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H1Z1为什么会被封号,封号常见问题解答,被封号怎么办已经由未来小编为大家整理好了,在下面会详细为大家介绍,接下来就一起来看看吧,希望大家喜欢。《H1Z1》是一款僵尸生存为主题的游戏,近日官方对于使用外挂的用户全部封禁,封号后如何申诉?下面为大家带来玩家“受伤的小黑”总结分享的封号常见问题介绍,一起来看看吧。无论你的账号目前是否“安全”,相信大家都已经深刻感受到了这次官方对于外挂以及辅助的态度和力度,相信这次事件后对于游戏的环境一定会起到积极的作用,各位外挂以及辅助的用户都会有所敬畏。首先:对于所有使用外挂和辅助的人一旦被查实 用官方的说服是 No Second Chance,也就是说0容忍其次:是不是所有被这次事件影响到的人都是外挂和辅助的使用者?对此我觉得你可以相信,你也可以不相信,无论你相信什么,请管好自己的嘴,我想假若你是一个绿色玩家,我觉得您一定是一个非常自律的人,这种人不仅仅可以自律自己的游戏方式,更能管住自己的嘴对于此次事件有几个地方请各位注意1、没有看到官方的文档有提到封禁是针对机器码,请不要以讹传讹,与机器码有木有关系我正在联系官方确认;2、账号被封后重新注册是没有用的,官方绑定了你steam中第一次登陆的账号信息;3、如果对自己账号百分之百认定是误伤的,唯一的办法是申诉(具体办法后面会提到);4、目前这个阶段官方处理数据量也非常大,他们会按旧到新的顺序处理提交的申诉;5、官方从来没有说过收到邮件是永久封禁,没有收到是临时的;6、VPN到底会不会连带 官方没有说法以上6点 如你看到出自官方 请告知,如果均是网友发帖和传言 请参考本文申诉办法挂vpn 到,重新注册账号登陆 点击顶部右侧的support然后选择中间的 open a support ticket 按要求填写即可,尽可能写清楚有可能造成误封地原因,如果你的英语不好,可以加群,我在时间允许的情况下帮你们写填写后 在右侧的service history里面就可以看到申诉信息了,回复过程必然是漫长的您现在的位置:&
访问量:94发布日期:15年05月22日 14时35分
近日遭遇外挂困扰的丧尸末日生存游戏《H1Z1》对外挂使用账号进行了大规模封号行动,大约2.5万个账号被禁封。但是对于很多玩家来说,账号被封是很麻烦的事情,首先自己不能再继续之前的游戏,对于自己玩了那么久的账号被封了肯定也不舍得,所以开发商Daybreak Game 也收到了很多玩家的来信,表示道歉认错并请求恢复账号。为提供最全面的,游戏CDK,。
Daybreak Game 回复这些玩家称:&恢复账号可以,不过你得在 Youtube 上认错。&也就是说,那些被封禁的玩家必须在 Youtube上发布视频亲自道歉才可以。要给那些被外挂使用者破坏了游戏乐趣的玩家道歉。所以只要你又发视频公开道歉的勇气,就可以去解封游戏账号。为提供最全面的,游戏CDK,,
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Title: H1Z1
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: 15 Jan, 2015
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
H1Z1 is currently being developed for Early Access Alpha release on Steam.
With a fully transparent approach to game design and development here at Daybreak Games, we want to transform the way our players interact and participate with our games. H1Z1 Early Access will be your chance to experience and make a difference in H1Z1 as it evolves throughout the development process.
The H1Z1 development team will continue to create new features and may make significant changes based on the needs of the game. Once released for Early Access Alpha, those who choose to purchase should anticipate an evolving feature set, bugs, incomplete content, missing features, and potentially game breaking issues.
Early Access is designed for those wishing to support the ongoing development of H1Z1 and be a part of shaping its future and allows us to develop H1Z1 side-by-side with our players.&
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
&We want to ensure that our players have the best experience possible at launch, so we want to take our time during Early Access to incorporate player feedback, work out any bugs, and adjust and expand features. We anticipate a full release later this year.&
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
&H1Z1 will continue to grow and evolve throughout development, and features will be refined and adjusted based on player feedback. Players can look forward to exciting content, such as: military gear, expanded selection of vehicles and weapons, female player characters, player ruleset servers, and much more.&
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
&At Early Access launch players can expect to see initial iterations of crafting, base building, combat, vehicles, circle-of-death, day / night cycle, weather, player vitals, hunting & forging, and, of course, Zombies, in the game. Players should anticipate an evolving feature set, bugs, incomplete content, missing features, and potentially game breaking issues. The H1Z1 development team will continue to create new features and may make significant changes based on the needs of the game and feedback from the players.&
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
&Initially available as a Steam Early Access title with optional in-game RMT marketplace purchases, H1Z1 will later launch as a Free to Play. Your Way(TM) title with optional in-game RMT marketplace purchases.&
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
&We believe that player feedback should play a major role in the development of our games and invite players to join the open forum on Reddit () to promote discussion and foster the relationship between our players and the development team. Additionally, our development plans will be made available on
where players can see our future feature and system plans, discuss, vote, and provide feedback directly to our development team.&
$19.99 USD
"H1Z1 is really fun with fellow friends during your PvE sandbox adventures. It is also entertaining playing their Battle Royale mode. TRUST NO ONE. "
Recent updates
You will see the Test Server update shortly with a big patch and bunch of changes.
Client Version, Steam Content BuildID 804467
This is a bit of a catch-all patch, in addition to the new features to you might want to validate your Steam Game Cache files in your Steam Library (if you haven't done it for a while). There are bound to be problems with some of the new features and buildings, so please chime in with anything that's .. unexpected.
New Stuff/Key Changes
The Hospital
A new Female Zombie model (we are aware the spawns are busted until our next update on the Test Server)
The Item Exchange
The ATV first pass tuning - You have been warned - have fun - You will probably die - often
Ghillie Suits will appear in airdrops that have hunting rifles in them
Armor now works by blocking a portion of damage that would have been done. This absorbed damage is applied directly to the durability of the item. When the durability becomes 0 the item will break and be removed visually and from the equip slot.
Motorcycle helmets offer protection for the head and face. They will block about 50% of gunfire damage to the head or face. They will break after a shot or two.
Tactical helmets offer protection for the head only. They will block about 95% of gunfire damage done to the head. They will break after a shot or two.
Chest armor offers protection to the torso. They will block about 95% of gunfire damage done to the torso. More shots to break the armor is required the better the chest armor is. From worst to best is Wood, Plated, and Kevlar.
Hunting rifles are now in more of the Battle Royale airdrop crates.
Adjusted basic movement code for zombies for better movement and avoidance of each other
Shotguns have been tuned to be better used as a close range weapon. The cone of fire for pellet shots has been slightly reduced. Shots do not travel as far as they used to, and will do no damage after about 15-20 meters.
Some of the NPC movement enhancements:
NPCs attack while moving
Eliminated several “stuck states”, which would cause NPCs to become non-responsive.
Perpetually stuck NPCs trigger their own deaths after 1-2 minutes (we expect some videos).
Improved ground detection for the procedural spawner system.
Deer / Zombies on rooftops should be more rare.
Fixed empty foundation despawning to take expansions and socketed stairs into account.
Reworked several shooting, running, and reloading animations.
Adjusted melee to prevent character &lifting& when crouched
Adjusted in one-handed actions for smoother transitions
Updated the blended skeletons and animations for smoother transitions.
Adjusted sound markup for better sync with actions.
User Interface
Icons in descriptions are larger and easier to see (and should have better contrast)
Impact FX will better match the material types of objects hit.
Added a water-splash effect for characters when standing still in water.
Other bits
Fixed the 3rd person camera arm so it’s not blocked by arrows or spears
Shred timers are adjusted (insta-shred should be fixed for all)
Enabled door damage for guessing wrong password on PvE servers.
EDIT: 11:40: We have seen reports and are looking at issues with:
ATV's despawning
Collision problems in general (in the hospital, new areas, etc)
G10 errors after creating characters
Item spawns are not complete or turned up - there will be an update later with better item spawns
30 September
I want to start by saying thank you to everyone who supported the H1Z1 Invitational. It was a fantastic event and we couldn’t be happier with the response we have received. Now that we have that under our belt it’s time to get back to Survival.
We have a lot of awesome stuff coming up this month. On Friday 10/2 at 11AM Pacific, you will be able to tune into a Work in Progress stream with developer, Devin Lefontaine as he works on the new map. We will also be having a livestream next Thursday 10/8 to show off a slew of new content including:
The Kurama Medical Facility
New Female Zombie
The new ATV
A new crate with unique items
Adjustments to weapons and body armor
Our next patch will of course come with more polish and bug fixes. We are hoping to get these new features onto the Test Server so you can play around with them and help us stress test before going to Live.
This is just the beginning to more improvements coming to H1Z1. We will be giving base building an overhaul and the grouping/guild systems an update as well. We also have a fun in-game Halloween event planned for later this month. Coming off of the success of the Invitational, it’s now time to double down on Survival!
Report bugs and leave feedback for this game on the discussion boards
About This Game
H1Z1 is currently in Early Access on Steam.
With a fully transparent approach to game design and development here at Daybreak Games, we want to transform the way our players interact and participate with our games. H1Z1 Early Access is your chance to experience and make a difference in H1Z1 as it evolves throughout the development process.
The H1Z1 development team will continue to create new features and may make significant changes based on the needs of the game. Those who choose to purchase Early Access should anticipate an evolving feature set, bugs, incomplete content, missing features, and potentially game breaking issues.
Early Access is designed for those wishing to support the ongoing development of H1Z1 and be a part of shaping its future.
Enter a world that has been overrun by zombies and fellow survivors since the H1Z1 virus outbreak.
Fight for your life against the infected and against the brutality of others as you attempt to live and see another day. Every moment is borrowed time with one question to answer… Will You Survive?
Visit the H1Z1
for more info!
This Standard Edition Bundle grants you:
Early Access to H1Z1
3 Event Tickets
1 Marauder Crate Key
1 Vigilante Crate Key
System Requirements
OS: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64 bit only)
Processor: Intel i3 Dual-Core with Hyper-Threading (required)
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: nVidia GeForce GTX 275 series or higher
DirectX: Version 10
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 20 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
OS: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64 bit only)
Processor: Intel i5 Quad Core or higher / AMD Phenom II X6 or higher
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: nVidia GeForce GTX 560 series or higher / AMD HD 6870 or higher
DirectX: Version 10
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 20 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX compatible Sound Card
(C) 2015 Daybreak Game Company, LLC .
Daybreak Game Company, the Daybreak Games logo and H1Z1 are registered trademarks of Daybreak Game Company LLC in the United States and/or other countries. All rights reserved.
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9 people found this review funny
360.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I bought this game for survival, and they got my money.
Smed was full of crap, and fired now, but still they are baiting and switching.
BR is their cash grab now, and their game is still bugged baddly with stuff that should have been fixed months ago.
Survival really is unplayable, and so many broken promises from the staff.
Did I even mention the rampant hacking?I'm done with this game for now, and defintly recommend you don't buy it.
supposedly going free to play if they ever release it.
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6 people found this review funny
124.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This is a game that if your base gets raided, the game is over. Once you have lost everything you've spent weeks farming it is then impossible to re-establish yourself on any server that i'snt dead as ????. You have to get an early start on a server and get a base up and runnning as soon as possible before you get inevitably ????ed by hacks. When you do inevitably get ????ed, you may as well quit the game until the next server wipe and then hope to establish yourself once again whilst everyone is on the same level. I appreciate the game is in alpha but that doesn't quite justify the extent of ???????? bugs there are in this game. Why do the devs insist on including new skins and various other ways to grab everyone's money instead of concetrating on some of the fundamental core issues with the game. The hit box is ????ing unreal, if someone is moving, don't even try and shoot them as you will do nothing but waste bullets. Every gun in the game is completely obselete other than the .308 and the 12 Gauge.Not to say I haven't had fun on this game, when I had a base and your rolling with a squad, looting and getting getting into gun fights, it's all fun and games but I have't had any fun on this game since my base got ????ed by hackers. Since then I have tried to start anew on at least 7 different servers, in various locations only to get ????ed in the ??? the second I finally locate a backpack and some bullets for a gun. To summarise, game is fun when you have established a base early on, when you get raided, quit the game. Various hacks and bugs have impacted experience massively. Devs are money grabbing ???????s who care more about the microtransactions than the core game.
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2 people found this review funny
17.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I just couldn't recommend a game that I can't play.After every attempt to play I just get more frustrated due a ????ing G32 error that says: &We're sorry, it looks like you are trying to play the game using a different station account then what was originally used when you finish bought Early Access.& I haven't played it since January and now I tried to play with a friend, but I can't no matter what I try. There's no way I have another account though I still can't log in. I have already tried to recover my password/daybreak account, but yet I can't log in. I paid for a game that I can't play, very nice. While I was able to play, it was a very fun game indeed, but as I can't it's not fun so I won't recommend H1Z1.
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7 people found this review funny
57.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
So people can use invisibility, console kill, godmode hacks freely. One guy can kill 6 full equipped people &in a house& with just bow (not crossbow, talking about makeshift bow)
with invisibility. People is seen above screen about &banned& with a warning, but everyone is playing the game with hacks. So how can people play fair? So no one can play online fps and tps games anymore. We should play with hack or play rpg games. At least, rpg games have hack shield that actually works and bans people who uses hacks.
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1 person found this review funny
1,127.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Full of hackers and bugs ...
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