125.42.176218.203.204.197 8080:8080为什么进不去 = .217.183 = 8909 This is my one day test agent ip, speed is quite slow, these are available to everyone hope you can help = .71.215 = .41.144 = .238.28 = 8909 host-120.155-43-
IP??:Port Type Speed Country/Area HTTP 140,280,961 四川省攀枝花市 攀枝花大学 HTTP 121,231,241 福建省厦门市 电信ADSL SOCKS4 160,841,1542 黑龙江省七台河市 网通 SOCKS4 30,601,1162 上海市闵行区 铁通 203.1
今天发现了个记录Google IP地址的网站,谁知晚上访问时变成了这样子: Sorry! Google doesn't want to publish these ip addresses. We have to close this site. Bye! 很后悔当时没有把那些IP记下来,马上上网查,幸好有人已经这样做了.我也记录下来吧,方便以后查阅. 来源地址:/justjavac/Google-IPs Google 全球 IP 地址库 IP 地址来源:ht
Bulgaria 93.
QQ proxy IP: @ HTTP; Shenzhen, Guangdong Telecom @ HTTP; Jiangsu Wuxi Telecom @ HTTP; Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China Unicom @ HTTP; Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, Ch
在网上看到的,试了几个,都可以用,就发过来 8080 高度匿名 whois 土耳其 CZ88.NET 8080 高度匿名 whois 上海市 CZ88.NET 8080 高度匿名 whois 南非 CZ88.NET 80 高度匿名 whois 伊朗 CZ88.NET 8080 高度匿名 whois 英国 CZ88.NET
可能有很多朋友在网上看过google公司早几年的招聘广告,它的第一题如下了:{first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits e}.com,e中出现的连续的第一个10个数字组成的质数.据说当时这个试题在美国很多地铁的出站口都有大幅广告,只要正确解答了这道题,在浏览器的地址栏中输入这个答案,就可以进入下一轮的测试,整个测试过程如同一个数学迷宫,直到你成为google的一员.又如Intel某年的一道面试题目:巴拿赫病故于日.他的出生
Development of a version of the preview, hope that more developers were concerned about JavaFX technology. browser version: widgetfx Version: Mobile v
From: deep in the ship * 1, HTTP, WEB applications, the application between the client and server state is maintained through the Session, and Session, in essence, Cookie, * Simply put, when the browser requests to the server when Http, HTTP server g
There are many web applications are based on LAMP architecture (M is MySQL), database read access in order to ease the pressure, usually using the caching mechanism, which is a database query fails after a certain period of repeated use of the result
在李维的&inside VCL&中详细描述了VCL中TObject的地位.是的Borland的工程师们有心将Delphi语言做成pure language.所以你几乎可以看到TObject的所有pure pascal的实现. 更重要的,你应该会发现.Delphi将代码的所有运行机制都暴露在我们面前.这也就是Delphi的TObject和C++中的Object以及C#的Object有很大不同的地方. Delphi将整个语言的机制都在TObject上实现了.消息机制.接口机制.面向对象机制(多态)
Nginx 配置文件详解 #用户 worker_processes 8; #工作进程,根据硬件调整,大于等于cpu核数 error_log logs/nginx_error. #错误日志 pid logs/nginx. #pid放置的位置 worker_rlimit_nofile 204800; #指定进程可以打开的最大描述符 这个指令是指当一个nginx进程打开的最多文件描述符数目,理论值应该是最多打开文 件数(ulimit -n)与ngin
nginx的小总结,nginx做代理服务器! http { upstream testProxy { server; 3 //表示26接受3个,然后62接受一个 server; } server { listen 80; server_ access_log logs/lvs.access. location / { proxy_pass http://testP } } n
记录一下自己的思想过程 现象:在netstat的时候发现大量处于LAST_ACK状态的TCP连接,达到在ESTABLISHED状态的90%以上 [root@ccsafe ~]# netstat -ant|fgrep &:&|cut -b 77-90|sort |uniq -c 6 CLOSE_WAIT 7 CLOSING 6838 ESTABLISHED 1037 FIN_WAIT1 357 FIN_WAIT2 5830 LAST_ACK 2 LISTEN 276 SYN_RECV 7
北京新闻广播 mms:///fm1006 北京城市广播 mms:///fm1073 北京故事广播 mms:///am603 北京交通广播 mms:///fm1039 北京体育广播 mms:///fm1025 北京文艺广播 mms:///fm876 北京音乐广播 mms:///fm974 北京外语广播 mms://alive.rbc
Transfer from the following: /os/linux/949.html After installing JBoss, the client enter an address http://xx.190.xx.25:8080/iNMS31Web , find the default port 8080 can not access. Linux Firewall is off by default since
南山区一家公司的主管丁先生最近碰到件怪事,他在没出国的情况下手机却产生了三个国家漫游的话费,仅三天时间欠费金额就高达近190万元.更离奇的是,这些漫游的话费分别从乌克兰.俄罗斯和比利时拨出,甚至在不到两分钟的时间内分别从三个国家呼出.丁先生用得是全球通卡,他立即向中国移动反映,目前移动方面也在调查. 查账查出天价话费 丁先生是南山一家公司的主管,其所用全球通手机卡是公司开户并为其付费的,平时话费都是从公司银行账号上直接扣除.10月27日,丁先生公司同事杨小姐在查询网上银行时惊奇地发现,公司账面上
[问题描述] Tomcat 5.5.36 端口:8080(确定未被占用) 在Win7下直接启动解压缩后的Tomcat/bin/startup.bat,正常启动.但使用浏览器访问如下地址均无法正常访问,不能打开test控制台.tomcat端口8080错误信息如下图. 1. http://localhost:8080 2. 3.本机IP) 图: [我的解决] 经反复检查,设置CATALINA_HOME也没用
: 1. The project team to use your source code management tool for the what? Should be used. VSS, CVS, PVCS, ClearCase, CCC / Harvest, FireFly can. My choice is VSS. 2. Your use of the project team of the defect management system, you? Should be used.
Things to do this afternoon, met this problem: Address already in use: JVM_Bind: 8080 This error gives the first impression is that the port has been occupied, first of all think of my computer installed Tomcat and Jboss, as well as Oracle, so the fi
oracle 10 services start TNSLSNR.exe will occupy a 8080 port, when, what needed to change the port: Package provided with the oracle: - The HTTP / WEBDAV port from 8080 to 8081 change SQL& call dbms_xdb.cfg_update (updateXML (dbms_xdb.cfg_get (), '/
From: /?p=178 Problem: Few days back we were working with Apache web server and were using it for proxy. We want to use HTTPD for directing requests to 8080 port where Apache tomcat was running. We configured the proxy settin
Source (http://topic.csdn.net/ ...) After full installation of Oracle on the 8080 will be occupied on the causes and find ways to sum up: Complete installation of Oracle database, when we visit the 8080 port, an XDB window will pop up, asked to enter
After installation of Oracle, they would often be occupied ports 8080 and 80, which is installed on the same machine as apache and tomcat after the reasons, it needs to do the following modifications: 80 port occupied methods: Need to modify the dire
Outline JSR 75 (PDA Optional Packages for the J2METM Platform) defines two optional packages: PIM (The Personal Information Management) API, providing access to data on personal information, usually including business cards, calendar items, and Do. F
How to use the correct way to write good quality software, experience the original 75: This article is reproduced, if things knowing the source, please inform 1. Your team to use source code management tool Why? Should be used. VSS, CVS, PVCS, ClearC
1. Your team to use source code management tool Why? Should be used. VSS, CVS, PVCS, ClearCase, CCC / Harvest, FireFly can. My choice is VSS. 2. Your team using the defect management system put into effect? Should be used. ClearQuest is too complicat
Very romantic couple cell phone wallpaper Mobile Wallpapers sad picture [memory] Nice phone calls picture Beautiful scenery pictures cell phone wallpaper Good magic child _I can fly Very dynamic picture cartoon mobile phone Dynamic cell phone wallpap
11http: / / localhost: 8080/work_OPSsimulator/rest/application.wadl
Log in sqlplus using sys sqlplus sys / syspassword as sysdba Then execute the following script - Change the HTTP / WEBDAV port from 8080 to 8090 call dbms_xdb.cfg_update (updateXML ( dbms_xdb.cfg_get () , '/ Xdbconfig / sysconfig / protocolconfig / h
How to use the correct way to write good quality software Experience 75 by mvm This is 75, my years, especially in the two years experience working for Microsoft a summary on how to use the correct way to write good quality software is a summary of e
May be installed locally at the same time Tomcat and Oracle will know, after you install Oracle, you will find Tomcat's 8080 Oracle port has been occupied. There is in fact an Oracle XML database service taking up port 8080, you can use the sys accou
Introduced in front of the eclipse in how to modify the web project's webroot directory Wen Ti, projects to address the, but the eclipse to start tomcat When After , browsing device in the device Shuru http://localhost:8080/, Unable to open our Shuxi
Procedures need to send the data to the server, so wrote a servlet to do simple data acceptance testing, but reported the following exception: java.net.ConnectException: localhost/ 8080 - Connection refused Error code in this section URL ur
Starting from 9i, oracle default installation includes XDB. In the database, Oracle XDB's http service automatically occupied port 8080, which to use or JBoss, Tomcat for java web development is not a small person who caused the trouble. Here are cha
How to never used eclipse, along with the MyEclipse, today learned to use the Eclipse Java EE, there have been many problems, especially with the combination of tomcat, configured, the access http://locaohost:8080/, actually appear 404. The reason is
When we started Tomcat, frequently encountered port 8080 occupied, while the error can not start! ! ! How do? Good run If you are programming in windows environment Then First, use the cmd into the command console, use the netstat-ano View all ports
Jboss startup error, the error message as follows: 13:03:40,875 ERROR [Http11Protocol] Error initializing endpoint java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind: 8080 In fact, just have to look java.net.BindException: Cannot assig
Original: http://www./UMLForum/.htm www.
1. Your team to use source code management tool Why? Should be used. VSS, CVS, PVCS, ClearCase, CCC / Harvest, FireFly can. My choice is VSS. 2. Your team using the defe
In general, the reason is the firewall, open port 8080 on the line, you can use the following command: # Service iptables stop &ENTER& Of course this is only a temporary solution, the server is started on the failure. Can use the following methods:
dengjianqiang200 writes Today, I love the Internet for everyone to prepare a set of Web design resources Daquan, including fonts, CSS resources, Logo design resources, icon, design inspiration, tutorials, Photoshop download material, and the wordpres
Today, I love the Internet for everyone to prepare a set of Web design resources Daquan, including fonts, CSS resources, Logo design resources, icon, design inspiration, tutorials, Photoshop download material, and the wordpress resources. Each catego
After default installation of Oracle XE, HTTP listener port 8080, with the tomcat port conflict, modify as follows: Open SQL * Plus console. Login with sys or system. Then run: begin dbms_xdb.sethttpport('8888'); / Port 8888 is revised to See: o
This article addresses: http://www.woiweb.net/top-75-best-design-resources-of-2008.html Fonts - 60 sets of companies with the design fonts [Smashing Magazine] - 20 sets of free handwriting fonts and Resources [Fuel Your Creativity] - 50 sets of profe
A set of Web design resources for Guinness, including fonts, CSS resources , Logo design resources, icons , design inspiration, tutorials, Photoshop download material, and the wordpress resources. Each category also contains dozens of specific resour
Problem: to start tomcat through eclipse will encounter &Access http://localhost: error& this problem, you need to set up a series of eclipse in Caixing. Solution: Open the eclipse of the server view, double-click that you configure tomc
How to change the default Oracle 10g Express Edition 8080 Select &Run SQL command&, enter the following prompt SQL& First connect to the server connect username / password After landing enter the following command: Sql Code call dbms_xdb.cfg_
2010, 75 wonderful jquery, see /75-most-useful-jquery-plugins-of-year-2010.html, Each has a brief introduction, download address and DEMO, recommended by
After over sql server 2008 installed, start tomcat, it was found to be occupied by 8080 Occupied by ReportingServicesService.exe process is a sqlserver management, report what the service, you can end it in Task Manager, and then start the tomcat, bu
Copyright (C) , All Rights Reserved.
版权所有 黔ICP备号-1
processed in 0.042 (s). 10 q(s) = .217.183 = 8909 This is my one day test agent ip, speed is quite slow, these are available to everyone hope you can help = .71.215 = .41.144 = .238.28 = 8909 host-120.155-43-
IP??:Port Type Speed Country/Area HTTP 140,280,961 四川省攀枝花市 攀枝花大学 HTTP 121,231,241 福建省厦门市 电信ADSL SOCKS4 160,841,1542 黑龙江省七台河市 网通 SOCKS4 30,601,1162 上海市闵行区 铁通 203.1
今天发现了个记录Google IP地址的网站,谁知晚上访问时变成了这样子: Sorry! Google doesn't want to publish these ip addresses. We have to close this site. Bye! 很后悔当时没有把那些IP记下来,马上上网查,幸好有人已经这样做了.我也记录下来吧,方便以后查阅. 来源地址:/justjavac/Google-IPs Google 全球 IP 地址库 IP 地址来源:ht
Bulgaria 93.
QQ proxy IP: @ HTTP; Shenzhen, Guangdong Telecom @ HTTP; Jiangsu Wuxi Telecom @ HTTP; Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China Unicom @ HTTP; Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, Ch
在网上看到的,试了几个,都可以用,就发过来 8080 高度匿名 whois 土耳其 CZ88.NET 8080 高度匿名 whois 上海市 CZ88.NET 8080 高度匿名 whois 南非 CZ88.NET 80 高度匿名 whois 伊朗 CZ88.NET 8080 高度匿名 whois 英国 CZ88.NET
可能有很多朋友在网上看过google公司早几年的招聘广告,它的第一题如下了:{first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits e}.com,e中出现的连续的第一个10个数字组成的质数.据说当时这个试题在美国很多地铁的出站口都有大幅广告,只要正确解答了这道题,在浏览器的地址栏中输入这个答案,就可以进入下一轮的测试,整个测试过程如同一个数学迷宫,直到你成为google的一员.又如Intel某年的一道面试题目:巴拿赫病故于日.他的出生
Development of a version of the preview, hope that more developers were concerned about JavaFX technology. browser version: widgetfx Version: Mobile v
From: deep in the ship * 1, HTTP, WEB applications, the application between the client and server state is maintained through the Session, and Session, in essence, Cookie, * Simply put, when the browser requests to the server when Http, HTTP server g
There are many web applications are based on LAMP architecture (M is MySQL), database read access in order to ease the pressure, usually using the caching mechanism, which is a database query fails after a certain period of repeated use of the result
在李维的&inside VCL&中详细描述了VCL中TObject的地位.是的Borland的工程师们有心将Delphi语言做成pure language.所以你几乎可以看到TObject的所有pure pascal的实现. 更重要的,你应该会发现.Delphi将代码的所有运行机制都暴露在我们面前.这也就是Delphi的TObject和C++中的Object以及C#的Object有很大不同的地方. Delphi将整个语言的机制都在TObject上实现了.消息机制.接口机制.面向对象机制(多态)
Nginx 配置文件详解 #用户 worker_processes 8; #工作进程,根据硬件调整,大于等于cpu核数 error_log logs/nginx_error. #错误日志 pid logs/nginx. #pid放置的位置 worker_rlimit_nofile 204800; #指定进程可以打开的最大描述符 这个指令是指当一个nginx进程打开的最多文件描述符数目,理论值应该是最多打开文 件数(ulimit -n)与ngin
nginx的小总结,nginx做代理服务器! http { upstream testProxy { server; 3 //表示26接受3个,然后62接受一个 server; } server { listen 80; server_ access_log logs/lvs.access. location / { proxy_pass http://testP } } n
记录一下自己的思想过程 现象:在netstat的时候发现大量处于LAST_ACK状态的TCP连接,达到在ESTABLISHED状态的90%以上 [root@ccsafe ~]# netstat -ant|fgrep &:&|cut -b 77-90|sort |uniq -c 6 CLOSE_WAIT 7 CLOSING 6838 ESTABLISHED 1037 FIN_WAIT1 357 FIN_WAIT2 5830 LAST_ACK 2 LISTEN 276 SYN_RECV 7
北京新闻广播 mms:///fm1006 北京城市广播 mms:///fm1073 北京故事广播 mms:///am603 北京交通广播 mms:///fm1039 北京体育广播 mms:///fm1025 北京文艺广播 mms:///fm876 北京音乐广播 mms:///fm974 北京外语广播 mms://alive.rbc
Transfer from the following: /os/linux/949.html After installing JBoss, the client enter an address http://xx.190.xx.25:8080/iNMS31Web , find the default port 8080 can not access. Linux Firewall is off by default since
南山区一家公司的主管丁先生最近碰到件怪事,他在没出国的情况下手机却产生了三个国家漫游的话费,仅三天时间欠费金额就高达近190万元.更离奇的是,这些漫游的话费分别从乌克兰.俄罗斯和比利时拨出,甚至在不到两分钟的时间内分别从三个国家呼出.丁先生用得是全球通卡,他立即向中国移动反映,目前移动方面也在调查. 查账查出天价话费 丁先生是南山一家公司的主管,其所用全球通手机卡是公司开户并为其付费的,平时话费都是从公司银行账号上直接扣除.10月27日,丁先生公司同事杨小姐在查询网上银行时惊奇地发现,公司账面上
[问题描述] Tomcat 5.5.36 端口:8080(确定未被占用) 在Win7下直接启动解压缩后的Tomcat/bin/startup.bat,正常启动.但使用浏览器访问如下地址均无法正常访问,不能打开test控制台.tomcat端口8080错误信息如下图. 1. http://localhost:8080 2. 3.本机IP) 图: [我的解决] 经反复检查,设置CATALINA_HOME也没用
: 1. The project team to use your source code management tool for the what? Should be used. VSS, CVS, PVCS, ClearCase, CCC / Harvest, FireFly can. My choice is VSS. 2. Your use of the project team of the defect management system, you? Should be used.
Things to do this afternoon, met this problem: Address already in use: JVM_Bind: 8080 This error gives the first impression is that the port has been occupied, first of all think of my computer installed Tomcat and Jboss, as well as Oracle, so the fi
oracle 10 services start TNSLSNR.exe will occupy a 8080 port, when, what needed to change the port: Package provided with the oracle: - The HTTP / WEBDAV port from 8080 to 8081 change SQL& call dbms_xdb.cfg_update (updateXML (dbms_xdb.cfg_get (), '/
From: /?p=178 Problem: Few days back we were working with Apache web server and were using it for proxy. We want to use HTTPD for directing requests to 8080 port where Apache tomcat was running. We configured the proxy settin
Source (http://topic.csdn.net/ ...) After full installation of Oracle on the 8080 will be occupied on the causes and find ways to sum up: Complete installation of Oracle database, when we visit the 8080 port, an XDB window will pop up, asked to enter
After installation of Oracle, they would often be occupied ports 8080 and 80, which is installed on the same machine as apache and tomcat after the reasons, it needs to do the following modifications: 80 port occupied methods: Need to modify the dire
Outline JSR 75 (PDA Optional Packages for the J2METM Platform) defines two optional packages: PIM (The Personal Information Management) API, providing access to data on personal information, usually including business cards, calendar items, and Do. F
How to use the correct way to write good quality software, experience the original 75: This article is reproduced, if things knowing the source, please inform 1. Your team to use source code management tool Why? Should be used. VSS, CVS, PVCS, ClearC
1. Your team to use source code management tool Why? Should be used. VSS, CVS, PVCS, ClearCase, CCC / Harvest, FireFly can. My choice is VSS. 2. Your team using the defect management system put into effect? Should be used. ClearQuest is too complicat
Very romantic couple cell phone wallpaper Mobile Wallpapers sad picture [memory] Nice phone calls picture Beautiful scenery pictures cell phone wallpaper Good magic child _I can fly Very dynamic picture cartoon mobile phone Dynamic cell phone wallpap
11http: / / localhost: 8080/work_OPSsimulator/rest/application.wadl
Log in sqlplus using sys sqlplus sys / syspassword as sysdba Then execute the following script - Change the HTTP / WEBDAV port from 8080 to 8090 call dbms_xdb.cfg_update (updateXML ( dbms_xdb.cfg_get () , '/ Xdbconfig / sysconfig / protocolconfig / h
How to use the correct way to write good quality software Experience 75 by mvm This is 75, my years, especially in the two years experience working for Microsoft a summary on how to use the correct way to write good quality software is a summary of e
May be installed locally at the same time Tomcat and Oracle will know, after you install Oracle, you will find Tomcat's 8080 Oracle port has been occupied. There is in fact an Oracle XML database service taking up port 8080, you can use the sys accou
Introduced in front of the eclipse in how to modify the web project's webroot directory Wen Ti, projects to address the, but the eclipse to start tomcat When After , browsing device in the device Shuru http://localhost:8080/, Unable to open our Shuxi
Procedures need to send the data to the server, so wrote a servlet to do simple data acceptance testing, but reported the following exception: java.net.ConnectException: localhost/ 8080 - Connection refused Error code in this section URL ur
Starting from 9i, oracle default installation includes XDB. In the database, Oracle XDB's http service automatically occupied port 8080, which to use or JBoss, Tomcat for java web development is not a small person who caused the trouble. Here are cha
How to never used eclipse, along with the MyEclipse, today learned to use the Eclipse Java EE, there have been many problems, especially with the combination of tomcat, configured, the access http://locaohost:8080/, actually appear 404. The reason is
When we started Tomcat, frequently encountered port 8080 occupied, while the error can not start! ! ! How do? Good run If you are programming in windows environment Then First, use the cmd into the command console, use the netstat-ano View all ports
Jboss startup error, the error message as follows: 13:03:40,875 ERROR [Http11Protocol] Error initializing endpoint java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind: 8080 In fact, just have to look java.net.BindException: Cannot assig
Original: http://www./UMLForum/.htm www.
1. Your team to use source code management tool Why? Should be used. VSS, CVS, PVCS, ClearCase, CCC / Harvest, FireFly can. My choice is VSS. 2. Your team using the defe
In general, the reason is the firewall, open port 8080 on the line, you can use the following command: # Service iptables stop &ENTER& Of course this is only a temporary solution, the server is started on the failure. Can use the following methods:
dengjianqiang200 writes Today, I love the Internet for everyone to prepare a set of Web design resources Daquan, including fonts, CSS resources, Logo design resources, icon, design inspiration, tutorials, Photoshop download material, and the wordpres
Today, I love the Internet for everyone to prepare a set of Web design resources Daquan, including fonts, CSS resources, Logo design resources, icon, design inspiration, tutorials, Photoshop download material, and the wordpress resources. Each catego
After default installation of Oracle XE, HTTP listener port 8080, with the tomcat port conflict, modify as follows: Open SQL * Plus console. Login with sys or system. Then run: begin dbms_xdb.sethttpport('8888'); / Port 8888 is revised to See: o
This article addresses: http://www.woiweb.net/top-75-best-design-resources-of-2008.html Fonts - 60 sets of companies with the design fonts [Smashing Magazine] - 20 sets of free handwriting fonts and Resources [Fuel Your Creativity] - 50 sets of profe
A set of Web design resources for Guinness, including fonts, CSS resources , Logo design resources, icons , design inspiration, tutorials, Photoshop download material, and the wordpress resources. Each category also contains dozens of specific resour
Problem: to start tomcat through eclipse will encounter &Access http://localhost: error& this problem, you need to set up a series of eclipse in Caixing. Solution: Open the eclipse of the server view, double-click that you configure tomc
How to change the default Oracle 10g Express Edition 8080 Select &Run SQL command&, enter the following prompt SQL& First connect to the server connect username / password After landing enter the following command: Sql Code call dbms_xdb.cfg_
2010, 75 wonderful jquery, see /75-most-useful-jquery-plugins-of-year-2010.html, Each has a brief introduction, download address and DEMO, recommended by
After over sql server 2008 installed, start tomcat, it was found to be occupied by 8080 Occupied by ReportingServicesService.exe process is a sqlserver management, report what the service, you can end it in Task Manager, and then start the tomcat, bu
Copyright (C) , All Rights Reserved.
版权所有 黔ICP备号-1
processed in 0.042 (s). 10 q(s)


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