那接任务&&游戏里面还有很多好玩的悬赏任务很有意思这个倒有准确的地名 好找& &打劫银行&&一直没打劫上不知道需要什么要求& &游戏做的挺好&&新任务挺多& &不知道有没有剧情可能有咱现在得提高自己的英文水平了~~~~
[spoiler=心得]培养NPC都是敏捷优先& &武器掌握先加&&骑术加到4& &骑射&&偶尔加加铁骨& &这三个方面 武器掌握&&骑射&&铁骨 加好才考虑加骑术 和 强击&&NPC敏捷到30在加力量
游戏里面有几把好用的武器&&近战 是那把造型比较好的佩剑& &长枪 推荐三款&&阻击步枪90刺100准70多速度的那把& &马上枪66刺95准53速的&&攻城备用的爆管准40 速45的那把伤害能到90多呵呵人多了秒一片& & 左轮手枪推荐两把& &51刺71准的&&和 37刺79准的
在萨哥斯 城市城主大门旁边第二个房子2楼有个箱子~~里面有些好看不中用的东西~~门有的时候会打开如果没打开就在缝隙里卡进去吧~~卡房子卡进一般的时候按欣赏模式键然后倒着走就可以进房间了
在游戏中还可以搞到东阳铠甲呵呵~~在这个时代东洋铠甲38的防御简直就是铁板呵呵~~在杰尔格拉旁边的城市潜伏进去杀出一条血路就可以看到久违的宝箱了英文城市名字Hotel del Rio& & 汉化版的大河镇旅馆~~在239楼有MIS发的图文介绍非常详细
[spoiler=NPC]有人说找不到NPC或者找到很少&&我用美国人找到了12个NPC&&有4个不能加入的印第安人&&看来美国和印第安人的仇恨不是一般大&&NPC都在城市里面 或者城市里面的酒馆&&嘿嘿期待高手汉化下& &我这水平暂时只能写到这里&&有什么新发现会及时更新&&帖子就发着个了&&帖子多了不能删&&自己看这都晕
0.92汉化版: (存至网盘)
[spoiler=达摩克利斯之剑──入侵]Sword of Damocles--Invasion《达摩克利斯之剑──入侵》更新到V4.57β
官网发布帖地址(by Mordachai):,52131.0.html
官网子版块: ,117.0.html
V4.57 beta 官网下载地址:
文件名称:1.011modSword of Damocles - Gold V4.57 beta_Module.exe[/spoiler]
[spoiler=介绍]Sword of Damocles - Gold V4.5 [updated v4.57beta]
Why choose Sword of Damocles?
Sword of Damocles is most complex and advanced kingdom management mod. It does not simply add player's kingdom and lords under his command but it also tries to simulate kingdom management by adding population to fiefs, health, ability to create laws, reworking economy and adding new buildings. It also allows you to choose your faith which heavily influence your kingdom, allow you to build religious structures and eventually if you spread your faith ardently enough to upgrade your elite troops to unmatched holy warriors. You will also have to develop two new kingdom management skills, Administration and Intrigues to efficiently rule your kingdom. You will also have to look out on new Badboy feature known from Europa Universalis series.
Sword of Damocles also offers realistic army management system where you require military buildings to upgrade your faction exclusive troops, are able to create army detachments and can issue orders to all your lords through Strategic Map. Both you and enemy kings can hire independent factions - Mercenary Guilds to fight side by side your troops. Overhauled AI will make
On top of that Sword of Damocles provides solid back story and a damocles sword hanging over your Royal head, The Legion which destroyed your homeland and now comes to gobble up another tasty morel which is Calradia, huge invasion is heard to come within one year. Huge invasion will attack Calradia. You have one year to prepare.
To fight the threat you'd better arm yourself. 600 new items and 300 new troops from all old and 12 new factions wait at your disposal.
Sword of Damocles also adds much more gameplay tweaks, graphic enhancements and other features. There is so many that even detailed description below does not cover them all. Let's just mention few most popular like ability to set up completely custom battles, battle camera to observe battle after you fall wounded, enchanced auto resolve system, formations and overhauled Chel's battle morale, custom graphics for each menu screen and all towns and castles, improved autoloot to easily manage your completely reworked companions, Jedediah Q's companion management screen etc.
But that's not all. Sword of Damocles offers to play SoD Submod Variants like: Auxiliarii by Twan, Gunpowder Invasion by Deathknight13 and fantasy Undead Invasion.
(updated : 25 April 2010)
INSTALLATION: Run downloaded EXE file and unpack it to your MnB Modules directory. Choose Sword of Damocles in MnB launcher. Enjoy. Warning! 600MB disk space required.
PATCH ONLY for v4.57
(MUST HAVE V4.55C installed to use this patch)
Just copy the 3 texture files into texture folder and other files in main &Sword of Damocles - Gold V4.57 beta_Module& folder. If you are not familiar with how to do this, download entire mod above in this thread. This patch was deleted so if never installed, it is not needed.
Look in the SoD forum for new patchs / hotfixes.
Sword of Damocles - Gold Team
Cyclohexane, FleshyStarfish, Kuba, Mordachai, Shjn, Twan, vonMistont
I Kingdom Management
Advanced Kingdom Simulation
Become a King
You arrived to Calradia with small force of your Homeland Troops. You found this new land divided and obviously unable to survive Invasion that also destroyed your Homeland.
Conquer a castle or town to become a King, grow in strength and unite Calradia before the storm.
After you become a king number of new options will become available.
In your castles and towns you will meet your Marshal, Chancellor and Treasurer.
In Camp menu you will gain access to Edicts panel where you will be able to enact laws.
If you have enough fiefs to give away you will be able to recruit your own Lords.
New menus will appear in Camp Menu:
You will gain access to Edicts panel where you will be able to enact laws.
Strategic Map option will appear, you will have view over whole Calradia and you will be able to control your armies through it.
You will gain access to Centralized Fief Management menu.
You will be able to send your men to a mission via Artifacts menu.
20 Lords is available for recruitment.
Talk with Chancellor to recruit new Lords, you must have at least one fief to give away (and still have a fief for yourself).
Lord's economy is completely reworked. They need income just like you.
Lord's without fiefs will have negative relations with you and won't make profit to supply an army.
Lords upgrade their own fiefs.
Population & Taxes
Towns and Villages now have population. This is also base for completely reworked taxing system.
Population is now base income of your fief (taxpayers) modified by prosperity, religion acceptance, buildings and edicts.
Population will eventually grow but bad relations with fief, bad fief's health, raids, random events or forced draft can lower it.
Minimum & Maximum population for Villages is 50/500 and for Towns 500/3000.
Taxes player finally receive come from 3 separate sources. Peasants, Towns and Scutage Tax from player's vassals.
For more changes in taxes concept see Ruler's Skills chapter, Administration & Demesne.
Castles are your main military facilities. There you will be able to build your most advanced military buildings.
But Castles don't give you income, in fact you must pay weekly maintenance fee (150, or 100 with Blacksmith).
Watch out for health of your villagers, beware of health related random events.
5 faiths to choose, each comes with 5 new faith troops, 4 religious buildings and affects your kingdom's population.
Local faith acceptance has great influence on your population.
Faith can modify your fief's income up to 10%.
Low faith acceptance will have negative effect on your relations with fiefs.
High global faith allows you to convert your best Noble Troops to Zealots
Consecrate your Zealots in Castle's Chapel to get one of Holy Warriors.
25 Faith Troops, but you can only get one based on your homeland and your faith.
Royal Edicts
36 Edicts divided into 4 categories to enact. Truly rule your kingdom by setting laws.
You can choose laws for 4 social classes, peasants, townspeople, clergy, and nobility.
You can choose from 36 edicts but in one moment there can be only 10 active so choose wisely.
Your kingdom needs stability so often changes of laws can have devastating effect on your kingdom.
New Buildings
16 buildings available, some create synergies with Edicts
II Ruler's Skills & Diplomacy
Sword of Damocles introduces two new skills, Administration and Intrigues it also overhauls diplomacy.
New badboy system, if you look like a threat for Calradians they will react and form an alliance against you
Your initial badboy is based on your relation with calradians when you create your faction
You gain badboy when you take cities and castles or developp your religion
You lose some badboy every week, according to your honour, the size of your realm and your number of academies
If your badboy reach 40 something bad happen
To keep the same number of skills Prisoner Management was included into Leadership.
Persuasion personal skill has now more functions and is known under Intrigues name.
Administration and Demesne concept:
To effectively rule over large kingdom and eventually build huge an empire you need good -Administration skill.
Large empire might collapse under it's size, administration becomes less and less effective.
Answer is either more effective administration or decentralization by ceding fiefs to your vassals.
For each level of Administration skill you King will receive 50 Demesne Points (DP).
Each fief has value in DP. Village 10 DP, Castle 15 DP, Town 30 DP.
Difference between King's DPs and cumulated fief's value will change tax income.
For each DP difference income will be changed by 1% up or down for All Fiefs!
So if you have only Administration 1 (50 DPs) and hold i.e. 3 Towns, 2 Castles and 3 Villages you will get -100% income!
Demesne cost for each fief can be modified by Buildings, you can also get more DPs from Edicts.
Intrigues & Propaganda
Intrigues supply give all persuasion bonuses both native and those from previous SoD versions.
If you defeated a faction some lords with whom you have good relations can join you if you have high Intrigues.
Just like Administration knowledge of Intrigues is necessary for a King to manage great empire.
For each level of Intrigues skill you earn 50 Propaganda Points (PP).
Base PP at 0 skill level is 10. Each fief you own subtracts from this number:
Village 10PP, Castle 5PP, Town 30PP.
Difference between Ruler's PP and value of fiefs result in relations modifier with all fiefs.
III Army Management
Innovative & Realistic Army Management and AI overhaul
Unlike in Native or in any other mod troops in SoD don't just miraculously upgrade to completely other kind of troop after battle. Troop training takes time and equipment also does not grow on trees.
In SoD Homeland Troops which will be backbone of your army upgrade to their experienced versions marked with *.
Experienced troops marked with * have exactly the same equipment as their inexperienced counterparts.
To upgrade unit to different kind you must have proper military building in your castle or town:
Barracks - Allow you to upgrade peasants to your Homeland Melee Footmen.
Range - Allows you to upgrade peasants to your Homeland Ranged Footmen.
Stables - Allow you to upgrade your basic Melee Footmen to your Cavalry.
Chapters - This expensive buildings attract noble refugees from your fallen Homeland. You can not train peasant to become Noble. Build Chapter and eventually they will come to you. Chapters also allow you to upgrade Noble troop line further.
Chapel - This small building will allow you to upgrade your best noble troops to powerful Holy Warriors if you were spreading your faith ardently enough.
Upgrading troops costs money. Equipment cost can be lowered by constructing blacksmith, cost will be reduced by 50%.
When you have experienced* troops and proper military buildings constructed talk to your Marshal and order training.
See New Factions chapter to learn about Homeland Troops and Mercenary Guild Troops.
At any time you can detach troops from your party and create new Regiment.
Talk to any of your troops and order him to create a Regiment.
Regiment will show up near your party.
Meet with the regiment to issue orders.
Be warned! For troops in Regiments you will pay 2x more wages!
Formations & Overhauled Morale
Formations and Morale are by default ON. You can turn them OFF in Reports Menu-&Settings.
Sword of Damocles tweaks morale system:
Biggest issue with morale feature was that when morale was broken whole army, peasants, recruits and knights alike were running away. We fixed that.
You should no longer experience whole armies running away after losing few troops.
Low leveled recruits may run but your veterans will continue fighting even in harsh conditions.
Troop Trees & Wages
Before you become a king you will be able to recruit only Farmers in villages.
Farmers upgrade to mercenary troop tree.
You will also be able to recruit mercenaries in taverns.
There are many random mercenaries showing up in taverns.
You can also talk to tavern keeper to recruit other soldiers.
Townspeople who upgrade to mercenaries, Refugees that upgrade to Sword Sisters and finally Manhunters.
Troops wages vary, army based on Homeland units is the least expensive.
You pay base wages for Homeland Player Exclusive Troops.
Mounted units cost 65% more.
Mercenaries cost 100% more.
Calradian troops (Native Kingdom’s Troops) cost 50% more
If you want you may switch troop recruitment to Native one. You will recruit Native troops in villages.
It's not advised and consider it a cheat. You will find this option in Reports Menu -& Settings.
When you become a king you will be able to give garrisoning orders via Fief Management page.
Set max garrison value for each walled center. (default 150)
Hire trainers to your castles and towns.
You can have up to 5 trainers per garrison.
First trainer always cost 100 denars, but each next one will be 100 denars more expensive (second - 200, third - 300).
Each trainer charges 50 denars weekly.
One trainer can auto-garrison 2 recruits daily.
Be warned troops recruited by draft are distracted from fief's population!
Each troop you rceruit is 1 population less in town or in village belonging to a castle.
Visit villages directly to find volunteers who are not counted as taxpaying population of the fief.
They also exercise castle's garrison every day increasing it's experience.
You need specific military facilities to make trainers useful (Barracks to recruit and train infantry, practice range for archers and stables for cavalry).
AI Overhaul
New war peace system giving explanations of AI decisions to the player
If you conclude peace you must respect a 30 days truce before restarting war or will lose honor and gain badboy (AIs never break truces)
Kingdoms base their decisions to start wars or propose peace on the evolution of their power
They have objectives and try to expand logically, their situation determines their ambition and so how offensive their lords are
Lord personnalities have an influence on their decisions as well as their personnal situation compared to over lords
Choice of 3 systems for autoresolved battles : Bloodbath (very fast), Kt0 Improved Autorsolve (extremely realistic) or Native
IV New Factions:
12 Completely new Factions plus all Old Factions to a total of 16 factions not counting bandits and alike!
Player Faction:
You start as King's Child, refugee from country invaded by The Legion.
Choose from 5 player exclusive factions, Antarian Empire, Villianese Duchy, Kingdom of Aden, Zerrikanian Sultanate or Republic of Marina
Antarian Empire - Proud aristocratic country, Heavy armored foot melee based army.
Republic of Marina - Trade faction basing it's army on mercenaries, foot based mixed army, excellent at sieges.
Kingdom of Aden - Feudal country with strong cavalry traditions.
Villianese Duchy - Idyllic clan based realm with skilled foot melee soldiers and unmatched archers.
Zerrikanian Sultanate - Proud nation with strong cavalry tradition.
You will have access to exclusive Homeland troops unique for each faction.
Each troop tree consists of Infantry line, Ranged line, Cavalry line and completely separate Nobility troop tree.
Each homeland has it's strengths and weak points.
Mercenary Guilds
6 mercenary factions offering single troops as well as whole army regiments for hire. Not only to you but to your enemies as well. Don't be surprised if you see party of mercenaries following enemy lord.
Gain their trust doing new quests!
You can find Mercenary 5 Mercenary Guild Headquarters on the map and their representatives in towns.
The Legion
Faction that conquered your homeland is now coming to Calradia.
Professional Imperial Expeditionary Force led by Legate Gaius Marius.
V Invasion
There can be nothing happy for the person over whom some fear always looms.
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &&&-Cicero &Sword of Damocles&
While building your kingdom is an aim of itself SoD adds one more goal to the game. Defeat the invasion.
Damocles sword is hanging over your head, you must hurry, gather strength fast, The Legion is coming.
Empire invaded your land, Five realms fell under it's power.
-----Legate Gaius Marius crushed Old, Proud but being only a shadow of it's former glory Ancient Antarian Empire.
-----Gold of Republic of Marina couldn't stop steel of Imperial Hammer.
-----Honorable nobles of the Adenian Kingdom charged imperial lines only to die crushed in heavy grip.
-----Duke prepared hell for The Legion entering Villianese forests but the cities fell and it's only guerilla that left.
-----Zerrikanian Sultan scattered his forces over the desert but could not do anything to save the country.
Calradia is much easier prey for ever hungry Empire.
Emperor's Hound Gaius Marius is sure that he needs only one Legion to conquer the land.
And that is your chance.
Imperial army might count 20 000 soldiers. And they are no cannon fodder.
They are led by Legate himself and his faithful Centurions.
You have around one year to prepare
-----Go to Menu Camp-&Take other action-&Quick Start-&Oracle to know exact date of invasion if you think it would not spoil the fun for you, it's random.
VI Miscellanous
Play any battle any time!
Search for Jester in any town or castle.
Ask him about custom battles.
You can choose any battlefield and play as chosen character.
Choose your and your enemy's fully customizable army composition and start a battle.
600 New yet balanced Items Including 5 Royal Sets available from Royal Artifacts map (mini game).
New Troops
300 New Troops Including among the others Player Exclusive 60 Homeland Troops and 25 Faith Troops.
Custom Banners&New Banners
In addition to 200 of new banners that you can choose in SoD you can create your very own banner.
You can change your banner any time from Menu Camp-&Take other action-&Quick Start-&...
Battle Camera
After you fall wounded in battle it still continues and you can watch it.
Press SPACE button to activate/deactivate camera and use WSAD buttons to move around battlefield.
Ultimate Out of Body Experience.
Menus Graphic Overhaul
Each game menu now has unique background.
No more dull paper menus.
Each Castle and Town now has unique menu background showing actual fief you are in.
Improved Auto loot
No longer worry to dress your companions.
Talk to with them about their equipment to set up their upgrading preferences.
Companions Screen
See your Companion's overview spreadsheet.
Quick Start
An option designed for MnB veterans who started game countless times, mod team, testers...
It can be used by simple cheaters too but that's their problem.
Choose Menu Camp-&Take Other Action-&Quick Start:
----Add companions to your party, add XP, Denars, Honor.
Choose Menu Camp&Take Other Action-&Quick Start-&Oracle to change Invasion date.
VII First Steps
Basics to help you find yourself in new world
You arrive to Calradia with small force of your Homeland Troops.
Quickly you will notice that you can not upgrade them as you are used to in Native.
Homeland troops upgrade only to their more experienced version marked by *, but with the same equipment.
At the beginning as a refugee you obviously don't have access to military facilities to upgrade experienced* troops and your small force isn't probably enough to even conquer a castle so you must base your army on mercenaries.
You can recruit mercenaries in villages, taverns and in Mercenary Guilds.
Remember that you can create Regiments! If you have 40 troops why not make 2 regiments with 10 troops each and 20 troops in your party to speed up traveling speed? This is also way to bring huge army to the siege! Many new SoD players forget about this feature.
Do not become anyone's vassal, do not even try to make pretender quest like in Native. First of all it's senseless in a mod that concentrates on Own Kingdom Simulation, second it may break your game. SoD does not support pretender quest or being vassal.
Build your mercenary army, try not to lose all your starting troops and eventually capture a castle or even a town.
You are now a King.
Now watch for enemy retaliation. If you lost most of your troops capturing a castle and you have almost none you will probably lose your castle soon. Build up castle defenses.
You immediately commission military building project, start from barracks or range so you can upgrade peasants.
Don't build stables first, only first tier foot soldiers can upgrade to cavalry. Don't build chapters as your first building either, it's expensive and nobles come slowly. Well unless you are SoD veteran and that's your tactics to base your army only on nobles.
You might want to visit Jester to test your Homeland troops in Skirmish Custom Battle to see their strengths and weaknesses.
Sword of Damocles - Gold Team
Cyclohexane, FleshyStarfish, Kuba, Mordachai, Shjn, Twan, vonMistont
[spoiler=Star Wars Mercenaries(星战雇佣军) ]下载点
[spoiler=特色]This is a very MINOR mod for Mount & Blade 0.960. I took the Native game and added in the items from the original Star Wars Mod for 0.751. I then create a line of Republic, Imperial and Wookiee mercanaries that you can hire. Other than adding these items and mercenaries there have not been many changes to the Native game.
这是一个小MOD FOR M&B V0.960.我往原版里加了一些本来在Star Wars Mod for 0.751里的东西,加了一些新兵种,没有重大的改变(具体新兵种那块我看不懂 BY:B52B51)
Republic Mercenaries:
Republic Recruit
Republic Trooper
Republic Commando
Republic Pilot
Jedi Padawan
Jedi Master
Imperial Mercenaries:
Imperial Recruit
Imperial Trooper
Imperial Stormtrooper
Imperial Scout Trooper
Sith Apprentice
Sith Master
Wookiee Mercenaries:
* 10 blasters (green or red laser bolts)
* 6 lightsabers (different colors)
* 10 vibro-weapons (blade, sword, axe)
* 10 star wars armors (stormtrooper, jedi, sith, wookiee, etc)
* 7 unique items (?)
* 3 force powers (push, block, throw lightsaber)
* 3 mounts (kaadu, dewback, speeder bike)
10件激光枪(??? BY B52B51)
Gameplay Changes:
* companions won't complain
* captured villages now produce troops of new faction
* switched mercenaries and NPC's to switch every 36 hour
* I did not create these models or textures so the major credit should go to Grocat and the rest of the team that did the original Star Wars Mod. I sent him a PM asking if I could use these models for this release but have not heard back yet. Hopefully this is fine, if it is not let me know and I can take this down.
* There are some problems: all swords sound like lightsabers, speeder bikes 'gallop', kaadu leg animation looks weird, etc. If there are easy fixes to any of these or other issues then let me know.
* I have not done a lot of gameplay balancing so adjustments are most likely needed to troop stats and items. Feel free to make suggestions but it would be helpful if multiple items are suggested at the same time.
* This mod was done for fun and other than making some minor changes (item/troop stats, etc) I do not plan to expand this further. If somebody is interested in working on this then send me a personal message.
*存在一些问题:所有刀剑听起来像是光剑,调速自行车'飞跑' , kaadu腿动画看起来奇怪,等,如果能修复这些或其他问题就告诉我
* Grocat and the rest of the team that created the Star Wars mod for M&B 0.751
* HardCode - script so captured villages now produce troops of new faction
* Highelf - green lizard from Fantasy Mod is used for the dewback
* Winter - script to reload ammo automatically
[spoiler=共和国之剑 罗马战争 by:星辰大姐] mod下载地址:
布立吞亚支又译为布利屯亚支或布里索尼亚支,为海岛凯尔特语支的其中一支凯尔特语言。布立吞这个译名源自于威尔士语的 brython,意思是“古代不列颠人”。由于相对于盖尔亚支的语言保留了原始印欧语系音素 *kw 的 c,布立吞亚支已将它转为 p,故布立吞亚支有时也被称为 P 凯尔特语,但这样的命名法也意味着接受了 P 凯尔特语的假设,而非海岛凯尔特语的假设(详见凯尔特语族的讨论)。
主要的布立吞亚支语言是威尔士语及布列塔尼语,残留到至今,如今这两种语言已经分别成为当地英语和法语以外的族群语言。康瓦尔语曾在十八世纪末接近灭亡,但后来在二十世纪又被复兴了。此外还有两种已灭亡但仍值得注意的布立吞亚支语言,分别是坎伯兰语与皮克特语(Kenneth H. Jackson 在研究皮克特语的少数留存的语例后,于1950年代提出他的看法,认为皮克特语不是属于印欧语系,不过这样的说法未获得多数学者的接受)。
斯基泰人(Scythians),又译西古提人[1]、西徐亚人或赛西亚人、塞西亚人;古代波斯人称之为 Saka 塞克人,分为戴尖帽塞克人、饮豪麻汁塞克人、海那边的塞克人;[2]中国《史记》、《汉书》称之为塞种、尖帽塞人[3]或萨迦人,是哈萨克草原上印欧语系东伊朗语族之游牧民族,其随居地从今日俄罗斯平原一直到河套地区和鄂尔多斯沙漠,是史载最早之游牧民族,善于养马,据信骑术与奶酪等皆出于其发明;公元前7世纪曾对高加索、小亚细亚、亚美尼亚、米底以及亚述帝国大举入侵,威胁西亚近七十年,其骑兵驰骋于卡帕多细亚到米底、高加索到叙利亚之间,寻找掠夺物;其后逐渐衰落,分为众多部落,公元373年随被称为“上帝之鞭”的匈人阿提拉王率领,入侵欧洲,一度抵达巴黎近郊之阿兰人(注意不是阿瓦尔人),即为其中之一部。有人认为,在咸海以北戴尖帽那一支,后来成为突厥的阿史那部。
在罗马共和国和罗马帝国时代,罗马男性公民名字的命名通常采用三名法(拉丁语:tria nomina),即组成名字的三个部分依次为个人名(praenomen)、氏族名(nomen)和家族名(cognomen),在三名之外还可能有附加名(绰号,agnomen)。罗马女性公民一般没有个人名和附加名。
[spoiler=骑砍冰与火:列王的纷争]下载0.6,再下载0.6 patch 1即为最新版
适合版本1.154,同时兼容1.153,但对内存需要较大,进不去的需要在设置里面 点击 在需要时再载入纹理 就可以进入了(设置里的语言也必须选择英文,因为这是英文MOD)
(mod非常大,安装完毕后光mod就有3.59 GB (3,857,602,914 字节),而且纯英文,慎下)
[spoiler=MOD:The Dead Sea Scrolls 死海古卷 ]/zh-cn/files/85cfc6f3-f32b-11dd-aa19-f/[/spoiler]
[spoiler=特色]可开关:新添加箭矢消耗和制造系统:【部队人数大于等于20人时。可在营地打造箭矢,但要多使用一倍材料 ,12小时时间】
& && && && && && && && &&&【武器店老板处可打造箭矢、标枪,需要 钱+材料 来打造箭矢。需等待72小时再去取】
& && && && && && && && &&&【防具店老板处可打造武装民兵装备,需要 钱+材料。需要72小时】
& && && && && && && && &&&【添加了新商品原木,多个城镇有卖;制作箭矢等武器装备需消耗 原木、生铁、工具和兽皮等】
& && && && && && && && &&&【试添加了箭矢标枪消耗系统。但打赢后 有一定几率回收消耗箭矢标枪等物质】
新添加了国策系统:玩家可以在自己领地发布各种政策; 现在NPC领主的领地会根据情况 采取各自政策,并会有很低几率胡来--脑壳坏掉了
新添加了治安系统:玩家领地治安与玩家关系会互相影响; 按治安好坏有一定几率会有盗贼产生;而当城市或农村太贫穷时,根据治安高低 会有一定概率 发生农民暴动,起义军数量按人口有一定比例产生 。
新添加了召唤系统:机关师和召唤师,可以在战场上临时 制作/召唤 【机关人偶、元素战士、各种自动攻击武器、女神侍女等】出来战斗。
& && && && && && &&&杀死的敌人算机关师和召唤师的,【临时 制作/召唤 出来】的士兵被杀不计入歼敌数中,意外情况除外。
新添加了人口系统:会根据 繁荣度 与领主关系 和 政策自动调整。
新添加了雇佣兵系统: 拉蒙处可雇佣赏金猎人系列兵种 。陌刀女训练营里可招募2个系列兵种【需要条件不同:招募处也不同】,添加了通过训练营的训练后可以在竞技场招人功能,
新添加了招募民兵系统:起义民兵 现在可大量招募会减少你的领地人口;农民、暴动农民、起义民兵、武装民兵 可以在领地菜单里解散,会增加领地人口。
新添加了自定义士兵系统:自定义民兵可现在可 自定义名字、装备和技能。具体链接:
新添加了阵型系统:&&命令面板:在战场中按Backspace键【即:退格键】可打开命令面板。再按Backspace键可切换界面 【有士兵死亡后 用战术命令不会引起士兵所在位置变动而乱跑】
队伍战术等级 增加队伍2%战斗胜利获得经验。英雄的敏捷 格外增加个人战斗经验;2.6 版本开始你的召唤物杀死敌人(召唤出来的不算) 时你可以获得格外经验,召唤物被杀的除外。
[spoiler=细节介绍]1:只有加入某个国家 或者是你自己领地,不然只招 农民。现在 营地 有选项可以 关闭这个功能。
所有人员工资、招募及升级增加到原版的 4倍--6倍。
增加了NPC根据富裕度 商队头领驻守,商队头领驻守可带来收入,有人数限制,超过了没效果
城堡最多3人,城镇人口/1500人 是 最佳商队头领人数,好像是 这个数
城镇/城堡的领地金库(库存+收入) 减去守军工资等支出外,4/5存起来,1/5给领主
兵种升级与招募的更真实化:把小兵的雇佣费用、工资、升级成本 提高几倍 ,【这样小兵的装备不会好像天上掉下来一样】,相应的 城镇、城堡、村庄收入 提高几倍, NPC领主额外收入 相应增加
竞技场雇佣的斗士工资【1/2】和雇佣费用【1/2到1/3】都低很多,前期跑商可以使用,捕获敌人卖钱数增加到原来的 几倍,
3:阵型& &可按删除键【即:退格键】,打开阵型界面来控制&&再按 删除键 可关闭该界面
& &具体战术命令看下面:不过要 先列阵后才能实施其他命令& && && &
可用 步兵、远程和骑兵 分别列阵,并利用下面命令 变化阵形,关键要知道,阵型作用 。。可百度搜索 “阵形”了解下,再进游戏玩
阵型关键是 控制着移动向敌军,造成滚动杀敌。不移动的阵,特别是面对远程和近战时,只是一堆肥肉或者说好听点叫肉盾。
竞技场冠军可以得到一套斗士的 冠军套装,【包括:盾,头盔,服装,靴子】,没送【单剑+双手剑】
修正了与陌刀女关系:现在攻击农民 、掠夺村庄 与 实施政策 会 对你与陌刀女关系有所影响。单你与 陌刀女 关系太低会被 陌刀女 攻击
陌刀女训练场处可招募 斗士 和 陌刀女 。一个人物处 一个建筑菜单里
拉蒙处可招募 赏金猎人系列兵种,工资比较低。
玩家领地可 建造 特殊建筑,并由此可招募 特殊兵种。
#城镇/城堡守军 组成变化,现在30%按原模版招募,30%招步兵,30%招射手,10%招骑兵(该势力没骑兵的,这10%按原模版招募)。
重做了 2小势力,可以雇佣的兵之机关师,召唤兵种重做,现在召唤的是【机关人偶】系列兵种,海寇 有一定几率制作 高级傀儡兵
自定义民兵可现在可 自定义装备和技能,各大势力现在兵种熟练度会随时间随机 变化
海寇 有一定几率招 高级傀儡兵现在 海寇--》海寇工匠 有一定几率制作高级机关人 【高级机关人:全身盔甲的带武器的机关人,只能杀死,无法击晕】。还有隐藏兵种,如果符合条件---每天很低几率转换】& &海寇--》海寇工匠 ,对玩家队伍无效,但可以放在城堡/城镇里,也会有一定几率制作高级机关人,【隐藏兵种】很强 刷出机制 对玩家队伍也有效,谁得到 到时贴个 图,
不管攻城还是野战,还是什么的,只要是用魔剑杀人,都可以拥有灵魂 ,并会回血10%,还有10%机率 复活被杀的兵种(拥有50%血,英雄除外)为玩家作战
2:矮人地穴等特殊建筑每个城市/城堡 只能建设一种
3:要把步兵装备、技能和名字 调整 设置好。并有 武装民兵 才可以转化
4:自定义兵种【需自立】/各国兵种【加入各国】,并建有相关建筑才可以发钱招募 / 升级
步兵说是需求铁匠铺,格斗场和防具铺 ......
一级步兵 需要:队伍拥有武装民兵&&和 铁匠铺、格斗场、防具铺 各一级。并把最低级步兵装备、技能和名字 调整 设置好
第二级步兵 需要:队伍拥有民兵队长&&和 铁匠铺、格斗场、防具铺 各二级。并把第二级步兵 技能和名字调整设置好 【或者从最低级升级上来——还是把技能等属性调整好比较好】[/spoiler]
这个mod难度确实有点高。导入导出,飞机,sl大法随便你用。但是不到万不得已最好不要c a f4尊重一下各个野怪吧
[spoiler=&Suvarnabhumi Mahayuth&--Historical 16th century Southeast Asia Mod 素攀地_16世纪东南亚写实mod
[spoiler=其他]官网发布帖地址(by Rasiya):,.html
与真实的历史人物相遇,有莽瑞体王、莽应龙、莫登庸帝、阮淦、Somdet Phra Sanphet等
包含外交策略mod (Diplomacy+PBOD)
& && & - 大城王国(泰国中部)
& && & - 勃固王国(缅甸)
& && & - 兰纳王国(泰国北部)
& && & - 澜沧王国(老挝)
& && & - 乌栋王国(柬埔寨)
& && & - 曼尼普尔王国(曼尼普尔邦, 印度)
& && & - 掸邦联盟&&(掸邦, 缅甸)
& && & - 柔佛苏丹王朝 (马来西亚)
& && & - 若开苏丹王朝 (若开邦,缅甸)
& && & - 黎朝(越南中部及南部)
& && & - 莫朝 (越南北部)
& && & - 葡萄牙殖民地& &
从13年1月13日开始 写更新日志
1.13 更新MOD合集地址,为原版MOD·
1.14 更新战团MOD:有限幻想世界·
1.18 更新战团MOD等,小说,视频
2.9& &更新一个MOD[/spoiler]
支持小威 藤椅
[i=s] 本帖最后由 hongdxdx 于
22:14 编辑
[i=s] 本帖最后由
22:54 编辑
战团你推荐的三个MOD中 我有2个没有玩过 。。。牛 顶你&&另外 你这3个MOD都是汉化的吗
支持~~话说 mod后面都附有图介绍下就好急了
看标题还以为是广告机呢& &&&支持下
[i=s] 本帖最后由 士兵-小威 于
11:22 编辑
1.13 更新MOD合集地址,为原版MOD·


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