h1z1里的repair是什么意思 box有什么用

生存模拟游戏可以产生大量优秀的故事,但是当我玩的时候我就是能来回走。直到最后我饿死。看起来将为玩家在《H1Z1》中的互动而提供全新的方法。在周末的时候放出了下面的视频,在视频上展示了3个生存者在一次空投后的表现。每一个玩家都想拿到物资。当玩家们看到箱子的时候就会开始争夺。并没有具体放出空投的密集程度和内容,但是这是个生存游戏,所以其中应该毫无疑问是食物、子弹和其他在废墟中需要的物品。游戏将会登陆抢先体验计划。《H1Z1》预告片视频:视频来自:别以为 what in the box 我就会买抢先体验
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> H1Z1 Early Access Alpha Cracked-3DM
Note: 3DM or other p2p releases are not always perfect or compatible with all systems. So if it doesn’t work, don’t blame their effort & wait for the scene release/s(if there is any).
Description: Enter a world that has been overrun by zombies and fellow survivors since the H1Z1 virus outbreak. Fight for your life against the infected and against the brutality of others as you attempt to live and see another day. Every moment is borrowed time with one question to answer… Will You Survive?
The H1Z1 epidemic has driven civilization to a post-apocalyptic state. Alas, there is no zombie-free paradise, and you must use your skill and wits to survive against the elements, hordes of undead, and of course thousands of potentially hostile survivors. As an open PvP game, some players may be o some may honestly be trying to help. Band together or fight each other for precious loot? Your choice.
Intelligent Undead
Always looking for their next meal, your gunshot is the zombie dinner bell. zombies are programmed with emergent AI, making each encounter unpredictable. More players in your vicinity mean more zombie bait, there is not always safety in numbers.
Dynamic Environments
As you explore “Anytown, USA” you will discover H1Z1 is a living, breathing world with a dramatic day-to-night cycle, dynamic weather, and combustible environment. Be careful as darkness falls and the moon rises, zombies might not be the only things that creep up on you.
Weapons & Vehicles
You can use an axe or your bare hands to fight off zombies and other survivors, but players will also have access to an array of weaponry which can be found, looted, or crafted to fit the need of any lethal situation. And, although they take a lot of effort and resources to repair and maintain, vehicles are an additional way to mow down opponents and are a huge advantage in survival and multi-passenger transportation.
Scavenge Crafting
Not much is left in the wake of the epidemic, so increase your chances of survival by scavenging for items in the nooks and crannies of abandoned cars, truck beds, homes, sheds, and even in the wilderness. Almost everything found can be consumed or used to craft something valuable. Combine materials to make tools, weapons, animal traps, water collectors, explosives, and more! Your survival depends on your ability to be creative with what you can find.
Base Building
Protect yourself from the elements, enemies, and ever-impending undead by building a defensible base. Group with others to create heavily fortified location whether a customized shack, shanty town, or governor’s mansion. Barricade yourself, your friends, and your possessions before you meet a sudden death and lose it all.
A fully-functional ecosystem of life (and death) means wildlife such as wolves, bears, and zombies have to eat too. Meanwhile, maintaining your health is essential to survival so hunting animals, setting traps, and foraging is vital to avoid starvation.
Future Features
Once in Early Access, the H1Z1 feature set will continue to expand to include more player rule set and event servers, game modes, military gear, expanded selections of vehicles and weapons, increased customization, female player characters, an expanding map, and much, much more!
Publisher: Sony Online Entertainment
Developer: Sony Online Entertainment
Genre: Action, Adventure, Massively Multiplayer, Early Access
Release Name: H1Z1.Early.Access.Alpha.Cracked-3DM
Size: 5.34 GB
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Murderous: H1Z1’s accessibility could kill DayZ’s complacency
By Patrick Garratt
Will DayZ ever be finished? Fortunately for you, it doesn’t matter if there’s a more accessible, more enjoyable, less broken alternative.
I plan on going back to H1Z1. Despite all the hoo-ha, it seems it could be the accessible zombie survival epic for which many have waited. DayZ should watch its back: H1Z1 is well worth a look.
Given the , I’m not sure what surprises me more: the fact it isn’t completely awful, or that its shameless replication of the DayZ formula has yielded a sensible progression for PC zombie survival. For DayZ is a hard game, a frustrating concept that rewards the dedicated, but off which the less persistent inevitably bounce. While you may die just as regularly in SOE’s mimic, which released to Steam Early Access this week, it’s more accessible and apparently more enjoyable. Based on initial impressions, H1Z1 may seriously challenge DayZ’s refusal to ever complete its own development.
Here’s an example of the difference, and this is going to tickle anyone with a DayZ history: you start with the first elements of a weapon. I know. You begin by shredding your t-shirt and trousers, using the scraps of cloth to craft a satchel. You then run into the woods (trees are everywhere) and grab some sticks to create a bow with the remaining material. Within a minute of starting any H1Z1 game you’re armed with a projectile weapon for hunting other players, wildlife and zombies. The softening of the model is refreshing compared to the DayZ’s deadly opening moments, where you’re as vulnerable as a newborn. It’s quite regular to spawn, do initial crafting, search a house, get into a fight and actually win, all within a few minutes. You aren’t guaranteed to die. Considering the source material, that’s welcome empowerment.
And you can actually kill the zombies.
and wrote a quick guide about how to start while getting dead many times. When I mentioned the toughness of the zombies on Twitter, responses soon told me they were broken and virtually indestructible. Not so in H1Z1. The undead shamble rather than charge, and they’re droppable with an arrow to the head. Again, you feel as though the situation isn’t entirely helpless. You can survive.
The reality, of course, is that you usually die almost instantly, but at least you had a fighting chance. Most players you encounter will immediately attack, but for all the screaming about play-to-win I’ve seen no-one with a gun. Everyone’s running around with bows and arrows and branches from blackberry bushes (the ultimate weapon). The much-hated airdrops appear to be something of a damp squib, in fact. You start with three drops in your inventory, after which you need to buy more. Once you’ve called the crate in, you need to wait for the inexplicable plane to arrive. The chances of dying at this point are high. They were for me, anyway. I requested two drops and got killed waiting for both. I hope whoever found them enjoyed the goodies. Would I buy more? I doubt it.
Why bother when you’re going to die anyway? Becoming au fait with any kind of long-term survival in H1Z1 is going to take time, so why spend real money beyond the price of entry? I’ve seen players driving round in cop cars, sirens blaring, and from a few guide videos I watched this morning it’s obvious you can find hatchets and knives just by being patient. If others want to pay for an advantage, that’s fine. I’ll tough it out. Besides, I doubt you’re going to find a police cruiser inside a care package.
I’ve only played a few hours of H1Z1, just as I did with DayZ, but I’ll tell you this: I never returned to to DayZ because it was so broken. “Buggy” is fine (apparently), but a prime enemy being granted unworthy immortality is ruinous. I plan on going back to H1Z1, however. Despite all the hoo-ha, it seems it could be the accessible zombie survival epic for which many have waited. DayZ should watch its back: H1Z1 is well worth a look.
H1Z1 is now available via .
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