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boy is a boy中文是什么意思
中文翻译男孩就是男孩&&&&n. 1.少年,童子,男孩;儿子。 2.孩子气的男子;活 ...&&&&一个男孩的意愿; 一个男孩儿的愿望&&&&n. 1.少年,童子,男孩;儿子。 2.孩子气的男子;活泼的男子,男子;青年;〔口语〕小伙子;〔蔑称〕家伙。 3.仆人,侍役,勤杂人员,服务员。 4.练习生 ...&&&&女仔同你表白你会点&&&&少年,男孩,男仆,男侍&&&&有个男孩&&&&童年; 这名男孩&&&&可爱的男孩,男孩&&&&我的漂亮男孩&&&&服务生; 侍役&&&&像那样儿的男孩&&&&男孩还是女孩&&&&男孩的使命&&&&少年心愿&&&&聪明的孩子&&&&落水的男孩&&&&一个害怕的男孩&&&&因技术高超或相貌出众而祟敬的青年男子; 有出息的孩子&&&&一个好的男孩; 一个好男孩&&&&男小囡; 一个小男孩; 尕娃&&&&低年级男学生&&&&强健的小伙子&&&&淘气的孩子&&&&擦鞋男童&&&&瘦长的男孩
例句与用法One boy is a boy . two boys half a boy . three boys no boy一个和尚挑水.两个和尚抬水.三个和尚没水One boy is a boy , two boy half a boy , three boy , no boy一个和尚挑吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃One boy is a boy , two boys half a boy , three boys no boy一个和尚有水喝,二个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没谁喝One boy is a boy , two boys half a boy , three boys no boy一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。 One boy is a boy , two boys half a boy , three boys no boy一个和尚挑水持,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。 One boy is a boy , two boys half a boy , three boys no boy一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。 One boy is a boy ;
three boys no boy一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水吃。 One boy is a boy , two boys half a boy , three boys no boy一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。 One boy is a boy . two boys half a boy . three boys no boys一个和尚挑水吃,二个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。 One boy is a boy . two boys half a boy . three boys no boy一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没有水吃。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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音标:[ 'pju:pl, 'pju:pil ]&&发音:&&名词复数: pupils&&&
中文翻译n.1.学生〔指中、小学生,大学生叫 student 〕。2.【罗马法】(不满25岁的)被监护人;【苏格兰法】幼年人〔不满14岁(男)或12岁(女)的被监护人〕。短语和例子-(l)ary adj.n.【解剖学】瞳孔;【物理学】光瞳。-ar, -(l)ary adj.&&&&智力差的学生&&&&活泼的小学生&&&&埃迪瞳孔&&&&艾迪氏瞳孔&&&&环状光瞳&&&&聪明学生; 纳粹高徒; 纳粹追凶; 谁在跟我玩游戏&&&&人工瞳孔; 人造光瞳; 人造瞳孔&&&&人工瞳孔&&&&后进生&&&&虹膜闭锁&&&&布姆克瞳孔&&&&紧张性瞳孔; 紧张症性瞳孔&&&&齿轮状瞳孔&&&&瞳人锁紧&&&&瞳孔缩小&&&&瞳孔缩小&&&&瞳孔缩小&&&&瞳孔缩小&&&&瞳孔开大; 瞳人散杳&&&&瞳孔散大&&&&双瞳孔; 重瞳&&&&出射光瞳; 出瞳&&&&的直径; 前透光孔; 入射光瞳; 入瞳&&&&瞳孔透照法&&&&眸子&&&&普皮克
例句与用法The opening of the iris is called the pupil .虹膜的开口处叫做瞳孔。The teacher gathered her pupils round her .老师把学生聚集在她周围。The pupils are now working in the field .学生这会儿都在田间做活儿。Teachers exercise authority over their pupils .教师经常管束学生。She did not get on well with the other pupils .她与同学们相处得不好。Light passes into the eye through the pupil .光通过瞳孔进入人眼Your eye pupil adjusts automatically .你眼睛的瞳孔是自动调节的。The pupil was not less famous than his master ..学生同老师齐名。Be a pupil before you become a teacher .先做学生,然后再做先生。Older pupils enjoy special privileges .岁数较大的学童享有特权。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释the contractile aperture in the center of resembles a large black dota young person attending school (up through senior high school)同义词:, , a learner who is enrolled in an educational institution同义词:, ,
百科解释The pupil is a hole located in the center of the iris of the eye that allows light to enter the retina.Cassin, B.详细百科解释
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All rights reservedThe Pupil (1996) - uniFrance FilmsFrench cinema worldwideThe PupilA Feature film by Produced by Release in France : 11/09/1996ContentsActors (9)Production and distribution (4)Executive Producer : Film exports/foreign sales : , , , Box Office: Total resultsBox office: TimelineInternational releases (5)CountryDistributorBuyerRelease dateShow moreShow lessSorry, your search returned no results.TV Broadcasts: Cumulative totalTV broadcasts: details by countrySynopsisThe year is 1897. Julien, age 25, is hired by an aristocratic couple to tutor their 12 year old son, Morgan. The boy is wild but very gifted. Julien soon realizes that his employers lead a gimcrack life dedicated to keeping up appearances, but are actually penniless. He is swept along in their footloose, turbulent lifestyle as they decamp from place to place like gypsies.
Slowly the masks come down and Julien sees the real reason why this tribe took him in: the parents are hoping he’ll rid them of Morgan.Subject"This story about a guileless private tutor fascinated by his student takes us gliding along the invisible wall between the world of children and that of adults, which only a few individuals touched by special grace can cross. Henry James’s novel, with its meaning that constantly escapes upwards under the apparent drift of the writing, subtly and secretly imposed its rules on us. The main part of our work was to find a balance between outward show and inner feelings, to preserve the film’s dynamism without losing its content. But over and above technique, we, the entire cast and crew, gave ourselves up to the sheer pleasure of interpreting this score in the hope of sharing with others a rare and fragile emotion that exists beyond the bounds of time and fashion." (Olivier Schatzky )Full credits (16)Executive Producer : Author of original work : Screenwriters : , Sound Recordist : Editor : Assistant editors : , , Production Designer : Costume designers : , Assistant Director : Line Producer : Director of Photography : Press Attaché (film) : Sound editor : Continuity supervisor : Music Composer : Still Photographers : , , Technical detailsFeature filmGenres : FictionSub-genre : Literary adaptation , DramaProduction language : FrenchProduction country : FranceOriginal French-language productions : UnknownNationality : 100% French (France)Production year : 1996French release : 11/09/1996Runtime : 1 h 32 minCurrent status : ReleasedVisa number : 88.62718/07/1996Approval : YesProduction formats : 35mmColor type : ColorAspect ratio : CinemaScopePosters (1)Director, , Show moreShow lessFestival SelectionsSelectionComp&tition internationaleMoreLessShow moreShow lessAwardsAwardsAward for Best DirectionMoreLessShow moreShow lessRelated filmsOur Partners(C) uniFrance Site developed byDesign by


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