
& 战舰世界Q&A:针对天朝玩家问题的解答
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  What comes after &Modernised Kongo& in the tech tree and which ship does this lead to?  现代化金刚(金刚改二)后面是什么船啊?  Most likely B62 (4*2*410mm). Next - BC Amagi.  很是可能B-62(四座双联装410,7级),再然后是战巡天城(8级)  What is the link between aviation Cruiser Oyodo and aviation cruiser Mogami?  航巡大淀(5级)和航巡最上(6级)之间是什么船啊?  We suppose CA-AV Aoba for Tier-6 and have some ideas about Tier-7  我们计划是这样的,青叶型航巡(6级),然后7级是别的什么东西  接下来可是来自中国玩家的问题哦  1.Regarding in-game stats, will we be given the immunity zone of the ship selected or just the deck and side armor number?  有关游戏数据的问题,我们的船只是有一个特定的免疫区还是只是显示侧舷,甲板的装甲数值呢?  Now you can only see the deck and side armor number. And... well... immunity zones depends on guns of the competitor. Do you need to see ~20 different immunity zones for different enemy ships? :)  嗯,你只能看见侧舷和甲板的数值,至于说免疫区么,这取决于你对手的火炮(参数)。你需要在数据面板上看见20来个针对不同舰船而得出的免疫区数据么?  2.Regarding the research system, by researching 'presets', does it mean that we will be upgrading ships as a whole or just presets of its subsystems (such as fire control with guns/torpedoes, engine/boiler etc.)  有关研发系统:你们说是采取“套件”这样的研发方案,是不是意味着整套整套的子系统一起被替换啊(包括火控设备, 鱼雷,引擎,锅炉这些的)  Ships can be upgraded by subsystems (new guns, fire control etc.), but general modification (such as change main gun's number) need researching new 'preset'. Something like that.  船只的子系统是可以更新的(比如换一门新炮,新火控设备),但是要想进行现代化改造(比如追加主炮数目),就需要研发新“预设改造方案”了  3.Is a magazine hit and detonated a guaranteed kill or just loss of a huge amount of HP if the magazine/ammo storage is small enough (such as a on-deck torpedo locker)  如果一个小的弹药库发生了爆炸,船只是立刻沉没,还是损失大量结构值??  3. If magazine hit and detonated - it is a a guaranteed kill. But magazine detonation does not always occur.  嘛,如果弹药库爆了。船就立刻废了――――当然,这种事不会经常发生的  4.Random game mode suggestion, Possible Convoy/Battleship/Carrier Interdiction when the teams have to escort convoy ships/heavily damaged high tier battleships (such as a Yamato with its main guns and shafts damaged in a Tier 5-8 game) and/or carriers (with no plane due to damaged deck)?  有关护航模式的建议,在护航模式中,当玩家是作为保护己方严重受损舰船时,是不是应该不能选择战列舰和航母出战呢?  4. One of random game modes is Convoy. One or both teams will escort it's convoy ships throught a map and try to destroy enemy's convoy ships.  护航模式是这样的。一方或者双方都有自己的船队,你要保护船队穿越地图,然后尝试着摧毁对面的船队  5.Will there be peroxide torpedoes?  有没有过氧化物鱼雷?  5 It will be possible.  当然有可能  6.Will ramming leaves a huge tear/scar on both ships? or breaking one of them as it sinks?  船与船之间的撞击会不会给船上留下一道大口子,或者直接撞沉,撞断 ?  6. It depends. If DD ramed a BB...  这得看情况,如果一条驱逐舰撞一条战列舰的话  7.Can I assume that released part of USN and IJN trees are 90% finalized?  目前放出的美系和日系船科技树是不是有90%的完成度啊  7. Yes.  是啊  9.Please make training rooms have higher player cap and/or bigger empty high sea map for some stupid fun? please?  请让训练房有更高的玩家限制――――或者做一张完全空旷的地图让我们愉快的作死呢?  9. Yes, one of map for training room is empty map - only sea.  当然啦,在训练房,有一张地图就是一片空旷的海域  10. What is planned for US Tier 7 destroyers? and what is the KM battle cruiser after L20α?  美帝的7级驱逐舰是?德国战巡L-20α后面是什么船?  10. Most likely DD Mahan and DD Benson. KM battle cruisers line after L20? Return to H-39.  可能是马汉级和本森级吧,至于说L-20后面是啥?H-39啦  11. Will carrier planes need to be resupplied after battle like ammunition? or just ammunition for the planes?  在每次战斗结束后,要不要重新补充舰载机,就像补充弹药一样?  11. Carrier planes, as shells and torpedoes, need to be resupplied after each battle.  舰载机,就像弹药和鱼雷一样,每次战斗之后都要补充  12. What is the general guide line for hybrid carrier-cruiser/battleships? as links between two lines and possible modifications/presets of the original ships? and how German hybrids will be placed? a branch from Carrier line?  有没有一条航战科技线呢?是作为航母,战舰科技线之间的连接,还是其他船的一种预设改造方案? 然后,德国的航战线是怎么安排的?从航母哪里分出来?  There are no German hybrids at ships tree now. BB-CV Ise is link between BB and CV lines, and Japan CA-CL are separate line near Tier-5 CL.  现在没有德国航战,伊势航战现在是连接战列舰和航母的,还有,日本在5级轻巡出开始分支,一条重巡线,一条轻巡线。  13. Will we have a more hardcore mode about controlling gun elevation in the future?  有没有拟真度更高的模式――――你得自己手调炮俯仰角?  13. No such planes.  没有这样的计划  14. Will damage model be taken in the consideration and will special ammunition type be included?  你们会考虑伤害模型么? 还有,会不会有什么特殊弹种出现?  14. We already have working damage model. Not such good as we want, but we still working :) Special ammunition types - most likely will be included, but later.  我们已经制作伤害模型了,不过效果没有预期的好,不过我们依然在努力。至于说特殊弹种,嗯,是个卫星  15. Will there be latin american warships excluding those sold to the Allies? and Is French Navy going to be released around the Italian navy?  萌军会不会有来自拉美的战舰啊?法系啥时候出,紧挨着意大利么?  15. Latin american - maybe, but in far future. French Navy after Germany, Britain and USSR.  拉美战舰?嗯,是个卫星。法系? 在德国,英国,苏联之后  16. For the multi-purpose planes, do players have to configure their roles and loadouts pre-battle or can we switch them around mid-battle?  有些战机有功能多样,玩家能自己选择战机的定位,在战前改变战机配置或者在战时临时改变么?  16. There are no multi-purpose planes in game.  没有多功能战机啊  17. Will there be an upper limit for how many planes/squadron you can have on sorties at the same time?  我能不能让多架飞机,或者多个飞行中队同时出击啊,有没有上限呢?  17. No.  没有  18. For the size of the map and the range of the gun, I have heard that the size is about 60km*60km. Is it true since Yamato's main gun can pretty much cover a large area of the map with a range of 40,000m+? If so, are there any game specific change to the range/size of the map? And how much the game play will be accelerated so that there is a balance between fun and realism, especially regarding to aircraft preparation/rearming and gun reload?  我听说地图是60*60KM的。还有,大和的射程好像是40多KM。如果是这样的话,游戏中会不会有什么改变啊? 还有,为了保证真实性和游戏性,游戏节奏会加快多少,尤其是对于舰载机的弹药装填,准备还有舰炮的重装填而言。  18. Of course, you can fire up to 40+ km. But does you can hit anything? Search this topic, all this question was already answered.  当然,你能打到40KM的地方,但问题是,你能打中啥玩意么?对这个话题深入讨论下去的话,以上的问题就迎刃而解了。  20.Will torpedo tubes be pre-loaded at the start of the battle? If not, will they be loaded faster than usual? Also, will Kitakami and Ooi be easily killed since a shell is very likely to hit their huge number of torpedo mounts?  在战斗开始的时候,鱼雷是不是处于装填状态,如果不是的话,和正常情况相比,装填速度快了多少啊?还有,打到Super北上大人,Hyper大井大人的鱼雷发射管,我们是不是就能秒掉她们呢?  20. You will start the battle without pre-loaded torpedo tubes, they will load as usual. Yes, Kitakami really very likely to hit with a shell.  游戏开始时,鱼雷发射管处于非装填状态,鱼雷装填速度和正常情况一样。――――是啊,北上很容易被一发入魂。  22. Will the ship ammunition/supply/repair cost roughly match that of WoT and WoWP? Is the ammunition counted by number of shells rather than by boxes (it is asked by an NF player)  WOWS的弹药费,补给费,修理费是不是和WOT和WOWP差不多啊?在计算弹药消耗是,你们是以“发'来计算,还是以”箱“来计算  22. Yes. Counted by shells.  是的;弹药以”发“来计算  23. In the wiredstar wiki, I found that there might be gold shells. so are premium shell confirmed to be in-game and are they just better version of AP/HE? Similarly, will there be light weight shells(longer range) and heavy shells(better penetration/damage) for the same gun?  在维基上,我发现你们原来说WOWS可能有金币弹。游戏中是不是有金币弹呢,它们是不是强化版Ap或者He呢?有没有轻弹(射程远)和重弹(穿深高,威力大)的区别呢?  23. Probably  有可能吧  24. How long does a plane take to prepare for takeoff and how about for rearm?  飞机在起飞之前,要准备多长时间,然后重装填弹药,燃油要多少时间呢?  24. Squadron can takeoff for 10-20 seconds (6 planes). Preparing (reload, refuel, etc) - up to 1 minute.  对于一个6机中队而言,要10-20秒。装填弹药,燃油差不多要1分钟吧  What about tier's placement for the carrier Ibuki? Around tier V like Chitose and Zuiho?  伊吹型航母是几级? 像千岁,瑞凤那样是5级么?  1. Probably Tier-6 premium.  可能是6级金币船吧  About American carriers, what do you plan to implement at tier VI between Independence/Commencement Bay and Wasp/Ranger?  你们打算把什么做成6级航母? 独立级和科芒斯曼特湾级之间是? 突击者级和黄蜂级之间是?  2. Saipan-class  塞班级  2.Is there going to be a minimum arming range for torpedoes in the water ?  鱼雷是不是要航行一段距离才能解开引信保险啊?  2. Yes.  是的  3.Will torpedo mounts with unfired torpedoes be a significant vulnerability, with a chance of massive damage if a hit or fire causes an explosion?  鱼雷发射器是不是一个明显的弱点,被打中就会造成严重伤害或者起火呢?  3. Most likely yes  很有可能  4.What is the maximum range of torpedo?  鱼雷的最大射程是?  4. Up to 20 km.  最多20公里  5.I think If torpedo hits a ship ,the ship will lose her HP and BP  如果一条鱼雷命中目标,该目标不仅会损失船体结构值(HP),也会损失储备浮力值(BP)  5. Yes, you are right.  是啊,你说的没错  6.Any infomation about BP?  有啥关于储备浮力值的信息么?  6. When BP is over - ship is sunk :)  如果浮力值为0,船就沉了  7.Is Tone two separate slots for CA form and CA-AV form, or just one slot?  利根型是分成航巡利根和重巡利根,还是合在一起的?  7. One CA-AV form.  合在一起的  2.If the rudder on a ship is hit and disabled, will the ship be able to move forward at speed, and not be able to turn until the rudder is repaired, or will everything be linked together and a hit on the rudder disables the propulsion system.  如果舵机损坏,是不是船只能朝着一个方向前进,在舵机没修好之前,不能转弯?或者说舵机和轮机是连在一起的,打中舵机,动力系统就损坏了(就和WOT变速箱和发动机算一起一样)  . Yes, we plan that.  是的,舵机损坏了,船只就没法转向了  3. Are propellers treated as single modules or as combined modules.  动力系统是一个单一模组还是多个模组的集合?  3. As single modules.  一个模组  5. Will destroyers be able to absorb heavy shells, with the shells passing through them if the heavy ships are using AP shells, not he?  驱逐舰有时也能挨下一枚重弹,当穿甲弹穿透了整个船体,没在船体爆炸的时候,不是么/  5. Yes.  是的  1. What is tier X dive/torpedo bombers for Royal Navy?(Westland Wyvern?)  英国10级俯冲,鱼雷机是?(是不是韦斯特兰”飞龙“啊)  1. Most likely Westland Wyvern  很有可能就是  2. Which tier is Fairey Barracuda? Is it a dive bomber or torpedo bomber?  费尔雷梭鱼呢,几级飞机啊?是俯冲轰炸机还是鱼雷机?  2. Probably Tier-7 torpedo bomber.  可能是7级鱼雷机  3. Can we see 'jet bombers'?(There are questions about fighters/scouts but I didn't see a question about bombers...) If so, can you tell me some example?  有没有喷气式轰炸机呢?如果有的话,举个例子吧  3. Very unlikely.  可能没有  4. How many presets CVs have? Same as other classes?(3~5 presets)  航母有几个预设改造方案?和其他船一样么(3-5个)  4. Yes, 3 presets as usual.  是的,和其他船差不多,都是3个方案  5. Is there a 'gold-smoke screen'?  有没有金币烟雾发射器?  5. Most likely no.  很可能没有  Will this game support mods like xvm, minimap mods etc?  游戏支不支持类似于XVM的插件,小地图插件呢?  You will need make new mode for WoWS. The game will not support modes from WoT.  你们可能要重新制作了,WOWS不支持WOT的插件  1: Will there be bases like in WOWP and WOT?  会不会有基地啊?  1: Yes.  当然有  2: How many differnet game modes will there be?  有多少种游戏模式啊?  2: Now only two modes, but game only in alpha-test.  现在是2种,不过A测只有一种  4: Will you be able to use gold bombs and torpedos for Planes?  舰载机能不能用金币炸弹和鱼雷?  4: Probably you be able to use gold dive and torpedo bombers :)  你可以用金币俯冲轰炸机和鱼雷机  5: What will the cost of repairs for ships be?  修船费用是多少呢?  5: For DD - low cost, for capital ships (BB and CV) - very high.  驱逐舰的修船费――――烂便宜,像战列舰和航母那样的大船可能就很贵了  7: How many total ships are planed for release?  游戏出来的时候,有几条船啊?  7: About 100 ships.  大概100条吧  2. Can we see Vought F6U Pirate or F7U Cutlass in future?  我们能不能看见F6U或者F7U啊  2. That's possible.  当然可以  3. Is there a plan of equipments just for CVs?(ex. -10% reduction in squadron take-off time)  有什么航母特有的装备么?比如减少10%的飞机起飞时间  3. Of course yes!  必须有  3-1. If so, can japanese 'hybrid ships' equip that equipments?  那这样的话,日本的航战也能用这装备么/  3-1. Yes.  当然  5. Can CV Lexington be researched from BC Lextington?  列克星敦战巡能点出列克星敦航母么?  5. Yes.  是啊  6. Last one. Can you tell us about tier X battleship forMarine nationaleandRegia Marina?(I know it's too early to ask, but...)  法国和意大利的10级战列舰分别是?  6. For Regia Marina probably will be Ferdinando Cassone (8x456), for Marine nationale - only Alsace at Tier-9.  意大利是费迪南多?卡萨诺(8门456MM主炮),法国目前只有9级的阿尔萨斯  Can you tell me any information about economy system  能说说有关WOWS的经济系统么?  It will very simslar to WoT system.  和WOT类似  Just curious. Do any of the WoWs development team play Kantai Collection?  话说,你们的工作人员里面没有人玩Ka?n?col?le~kancolle,舰娘么?我很好奇啊  No, as I know.  据我所知,没有  In WoT there are same caliber guns with different damage and penetration valuesbecause of the tei su-100Y is in teir 6 where as the 130 on an Teir 10 tank has higher penetration and damage.I thought about it and came with up with the possibility that shell type and velocity it travels at could affect it,  在WOT里面,同口径的炮穿深,伤害都可能不同――-因为车子不同,Su-100Y的130炮和-7的130炮穿深就不一样。我觉得这个可能和炮弹型号,速度有关。  If that is the case, would something like this be applied as well in WoWs where a some ships would have the same caliber guns but in a different teir?  如果是这样的话,WOWS里面会不会出现这样的情况?  For example, 127/25, 127/38,and 127/54 for American DD line. For BBlines, gun caliber are proportional to the Tier.  当然,美帝的驱逐舰就有127L25,127L38,127L54这样不同的主炮。对于战列舰而言,口径和等级成正比例。
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您好,很高兴为您服 务,
很抱歉,个人建议您重新下载安装客户端,或您到朋友家或附近网吧拷贝一个安装好的客户端到您的电脑中,不过在拷贝之前请先查杀病毒...有备无患~(这是因为您客户端里的某个主要文件**件冲突损坏无法修复所导致的...抱歉 )
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