oUF_ouf diabloo暗黑风格头像

&>&&>&界面插件好评榜 TOP 50 --&
1831794 8448
Quartz是一个强大全面华丽的施法条插件. 基本涵盖所有施法条相关插件,此插件能根据你的网络延迟自动设置施法条的打断点,对于预读法术有很好的辅助作用。能监视自身,目标,焦点的施法条等。插件设置命令:"/quartz"。...
1629935 5854
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Shadowed Unit Frames是由国外著名插件作者Shadowed的新款头像插件。该头像插件简洁强大,能实现各类你所需要的头像功能。插件设置命令:"/shadoweruf"。...
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冷却时间显示插件OmniCC显示法术、技能和物品的冷却时间。已自带距离检测。 ...
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Moveanything界面框体移动插件,能让你移动,缩放和隐藏任何游戏内的窗体。点击ESC菜单里的MoveAnything! 按钮或者直接输入命令"/move"来移动框体。...
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经典头像插件Perl Classic,实现强大的头像各类功能,效果见图,点击小地图图标进行设置。
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rBottomBars暗黑风格血量和动作条插件,支持Diablo I,Diablo2,Diablo3的血量、魔法球风格和动作条显示。...
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SSS超强的游戏优化插件,是老牌插件网站WoWInterface的第一款插件,由著名作者Shirik, Seerah, Shadowed亲自操刀之巨作,据传能提升70%的FPS和降低80%的内存/CPU占用。...
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TipTac是类似TipBuddy、TinyTip鼠标提示信息增强插件,可以显示目标的目标,目标的天赋以及目标身上的BUFF和DEBUFF等信息。/tip 打开主选项菜单 /tip Anchor 打开鼠标跟随方式和定位菜单。...
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美观的玩家、队友以及目标头像增强头像增强插件EUF( Enigma Unit Frames )...
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zTip 炽火鼠标提示插件,插件配置命令: /ztip。不要和整合插件的鼠标提示混合使用,否则NPC的城市阵营会消失,以及各种未知问题。
227691 328
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SMART UNIT FRAME是韩国最著名的头像插件,它的设计非常人性化,你能考虑到的地方它都考虑到了,适合PVP/PVE,DPS和治疗都可以进行自己的设置,自带焦点目标功能,显示目标40个DEBUFF和24个BUFF,BUFF和DEBUFF可以自己选择显示的数量,状态条更是可以使用7种不同的皮肤...
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TidyPlates姓名板美化增强插件,可选的多款姓名板皮肤下载。注:姓名板是你按V后怪物头上出现的血量和施法条。 ...
188683 166
好评:3664 下载:1045051
好评:2586 下载:1067747
好评:254 下载:35600
好评:1120 下载:711025
网易公司版权所有OUF_Diablo for
5.1 设置详解 - NGA玩家社区 - [2390][f200]
:: OUF_Diablo for
5.1 设置详解 ::
OUF_Diablo for
5.1 设置详解
本人在前几天把这东西下下来结果发现不会用,按照论坛里其他人的设试了很久,有点心得故做个总结!这个原下载地址[url]/downloads/info9175-RothUIDiablo.html[/url]----------------------------[b]cx871213大大的原帖[/b]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[url]http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=4427658[/url]-------------------------------里面包含---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. [b]bTooltip[/b] - 工具条提示增強
如果不喜欢这个字体可以关掉)2. [b]Butsu[/b] - loot window replacement 物品拾取窗体替换(没多大用可以关掉)3. [b]ncImprovedMerhant[/b] - sells gray items automatically on vendor visit 自动贩卖灰色物品(我没用关了)4. [b]tullaCC[/b] - cooldown count 冷却时间计数(跟其他插件有冲突,我关了)5. [b]oUF[/b] - unit framework 主体框架(不能关)6. [b]oUF_Diablo[/b] - Diablo flavoured oUF layout 暗黑主题框架设置(不能关)7. [b]rActionBarStyle[/b] - moves the action bars 暗黑主题框架动作条位置设置(不能关)8. [b]rActionButtenStyle[/b] - style the action buttons 暗黑主题框架动作条按钮样式(不能关)9. [b]rBuffFrameStyler[/b] - styles the player auras Buff样式(图标太小了我就关了)10.[b]rChat[/b] - chat mod 聊天栏(有点BUG我就关了)11.[b]rDiabloPlates2[/b] - Diablo flavoured nameplates 暗黑主题铭牌?(不知道啥东西就关了)& &12.[b]rError[/b] - redirect error to combat text 战斗提示红字提示(我不喜欢就关了)13.[b]rFilter3[/b] - buff,debuff and cooldown filter 冷却buff,debuff 过滤?14.[b]rInfoStrings[/b] - some data string 一些数据字符串(因该不能关)15.[b]rLib[/b] - library for rAddons 附加类库(因该不能关)16.[b]rMinimap[/b] - Diablo flavoured minimap 暗黑主题小地图(挺好看的)17.[b]rQuestWatchFrameMover[/b] - makes the questwatchframe dragable 可变查看框架?(不知道怎么用就关了)18.[b]rThreat[/b] - simple threat table 简单的仇恨统计框(喜欢的就开启不喜欢就关)19.[b]teksloot[/b] - loot roll replacement ROLL框体替换(我不喜欢就关了)20.[b]tullaRange[/b] - out of range/out of mana coloring for action buttons 超出距离按键变色(我也不知道这到底干嘛的,关了)21.[b]xanAutomail[/b] - get all the mail at once 一键收信箱(关了吧,用大脚的吧)22.[b]xCT[/b] - combat text enhancement 战斗信息增强(没啥用关了)----------------------------------------这些是包里的插件,除了几个必须的其他的可以不要----------------------------------------------------一些命令/rabs lock 动作条锁定/rabs unlock 动作条解锁/rthreat lock 仇恨栏框体锁定/rthreat unlock 仇恨栏框体解锁/diablo lockart 锁定材质贴图/diablo unlockart 解锁材质贴图 /diablo lockbars 锁定能量条(法力,怒气,集中值,能量值,符文,符文能量 )------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[color=red]Interface\AddOns\oUF_Diablo\config.lua 所有的框体设置[/color]
A Diablo themed unitframe layout for oUF 1.6.x
zork - 2012
--get the addon namespace
local addon, ns = ...
--object container
local cfg = CreateFrame(&Frame&)
ns.cfg = cfg
-- // CONFIG // --
-- orb animation system 球内显示动画样式
--make this value true to enable the animation system
--animations use preset colors, so class and stance coloring is not possible, but you may change the animation based on class in the charspecific.lua
cfg.useAnimationSystem = true --true/false
-- defines the animation used in the orbs, following animations are available
purple fog
yellow fog
turquoise fog
red portal
blue rune portal
purple ghost
water planet
-- 10 swirling cloud
11 white fog
12 red glowing eye
13 sandy swirl
14 green fire
-- 15 purple swirl
16 white tornado
17 blue swirly
18 orange fog
-- 20 red magnet
21 blue portal
22 purple portal
23 dwarf artifact
24 burning blob
-- 25 fire
26 rolling purple
27 magic swirl
28 poison bubbles
29 cthun eye
-- 30 soulshard purple
31 the planet
--health animation
cfg.animhealth = 20 --default 7
--power animation
cfg.animmana = 21 --default 8
--set your class specific settings here, you can even activate automatic class and powertype coloring
--BEWARE enabling class or powertype coloring will disable the selected animation, instead always the pearl animation is used internally
--it is the only animation that can be colored in some kind of fashion
--muliplier: is a setting that will be multiplied with the alpha value of the animation (to make it a bit less attracting)
--decrease alpha on value: by default the alpha of an animation is multiplied with the value (to make it fade once you loose hp or mana) but in some cases you don't want that, so that value can disable that
cfg.animClassOverride = {
= { enable = true, animhealth = 13, animmana = 20,
classcolored = false,
powertypecolored = false,
healthmultiplier = 1,
manamultiplier = 0.3,
healthdecreasealpha = true,
manadecreasealpha = true,
= { enable = true, animhealth = 23, animmana = 18,
classcolored = false,
powertypecolored = false,
healthmultiplier = 1,
manamultiplier = 1,
healthdecreasealpha = true,
manadecreasealpha = true,
= { enable = true, animhealth = 20, animmana = 3,
classcolored = false,
powertypecolored = false,
healthmultiplier = 0.3,
manamultiplier = 1,
healthdecreasealpha = true,
manadecreasealpha = true,
= { enable = true, animhealth = 5,
animmana = 17,
classcolored = false,
powertypecolored = false, healthmultiplier = 1,
manamultiplier = 1,
healthdecreasealpha = true, manadecreasealpha = true,
= { enable = true, animhealth = 20,
animmana = 6,
classcolored = false,
powertypecolored = false,
healthmultiplier = 1,
manamultiplier = 1,
healthdecreasealpha = true,
manadecreasealpha = true,
= { enable = true, animhealth = 3,
animmana = 18,
classcolored = false,
powertypecolored = false,
healthmultiplier = 1,
manamultiplier = 0.4,
healthdecreasealpha = true,
manadecreasealpha = true,
= { enable = true, animhealth = 19, animmana = 11,
classcolored = false,
powertypecolored = false,
healthmultiplier = 1,
manamultiplier = 1,
healthdecreasealpha = true,
manadecreasealpha = true,
= { enable = true, animhealth = 1,
animmana = 17,
classcolored = false,
powertypecolored = false,
healthmultiplier = 1,
manamultiplier = 1,
healthdecreasealpha = true,
manadecreasealpha = true,
= { enable = true, animhealth = 20, animmana = 31,
classcolored = false,
powertypecolored = false,
healthmultiplier = 1,
manamultiplier = 0.5,
healthdecreasealpha = true,
manadecreasealpha = true,
= { enable = true, animhealth = 23, animmana = 20,
classcolored = false,
powertypecolored = false,
healthmultiplier = 1,
manamultiplier = 1,
healthdecreasealpha = true,
manadecreasealpha = true,
= { enable = true, animhealth = 23, animmana = 26,
classcolored = false,
powertypecolored = false,
healthmultiplier = 1,
manamultiplier = 1,
healthdecreasealpha = true,
manadecreasealpha = true,
-- [color=red]从上之下依次是DK XD LR FS WS DZ MS QS SM ZS SS[/color]
-- [color=red]每个属性的具体用法[/color]
-- enable = true
-- animhealth = 26
-- animmana = 9
-- classcolored = false
-- powertypecolored = false
-- healthmultiplier = 1
-- manamultiplier = 1
-- healthdecreasealpha = true
-- manadecreasealpha = true
-- orb color settings [color=red]自定义你的球体颜色,如果要修改以下预设的5种颜色[/color]
-- healthcolor defines what healthcolor will be used
-- 0 = class color, 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = blue, 4 = yellow, 5 = runic
cfg.healthcolor = 1
-- [color=red]默认为0,0是指自动识别职业,并以职业颜色表示你的HP球体,这个功能要配合Animation=true来启用.在这里我手动强行把生命值球体颜色设置为1=red[/color]
-- manacolor defines what manacolor will be used
-- 1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = blue, 4 = yellow, 5 = runic
cfg.manacolor = 1
-- [color=red]同上,我的怒气值球体设置为5=runic(符能),如果你要设置为其他颜色,请看2楼(&runic&可以改写为任意颜色的英文,不影响设置,修改后只为表达更加准确,方便查看而已[/color]
--automatic mana detection on stance/class (only works with glows active)
--this will override the manacolor value (obvious)
cfg.automana = false
-- [color=red]启用法力/能量/符能/集中值/怒气 颜色自动识别系统,我把它关了[/color]
-- orb texture settings [color=red]球体材质,这个是球体,上面的那个是球内,这里是球的表面样式,有15种[/color]
--the texture of the health orb. you can choose between 11 different textures.
--0 = random, 1 = moon, 2 = earth, 3 = mars, 4 = galaxy, 5 = jupiter, 6 = fraktal_circle, 7 = sun, 8 = icecream, 9 = marble, 10 = gradient, 11 = bubbles, 12 = woodpepples, 13 = golf, 14 = dmars, 15 = diablo3
cfg.healthtexture = 8 --default 15
--the texture of the mana orb. you can choose between 11 different textures.
--0 = random, 1 = moon, 2 = earth, 3 = mars, 4 = galaxy, 5 = jupiter, 6 = fraktal_circle, 7 = sun, 8 = icecream, 9 = marble, 10 = gradient, 11 = bubbles, 12 = woodpepples, 13 = golf, 14 = dmars, 15 = diablo3
cfg.manatexture = 15 --default 15
-- [color=red]设置球体材质,上面的是当cfg.useAnimationSystem = false时生效,上面的我没用,我直接改的这里的[/color]
if cfg.useAnimationSystem == true then
--rewrite to a more plain texture (better for animation models)
cfg.healthtexture = 15[color=red]左边血球的表面样式[/color]
cfg.manatexture = 15[color=red]右边篮球(怒气,能量,集中值)的表面样式[/color]
-- 10 变化
-- 11 泡泡
-- 12 木质
-- 13 高尔夫球
-- 14 沼气
-- 15 暗黑
-- colorswitcher define your color for healthbars here [color=red]当前生命值与缺失生命值颜色对比系统,这里没什么可以改的,这里的解释都是搬人家的[/color]
--color is in RGB (red (r), green (g), blue (b), alpha (a)), values are from 0 (dark color) to 1 (bright color). 1,1,1 = white / 0,0,0 = black / 1,0,0 = red etc
cfg.colorswitcher = {
= { r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0.9, },
-- the bright color [color=red]亮色RGB代码A透明度[/color]
= { r = 0.1, g = 0.1, b = 0.1, a = 0.7, },
-- the dark color
-& override the bright color with the unit specific color (class, faction, happiness, threat), if false uses the predefined color
-- [color=red]亮/暗色显示当前生命值/缺失生命 的 切换系统[/color]
useBrightForeground = true,
-& use bright color in foreground and dark color in background[color=red]用亮色表示当前生命值,用暗色表示缺失生命值[/color]
-& use dark color in foreground and bright color in background[color=red]用暗色表示当前生命值,用亮色表示缺失生命值[/color]
-- true/false -& enable threat coloring of the health plate for raidframes[color=red]团队框架血条低血量颜色[/color]
--frames have a new highlight that fades on hp loss, if that is still not enough you can adjust a multiplier here
cfg.highlightMultiplier = 0 --range 0-1
-- frame movement [color=red]是否允许移动框体[/color]
--setting this to false will use the default frame positions, true allows moving
cfg.framesUserplaced = true -- [color=red]false使用默认框体位置,true使用用户定义框体位置[/color]
--setting this to true will lock the frames in place, false unlocks them
cfg.framesLocked = true
-- [color=red]是否锁定框体不能拖动[/color]
--units [color=red]框体的大小位置设置[/color]
-- show 是否显示
-- scale 缩放率
-- pos 定位 以8个方位为顶点(x0,yO)和X Y 的偏移量
-- color 颜色
-- portrait 头像[/color]
cfg.units = {
-- [color=red]PLAYER 玩家配置(自己)包括2个球,之间的动作条,两边的恶魔天使等等[/color]
player = {
show = true,
width = 130,[color=red]球体的宽[/color]
height = 130,[color=red]球体的高,这2数字最好一样,不然就变形了[/color]
scale = 1.2,
frequentUpdates = false,
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = -260, y = -9 },[color=red]我没改[/color]
icons = {[color=red]左边球左上角显示[/color]
pvp = { -- 显示阵营
show = true,
pos = { a1 = &CENTER&, a2 = &CENTER&, x = -95, y = 42 }, --position in relation to self object
combat = { -- 进战斗,的X图标
show = true,
pos = { a1 = &CENTER&, a2 = &CENTER&, x = 0, y = 86 }, --position in relation to self object
resting = { -- 城镇中ZZZ图标
show = true,
pos = { a1 = &CENTER&, a2 = &CENTER&, x = -72, y = 60 }, --position in relation to self object
-- [color=red]玩家的施法条[/color]
castbar = {
show = true,
latency = true,
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar256_2&,
scale = 1/0.82, --divide 1 by current unit scale if you want to prevent scaling of the castbar based on unit scale
bar = { r = 1, g = 0.7, b = 0, a = 1, },
bg = { r = 0.1, g = 0.1, b = 0.1, a = 0.7, },
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = 135 },
demonicfury = { --class bar WARLOCK / DEMONOLOGY [color=red]恶魔术士能量条[/color]
show = true,
scale = 0.7,
bar = { r = 114/255, g = 192/255, b = 48/255, },
= { r = 50/255, g = 40/255, b = 40/255, },
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = 400 },
= { --fade the bar in/out in combat/out of combat
= {time = 0.4, alpha = 1},
= {time = 0.3, alpha = 0.2},
soulshards = { --class bar WARLOCK / AFFLICTION [color=red]恐惧术士能量条[/color]
show = true,
scale = 0.40,
color = {r = 200/255, g = 0/255, b = 255/255, },
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = 650 },
= { --fade the bar in/out in combat/out of combat
= {time = 0.4, alpha = 1},
= {time = 0.3, alpha = 0.2},
burningembers = { --class bar WARLOCK / DESTRUCTION [color=red]毁灭术士能量条[/color]
show = true,
scale = 0.40,
color = {r = 255/255, g = 133/255, b = 0/255, },
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = 650 },
= { --fade the bar in/out in combat/out of combat
= {time = 0.4, alpha = 1},
= {time = 0.3, alpha = 0.2},
holypower = { --class bar PALADIN [color=red]骑士能量条[/color]
show = true,
scale = 0.40,
color = {r = 200/255, g = 135/255, b = 190/255, },
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = 650 },
= { --fade the bar in/out in combat/out of combat
= {time = 0.4, alpha = 1},
= {time = 0.3, alpha = 0.2},
shadoworbs = { --class bar SHADOW PRIEST [color=red]暗影牧师能量条[/color]
show = true,
scale = 0.40,
color = {r = 80/255, g = 20/255, b = 130/255, },
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = 650 },
= { --fade the bar in/out in combat/out of combat
= {time = 0.4, alpha = 1},
= {time = 0.3, alpha = 0.2},
harmony = { --class bar MONK [color=red]武僧能量条[/color]
show = true,
scale = 0.40,
color = {r = 41/255, g = 209/255, b = 157/255, },
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = 650 },
= { --fade the bar in/out in combat/out of combat
= {time = 0.4, alpha = 1},
= {time = 0.3, alpha = 0.2},
eclipse = { --class bar DRUID [color=red]德鲁伊能量条[/color]
show = true,
scale = 0.7,
solar = { r = 255/255, g = 200/255, b = 0/255, },
lunar = { r = 0/255, g = 255/255, b = 255/255, },
= { r = 50/255, g = 40/255, b = 40/255, },
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 140, y = 185 },
= { --fade the bar in/out in combat/out of combat
= {time = 0.4, alpha = 1},
= {time = 0.3, alpha = 0.2},
runes = { --class bar DK [color=red]死骑能量条[/color]
show = true,
scale = 0.40,
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = 325 },
= { --fade the bar in/out in combat/out of combat
= {time = 0.4, alpha = 1},
= {time = 0.3, alpha = 0.2},
altpower = { -- 不知道什么
show = true,
scale = 0.5,
color = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 1, },
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar&,
pos = { a1 = &CENTER&, a2 = &CENTER&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = 0 },
vengeance = { -- 不知道什么
show = false,
scale = 0.7,
color = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, },
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar5&,
pos = { a1 = &CENTER&, a2 = &CENTER&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = 0 },
expbar = { -- [color=red]经验条,在动作条最下面[/color]
show = true,
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = 10 },
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar&,
scale = 1,
color = {r = 0.8, g = 0, b = 0.8, },
rested = {
color = {r = 1, g = 0.7, b = 0, },
repbar = { -- [color=red]声望条跟经验条一样[/color]
show = true,
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = 10 },
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar&,
scale = 1,
art = {[color=red]动作条[/color]
actionbarbackground = {-- 动作条背景
show = true,
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 1, y = 0 },
scale = 1,
style = 4, --0 = automatic bar detection, 1 = 12 button texture fixed, 2 = 24 button texture fixed, 3 = 36 button texture fixed
--0自动分辨 2默认显示2行 3多加一行
angel = { -- [color=red]右边天使[/color]
show = true,
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 255, y = 0 },
scale = 1,
demon = { -- [color=red]左边恶魔[/color]
show = true,
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = -255, y = 0 },
scale = 1,
bottomline = { -- [color=red]底边[/color]
show = true,
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = -5 },
scale = 1,
portrait = { -- [color=red]自己的头像,最好别启用,因为根本没地方放了[/color]
pos = { a1 = &CENTER&, a2 = &CENTER&, af = &UIParent&, x = -100, y = 0 },
size = 150,
show = false,
use3D = true,
-- TARGET [color=red]目标[/color]
target = {
show = true,
scale = 1.2,
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = 200 },
health = {
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar256_3&,
tag = &[diablo:hpval]&,
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar&,
tag = &&, --more tags see oUF/elements/tags.lua | example: &[curpp] / [perpp]%& or &[diablo:ppval]&
auras = { -- [color=red]目标的buff debuff[/color]
show = true,
size = 20,
onlyShowPlayerBuffs = false,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = true,
showDebuffType = true,
desaturateDebuffs = true,
buffs = { [color=red]BUFF[/color]
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOMLEFT&, a2 = &TOPRIGHT&, x = 0, y = -30 },
initialAnchor = &BOTTOMLEFT&,
growthx = &RIGHT&,
growthy = &UP&,
debuffs = { [color=red]DEBUFF[/color]
pos = { a1 = &TOPLEFT&, a2 = &BOTTOMRIGHT&, x = 0, y = 30 },
initialAnchor = &TOPLEFT&,
growthx = &RIGHT&,
growthy = &DOWN&,
castbar = { -- [color=red]目标施法条[/color]
show = true,
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar256_2&,
scale = 1/1.4, --divide 1 by current unit scale if you want to prevent scaling of the castbar based on unit scale
bar = { r = 1, g = 0.7, b = 0, a = 1, },
bg = { r = 0.1, g = 0.1, b = 0.1, a = 0.7, },
shieldbar = { r = 0.5, g = 0.5, b = 0.5, a = 1, }, --the castbar color while target casting a shielded spell
shieldbg = { r = 0.1, g = 0.1, b = 0.1, a = 0.7, },
--the castbar background color while target casting a shielded spell
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = 350 },
combobar = { -- [color=red]连击点,像糖葫芦[/color]
show = true,
scale = 0.35,
color = {r = 0.9, g = 0.59, b = 0, },
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = 565 },
portrait = { -- [color=red]目标头像,也别启动[/color]
pos = { a1 = &CENTER&, a2 = &CENTER&, af = &UIParent&, x = 100, y = 0 },
size = 150,
show = false,
use3D = true,
healprediction = { -- 不知道干嘛的
show = false,
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar&,
= {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1 },
= {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 0.7 },
maxoverflow = 1.05,
--TARGETTARGET -- [color=red]目标的目标,默认是在目标的左边[/color]
targettarget = {
show = true,
scale = 1,
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = -195, y = 250 },
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
health = {
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar128_3&,
tag = &[diablo:misshp]&,
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar5&,
healprediction = {
show = false,
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar&,
= {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1 },
= {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 0.7 },
maxoverflow = 1.00,
show = true,
scale = 0.85,
pos = { a1 = &LEFT&, a2 = &LEFT&, af = &UIParent&, x = 10, y = -140 },
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
health = {
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar128_3&,
tag = &[diablo:misshp]&,
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar5&,
altpower = {
show = true,
scale = 0.5,
color = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 1, },
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar&,
pos = { a1 = &CENTER&, a2 = &CENTER&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = 0 },
portrait = {
show = true,
use3D = true,
--FOCUS -- [color=red]焦点[/color]
show = true,
scale = 0.85,
pos = { a1 = &LEFT&, a2 = &LEFT&, af = &UIParent&, x = 10, y = 40 },
aurawatch = {
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
showBuffs = true,
onlyShowPlayerBuffs = false,
showBuffType = false,
health = {
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar128_3&,
tag = &[diablo:misshp]&,
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar5&,
portrait = {
show = true,
use3D = true,
castbar = {[color=red]焦点的施法条[/color]
show = true,
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar256_2&,
scale = 1/0.85, --divide 1 by current unit scale if you want to prevent scaling of the castbar based on unit scale
bar = { r = 1, g = 0.7, b = 0, a = 1, },
bg = { r = 0.1, g = 0.1, b = 0.1, a = 0.7, },
pos = { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = 0, y = 420 },
healprediction = {
show = false,
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar&,
= {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1 },
= {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 0.7 },
maxoverflow = 1.05,
pettarget = {
show = false,
scale = 0.85,
pos = { a1 = &LEFT&, a2 = &LEFT&, af = &UIParent&, x = 140, y = -140 },
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
health = {
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar128_3&,
tag = &[diablo:misshp]&,
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar5&,
portrait = {
show = true,
use3D = true,
focustarget = {
show = false,
scale = 0.85,
pos = { a1 = &LEFT&, a2 = &LEFT&, af = &UIParent&, x = 140, y = 40 },
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
health = {
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar128_3&,
tag = &[diablo:misshp]&,
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar5&,
portrait = {
show = true,
use3D = true,
--PARTY -- [color=red]小队[/color]
show = false,
notinrange = 0.5,
scale = 0.82,
pos = { a1 = &TOPLEFT&, a2 = &TOPLEFT&, af = &UIParent&, x = 5, y = -77 },
aurawatch = {
show = true,
size = 22,
onlyShowPlayerDebuffs = false,
showDebuffType = false,
health = {
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar128_3&,
tag = &[diablo:misshp]&,
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar5&,
portrait = {
show = true,
use3D = true,
attributes = {[color=red]这里肯定有什么用,我还没试出来[/color]
= &custom [group:party,nogroup:raid]hide&,
--show this header in party
--make this true to show player in party
--make this true to show while solo (only works if solo is in visiblity aswell
--make this true to show headerin party
--show in raid
healprediction = {
show = false,
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar&,
= {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1 },
= {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 0.7 },
maxoverflow = 1.05,
--RAID -- [color=red]团队,好看是好看,但是就是太占位置了,我就关了[/color]
show = false,
special = {
chains = true, --should the raidframe include the chain textures?
notinrange = 0.4,
scale = 0.95,
pos = { a1 = &RIGHT&, a2 = &RIGHT&, af = &UIParent&, x = -600, y = 150 },
health = {
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar128_3&,
tag = &[diablo:misshp]&,
--tag for the second line
aurawatch = {
--put every single spellid here that you want to be tracked, be it buff or debuff doesn't matter
--maximum number of icons displayed at a time = 1
--this is for important boss mechanics only, this is not for tracking healing HOTs etc
whitelist = {
--6673,--test1, battle shout
92980, --ice bomb
77786, --red phase consuming flames
89084 , --skull icon chimaeron &10k life
disableCooldown = true,
pos = { a1 = &CENTER&, x = 0, y = -9},
attributes = {
= &custom [@raid11,exists][group:raid] hide&, --use &party,raid& to show this in party aswell
= &custom [@raid26,exists] [@raid11,exists] hide&, --special display for raid & 20 players (lower scale)
= &custom [@raid26,exists] hide&, --special display for raid & 30 players (lower scale)
--make this true to show player in party
--make this true to show while solo (only works if solo is in visiblity aswell
--make this true to show raid in party
--show in raid
healprediction = {
show = false,
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar&,
= {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1 },
= {r = 0, g = 1, b = 0, a = 0.7 },
maxoverflow = 1.05,
--BOSSFRAMES - BOSS模块不知道干嘛的 用在小地图上的
show = true,
scale = 1,
pos = { a1 = &TOP&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &Minimap&, x = 0, y = -80 },
health = {
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar128_3&,
tag = &[perhp]%&,
texture = &Interface\\AddOns\\oUF_Diablo\\media\\statusbar5&,
tag = &[diablo:bosspp]&,
-- player specific data
--player stuff
local playername, _
= UnitName(&player&)
local _, playerclass
= UnitClass(&player&)
local playercolor
= RAID_CLASS_COLORS[playerclass]
= playername
= playerclass
= playercolor
-- other [color=red]这里的设置对应的球内样式的详细设置[/color]
--galaxy color stuff [color=red]对应上面的manacolor/healthcolor defines what healthcolor will be used[/color]
cfg.galaxytab = {
[0] = {r = playercolor.r, g = playercolor.g, b = playercolor.b, }, -- class color
[1] = {r = 0.9, g = 0.3, b = 0.1, }, -- red
[2] = {r = 0.25, g = 0.9, b = 0.25, }, -- green
[3] = {r = 0, g = 0.35,
b = 0.9, }, -- blue
[4] = {r = 0.9, g = 0.8, b = 0.35, }, -- yellow
[5] = {r = 0.35, g = 0.9,
b = 0.9, }, -- runic
--orb animation table [color=red]这里很重要,当你修改了player的缩放的时候,你就发现球内的样式有些就会挤出球体,就要靠这里了[/color]
cfg.animtab = {
[0] = {displayid = 17010, r = 255/255, g = 0/255, b = 0/255, camdistancescale = 1.1, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.6, rotation = 0, },
-- red fog
[1] = {displayid = 17054, r = 1, g = 0.4, b = 1, camdistancescale = 1.1, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.6, rotation = 0, },
-- purple fog
[2] = {displayid = 17055, r = 0/255, g = 150/255, b = 0/255, camdistancescale = 1.1, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.6, rotation = 0, },
-- green fog
[3] = {displayid = 17286, r = 1, g = 0.9, b = 0, camdistancescale = 1.1, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.6, rotation = 0, },
-- yellow fog
[4] = {displayid = 18075, r = 0, g = 0.8, b = 1, camdistancescale = 1.1, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.6, rotation = 0, },
-- turquoise fog
[5] = {displayid = 23422, r = 0.4, g = 0, b = 0, camdistancescale = 2.8, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0.1, rotation = 0, },
-- red portal
[6] = {displayid = 27393, r = 0, g = 0.4, b = 1, camdistancescale = 3, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0.6, rotation = 0, },
-- blue rune portal
[7] = {displayid = 20894, r = 0.6, g = 0, b = 0, camdistancescale = 6, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.3, y = 0.4, rotation = 0, },
-- red ghost
[8] = {displayid = 15438, r = 0, g = 0.3, b = 0.6, camdistancescale = 6, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.3, y = 0.4, rotation = 0, },
-- purple ghost
[9] = {displayid = 20782, r = 0, g = 0.7, b = 1, camdistancescale = 1.2, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.22, y = 0.18, rotation = 0, },
-- water planet
[10] = {displayid = 23310, r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, camdistancescale = 3.5, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 3, rotation = 0, },
-- swirling cloud
[11] = {displayid = 23343, r = 0.8, g = 0.8, b = 0.8, camdistancescale = 1.6, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.2, y = 0, rotation = 0, },
-- white fog
[12] = {displayid = 24813, r = 0.4, g = 0, b = 0, camdistancescale = 2.4, portraitzoom = 1.1, x = 0, y = -0.3, rotation = 0, },
-- red glowing eye
[13] = {displayid = 25392, r = 0.4, g = 0.6, b = 0, camdistancescale = 2.6, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.5, rotation = 0, },
-- sandy swirl
[14] = {displayid = 27625, r = 0.4, g = 0.6, b = 0, camdistancescale = 0.8, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0, rotation = 0, },
-- green fire
[15] = {displayid = 28460, r = 0.5, g = 0, b = 1, camdistancescale = 0.56, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.4, y = 0, rotation = 0, },
-- purple swirl
[16] = {displayid = 29286, r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, camdistancescale = 0.6, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.6, y = -0.2, rotation = 0, },
-- white tornado
[17] = {displayid = 29561, r = 0, g = 0.6, b = 1, camdistancescale = 2.5, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0, rotation = -3.9, },
-- blue swirly
[18] = {displayid = 30660, r = 1, g = 0.5, b = 0, camdistancescale = 0.12, portraitzoom = 1, x = -0.04, y = -0.08, rotation = 0, }, -- orange fog
[19] = {displayid = 32368, r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, camdistancescale = 1.15, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0.4, rotation = 0, },
[20] = {displayid = 33853, r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, camdistancescale = 1.2, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = -0.05, rotation = 0, },
-- red magnet
[21] = {displayid = 34319, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0.4, camdistancescale = 1.55, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0.8, rotation = 0, },
-- blue portal
[22] = {displayid = 34645, r = 0.3, g = 0, b = 0.3, camdistancescale = 1.7, portraitzoom = 1, x = 0, y = 0.8, rotation = 0, },
-- purple portal
[23] = {displayid = 38699, r = 253/255, g = 58/255, b = 12/255, camdistancescale = 0.43, portraitzoom = 0, x = 0, y = 0, rotation = 0, },
-- dwarf floarting artifact (red glow)
[24] = {displayid = 38548, r = 253/255, g = 58/255, b = 12/255, camdistancescale = 0.8, portraitzoom = 0, x = -0.1, y = -0.1, rotation = 0, },
-- burning blob from hell
[25] = {displayid = 38327, r = 253/255, g = 58/255, b = 12/255, camdistancescale = 3.35, portraitzoom = 0, x = -0.3, y = -7, rotation = -9.4, },
[26] = {displayid = 39108, r = 106/255, g = 48/255, b = 158/255, camdistancescale = 0.8, portraitzoom = 0, x = 0, y = 0, rotation = 0, },
-- top down rotation purple (warlock color)
[27] = {displayid = 39581, r = 76/255, g = 141/255, b = 195/255, camdistancescale = 3.5, portraitzoom = 0, x = 0, y = 2, rotation = 0, },
-- magic swirl
[28] = {displayid = 37939, r = 86/255, g = 129/255, b = 49/255, camdistancescale = 1, portraitzoom = 0, x = 0, y = 2, rotation = 0, },
-- poison bubbles
[29] = {displayid = 37867, r = 93/255, g = 52/255,
b = 92/255, camdistancescale = 0.75, portraitzoom = 0, x = 0, y = 0.8, rotation = 0, },
-- cthun eye
[30] = {displayid = 45414, r = 0.85, g = 0.28,
b = 1, camdistancescale = 0.25, portraitzoom = 0, x = 0, y = -0.22, rotation = 0, },
-- soulshard purple portal
[31] = {displayid = 44652, r = 0.7, g = 1,
b = 0.85, camdistancescale = 0.98, portraitzoom = 0, x = 0.02, y = 0, rotation = 0, },
-- the planet
} [color=red]displayid标识(不能动)--颜色(r红色g黄色b蓝色)camdistancescale缩放度,当样式挤出来的时候就改这里,一点一点的试。portraitzoom这东西没搞懂用处。圆心偏移量x左右y上下。rotation用处不知道[/color]
cfg.powercolors = PowerBarColor
cfg.powercolors[&MANA&] = { r = 0, g = 0.4, b = 1 }
cfg.backdrop = {
bgFile = &Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background&,
edgeFile = &Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border&,
tile = false,
tileSize = 0,
edgeSize = 5,
insets = {
right = 5,
bottom = 5,
[color=red]Interface\AddOns\rActionBarStyler\config.lua动作条的样式[/color]BAR 1-5对应的下左下右下右1右2
5个动作条,当你改了player的缩放就要到这里改这里的123的缩放,不然你就知道为啥了PETBAR 宠物动作条STANCE- + POSSESSBAR 战士姿态,小德变形,盗贼潜行,死骑脸的小按钮动作条MICROMENU 系统功能选项 就是有工会 战场 副本那些按钮的工具条BAGS背包这些只用的到改scale缩放pos定位就行了这一段有些有有些没有,喜欢的可以自己加----------------------鼠标移动到这里显示,离开隐藏--------------------------
= {time = 0.4, alpha = 1},移动鼠标到这里显示前等待时间0.4秒,透明度1为不透明就是显示
= {time = 0.3, alpha = 0},移动鼠标离开这里显示后等待时间0.3秒,透明度0为透明就是隐藏
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by carlows ( 00:13):[/b]不知道是不是BUG,我的心得是当你登陆游戏后,用记事本打开配置修改保存,在游戏里输入/RL重载后你会发现没效果,这时候,如果你把你改的地方的enable改为false在重载,在改回true再重载就会发现有变化了,这真心是BUG吧,而且有时候你一次改几个地方的话好像这个方法都没用,而且你登陆其他账号的时候好像又还原了,但是关了游戏在开又好了,或者用enable改为false/true有时也有用。[/quote]RL完以后再/reset一下即可 非BUG。
ROTHUI太烦了 改用rbbs_ROTHUI了 反正我只要那两个球.....
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by linxuanxiao ( 18:47):[/b]我是猎人,每次宝宝死了之后动作条就消失了,请问怎么设置能显示宝宝在死了之后尸体还在的情况下保持宝宝的动作条。还有个问题,我把小地图放大了,这样我就看不到右边的新邮件图标和小地图下面的表示地点以及延迟帧数之类的文字。求教怎么设置!!!!!!!!!!!!!!新邮件的图标我改了坐标之后好像不管用。。。楼主求教。谢谢[/quote]宝宝这个我估计帮不了你小地图的
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by carlows ( 00:13):[/b]不知道是不是BUG,我的心得是当你登陆游戏后,用记事本打开配置修改保存,在游戏里输入/RL重载后你会发现没效果,这时候,如果你把你改的地方的enable改为false在重载,在改回true再重载就会发现有变化了,这真心是BUG吧,而且有时候你一次改几个地方的话好像这个方法都没用,而且你登陆其他账号的时候好像又还原了,但是关了游戏在开又好了,或者用enable改为false/true有时也有用。[/quote]这不是bug,作者前面说得很清楚,有个锁定设置开关,如果改为false那么只改LUA文件,如果为true那么你可以可以命令解锁,然后拖动他.界面UI的coufig.lua里,动作条的锁定在每个动作条的条件里面.userplaced就是是否使用拖动块.
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by carlows ( 21:05):[/b]宝宝这个我估计帮不了你小地图的
rFilter3 不是过滤,是一个方便的自定义buff和debuff监视插件.自己和目标都可以.
[quote][pid=]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by 庶 ( 17:38):[/b]找到petbar在条件中把nodead删除,这样就不会隐藏了.[/quote] --PETBAR
petbar = {
= true, --enable module
= true, --true/false
= 2, --frame padding
= { a1 = &BOTTOM&, a2 = &BOTTOM&, af = &UIParent&, x = -1, y = 180 },
= {time = 0.4, alpha = 1},
= {time = 0.3, alpha = 0.4},
= { --fade the bar in/out in combat/out of combat
= {time = 0.4, alpha = 1},
= {time = 0.3, alpha = 0.2},
[size=120%][b][color=purple]嗯,之前是看了我CTM时候发的4.1设置详解吧很久没看邮箱发现有很多朋友@我关于ouf_Diablo问题,我现在也是用的wowinterface上该插件原作者的整合包本来刚想过来请版主帮我解锁,然后把wowinterface的下载地址添加上去,就看到你发的这个帖子了补充几点7. rActionBarStyle - moves the action bars 暗黑主题框架动作条位置设置8. rActionButtenStyle - style the action buttons 暗黑主题框架动作条按钮样式这两个插件是和ouf_Diablo主框体互有沟通的,如果你使用这两个动作条插件,ouf_Diablo的动作条面板将会自动增加为&3&行动作条背景槽,不用手动改config但是这两个插件非常不方便设置按键数量/改变形态/改变可见性/无图形化设置界面,所以建议还是使用BT4[/color][color=red]请注意:在使用BT4时请不要删除这两个插件并且保持它们加载[/color][color=purple]11.rDiabloPlates2 - Diablo flavoured nameplates 暗黑主题铭牌这个是暗黑主题姓名板(V键血条),不是很好用,还是建议使用Tidyplates[/color][color=red]请注意:使用Tidyplates的话,最好删掉这个插件,至少要保证它为卸载状态[/color][color=purple]17.rQuestWatchFrameMover - makes the questwatchframe dragable 可变查看框架?这个是任务及成就追踪窗口可移动化插件20.tullaRange - out of range/out of mana coloring for action buttons 超出距离按键变色默认的动作条中,当目标超出可施法范围时,仅仅是该动作条按钮的快捷键字母标红,所以不明显这个插件将会把整个动作条按钮标红[@Diablo_Hu][@guo2easy]请将我之前的帖子[url]http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=4427658[/url]顶楼添加上1.该贴地址[url]http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=5834407&_ff=200[/url]2.该插件作者自己的整合包下载地址[url]/downloads/info9175-RothUIDiablo.html[/url]因为信箱一大堆人问而我又真的没再去更新了....方便大家吧[/b][/color][/size]


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