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在首都一桩骇人听闻的“大誉灭亲”(荣誉谋杀)案子中,德里大学南校园顶级学院Sri Venkateswara一位21岁毕业班学生,据称被她家人杀害,因她与另一种姓、来自其它地区的男孩结婚。警方称,受害者巴芙娜据说是被她双亲及叔叔在他们德里西南区的家中活活掐死,随后她尸体被运到她家乡阿尔沃悄悄火化。她父母 – 贾格莫汉,一位房产经销商、本地国大党党员以及蕯弗曲已被逮捕。巴芙娜于11月12日在一座Arya Samaj寺庙与24岁的阿西夏克.塞斯结婚,他是内阁秘书处的一位助理编程员。巴芙娜是拉贾斯坦邦人,种姓亚达夫,而阿比夏克是旁遮普人。
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Parents held for ‘honour’ killing of 21-year-old Delhi University girl
NEW DELHI: In a horrific case of “honour killing” in the capital, a 21-year-old final year student of Sri Venkateswara, a leading college in Delhi University’s south campus, was allegedly murdered by her family because she had married a boy from another caste and region.
新德里:在首都一桩骇人听闻的“大誉灭亲”(荣誉谋杀)案子中,德里大学南校园顶级学院Sri Venkateswara一位21岁毕业班学生,据称被她家人杀害,因她与另一种姓、来自其它地区的男孩结婚。
The victim, Bhavna, was allegedly strangled by her parents and uncle at their southwest Delhi home after which her body was taken to her hometown, Alwar, and quietly cremated, police said. Her parents — Jagmohan, a property dealer and local Congress party member, and Savitri — have been arrested.
警方称,受害者巴芙娜据说是被她双亲及叔叔在他们德里西南区的家中活活掐死,随后她尸体被运到她家乡阿尔沃悄悄火化。她父母 – 贾格莫汉,一位房产经销商、本地国大党党员以及蕯弗曲已被逮捕。
Bhavna had on November 12 got married at an Arya Samaj temple to Abhishek Seth, 24, an assistant programmer at the Cabinet secretariat. Bhavna was a Yadav from Rajasthan while Abhishek is a Punjabi.
巴芙娜于11月12日在一座Arya Samaj寺庙与24岁的阿西夏克.塞斯结婚,他是内阁秘书处的一位助理编程员。巴芙娜是拉贾斯坦邦人,种姓亚达夫,而阿比夏克是旁遮普人。
The girl was killed after the family persuaded her to come home, telling the couple that all was forgiven and that they would organize a ‘proper’ wedding ceremony, police said. Bhavna had come back to her husband after the family allegedly tortured her, but was cajoled into returning home a second time.
The girl’s parents were arrested for the murder on the basis of the evidence against them, Tejendra Luthra, joint commissioner of police (southwestern range) told TOI. Police are now looking for Bhavna’s maternal uncle, who played a crucial role in the murder, an officer said.
(西南片)警署联合专员Tejendra Luthra告诉印度时报说,基于对他们不利的证据,这姑娘的父母已因杀人罪遭逮捕。一位警员说,警方正在搜寻巴芙娜的亲叔叔,他在这杀人案中起了至关重要的作用。
Bhavna lived with her family in D block of Bharat Vihar in southwest Delhi while Abhishek lived in Uttam Nagar, some 5km away. They had met through a common friend two years ago.
巴芙娜与父母一起住在德里西南叫Bharat Vihar地方的D街区,而阿比夏克则生活在Uttam Nagar,大约5千米之外。两年前,他们通过一位共同的朋友相遇。
The couple secretly married on November 12 and then informed Bhavna’s family, who refused to accept it and threatened the couple. However, seeing the couple standing firm on their decision, Bhavna’s parents sought a truce.
<font color="#月12日,这对恋人悄悄结婚,然后通知了巴芙娜家人。家人拒不接受他们的婚姻,还威胁了这对伴侣。然而,看到这两人对自己的决定态度坚决,巴芙娜父母寻求停止争吵。
Abhishek told TOI said that Bhavna’s father, Jagmohan, pleaded with them not to make the marriage public as it would destroy the family’s prestige.
“He told us that they would organize a proper marriage very soon so that they did not feel insulted in their community. After promising not to retract from his words, he took Bhavna away. I agreed, considering that their family prestige was at stake,” he said.
However, Bhavna’s parents began to torture her after taking her home. It became so unbearable that she ran away on November 14 and told Abhishek about her ordeal. However, her parents yet again landed up at his house, apologized profusely and took her back.
This was when, Abhishek believes, the family decided to kill their daughter. On November 15, Bhavna’s maternal uncle, Laakhan, called up Abhishek and threatened to kill both of them. “He was yelling and asking me to stay away from her. He said our marriage meant nothing and if I don’t mend my ways, he would shoot us both,” Abhishek added.
Soon after this call, Bhavna called him up and apologized for her uncle’s behaviour. “She asked Abhishek not to worry, saying her uncle was drunk. Bhavna’s mother too spoke to Abhishek and assured him that everything would be fine,” Abhishek’s friend Vishal said.
这次通话后,巴芙娜很快就打电话给他並为她叔叔的行为道谦。“她要阿比夏克别担心,说她叔叔喝醉了。巴芙娜的母亲也跟阿比夏克说了话,还向他保证,什么都会好好的,” 阿比夏克的好友费沙尔说。
However, that night Bhavna was beaten up and strangled. The family then roped in a relative, Mahender, and asked him to get a car. The body was stuffed in a WagonR and taken to Alwar in Rajasthan, the family’s hometown. Her last rites were conducted before anybody got to know. A hunt is on to nab Mahender, who helped in the murder.
然而,当天晚上巴芙娜遭到毒打並被掐死。她家人找来一个名叫玛享德的亲戚,要他去弄辆车。尸体被塞进一辆WagonR,运到了这户人的老家,拉贾斯坦的Alwar。没让谁知道, 她就被火化了。对她的叔父正在追捕,他是这次杀人的帮凶。
By the morning of November 16, Abhishek had got worried after Bhavna did not answer his calls or text messages. He called up Laakhan but he feigned ignorance. This was when Bhavna’s cousin called him up saying she had died and her body had been cremated.
到11月16日早晨 ,阿比夏克着急了,此前他打了多次电话,发了几个短讯,巴芙娜不接也不回。他打电话给拉汗,但拉汗佯做不知。就在那时,巴芙娜的堂亲打电话给他,说她死了,遗体火化了。
Abhishek rushed to the police station and an FIR under sections of abduction (365 IPC) was registered. A police team was sent to Alwar. Bhavna’s parents told cops that she had died of a snakebite and they had brought the body to the hometown for performing the last rites.
“Our teams put them through sustained interrogation during which they broke down and confessed to have killed her. They were placed under arrest and sent to judicial custody to Tihar jail after being produced before a magistrate,” said Suman Goyal, DCP (southwest district).
“我们组员对他们进行了持续的审讯,其间他们崩溃,並服认杀害了她。经一位地方法官面审后,他们遭正式逮捕並被送往Tihar监獄司法拘留,” (西南片)总警司苏曼.高亚尔说。
The cops on Wednesday obtained police custody to interrogate them and gather evidence in the case. The site where Bhavna was cremated will be exhumed and samples sent for DNA testing so that her murder can be proven.
Sources said the cops will have to heavily rely on collecting scientific evidence as the family was careful in not leaving many clues.
“We are relying on circumstantial evidence and are obtaining forensic reports about the site and remains. We have also recovered some clothes. Apart from this, the last seen theory, call records, threats and torture allegations before the death will be our body of evidence,” said an officer.
manish kumar
we are being selfish. parents always wants betterment and prosperity of their kids. they sacrifice for their progeny. kids should be generous and thankful to their parents who have helped them realise their dreams in this world. they should take consent of their parents. government can help by making parents consent mandatory for any marriages and courts should be approached for any dispute between parents and their kids related to marriages
我们是自私的。父母总是想要自己的孩子们好, 要他们兴旺。他们为后代牺牲自己。孩子们要对帮助他们在这世界上实现梦想的父母大度、感恩。他们应该征得父母同意。政府可以帮忙,让所有婚姻必须得到父母同意,並且父母与子女一切有关婚姻的分歧应上法院解决。
i am communal&#&#8226; &#8226; manish kumar&#8226;Hinduland&#8226;
you do realise that you are raising another human being not a robot? also how can consent of children not be considered important when it is about spending your whole life with someone. i wouldn’t even give my pet to anyone if it doesn’t want to go and here you are talking about your child.
oerkelens oerkelens&#26; &#8226; manish kumar&#8226;
It is people thinking like you, Manish, that are responsible for these deaths. You, and those who agree with you, have the blood of innocent people on your hands. The sheer hypocrisy of saying that parents always want the best! How is killing your own child the best for the child?
Chandra Mouli&#26;&#8226; manish kumar&#8226;Chennai, Tamil Nadu&#8226;
You are right, Manish. These romeos think that parents have only duties, not rights. Those who have no ‘khandhaniath’ rule the roost these days.
You morons praise your sacred “Hindu culture” or “Bhartiya sanskriti” when you go to other countries and call the Goras as cultureless, look this is your culture. And this is by no means an exception. The reason parents resort to killing is because they will face criticism or expulsion from the majority of others. This is the desperation that leads them towards honor killings. So this means that this culture is rather rampant, not exceptional as you Hindu apologists would like to claim. In the more “developed” South, parents may not kill the children, but they will still outcast them or condemn them. This is your culture. And it is barbaric culture compared to the west.
当你们去其它国家时,你们这些蠢货赞美你们神圣的“印度教文化”或 “Bhartiya sanskriti”(印度文化和遗产),还把白人叫做没文化,看看吧,这就是你们的文化。而且这决不是个例外。父母求助于杀戮的理由是因为他们将面对其余大多数人的遣责和排斥。绝望导致他们走向’大誉灭亲’。因此这意味着这个文化颇为狂暴,不象你们印度教辩护者所称道的那么杰出。在较为“发达”的南方,父母也许不会杀死子女,但他们依然会把他们逐出或者加以遣责。这就是你们的文化。比之于西方,这是个野蛮的文化。
Anuj Jain&#&#8226; &#8226; Goddy &#8226;Bengaluru&#8226;have you any idea about the western culture? there is plenty of outcasting from parents and other relatives that happens in the west as well. this is common human nature.你对西方文化了解吗?被父母或其他亲戚逐出,发生在西方的也多得很。这是人类共性。
Goddy&#&#8226; &#8226; Deepak K&#8226;
The kind of politeness, courtesy and civic sense that exists among westerners makes Hindus look like animals living in a garbage dump. I am not kidding. Just check out some pics of Varanasi in China Smack.
Gopinath P&#&#8226; &#8226; Goddy &#8226;Chennai&#8226;
You talk whatever nonsense you want… and am sure you have not seen the world. And you better dont comment anything about varanasi. It is our Hindu’s holy place and if it is dirty it is our issue. You keep away from this. No one invited your opinion on varanasi or invited you there. And about politeness in westerners… I would like to know where you live ?
Goddy&#&#8226; &#8226; Gopinath P&#8226;
My comment was about culture. When the word “culture” comes up, my mind automatically imagines a couple of Europeans sitting up and politely having dinner, or a bunch of Japanese practicing Aikido. When I think of Indians, what comes up in my mind are a bunch of randomly dressed men talking in rude language, fighting and spitting paan, women walking down in sarees with ‘purdah’ or rich Hindus killing their children for ‘honor’. Which do you think is the superior culture? What the Hindus call “culture” – like eating with hands, walking barefoot in the house, wearing sarees, arranging fat intra-caste marriages etc are rudimentary things and culture is supposed to be much more deeper. Culture in India’s context would be caste thinking, honor killing, vegetarianism (fanatically at that, while hating the meat eaters) etc. Indians are simply less civilized.
我的评论是关于文化。当’文化’这个词冒出来,我自然而然地想象出一对正襟端坐、享用正歺的欧洲伴侶,或是一群演练合气道的日本人。当我想到印度人时,我脑中是一帮言语粗鲁、正在打斗、口吐槟榔、胡乱披挂的男子;以及身穿莎丽、头披面纱漫步,或者是富有的、杀死自己子女以求名誉的女人。你认为哪种文化更为优等?印度教徒口中的’文化’ – 比如用手抓饭、在家赤脚行走、穿着莎丽、在同种姓内包办婚姻等等,都是原始的东西。文化应该远为深厚。文化在印度的环境下或许是种姓思维、大誉灭亲、素食主义(对此狂热,仇视食肉者)等等。印度根本就不够文明。
showercap&#26;&#8226; Goddy &#8226;
Now consider the fact that maybe they way you look at culture is just as flawed as the cultures you look at. Do you know that many Japanese stations have vending machines that dispense used ladies underwear?
.There wasa time when they actually sold used panties from Minors in the market, till it was banned in 2004. German tourists in Thailand go there primarily to find underaged girls to have sex with. woman in the middle east get a death sentence for killing a man who was trying to rape her. A couple in the US get a sentence because they were beating and torturing their 3 year old son.
In india a man holding a mans hand is perfectly acceptable, a practice that would not happen in the west unless they were lovers, Some would view this as backward. In the west many people and school still preach creationism, many would consider this backward and frankly retarded. White supremists kill gay people.
This my friend is a human condition,not the perview of any religion. Any religion or culture,is a construct of the human mind and as such is flawed. Eating with ones hand, walking barefeet, wearing sarees is not rudimentry, its just different. A fact your fickle, unlearned mind doesn’t seem to grasp.
Do you know those poilte europeans are among some of the loneliest people in the world?
Yes we can be loud, dirty and largely vegetarian, we are also some of the happiest people in the world according to a Forbes survey.
I grant that we have a ways yet to go, But please don’t mistaken your nesience for our inferiority.
Besides I would think that your veneration of the culturally superior societies would have made you a bit more tolerant, broad minded, incisive and generally more erudite then us barbarians. It thus astonishes me that you would indulge in the same bigotry that you accuse us off.
Perhaps you need to have more polite dinners or do more Aikido before you achieve this culturally enlighten state. In the mean time I’m going to go wear random clothes, spit pan and hate some meateaters, while arranging a fat (What does that even mean???) inter caste marriage all the while sitting on top of my camel.
Goddy&#&#8226; &#8226; showercap&#8226;
You are actually nitpicking wrong facets from those societies to prove that they are just “the same as you”. Not true. Cultural superiority is very apparent in their politeness, cleanliness, equality and emphasis on individual rights. Yes, I’ve seen 14 year old high school kids kissing each other in crowded metros in Japan, but none of the adults were staring at them, cursing them or “discipling them”. This is perceived as “bad culture” usually by villagers of India who have different notions about virginity, “love marriages”, “caste purity” etc. But this is indeed a superior culture. Because, ultimately more rapes happen in your country where women are strictly morally policed by the general public. I used to ride on Mumbai local in my younger days. Millions travel every day. Very few people hanging by the local train were “cultured” according to me. In India, cultured people are like these parents who wanted to save their “honor” – because wanted to be perceived as very cultural. In Hinduism, you can do all the sins you want, as long as you take a dip in the ganges at least once a year. This is your culture.
你实在是在那些社会中光面挑毛刺,只为证明“他们也和你一样”。不对。在他们的礼貌、清洁、平等与强调个人权利中,文化优越显而易见。是的,我在日本拥挤的地铁中见过14岁上中学的孩子相互亲吻,但没哪个成年人在瞪他们,咒骂他们或是“教训他们”。通常,在对处女、“恋爱结婚”、种姓纯净等等有着不同观念的印度村民看来,这是“坏文化”。但这确是优越文化。因为,最终,在你们这个妇女受到普通大众严厉道德监管的国家里,发生了更多的强奸案。我年轻时常在孟买当地乘车,每天数百万人往来。依我看极少有当地搭车的是“高雅的”。在印度,高雅的人是那些想要挽回“荣誉”的父母- 为的是想让人看作有文化。在印度教,你可以干一切你想干的坏事,只要你每年至少在恒河里泡上一泡。这就是你们的文化。
showercap&#26;&#8226; Goddy &#8226;
You accuse me of nitpicking and yet you do the same, writing off 1.2 billion people based on the perceived actions of the “villagers”.
In christianity if you confess you are absolved of all sins. its just as idiotic.
I know my culture, we have along ways to go.I agree with a lot of what you have said. But to deal in absolutes in not scholastic. Especially because you have a dogmatic idea of culture, and use your own lopsided yardstick on everyone. You are guilty of indulging in reductio ad absurdum, so let me do the same, because it seems your pedantic mind is non responsive to anything else. You talk about equality.
There is no equality in this world, dont delude yourself, black people are denied jobs in the west, Racism is on the rise in the UK, Students from the subcontinent are routinely killed in Australia. Mexicans are shunned in the US, Turks and Asians in Europe. Dont delude your self with fallacious world view. Politeness is a thin veil, my friend, dont mistaken it for kindness. Human beings are greedy, scared, jealous, most will walk over others to get to what they want. Also just for your information the highest rate of rape in the world is in Sweden (114 per 10000 people) The rate of rape in India (2 per 10000 people) is 1/30 of the rate in the US, or 1/14 of that in the UK.
You talk about emphasis on individual rights, kids sue their parents, put them in nursing homes. There is little sense of community, no body smiles at a passing stranger. People dont want to talk to you because you are brown, I have personally encountered this. The world doesn’t smell like roses and look like a million bucks
I thought I would have a conversation with you, but it seems I am talking to the very essence of intolerance. You my friend are a bigot and hypocrite. You embody what is wrong with this world, you stereotype, you generalize and then you inject a fallacious feel a sense of sanctimony into your otherwise meaningless life by spewing spurious nonsense. I regret spending so much time writing this comment, as talking to the red stapler on my table would be better, because atleast its inanimate silence is more meaningful then your blather. Draw comfort in the fact that you will have the last word in this discussion my witless friend, as I will go back to living my dirty paan stained life drawing comfort from the fact that we are no in the same geographical location, and indulge your screed no more.
Goddy&#&#8226; &#8226; showercap&#8226;
Both villagers and city dwellers are uncultured in India. Most of the villagers practice feudalism and caste system, and have no notion of any post-renaissance ideas like gender-equality, individual rights, etc and on top of that they are anti-romantic (I think presence of Romance is essential for any type of culture). Coming to the Metro, as I encountered every single day while traveling in the metro along with a few thousand others – most were like the definition of “uncultured”: rude, uncouth, unrefined, unclean and argumentative. You have to admit, the only Indians are devoid of any “culture”.
Shoba Nair&#&#8226; &#8226; Goddy &#8226;Perth, Western Australia&#8226;
Totally agree with you!
Ganga Vara Prasad&#26; &#8226;Phagwara&#8226;
Such things should not be encouraged.
Tarun Maganti&#26; &#8226; Ganga Vara Prasad&#8226;Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh&#8226;
Well, to not encourage those things one should act at the root of the problem-”The Caste System”
嗯,不鼓励这种事情,你就该对问题的根子- “种姓制度” 采取行动。
i am communal&#&#8226; &#8226; Tarun Maganti&#8226;Hinduland&#8226;
caste system or not indian inferior mentality will behave the same. honour killings is also a common problem in pakistan as well where there is no such system. just two months back a girl was killed in gruesome manner by her parents and relative in pakistan and then the mullhas were barking from mosques that honour killing is not allowed in islam. inferior mentality is same everywhere no matter the religion or cult they follow.
Tarun Maganti&#26; &#8226; i am communal&#8226;Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh&#8226;
You made a good point there. People with inferior mentality find a reason to do something. Caste System is one of them. You can’t just go to a person and say that you are wrong. Beating around the bush is a better option here rather than direct approach. Change isn’t really easy to accept but realizing that what we did is wrong is much more difficult. Hence, curbing caste system can indirectly convinces them to accept the change conveniently.
And pointing at a community doesn’t help. Indian or Pakistani or any other country, some kind of racism/casteism or at least sexism definitely exists.
I just pointed out a major thing which is dividing the society.
An atheist&#&#8226; &#8226; Tarun Maganti&#8226;Bangalore&#8226;
You cant remove the caste system. Even if you remove, it will be replaced by something else – may be religion or color etc. But, shocking thing here is not the caste, its people killing their own children. How can someone do it?
你没法去除种姓制度。即使你除去了,还会有其它东西取代它- 也许是宗教或肤色等等。但是,让人震惊的不是种姓,是人们杀害自己的子女。怎么有些人能做这种事?
Moash&#&#8226; &#8226;Hyd&#8226;
Barbaric!! Severe punishment should be given to culprits if found guilty…I have a question to our beloved organisations like A.B.V.P., V.H.P, Bajrang dal. R.S.S etc.; why there is not a single word from them to condemn such a barbaric act. no protest , no rallies, nothing why?
野蛮!!如果发现有罪,应该予以重刑…我有个问题给我们敬爱的组织,比如全印学生会、V.H.P(右翼印度教民族主义非政府组织)、Bajrang dal(军人印度教组织)、R.S.S (右翼慈善、教育、志愿者印度教民族主义非政府组织),为什么他们对这种野蛮行径不置一词责言、不抗议、不集会,什么也不做,为什么?
Gopinath P&#&#8226; &#8226; Moash &#8226;Chennai&#8226;
Moash… You are like one of those guys who blame Mr.Modi even if your kid sneezes. Grow up brother.
Moash&#&#8226; &#8226; Gopinath P&#8226;Hyd&#8226;
Mr. Gopinath, why don’t these fellows who will accuse others of all ills come out and protest against such a barbaric act?
Gopinath 先生,为什么这些会指责别人什么坏事都干的傢伙不站出来抗议这种野蛮行为?
B6S3 &#&#8226; &#8226; Moash &#8226;India&#8226;
Again bringing an act to these lines? When will you all change from the rabid mentality? Of course being brain wasahed by Owaisi, you aren’t too likely to change.
又到这儿来搞了?你什么时候会改一下你那疯狗心态?当然,被Owaisi(msl 政客,对印度教多有微词)洗了脑子,你不大可能改了。
Moash&#&#8226; &#8226; sbasu sbasu&#8226;Hyd&#8226;
First of all try to change the mentality of your folks, then preach others. Did you ever had a look at the comment section of this news portal? or you are also one of them?
Kamal&#26; &#8226; Moash &#8226;Secunderabad&#8226;
There will not be any condemnation from them. They belong to the same mentality…. A.B.V.P., V.H.P, Bajrang dal. R.S.S etc all are some bunch of ultra orthodox inhuman.
他们不会做任何遣责。他们同属一个心态…A.B.V.P., V.H.P, Bajrang dal. R.S.S 等等是一伙伙超正统不人道的家伙。
ahtashamuddin ahtashamuddin&#26;
Thanks God they were not Muslims. Hindu commentators would have painted all Indian Muslims as the champion of honour killing.
World Peace&#&#8226; &#8226; ahtashamuddin ahtashamuddin&#8226;Chennai – Tamil Nadu&#8226;
they wnt kill.. they wil just get her marrid off to some foreign sheik
ahtasham&#8226; World Peace&#8226;
at least, they wourl have kept the honour of an innocent girl by marrying to someone unlike you who killed her
World Peace&#&#8226; &#8226; ahtasham&#8226;Chennai – Tamil Nadu&#8226;
who did i kill u donkey.. my own marrige is intercaste.. by d way, given a choice btween death and being a sex slave to some dubaiwala who has dozens of them, which wil b choosen?
Jijo&#&#8226; &#8226; ahtashamuddin ahtashamuddin&#8226;Bangalore&#8226;
ahtashamuddin ahtashamuddin, don’t make the matter communal don’t make the matter communal!
ahtashamuddin ahtashamuddin, 不要把这事搞成团体对立,不要把这事搞成团体对立!
free indian&#&#8226; &#8226;Unknown&#8226;
Western culture is utterly responsible for degeneration of Indian society.
We are a Dharmic Nation and we do not need girlfriend /boyfriend crap.
Make a law legalising honor k!lling & ban ,love marriages.
Release the parents immediately,as they have done no crime.
These all are evils of abrahamic religions.
Controversial Guy&#&#8226; &#8226; free indian&#8226;
Ache din aa gaye bhai. Now its people like you who will make india great. Jai ho! Blame it on muslims, christians. blame it on western culture. indian culture can do wrong.
Deepak K&#&#8226; &#8226;India&#8226;
Parents have done a big crime, but why blame only parents.
Bhaskar&#8226; Deepak K&#8226;
Who should we blame,then?
Deepak K&#&#8226; &#8226; Bhaskar&#8226;India&#8226;
Should not children also love parents.
asokkj&#&#8226; &#8226; Deepak K&#8226;Location&#8226;
Punishment for not loving parents is not Death
Deepak K&#&#8226; &#8226; asokkj&#8226;India&#8226;
Of-course not….. Rather I would say death should not be given for any mistake or crime. But how many parents are taking this path, there are many children who hurt there parent and parents quietly and helplessly has to agree. The principle of life is give and take, not take and take………
Bharad Waj&#&#8226; &#8226;Unknown&#8226;
see it seems the miscreant is a congress leader So called protagonist of secularism
citizen&#&#8226; &#8226; Bharad Waj&#8226;
Honour killing is not confined to one party alone. It goes beyond party affiliations and is a curse to the society.
Gopinath P&#&#8226; &#8226; Bharad Waj&#8226;Chennai&#8226;
People like you blame the politics and politicians even when you suffer with constipation and find it difficult to do your morning job freely. Sick minds.
亚达夫 就是比贱民高一点的与吠舍类似种姓。此种姓在比哈尔邦较多。旁遮普人多为高种姓。
那个男的难道是贱民? 不可接触之人?
中国的封建恶行现在还有的好像也就重男轻女吧 极端点的对女孩子下手或者对老婆不好 印度这种的简直太极端了
在他们看来种姓比命还重要 为什么酱紫
没什么啊&&这是印度的文化传统 为什么要喷?
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