
Little Pim Chinese游戏下载
Little Pim Chinese
酷诺EG189游戏下载Little Pim Chinese
九游()是手机游戏下载第一门户,提供最新酷诺酷诺EG189下载、礼包、激活码,最好玩的Little Pim Chinese攻略,欢迎访问与玩家交流。
Introduce your early learner to Mandarin Chinese with our favorite panda pal, Little Pim! Designed for native English speakers who are interested in Chinese, “” helps young children develop basic vocabulary about eating and drinking, playing and sharing, and sleeping and waking. The app introduces a total of 60 Mandarin Chinese words and phrases.THREE GAMES IN ONE“Little Pim Chinese” includes three interactive games: (1) Eating and Drinking, (2) Playtime, and (3) Wake Up Smiling. In addition, each game includes three levels of play, covering basic nouns (level one), verbs (level two), and short phrases (level three).METHODOLOGYThe method at each game level is to first demonstrate the vocabulary word or phrase both visually and aurally, then to help the player acquire the vocabulary, and lastly to validate and reinforce the newly acquired knowledge. Animation and interactivity help provide context in this immersive language learning experience.ABOUT LITTLE PIM ChineseThe “Little Pim Chinese” app was developed by Tribal Nova in partnership with PBS and Little Pim Corporation, producers of the LITTLE PIM foreign language immersion DVD series. Winner of 22 industry awards, LITTLE PIM uses the Entertainment Immersion Method (TM), which introduces and reinforces simple words and phrases for everyday activities. Find the DVD series .
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深圳市酷诺通讯技术有限公司是一家致力于移动通讯终端产品的研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的现代高科技企业。公司成立于2007年,总部位于深圳市福田区,工厂位于深圳市宝安区,并在全国各大中城市设有销售与服务办事处。 专区提供最新手机游戏免费下载。
EG189的分辨率为480*800,是酷诺生产的一款触屏手机。酷诺EG189手机用户可通过九游下载。Little Pim Chinese游戏下载
Little Pim Chinese
摩托罗拉MB511游戏下载Little Pim Chinese
九游()是手机游戏下载第一门户,提供最新摩托罗拉摩托罗拉MB511下载、礼包、激活码,最好玩的Little Pim Chinese攻略,欢迎访问与玩家交流。
Introduce your early learner to Mandarin Chinese with our favorite panda pal, Little Pim! Designed for native English speakers who are interested in Chinese, “” helps young children develop basic vocabulary about eating and drinking, playing and sharing, and sleeping and waking. The app introduces a total of 60 Mandarin Chinese words and phrases.THREE GAMES IN ONE“Little Pim Chinese” includes three interactive games: (1) Eating and Drinking, (2) Playtime, and (3) Wake Up Smiling. In addition, each game includes three levels of play, covering basic nouns (level one), verbs (level two), and short phrases (level three).METHODOLOGYThe method at each game level is to first demonstrate the vocabulary word or phrase both visually and aurally, then to help the player acquire the vocabulary, and lastly to validate and reinforce the newly acquired knowledge. Animation and interactivity help provide context in this immersive language learning experience.ABOUT LITTLE PIM ChineseThe “Little Pim Chinese” app was developed by Tribal Nova in partnership with PBS and Little Pim Corporation, producers of the LITTLE PIM foreign language immersion DVD series. Winner of 22 industry awards, LITTLE PIM uses the Entertainment Immersion Method (TM), which introduces and reinforces simple words and phrases for everyday activities. Find the DVD series .
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摩托罗拉公司(Motorola Inc.),原名Galvin Manufacturing Corporation,成立于1928年。1947年,改名为Motorola,从1930年代开始作为商标使用。总部设在美国伊利诺伊州绍姆堡,位于芝加哥市郊。世界财富百强企业之一,是全球芯片制造、电子通讯的领导者。 专区提供最新手机游戏免费下载。
MB511的分辨率为320*240,是摩托罗拉生产的一款触屏手机。摩托罗拉MB511手机用户可通过九游下载。Little Pim Chinese游戏下载
Little Pim Chinese
三星M130L游戏下载Little Pim Chinese
九游()是手机游戏下载第一门户,提供最新三星三星M130L下载、礼包、激活码,最好玩的Little Pim Chinese攻略,欢迎访问与玩家交流。
Introduce your early learner to Mandarin Chinese with our favorite panda pal, Little Pim! Designed for native English speakers who are interested in Chinese, “” helps young children develop basic vocabulary about eating and drinking, playing and sharing, and sleeping and waking. The app introduces a total of 60 Mandarin Chinese words and phrases.THREE GAMES IN ONE“Little Pim Chinese” includes three interactive games: (1) Eating and Drinking, (2) Playtime, and (3) Wake Up Smiling. In addition, each game includes three levels of play, covering basic nouns (level one), verbs (level two), and short phrases (level three).METHODOLOGYThe method at each game level is to first demonstrate the vocabulary word or phrase both visually and aurally, then to help the player acquire the vocabulary, and lastly to validate and reinforce the newly acquired knowledge. Animation and interactivity help provide context in this immersive language learning experience.ABOUT LITTLE PIM ChineseThe “Little Pim Chinese” app was developed by Tribal Nova in partnership with PBS and Little Pim Corporation, producers of the LITTLE PIM foreign language immersion DVD series. Winner of 22 industry awards, LITTLE PIM uses the Entertainment Immersion Method (TM), which introduces and reinforces simple words and phrases for everyday activities. Find the DVD series .
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三星集团(简称:三星)是大韩民国第一大企业,同时也是一个跨国的企业集团。三星电子是旗下最大的子公司,目前已是全球第二大手机生产商、全球营收最大的电子企业,在2011年的全球企业市值中为1500亿美元。 专区提供最新手机游戏免费下载。
M130L的分辨率为480*800,是三星生产的一款触屏手机。三星M130L手机用户可通过九游下载。Little Pim Chinese游戏下载
Little Pim Chinese
唯乐Vx910游戏下载Little Pim Chinese
九游()是手机游戏下载第一门户,提供最新唯乐唯乐Vx910下载、礼包、激活码,最好玩的Little Pim Chinese攻略,欢迎访问与玩家交流。
Introduce your early learner to Mandarin Chinese with our favorite panda pal, Little Pim! Designed for native English speakers who are interested in Chinese, “” helps young children develop basic vocabulary about eating and drinking, playing and sharing, and sleeping and waking. The app introduces a total of 60 Mandarin Chinese words and phrases.THREE GAMES IN ONE“Little Pim Chinese” includes three interactive games: (1) Eating and Drinking, (2) Playtime, and (3) Wake Up Smiling. In addition, each game includes three levels of play, covering basic nouns (level one), verbs (level two), and short phrases (level three).METHODOLOGYThe method at each game level is to first demonstrate the vocabulary word or phrase both visually and aurally, then to help the player acquire the vocabulary, and lastly to validate and reinforce the newly acquired knowledge. Animation and interactivity help provide context in this immersive language learning experience.ABOUT LITTLE PIM ChineseThe “Little Pim Chinese” app was developed by Tribal Nova in partnership with PBS and Little Pim Corporation, producers of the LITTLE PIM foreign language immersion DVD series. Winner of 22 industry awards, LITTLE PIM uses the Entertainment Immersion Method (TM), which introduces and reinforces simple words and phrases for everyday activities. Find the DVD series .
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上海唯乐通讯设备有限公司成立于2011年初,是一家致力于消费电子领域产品研发、生产制造、销售及服务于一体的高新技术企业。 专区提供最新手机游戏免费下载。
Vx910的分辨率为320*480,是唯乐生产的一款触屏手机。唯乐Vx910手机用户可通过九游下载。Little Pim Chinese游戏下载
Little Pim Chinese
LG Prada K2游戏下载Little Pim Chinese
请选择机型Prada K2
九游()是手机游戏下载第一门户,提供最新LGLG Prada K2下载、礼包、激活码,最好玩的Little Pim Chinese攻略,欢迎访问与玩家交流。
Introduce your early learner to Mandarin Chinese with our favorite panda pal, Little Pim! Designed for native English speakers who are interested in Chinese, “” helps young children develop basic vocabulary about eating and drinking, playing and sharing, and sleeping and waking. The app introduces a total of 60 Mandarin Chinese words and phrases.THREE GAMES IN ONE“Little Pim Chinese” includes three interactive games: (1) Eating and Drinking, (2) Playtime, and (3) Wake Up Smiling. In addition, each game includes three levels of play, covering basic nouns (level one), verbs (level two), and short phrases (level three).METHODOLOGYThe method at each game level is to first demonstrate the vocabulary word or phrase both visually and aurally, then to help the player acquire the vocabulary, and lastly to validate and reinforce the newly acquired knowledge. Animation and interactivity help provide context in this immersive language learning experience.ABOUT LITTLE PIM ChineseThe “Little Pim Chinese” app was developed by Tribal Nova in partnership with PBS and Little Pim Corporation, producers of the LITTLE PIM foreign language immersion DVD series. Winner of 22 industry awards, LITTLE PIM uses the Entertainment Immersion Method (TM), which introduces and reinforces simple words and phrases for everyday activities. Find the DVD series .
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关于LG Prada K2
LG = Lucky Goldstar,LG集团,1995年前称为Lucky Goldstar,韩国第三大公司,属下有44家公司,在全球有大约300个办事处和下属企业,前身是乐喜化学工业会社。现在LG一般认为是Life is Good的缩写。 专区提供最新手机游戏免费下载。
Prada K2的分辨率为0*0,是LG生产的一款触屏手机。LG Prada K2手机用户可通过九游下载。


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