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One-way mirrors, bottomless floors and walls made of gold: The world's most creative TOILETS resemble pieces of art!
While most of us will happily splash out on a deluxe kitchen or the perfect leather chesterfield, decorating the humble toilet is often overlooked when it comes to home improvements.
But if you've been neglecting your loo, then you might be missing a trick as these incredible pictures show. From the toilet that cleans itself to the &3 million bling bog encrusted with jewels, it seems that not everyone is happy with a lick of paint and a porcelain potty when it comes to decorating the lavatory.
Among the eye catching examples is a space toilet, complete with a vacuum flush that pulls waste away from the astronaut's body, The intergalactic privy, which is to be found at Tokyo's Engineering Museum of Innovation, also has a royal fan in the shape of the Prince of Wales who inspected it during a visit to Japan in 2008.
Bling: This Hong Kong bathroom is made from solid gold and the toilet alone is worth &3million. Visitors have to wear shoe coverings to avoid scratching the golden floor
Handy: The Parisian 'Sanisette' toilet disinfects itself after every use while Monica Bonvinci's effort allows you to poo while enjoying the surrounding view
Although the Far East leads the way when it comes to eye catching toilets, courtesy of one Hong Kong store's &3million gold toilet encrusted with jewels, there are plenty of creative commodes closer to home.
Across the Channel in Paris is the Sanisette, a self-cleaning public restroom. After a patron exits the restroom, a 60-second wash cycle begins inside the toilet, and the toilet fixture itself is scrubbed and disinfected automatically.
In London, the most striking entry into the toilet hall of fame is architect Monica Bonvicini's
creation made from one-way glass which sits outside the Chelsea College of Art and Design.
Initially intended for use in prisons, the designer bog lets you take in your surroundings while dealing with your bodily necessities in peace. Another technically advanced throne is the 'Egg Pod' toilet found in the bathroom of London restaurant, Sketch.
Guests at the celebrity hangout can climb into little egg shaped capsules in order to complete their business. But though the eggs look high tech, they aren't a
on the Sega 'Toylets' found in Tokyo.
Hidden: Despite the glass walls (and the ability to see out), Bonvinci's bog is made from one way glass which means that passersby definitely (we hope) can't see in
Out of this world: This space toilet, complete with a special vacuum, was seen by Prince Charles during a visit to the Engineering Museum of Innovation in Tokyo
Totally potty! Tokyo's 'Toylets' have pressure sensors at the back which allow users to play urine operated video games while carrying out their personal business
The unusual urinals come complete with games that you play by accurately aiming urine at a pressure sensor located at the back of the urinal. The four games include 'Graffiti Eraser', which enables the toilet goes to use their stream to erase graffiti on a wall and 'Mannekin Pis' - named for the Brussels landmark - that measures how much urine has been expelled.
In 'The North Wind and the Sun and Me',& the strength of the urine stream produced determines how much a virtual girl's skirt gets blown up by the wind. Finally, in 'Battle: Milk from Nose' the user has to try and beat the previous urinator's stream strength.
In addition to its bling bog, Hong Kong also boasts urinals with entertainment included, although the former British colony has chosen not to offer video games, instead plumping for TV shows.
Back in Japan, there's also an underwater toilet built into the side of an aquarium in Akashi as well as a toilet that simulates the feeling of taking off from a ski jump at the Madarao-Kogen hotel in Iiyama City.
Scary though the ski jump commode might prove for some, nothing is more likely to induce bowel-loosening terror than Mexico's bottomless bathroom.
Located at the top of the 15-storey PPDG Penthouse in Guadalajara, the toilet is perched atop an open lift shaft and was built, according to architects Hernandez Silva Arquitectos, with 'concepts of transparency and the simplicity of materials' in mind.
Terrifying: Guadalajara's bottomless bog overlooks a 15-storey drop, making Sketch's 'Egg Pod' toilets look positively benign by comparison
Slippery slope: The toilet at the Madarao-Kogen hotel in Japan's Iiyama City makes you feel as if you're atop a mountain and ready to tackle a scary ski jump
High tech: While you can't play games with them, the public urinals in Hong Kong's APM shopping mall do come complete with individual televisions to entertain you
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)下次自动登录 |厕所是日常生活必备设备之一,而且各国厕所文化差异很大,中国有着世界上最大的厕所,不过下面哈好网要带来世界上十个最任性的厕所,你还能尿的出吗?关注微信公众号”hahaocn“或“哈好网”,就能每天收到世界各地奇闻趣事,还能和美女小编一对一私聊喔,咱们微信里见!滑雪厕所准备好了吗?3…2…1…(滑落)忍不住飞起来啦,建议八达岭滑雪场也安装一个!哈哈!冰块厕所加热马桶就太过时了,冰冻马桶给你全新感受,呃,好大一支冰凌!听说咱大东北就有哇,这酸爽,杠杠滴!蒸汽厕所让你一面思古之幽情一面制造热翔,看谁不爽,就糊Ta一熊脸吧~只能说:设计师 你赢了。无底洞厕所一间让你屁股很有深度的厕所,想到西藏相克宗村,藏民家那个高空厕所,从三楼一泻而下直到一楼,上厕所就像在高空轰炸一样…海底厕所希望按下冲水后,周遭的水不会变成咖啡色……胶囊厕所位于伦敦的Sketch餐厅,超现代好像时光胶囊。鸳鸯厕所证明真爱的时刻,就是当水花溅到彼此身上时。自尊摧毁厕所18cm器大活好?放大镜、相机、卷尺都为你精心准备。性爱厕所不多说了,求别举报!高楼厕所不知道会不会像个巨人坐在公寓中央?I’m Groot!
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