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泡网分: 0.369
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除了竖拍和连拍 真没必要。。
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cs1020 发表于
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山城飞扬 发表于
我有点想入原装手柄,但怕上手柄后太重~因为D800 2470已经不轻了。...不够强壮^_^
本帖由 iPhone5 客户端发布
泡网分: 26.485
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注册: 2007年07月
这个我觉得没必要原厂了 看财力吧
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酸菜一盘 发表于
泡网分: 8.453
注册: 2009年04月
手柄只要不出问题没必要买原厂的,其技术含量很低,还卖那么贵,实在不合理。 本帖最后由 albertyth 于
00:42 编辑
泡网分: 11.724
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注册: 2012年03月
1. 原厂就是原厂,懂的自然懂
2. 竖拍真心好用,尤其是面对70200时
3. 重量增加不多,托举稳定性更好,因为机身我不装电池,只在手柄装,这样重心下移明显。
4. 加了手柄机身宽度大增,呜呜要重新买个更大的包了
泡网分: 4.583
帖子: 1349
注册: 2011年01月
我是D700 当年二手800块买的原厂手柄
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&&&&&& &&&完全代替Wii!模拟器体感手柄设置教程
日 00:00&出处:&【原创】 作者:李晨龙 编辑:李晨龙
  泡泡网显卡频道3月27日 网友们也许还记得上周笔者写过的一篇有关Wii模拟器的文章——《》,文章中教了大家如何用PC设置模拟器配合键盘鼠标运行Wii的游戏。而众所周知,Wii作为任天堂次时代革命性TV游戏主机之所以久居销量宝座,其靠的是它刚发布时独有的体感功能(索尼的PS3、Xbox360在最近也推出了相应的体感设备)。
● 所需软件:
1.Dolpin 8.000EX中文版
   Dolpin 8.000EX是目前一款运行比较稳定并且兼容性比较强的Wii模拟器,其不仅支持键盘鼠标模拟操作Wii游戏,并且还支持Wiimote体感控制器以及“鸡腿”控制器,也就是我们俗称的“双截棍”手柄,最多可与Wii主机一样支持4个“双截棍”。
● 所需硬件
   CPU方面我们选用了 羿龙II X4 955(黑盒),这款4核拥有3.2GHz的高主频与6M的3级缓存,并且其可以调节倍频选项轻松在BIOS内进行超频设置,而且最重要的是这款 4核旗舰级处理器不到千元的价格是使其成为了很多中端用户装机的首选。
   主板这边选择了技嘉870A-UD3,其十项供电以及700多元的价格比较实惠。并且此款主板还附带 6Gb/s接口以及USB3.0接口,为以后存储设备的升级做好准备,另外主板的3倍USB充电量功能也比较方便,在关机的状态下依然可以为USB接口的数码产品进行充电。
R6870 Twin FROZR II/OC规格详解
   这次的显卡我们选用了微星R6870 Twin FROZR II/OC,其基于最新40nm的Barts核心而制造,拥有1120个流处理器,支持DX11和新一代的Eyefinity技术、UVD3加速引擎以及AMD全新HD3D技术,支持微星独家开发的Afterburner超频软件。
   微星R6870 Twin FROZR II/OC的散热部分相当豪华,其采用了独家的Twin Frozr II散热装置,并且还搭配了五根热导管,与公版设计相比能有效降低温度达19摄氏度,噪音值降低12.8dB,达到了更为理想的散热效果。
   微星R6870 Twin FROZR II/OC的PCB属于公版设计,保证了公版产品的稳定性,然后在用料上做了大幅度增强。供电采用了公版的4+1供电规格设计并且整块显卡还全部采用了微星军工级固态电容,这样使得显卡电气性方面十分出色,进而拥有更强大的超频潜力。
   在输出方面采用了双DVI、Mini DisplayPort和单HDMI的设计,最多可以支持6个的分辨率(需要MST HUB),默认状态下可以支持4屏,实现超大屏幕的环幕技。
   打开蓝牙客户端程序,双击“Search Devics”,我们随后可以看到客户端搜索出了Wii手柄,双击手柄图标。
   打开Dolpin 8.000EX模拟器的“感应”选项,在“来源”下拉菜单选项中选择“体感”,然后点击“刷新”选项,此时手柄会震动一下。
试玩体感游戏——Wii Sports
   我们选用了Wii经典游戏——Wii Sports,这款游戏充分地利用了Wii手柄的体感功能,玩家可以使用Wii体感手柄进行网球、棒球、保龄球以及拳击等运动,是一款十分畅销的体感游戏佳作。
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Title: Elite: Dangerous
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Release Date: 2 Apr, 2015
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Recent updates
21 December, 2015
Greetings commanders, we're rolling out an update this morning.
We expect the servers to be down for up to 30 minutes. The servers will come down at 10.30AM this morning and will return around the top of the hour.
Here's the changes...
- Crash fix for following crafting sub-menu access from modular menu
- Crash fix for skimmer firing
- Fix crash from NPC messenger
- Fix crash with missing asteroid physics
- Fix an audio crash near planetary ports or when deploying SRV's
- Fix an error when resurrecting a dead commander with an alive vehicle
- Don't overwrite the plotted route in the galaxy map if opening the system map
- Fix an issue where the planned route could be wiped after a hyperjump
- Fix module buyback not correctly preserving full details of the module being restored
- Stop disconnecting players with a transaction server error when failing to eject cargo
- Ship spins very fast after launch and is destroyed fixed
- Make POI's that were supposed to be visible from the ship be visible
- Cargo racks at POI's do not spawn loot
- Add planetary checks to &don't die& missions
- Add missing timers for off base planetary missions
- Extract mission destinations for mission external panel entries so mission icon shows up on galaxy map
- Off set Wing members drop outs to avoid collisions
- Apply cargo transfer to cached ship state so it won't forget our cargo changes when we dismiss/recall our ship
- Fixed stolen flag being sent incorrectly in cargo transfer and boarding
- Fix for incorrect landing volumes on Diamondback Scout
- Fixed some missing paint job references
- Don't set the near planet flag on saves for platforms that don't support Horizons
- Don't generate rocks when in a glide
- Fix for floating rocks after switching vehicle types
- Select correct GPU if an nVidia Optimus is installed
- Minor surface shader optimization
- Balance tweak for GPU timings on min spec AMD cards
- Changed the way we find the gpu version to match the way we select the graphics adapter. We now the first non-Intel card instead of the last card
- Unable to accept CQC squad invite with mouse, can only use controller to select it
- Added the user's time played to the Commander statistics screen
- Fix missing black paint job for Viper MkIV
- Various text fixes
- Latest translation batch added
15 December, 2015
Hi Commanders,
Here are the final patch notes for the Horizons and 1.5 (Ships) updates.
Remember, you can get ready for the update by making sure you have downloaded the latest version of the launcher from here. The servers are currently down and we are expecting them to be up between 4pm - 6pm GMT. However, we will keep you updated on this thread.
Below is a snippet of the change log as seen from our forums here:
New additions
- Fix crash in kinematics
- Fix audio emitter error
- Speculative fix for crash on shut down
- Fix crash creating a new player ship during death
- Fix crash caused by pressing the back button when trying to bind to an axis
- Don't crash when a prospector limpet collides with a planet surface (or any other physics object without user data)
- Make sure that the reverse mode is triggered if enter neutral/reverse if our velocity is negative
- Fix hand-ins for planetary missions
- Remove certain unused stations from planetary and pad size checks
- Fix issue with receiving no credits when selling cargo
- Fix planets shining through some materials
- Make sure re-supply all button adds the SRV
- Fix for Typos in commodity news
- Fixed spelling of minerals in mining data for class 3 planets
- When we leave a proving ground make sure to clear the flag to ignore the location safety checks. This should prevent someone from logging on in the middle of a star causing weird graphical glitches
- Don't close a players recalled ship hatch when other ships launch from star ports
1.5 Beta, 1.5 Beta 1
- Added Asp Scout
- Added Viper MkIV
- Added Federal Corvette
- Added Imperial Cutter
- Added Keelback
- PC/Mac: Added Bobbleheads!!!
- Added Imperial Fighter to CQC
- Added new missions
- Don't die missions
- Don't get scanned missions
- Multi-stage missions
- Missions can be received in space
- Assassination variants
- Contact missions
- Unique cargo missions - you have to deliver what you are given
- Timed window missions
- Added new open space scenarios:
- Search and rescue scenarios
- Wrecked ships scenarios
- New deep space salvage scenarios
- Distress call scenarios
- Alliance vip escort
- PC/Mac: Updated French, German and Russian translations
- Added more player group sponsored minor faction descriptions
- Master Chefs rare good added
- Renamed various planets
- Local emergency rescue NPCs added
- Spanish localisation added - a big shout out for the Spanish community for their hard effort on this!
- Xbox One - Show gamertag for Xbox One players who have 'discovered by' tags
- Swap the order that some conditionals are checked in to fix an error that can happen when searching certain systems names
- Added sanity check when selling commodities
- Don't crash when we try to eject all cargo and we either: have no cargo hatch, or the cargo hatch is shutting down
- Fix crash trying to xtract the cargo canister's root physics skeleton before it is loaded
- Fix an error than can happen when your squad leader is joining and leaving matchmaking in rapid succession
- Xbox One: Fix some errors suspending and resuming a CQC match
- Make sure that th stellar manager on the server shuts down correctly
- Fix potential crash when spawning NPCs
- Fix crashes reported for missing D3D buffers
- Fix crash caused in Alliance space where the music track was given the wrong action name
- Stellar system evolution shouldn't create negative mass
- Fixed a softlock that can happen if a player joins a CQC game while it is in the game initialisation state
- Avoid softlock loading into CQC if the ship object isn't ready yet
- Made CQC handle the player being logged out while playing
- Fix crash when using multiple mining lasers
- Fixed a memory leak in audio occlusion
- Fix memory leak on ship destruction
“Capable of delivering some of the best stories about spaceships you've ever taken part in”
86% –
“Satisfying handling that sets a new standard for any cockpit-based genre.”
8/10 – Edge Magazine
“Shining Bright Like a Supernova”
95% –
About This Game
Elite: Dangerous is the definitive massively multiplayer space epic, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entirety of the Milky Way re-created at its full galactic proportions.
Starting with only a small starship and a few credits, players do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to survive in a futuristic cutthroat galaxy and to stand among the ranks of the iconic Elite. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s story influences the unique connected gaming experience and handcrafted evolving narrative. Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions.
400 Billion Star Systems. Infinite Freedom. Blaze Your Own Trail.
A Galaxy Of Wonders
The 400 billion star systems of the Milky Way are the stage for Elite: Dangerous' open-ended gameplay. The real stars, planets, moons, asteroid fields and black holes of our own galaxy are built to their true epic proportions in the largest designed playspace in videogame history.
A Unique Connected Game Experience
Governments fall, battles are lost and won, and humanity’s frontier is reshaped, all by players’ actions. In an age of galactic superpowers and interstellar war, every player’s personal story influences the connected galaxy and handcrafted evolving narrative.
Blaze Your Own Trail
Upgrade your ship and customize every component as you hunt, explore, fight, mine, smuggle, trade and survive in the cutthroat galaxy of the year 3301. Do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to stand among the ranks of the Elite.
Massively Multiplayer
Experience unpredictable encounters with players from around the world in Elite: Dangerous’ vast massively multiplayer space. Experience the connected galaxy alone in Solo mode or with players across the world in Open Play, where every pilot you face could become a trusted ally or your deadliest enemy. You will need to register a free Elite: Dangerous account with Frontier to play the game.
A Living Game
Elite: Dangerous grows and expands with new features and content. Major updates react to the way players want to play and create new gameplay opportunities for the hundreds of thousands of players cooperating, competing and exploring together in the connected galaxy.
The Original Open World Adventure
Elite: Dangerous is the third sequel to 1984's genre-defining Elite, bringing gaming’s original open world adventure into the modern generation with a connected galaxy, evolving narrative and the entire Milky Way re-created at its full galactic proportions.
System Requirements
OS: Windows 7, Windows 8
Processor: Quad Core CPU (4 x 2Ghz)
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 260 / ATI 4870HD
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 7 GB available space
OS: Windows 7, Windows 8
Processor: Intel Core i7-3770K Quad Core CPU or better / AMD FX 4350 Quad Core CPU or better
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 770 / AMD Radeon R9 280X
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 7 GB available space
Additional Notes: Supports Oculus Rift and TrackIR
OS: OS X Yosemite (version 10.10.3)
Processor: 2.3Ghz quad-core Intel Core i5 CPU
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GT 650M 1GB (or equivalent)
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 8 GB available space
OS: OS X Yosemite (version 10.10.3)
Processor: 3.4GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 CPU
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 775M (2GB video memory) / AMD Radeon R9 M290X (2GB video memory)
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 8 GB available space
Elite: Dangerous (C) . Frontier Developments plc. All rights reserved.
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76 people found this review funny
293.8 hrs on record
Thi its beautiful, complex, massive and with little content. There are only about 15 ships in the game, and there's a good chance you won't use most of them. Same goes for the 15 whole guns. And to get ANY of the decent ship, you must grind an insane amount.... only to do the exact same thing in a slightly better/different ship. There is no End Game btw. None. The real kicker is that the dlc is more expensive for people who already own the game. FD is blantaly screwing over its orginal customers. I cannot recommend a game that treats its fanebase worse than an average stranger. Worse is that I had no clue that there was going to be different &seasons& to this game which you will be required to buy ($45 every several monthes). Combined with the lack of content and the dearth of End Game material, you're basically paying a subscription for an alpha mmo but not. In several years from now when you can pick up all the 'seasons' for cheap, I'l change my recommendation.Update: Space Engineers released their planets for free..Update 2: Devs continously block any negative conversation about the expansion. Nail in the coffin.
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61 people found this review funny
121.6 hrs on record
At the time of writing this I have 121 hours. So time to add my opinion of this game for what its worth.I originally went into Elite on the viewpoint that despite what the 400+ hour people said it must have kept them at least entertained for 400 hours for that opinion. Nothing really could be farther from the truth anything further than 100 hours and you will find that sitting in the park watching the ducks is far more entertaining.True the game starts of really promising it gives you a lot of eyecandy (that hud is just beautiful in the extremes), some missions at the base go earn some credits your way approach. And at the start this goes all very nicely. Within a few hours you have probably dotted your way up a few ships. Then the game halts very abruptly.For once you are in the midgame. The amount of credits needed to go up to the next level of combat ship or trader ship (I will attack explorer in a bit) is so much that you have to pretty much do rinse and repeat for what seems like an eternity to get anywhere else new. There are many people including myself who have done trade routes while watching a movie or something if that is a necessity then the game has failed to be engaging on that premise alone. Combat provides entertainment for a few minutes or so then the game just feels like any $5 arcade shooter space game. On to exploration I kept this one separate because as soon as you get an Asp (mid-game)
or a kitted down Hauler (early game) you are pretty much good to go... absolutely nowhere. This game boasts an exploration system, that does absolutely nothing. The best part of the system I must admit is getting your pilots name forever locked in the universe map... I guess thats cool... perhaps... but lets face it nothing is new in this game at all. By the time you leave occupied territory you have seen most star types and planet types to be seen. The only goal really of exploration is to spend all your time trying to get to the black hole Sagittarius B. Nothing is going to wow you and give you a &no man has gone before& feeling. You are not going to encounter new lifeforms and civilisations as they simply do not exist, not even humans. Explorers don't need weapons as there are not even pirates past a certain point. You go to a planet hold you scanner button planet scanned move on. It is as dry as it sounds that duck pond is even more inviting.Even &exploring& the explored space yields little in interest. All the base types are of identical design moreorless. To the point one of my most amazing discoveries was finding a base that was an orangey colour instead of the usual metal grey. And for all I know that may have just been my GPU getting distracted from the boredom of rendering the same thing over and over again.Do I regret my purchase no not really. Its got a lot of potential and I know the devs may throw new things out. But Steam asks whether I would recommend it to others like in a purchase sense. No I could not thats why it gets a thumbs down.The final point really aswell is while Dangerous could go somewhere, it feels very beta like... it has a core and wanted layers but got none before release. I have seen this far to many times with these big projects. Both from indies and big devlopers. Which the Elite devs have already decided on going for this Horizons project at the end of the year. Which in past experiences very rarely does a dev company acheive perfect synergy updating its older products while developing its new ones. While they promise new features for Dangerous I doubt there will be anything that will throw this downvote to an up.Update: While I am not reviewing Horizons as I do not own it. My lastpoint made in this review about Dangerous going somewhere but probably being moreorless left in the state it is at. Have not played recently but I am getting a lot of comments confirming this is still true, this Horizons release seems to have made Dangerous updates less frequent as stated would happen. Also seems pretty much from what I have heard (but I would read ther reviews on that page as I have no first hand of it) Horizons is a similar hollow shell state as Dangerous was released in. Now that game is early access still so it could be fleshed out but I ain't based on this experience going to hold my breath that this is not another $60 chocolate surprise egg with disappointing chocolate on the outside disappointing toy on the inside.
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471 people found this review funny
24.2 hrs on record
&Oh... my... God. Is it really you? Commander Zigglepants?&&Yeah. Heh. Nice to meet a fan.&&I can't believe it. I've always wanted to be a space pilot like you. You've done EVERYTHING. How did you get started?&&Well, believe it or not my first job was doing delivery runs.&&Really? That must have been tedius.&&It was. And the pay was terrible. You'd accept a mission in one star system and do nothing but hop from star system to star system for an hour or more before accepting your tiny payment.&Sounds pretty bad.&&Yeah. I only did that for a short time before I got into smuggling.&&Oh, cool. Sneaking into heavily armed facilities with illegal cargo? That sort of thing?&&Exactly. Although you only do the sneaking at the end bit of your journey. The rest of it was just as dull as the deliveries. And even the sneaking was only fun the first few times. After that it became pretty routine. The pay was a lot better, though.&&So how did you become a famous bounty hunter?&&I'm afriad the stories are exaggerated. I took my first contract at my local station. It told me to fly to a nearby star and hunt down a notorious pirate.&&Did you get him?&&No. I showed up at the star and he wasn't there. I flew around scanning promising signals, but each one turned out to be a dud. To make it worse, it took about 10 minutes to fly between each signal and there wasn't much to do in the meantime. After a few hours of this, the contract expired.&&That's too bad.&&Yeah, the next few contracts turned out the same so at that point I gave up, bought a warrant scanner, and decided to go freelance.&&What does that mean?&&Well, it means you sit in one place next to a navigation beacon or resource extraction point, and hope to catch pirates if they show up.&&Neat. How many did you catch?&&None. It took me about an hour to pick up the scanner and fly to a promising system. Then I waited around for a few hours scanning ships but no pirates showed up. Well, a couple did... but none of them came out of supercruise. After a few nights of this, I decided to dump the stupid scanner into the sun. When I got home, I received a strange message. Someone wanted to hire me to carry some mystery cargo to a certain sector and wait for further instructions.&&Did you take the job?&&Of course! It seemed like the first interesting thing that had happened to me as a space commander. Yeah, I accepted the job and headed out to the sector they named. Took a lot of time to get there. Then I started waiting for my contact.&&Who was it?&&I dunno. He never showed. I waited around for a couple hours and eventually the mission expired. I did get to fight some pirates, ironically. It seems like they really wanted that cargo, whatever it was. They should have just asked. After waiting around for a few hours, I tossed it into the sun too. Hold on, I have a customer.&Commander Zigglepants turns away and talks into his headset.&Hello, welcome to McSpaceport. Can I take your order? Combo #2? That will be 4,000 credits. First window, please.& He turns back. &Sorry about that.&&No problem. So you work a drive-through window now?&&This is WAY more fun. Trust me.&&You know what, I still think I want to be a space commander.&&Suit yourself... but can I offer a word of advice?&&Please!&&You're going to spend most of your time travelling and waiting around, so bring a video game to keep yourself entertained.&&Got it.&&...and make sure it's NOT Elite: Dangerous.&
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184 people found this review funny
103.4 hrs on record
I really want to love this game, I really do. Sadly, the devs have caused me to never want to play again. Let me explain the pros and cons.Pros:- A vast galaxy to explore. I estimated that in an exploration-fit ship, you'd be able to reach the other side of the galaxy in about 95 hours. That's not including the return trip, and that's assuming you don't stop to scan anything along the way.- A robust combat system. I'm not sure how you can really get more robust than flying around and shooting things with fixed or gimballed lasers or cannons or rails or plasma accelerators, or homing and dumb-fire missiles, launching chaff, etc.- Beautiful graphics. This game looks astonishingly good. You certainly won't forget your first black hole or neutron star.- Simplified flight model. It's not 100% realistic, but that makes for a more approachable flight model. The ships fly like jets in Battlefield, if a bit more responsive.Neutral:- Lots of frontloaded content. Your first 20-40 hours will be fantastic. Around 30 hours, you'll start to notice content slowing down. Around 40, things start looking familiar. At 50 hours, everything looked the same to me.- Ship customization. There isn't a lot of reason to try to come up with a clever build, since the time you waste min/maxing your build equates to about 2.3561 more seconds in combat or 8.65 seconds shaved off your trade route. It's fun to customize, but ultimately pretty pointless.Cons:- Lack of depth. People will argue that if you got 50 hours of fun, you got your money's worth, but I find that to be a really dumb argument. This type of game is designed to be fun for hundreds of hours, yet I found myself struggling to find reasons to play after 70 hours, and finally gave up at 100. There just isn't a lot of compelling things to do. It's where the frontloaded content really starts to be a problem.- Dev response. The devs tend to add things to the game for the sole purpose of checking off a box, like &They want social interaction? Let's add the ability to group up to 4 people at once!& The community wanted guilds, chat channels, etc, and all we got was the ability to add a small number of people in a group at once, provided you're in the same instance. Which reminds me...- Instancing and the P2P model. This is what really kills this as a multiplayer game. Let's say you're trying to track down another player. You find him, interdict him, and start shooting. He activates his warp drive and heads off to the next system over. You follow him, but when you drop into the system... he's not there. You know he has to be there, he's not in the previous system, and this is the only system close enough to warp to. So where is he? Welcome to instancing.- Solo/Private Group play. Not that it exists (though the fact that Solo is not offline is bothersome), but that it affects Open play (multiplayer). There's a background simulation that affects the landscape of the galaxy (PowerPlay is one such system). This is influenced by player interaction. You could work together with people in Open, aligned to the same faction, to flip a system to another power's control. But, you can also do this in Solo or Private Group play as well. This means that you can successfully complete objectives without worrying about players attempting to stop you.The biggest problem, however, is that the devs seem to have a grand vision of what they want their game to look like, and are willing to pursue that wholeheartedly at the expense of the players. They do not listen to criticisms, and the community itself is absolutely terrible when it comes to accepting critiques of the game.The upcoming $60 &expansion&, which is really just a Season Pass that grants access to all of the updates to be released in 2016, along with the announcement of additional &expansions&, also likely $60, is what finally killed it for me.But, if flying around in space is what you want, and you're not willing to wait for No Man's Sky or Star Citizen... I guess it's a good game. For $45, I'd say it's worth it. Just know that you can get more depth by spending $20 on a kiddie pool at your local department store.
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592 people found this review funny
1.5 hrs on record
For the first time in months, I felt something playing this game. Mostly shame, self-loathing and guilt. But at least that's something. I went psycho. Here's why.I backed this game at Premium Beta (only got the Steam key today to leave this review). I spent the first six months of ED grinding my way up as a trader/courier. When I finally got into a Type 6, I had nearly lost my mind. Trading consists of looking at spreadsheets and then spending 95% of your time lining up dots with crosshairs. Once in a blue moon, you're interdicted and can almost instantly escape.But during that time, they introduced the Vulture and I failed to notice. So about a month ago I suddenly realised I could have had the best fighter in the game for some time. Picked one up and kitted it out to B/C grade. Went to a combat zone. Earned more in a week (maybe 8 hours of play) than I did in the previous eight months, tripling my net assets in that time.The CZs and RESs are fun for a few hours. But the opponents are exactly the same with exactly the same tactics everywhere across thousands of light years of space. It takes you minutes to develop a strategy against each opponent and then you've understood all there is to know about NPC combat, forever, everywhere. The Vulture is the best fighter class ship in the game but it costs less than an Asp, the first large ship, so it's effectively placed right at the beginning of &mid-game&. With just two heavy pulse lasers, you can take out any other NPC ship individually, even large-class Elite ships worth a hundred times as much hardware-wise, and most NPC wings as well. The only way to lose is to overwhelming numbers of high-level NPCs or to other players, and by &lose& I mean &retreat and then come straight back&. It becomes incredibly boring with surprising rapidity.There was literally nothing left to do. I tried Powerplay - exactly the same play with no tangible rewards beyond some nonsense about &narrative&. I tried exploring - seriously, I would rather play solitaire than waste my life on that nonsense. I've done many months of trading and it's just grind to me now. I've done every mission type. Everything is just grind. Half of the grind is naked, exposed to view: the other half is barely hidden under a tissue of metagaming. Kill ten rats. Tell Bob I love him. I need a fish, go and buy one for me in the shop down the road. Go to another place and then come back and tell me you've been there. Rinse and repeat like a laundromat staffed by zombies.So I went psycho, in a final attempt to experience any kind of emotion at all.I went to Eravate, noob town. My mission was to kill as many other players as possible. I racked up about 200k of bounty in about four hours of play, all from deaths and attacks. And it was so easy. I literally laughed out loud at how easy it was.For the first half, I &advertised& my presence in the system as a &psycho&. I warned players I was coming after them by crooning their names and giggling. I did pseudo-Gollum impressions. I stopped in the middle of fights to type out Wham! and Kajagoogoo lyrics. No other victims spoke. The sum total of words uttered by all of the other commanders I met and attacked over four hours were &wtf& and &stop&. That's indicative of the level of social interaction in this game. For the second half of my rampage I stopped bothering to talk and just killed.The single time I died was to an outpost's turrets, when I started attacking people within the no-fire zone as they were landing. This had the side-effect of wiping my bounty. The cost of rebuy was a little over 500k. I'd earned nearly that much that from &accidentally& taking out players and NPCs with bounties during that time. Net loss to me for this psycho rampage: pretty much zero. Net loss to others: potentially hours of play wiped out on a stranger's whim, multiplied by at least thirty, in just a couple of casual sessions. Lasting reputation effect: zero.The system, in the heart of some cardboard cut-out Power's space, did almost nothing to stop me. About once every 20 minutes I'd be interdicted by system security. Usually it was a single Eagle or Viper. Hilariously, it was once a single Harmless unshielded Eagle. That's right folks: the most advanced civilisation in the galaxy, with a population of trillions, is sending completely inexperienced lone rookies to intercept an Expert criminal tooling about in the most powerful fighter in the game right in the heart of their territory where people who bought the game yesterday are spawned. Police interdiction is as much of a barrier to griefing as a damp cardboard box.Eravate also provides ample facilities for psychopaths, despite its location in the heart of civilisation. It has a number of outputs with repair and re-arming facilities. None of them are policed. You can land, repair, and then harrass its customers just a minute's sub-FTL flight away, completely unopposed. The government literally helps wanted criminals create a toxic environment.For the first and last time, I &blazed my own path&. It was the path of a ????ing idiot, and it was the only way to get my money's worth. I've finished the game. I now understand the joke.
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